Bound by Blood (The Contract Book 3) (4 page)

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My curiosity is getting the best of me. I know nothing about the mysterious man who has taken Tommy and me under his care. It’s time to start asking questions and I know an elderly aunt who will be more than willing to give me the information I crave if I’m shrewd enough to ask the right questions.

I look down at Tommy chewing on his foot and begin talking to him. “I told you I would make it up to you, little man, didn’t I? I didn’t want you growing up with the shitty upbringing I had to endure. Are you happy?” He kicks his feet wildly and coos with a huge smile on his face. It’s as if he knows exactly what I’m saying and he is answering

I’ve never been materialistic but it’s hard to overlook the fact that my son now wears designer clothing. From the top of his head to the soles of his feet, he has access to the best of everything, as do I. Everything is perfect. It’s as if this mystery man tends to the smallest of details in our lives. I still haven’t met him. I did manage to see a picture of him and I was able to Google him after I managed to get his name from his aunt, in casual conversation of course.

Even his name sounds like perfection—
Charles Wentworth the 3
I’ve researched all I can on him and, in his world, it is evident
perfection is paramount.
Every picture I found him in, he was dressed like he had just walked off the cover of a magazine. There were even pictures of him with the Governor of KY, Anthony Johnson. Much to my dismay, he was with a different woman in each picture. I’m not certain why, but I do feel a twinge of jealousy when I note that.

I ward off thoughts like why he would take interest in a plain, mousy, brown haired woman with a child in tow, such as myself, when he has access to women with cover girl model looks. I think thoughts like he probably sees me as a charity case, being that he does a lot of philanthropy work. I always come to the same conclusion: he needs a caretaker for his aunt, nothing more, nothing less. I’m certain he did a background check and felt good about me when nothing came up. Like his driver said, he likes to kill two birds with one stone. I can care for his aunt and he is helping someone.

No matter what kind of logical conclusions I come to, I still can’t squelch my curiosity. With intentions of finding out more about this mystery man, I make my way up to Aunt Josephine’s with Tommy in tow. He coos in blissful glee as if he is aware of where we are going. The two have become attached to one another already…

Chapter Five


“Don’t you think killing a world renowned psychiatrist is going to draw heat, Miller? Unnecessary heat?”

I slowly turn around in my office chair and glare at her as I speak. “Are you in charge now? Did I miss receiving the office memo?”

“No, I’m just asking!”

“What you need to be doing is remembering your place.” My gaze is cold as I snap my fingers and watch her immediately drop to her knees in the submissive pose I taught her at the beginning of her training. I know to an outsider it would appear that I’m a total asshole and, in a sense, I am. If I was to totally open up about my reasoning, I would tell her obedience is demanded so that when blood is spilled, it isn’t the blood of one of us. I don’t even want to think about losing her. There’s only room for one leader in this operation and it damn sure isn’t her.

“As I was saying, before I was so rudely fucking interrupted, this geek is our next target. He isn’t world renowned as you mistakenly assumed. His reasoning for the research he is presently conducting is to
, as you stated, world renowned.

“Well, he is world renowned for being a child prodigy.”

By now my lip is snarled and I’m cutting a sideways glance in her direction. She looks down, avoiding my gaze even though it is of a peripheral nature. I open my mouth to continue but before I can, she mumbles, “We can’t all be brainiacs like you and the crazy ass Doc.” The girl has got balls, I will give her that.

“Now the plan is that we all go in to remove the girl from her captivity. Once she is safely removed and out of danger, the team leaves. You and I will then remain in hiding until the Doc gets home at which point I will put a bullet in his head, right between his fucking eyes after I smash his glasses. You know, school yard bully and shit.” That gets a laugh out of my beautiful lady. I get warm and fuzzy all over when I make that girl laugh which is why I did it. Hey, I’m not a complete dickhead.

I don’t explain my motives to her. It’s all part of her training, the mind-fuck, not being able to read me. It keeps her head right where I want it—on me. After all, she is mine and every little detail of her life is now under my control. Our very lives depend on it…



“Hello, Aunt Josephine,” I smile and speak as I enter her front room. She has insisted we call her that. She immediately reaches for Tommy and he responds by lunging towards her.

I make my way over to the pictures on the mantle and study the ones of her nephew. “What does Charles do for a living, Aunt Josephine?”

“Well, he runs the family company. He owns the top private diners club here. He also started a concierge company which has mushroomed into nationwide notoriety due to the fact that he caters to so many of Hollywood’s elite. You know, they all come to the Derby once a year and Charles has gained quite the reputation for being able to get them whatever they want or need on a whim. Of course, he also has investments I know nothing of as he is a firm believer in not having all his eggs in one basket. His daddy ran that company before he died and neither he, nor his mother, ever gave Charles the attention a child needs while growing up. It’s one of the reasons I have been so involved in his life. The poor child was raised by nannies.

“Now, Auntie.” We both look up to view a gorgeous male leaning in the entryway as if he owns the world. It’s Charles and as stupid and cliché as it sounds, my heart skips a beat.

He is talking to her but he never removes his eyes from me. He makes his way over to his aunt to kiss her cheek but what he does next shocks me. He kisses my son on his forehead
. Wow, just fucking wow.

“Aunt Josephine, please watch Tommy while I speak with our guest.”

“We’ll be fine. Won’t we, Tommy?” Tommy giggles and reaches for her glasses as if confirming what she said is true.

