Bought for Christmas (5 page)

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Authors: Doris O'Connor

BOOK: Bought for Christmas
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okay, relax. I’m very
pleased with you. Let’s take this thing out of you now.”

screwed her eyes shut, and bit her lip to stop from crying out, as his fingers
gently parted her labia and delved inside her channel. Her over sensitized
tissues complained at the invasion of his thick digits, and when he decided to
draw lazy circles around her clit, she jumped. The slight pressure was just
what she needed, and arousal flared anew. Painful, yet exhilarating and she
shook her head not even caring at the incomprehensible noises that spilled from
her lips.

please, not again … I can’t … oh God,

new gush of her juices aided his questing fingers, and Emilia’s orgasm took her
breath away as he pulled the egg out of her. Hunter kept up the gentle
stimulation on her clit while she rode out of her aftershocks. When he kissed
her she clung to his biceps and moaned into his mouth.

buried his hands in her hair, and took charge of the kiss with mind blowing
intensity as his curiously rough tongue explored every crevice of her mouth,
until she felt thoroughly branded by him. By the time he finally let her come
up for air, Emilia’s head spun, and Hunter chuckled and kissed her nose.

your eyes, kitten, and look around. We’re here.”

about the almost pensive tone in his voice gave her pause for thought, and she
opened her eyes and gasped. They were in a small clearing in the middle of a
forest, as far as she could tell, and the headlights of his car illuminated a
charming log cabin. A wide veranda wrapped around it, and everything was
covered in frost.

this is … wow.”

smiled and opened the car door to exit. An ice cold draft came in, and Hunter
swore and switched the engine on again.

you approve. Stay here in the warmth, while I go in and get the fire started.
It shouldn’t take me long. The cabin heats up quickly, and it shouldn’t be that
cold inside. The central heating is on low, but I like a good fire, don’t you?”

could only nod, and his grin deepened.

are we?”

tapped her nose and got out of the car again.

you mind
that. We’re on my private land, and no one is
going to disturb us. That’s all you need to know, kitten.” With that he slammed
the door shut and disappeared inside the cabin.

lights came on, and Emilia watched him roam about inside for a while. She must have
dozed off again, because when she next came awake it was to find Hunter
carrying her.

temperatures must have dropped further because his feet crunched on the ground,
as though he was treading on ice, and when she lifted her head to see, an ice
cold draft made her snuggle back in. Like her very own electric blanket his
body kept her warm and safe. He shouldered the door open, and Emilia gasped in
delight. The cabin was as charming inside as it had been from the outside.
Rustic well-worn furniture was grouped in a semi-circle in front of the blazing
fire. A kitchen galley was separated from the living area by a counter that
seemed to have been carved straight out of a large oak tree. A narrow hallway
led to the back of the cabin, and Emilia counted three doors. One was clearly
the bathroom, and the other two bedrooms. Hunter stopped outside the end door
and kicked it open.

wooden bedstead dominated the middle of the room, and her tummy did curious
flip flops when she saw the many anchorage points situated in the frame and the
four posts. Clearly this wasn’t an ordinary bed, and the thought of what he
might do to her in this room made her breathing speed up. A huge wooden chest
sat at the end of the bed, and Hunter chuckled softly when he saw her reaction.

her on the bed, he stepped away and watched her from under hooded lids, and
Emilia barely resisted the urge to fidget.

she asked, and he grinned. An extremely unsettling grin that made her
what else he had planned.

yourself comfortable, kitten. And don’t look so nervous. It’s late, and you’re
half asleep. When I fuck you, I want you wide awake for it.”

not that tired,” she said, and Hunter’s eyes seemed to glow in the dim lighting
of the room. He hadn’t bothered to switch on the light, and she noticed he once
again turned slightly so that the light that spilled into the room illuminated
only his good side.

heart broke a little for him, but despite her earlier comments, she was too
tired to argue this out with him. She tried to hide her yawn, and Hunter
her another

course you’re not. It’s been a long day, and I know I could do with some sleep,
so stop arguing,
. Take your clothes off, go and
freshen up in the bathroom, and then get under those covers.”

didn’t wait to see if she complied, just turned on his heel and left the room.

stuck her tongue out at his departing back and promptly burst into hysterical
giggles. What else was she to do, and as for freshening up … yeah, sure. He expected
her to be able to walk. She managed to shrug out of her dress, but the bra
fastening was beyond her fumbling fingers right now. She would close her eyes
and lie there for a bit. Yes that was much better.


quietly closed the outer door to the cabin behind him and shrugged out of his
clothes. His bear took over, and he dropped to the floor and let the shift
consume him. Bones cracked and rearranged as muscles bunched and shifted. Fur
covered his body keeping out the cold, and he leapt off the porch in one fell
swoop. It felt good to let his beast run. He cocked his head to listen and
grinned. Emilia’s movements had stopped, and her even breathing told him that
she was once again fast asleep. As much as he wanted to join her, he didn’t
trust himself right now. He needed to run off that restless sexual energy
coursing through his veins, and there was only one way to do that. Hunter
hadn’t let his bear out to play in far too long, and he took off at a run. The
earth crunched under his paws, and he let out an almighty roar. This was his
territory. No one would come too close, but he wasn’t taking any chances, not
with his mate sleeping in his cabin. By the time he scouted around the
perimeter of his property, the first flakes of snow covered his brown fur, and
he picked up speed to return home. Shaking the snow off of him, he shifted back
into his human form, and picking up his previously abandoned clothes,
re-entered the cabin. The way the snow was coming down now, the whole area
would be covered come morning.