Charles gently grabs my arm and begins escorting me back to my apartment. He waits until we enter before he speaks. His voice sounds like baritone dripping in sinister sexuality. The way he stalks me until I’m backed up against the wall most certainly isn’t helping things.

His eyes cut through me as if he is searching for the truth in my face while he questions me. One finger toys with a strand of my hair. He is very gentle but it doesn’t take away from the sinister feel of it all.

“You are a very inquisitive young lady.”

It isn’t a question and the ripple of fear that travels up my spine ensures me that only the truth can save me.

“Yes, I had to know.”

“Go ahead,” he gently goads me.

“I had to know… why?”

He tilts his head as he continues to twirl the piece of hair. “Continue please.”

“Why me?”

“Are you questioning me, my judgment perhaps?”

“No, it isn’t that.”
Why do I feel the need to defend myself?

Once again, his voice sounds like warm honey running into crevices of my being that I was unaware even existed until I heard that voice of his.

“All those women…”

“Oh… you have been a bad little girl. Such a curious little kitten you are. I’m going to have to keep a very close eye on you. No…let me reword that; I am keeping a very close eye on you.”

This man is standing so close to me right now, I can smell the peppermint on his breath. He is dressed like a man of high class but it in no way changes the fact that he is the cause of all of the fear I am presently feeling. It is not the kind of fear that makes me want to run away, but the kind that makes me want to hang on for the adrenaline ride that is surely coming.

This is the kind of rollercoaster ride that you pray and say just get me through and you’ll never ride again only to break your pact and go right back to it upon the next visit to the amusement park.

My instincts tell me this man is a drug, a very addictive drug. He is still gently twirling a piece of my hair in his fingers and searching my face when, suddenly, he grabs the back of my neck, forcing my mouth to his. He’s taking this kiss, giving me no choice. I feel like I’m going to melt down into a wet puddle and drip down the wall into a pool of nothingness.

He finishes kissing me and my eyes remain closed. I’m trying to take in what just happened when he shocks me yet again.

“Open your eyes and tell me, how many men have you fucked, my curious little kitten?”

At this point, my mouth is hanging open and he takes the pad of his thumb and pulls my lower lip as he stares into my eyes, daring me to lie.

“I don’t like repeating myself; it warrants discipline when I have to. How. Many. Men. Have. You. Fucked?”

He still has my lip pulled down but now he is forcefully pressing into it and there is a look of contempt on his face.

“Only Tommy’s dad.”

“Humph, not at all what I would constitute
material. Stay away from him,” he matter of fact mandates.

“I don’t go around him. He has never acknowledged Tommy as his.”

“I’m already very aware of what you do and don’t do as well as everybody involved in your life. It would serve you well to stop underestimating me.”

He turns, walks away from me, and sits in the chair. Though his back is to me, he waves me over. I make my way across the room and stand in front of him.

“Sit.” When I turn to make my way over to the sofa, he makes a clucking noise with his tongue and I turn to face him.

“Here,” he points to the floor and continues speaking. “Here, in front of me, on your haunches, knees spread, and palms up.”

I’m baffled and I hesitate because I think he must be joking. The look on his face clearly lets me know that he is no way kidding. I do as he asks, but more so out of curiosity than obedience.

“Melanie, I’m not your garden variety male and though I have patience with you because I fully understand you don’t know me yet, I can’t guarantee how long that patience will persist before I find it necessary to discipline you. I’m a man who enjoys control in every area of my life. I most certainly demand it in the bedroom.”

“Is that why I’m here, to be your mistress?”

He chuckles, as if he is amused by the statement, but I don’t understand why.

“I’m not married and I most certainly would not subject myself to a mistress.”

“I don’t understand.”

“Google it. You Google everything else.”

The look on his face is cold, calculating, and challenging. I look away due to the intensity of it.

I begin fiddling with an imaginary string and when I sneak a look at him, he appears to be pleased with my uneasiness. This man I am looking at, sitting so at ease in the chair, is so far out of my league it’s intimidating. From his dark suit to his starched white shirt, his cufflinks that probably cost more than I would have made at my crappy waitress job in a year right down to his high dollar, high polished shoes, it all speaks of a need for perfection. I just can’t wrap my brain around why he would take a girl from the projects under his wing… or into his bed.

I breathe in deeply, let out the air in my lungs, and before I lose the nerve to speak, I blurt out, “I don’t know why you would take a woman like me and bring her here. What do you want in exchange for taking care of Tommy and me?”

He takes one finger and places it under my chin, lifting my face and forcing me to look at him. Though his voice is barely above a whisper, it resonates deep in my core.

“Everything… I want everything…”


He chuckles, “Am I that appalling to look at?”

“I think we both know that isn’t an issue. It’s just…well…”

“You haven’t been fucked since Tommy’s father. I would even wager that you have never truly been fucked. What do you think about when you pleasure yourself?”

I can feel my face and neck turning red. I’ve never been spoken to in this manner.

“By the time I get done with you, they’ll be no need to pleasure yourself.”

“I probably need to get back to Tommy.” I don’t wait for an answer or give him a chance to stop me. I just get up and rush out the door, leaving him alone in the apartment. He’s too intense and I need time to process him.

Black Rose

I push my hardened cock down as I view her almost trip going out the door. Her confusion, embarrassment, humiliation, and uneasiness make my cock hard because I know I caused it. She couldn’t be any more perfect for what I have in mind.

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