had loved the snow as a child, and he wondered briefly if she still did. He
looked in on her, to make sure she was all right, and his intention to keep his
hands off her went out of the window.

covered by the bedspread she
on her side, the
curtain of her blonde hair spread out over the pillows like a golden halo. The
gentle curve of her spine called him to taste.
To run his
claws along the ridges of her vertebrae until she writhed under his touch.
His bear rumbled his agreement with this plan, and his cock hardened again.

shook his head and groaned. He wasn’t a randy fucking teenager, who got a boner
every time he caught as much as a glimpse of a naked woman, but it seemed
around Emilia that’s exactly who he was.

dress lay on the floor in a crumpled heap, and he bent to pick it up, ignoring
his predicament. She needed sleep right now, not to be pounced on by him. The
dress held her scent, and he inhaled deeply and groaned. His girl hadn’t
managed to take her bra off. The clasp was half undone and digging into her
back. He couldn’t leave her like that. Divesting her of the lacy garment took
mere seconds that turned into the most exquisite torture as her breasts fell
free, and she rolled onto her back. Arms spread wide, legs open, she looked
like an offering to the gods of sex, and Hunter couldn’t tear his gaze away
from the dewy wetness between her thighs. The urge to taste her was
overwhelming, but he turned his back instead, opened the chest of drawers that
held his
and took out a pack of wet wipes instead. It was
clear that exhaustion had claimed her, before she’d had a chance to freshen up,
so using the wipes Hunter proceeded to clean her up. Starting with her face, he
wiped away the remnants of make-up still clinging to her cheeks, and she
stirred and tried to wave him away with feeble hand movement.

grinned when one of her little hands made contact with his chin, and grasping
both of her wrists in one hand pinned her arms down above her head.

eyes fluttered open, and after a moment of panic they settled on him and she
relaxed somewhat.

are you doing?” Her back arched when he ran another wet wipe down her throat
and into her cleavage, washing each breast in turn. A moan slipped from Emilia’s
lips, and her nipples hardened under his fingertips. It was an invitation he
couldn’t resist and releasing her wrists he curled her fingers around one of
the inbuilt hand holds on the headboard.

them there, and
do not move
, or I’ll have to restrain
you, kitten. Are we clear?”

grasped the heavy mounds of her breasts, and when she didn’t respond, squeezed
hard. A shudder went through Emilia. She gasped, and her sweet scent increased
as her heartbeat sped up. Hunter grinned and rubbed his beard roughened jaw
over the sensitive buds until Emilia squirmed underneath him. She wouldn’t be
able to see him clearly with all the lights off, but thanks to his superior
vision, he had no such issues. Her skin flushed in arousal, and her legs
thrashed aimlessly, as he continued to manipulate her buds with his teeth, lips,
and tongue, yet she kept hold of the hand support with a white knuckled grip.

girl, you keep holding on now.”

glanced up her body, and grinned as she arched her back further, seemingly
eager to have his hands back on her.

Sir, please don’t stop. Oh, yes.”

resumed his attention to her breasts, licking first one and then the other
and Emilia panted her need.

love these tits, kitten.
So responsive.
I bet you could
come just by me doing this.”

one erect bud between his teeth he bit down
Emilia jerked. He pinched the other nipple, and rolled it between his thumb and
forefinger, stretching the tissue as far as it would give.

, my sweet girl, take this for me. Let the pain morph
into pleasure. That’s my girl.”

continued to nibble around her areola, alternating hard bites with soothing
kisses, until she was once again making incoherent sounds of pleasure that told
him how close she was to coming. Emilia groaned when he withdrew, leaving her
hanging on the cusp of her release, but Hunter had to withdraw or lose his

cock was so hard it hurt, and his jaw ached with the need to claim what was
his. His bear prowled just under the surface of his skin.

need to go.”

made to move off the bed, but he underestimated her need to please him. Emilia
wrapped her small hands around his shoulders and pressed her naked body into
his back. It proved his undoing, as she rubbed her soft curves along his sweat
slicked skin. His scars were at their worst on his back. Their texture would be
rough on her sensitive nipples, and judging by her heavy breaths in his ear the
little minx was using them to keep up the stimulation. He should stop her, he
knew that, but as her movements grew more urgent, her breaths more erratic, he
sat transfixed instead, as she fell over that edge with noisy abandonment.
Fingernails digging into his biceps, she bit down on his shoulder to muffle her
scream of completion, and his bear roared with such force it shook the bed.

fisted his hands on his thighs to stop himself from flipping her over and
driving his cock into her over and
and the
coppery scent of blood filled his nostrils as his claws ran out and pierced his

hesitant question broke through the hazy fog in his brain, and the bed
depressed as she clambered off. Her small hands ran up his legs, and a shudder
went through him when she nudged his legs further apart with her shoulders.

opened his eyes to find her kneeling between his legs, and when she blindly
reached for his cock, he damn well nearly leapt of the bed.

He tried to inject some authority into that word, but then Emilia wrapped her
hands around his shaft, licked across the top of his dick, and he stopped
thinking altogether.

let me, Sir.” Her hot breath whispered across his wet slit, and nerve endings
flared to life as she started to stroke him, hesitant at first and then with a
firmer grip until he let his head fall back and fisted the bedcovers to stop
from fucking her mouth.

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