Bought for Christmas (14 page)

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Authors: Doris O'Connor

BOOK: Bought for Christmas
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felt the smile in the kisses she dropped on his scarred neck, and his whole
body went tight at her sleepy answer.

“Forever and ever, right?”

damn fucking right, kitten.”


came all too soon as far as Emilia was concerned. Deliciously sore in all the
right places, she smiled and inhaled deeply, secure in the knowledge that she
was his. His scent surrounded her, seemed to pour out of her very pores, and
she wondered whether other people would be able to smell it, too. Well, she
supposed humans wouldn’t.

eyes flew open, and she gasped at what she’d just said. Humans, as though she
wasn’t one of them
and strictly speaking she
wasn’t. Not entirely anyway.

their shower together last night, which had revived her enough to ask endless
questions, they had sat up in bed talking for hours, until the first rays of
the winter sun had bathed the cabin in an orange glow.

had wrapped her up in the quilt and carried her out on the veranda. Watching
the sunrise together had been the most romantic moment of her life ever, and
the symbolic nature of it hadn’t been lost on her either.

she felt stronger. Her senses of hearing and smell were enhanced, and Hunter
had laughingly explained to her, that, yes, she would now be able to see in the
dark. She also ran slightly hotter than before, all signs of her body changing,
and her genetics matching to his to enable her to one day carry his babies.

fierce sense of longing took her breath away. While she was surrounded by
babies at work all day long, she had never allowed herself to think of herself
as a mother. Now, however, now she could give voice to all those deeply held
longings. Not that it would happen overnight. Hunter had warned her of that,
too. It would take time, and every bite of his would prepare her that little bit

would be immune from most diseases, just as he was, and every bite would
prolong her life until it matched his life span. Sadly, however she would never

had pouted, and Hunter had laughed.

would make a beautiful bear, kitten, but I’d be worried for my hide. You’re
bratty enough in your human form. I dread to think what you would do as a

had stuck her tongue out at him, and her tummy tightened in fevered
anticipation even now, remembering the dark look he’d thrown her.

pay for that, as soon as that ass of yours is not too sore for a good paddling.”

scooted into a sitting position, and winced. Maybe that wouldn’t be today then.
She slowly made her way to the bathroom and the demands of her body taken care
washed her hands and face, brushed her teeth, and then
admired his marks on her.

had been careful not to mark her where other humans could see, but her neck
carried his whisker burn, and the mating bites on her shoulder throbbed. Darts
of arousal shot through her when she traced their outline, and she clamped her
thighs together, to relieve the ache between her legs.

was he anyway? Not in the cabin, she would have sensed him. Lifting her nose in
the air she gave an experimental sniff, and grasped the sink for support at the
myriad of minute scents that hit her nostrils.

musk overlaid all else, but she could smell the faint traces of furniture
polish his cleaner used, her perfume that had left the minutest of traces in
the fabric of the curtains she rested her head against. The faint breeze coming
through the ventilation shaft brought with it the smell of damp earth, and
petrol fumes. If Emilia cocked her head and really listened, she could hear the
faint sound of traffic. They weren’t that far from civilization then. Bird
song, the crunch of snow, the snap of twigs, the rustle of a small, furry
creature, running away from heavy, approaching
footsteps that made her heart beat faster. She knew that gait. Hunter
was returning from wherever he had been.

she sprinted out of the bathroom, and spotting the tee he’d worn yesterday,
threw it over her head. It hung to mid-thigh, but it covered the essentials,
and besides it was his. She sniffed to let his scent drive away the other smells,
as the front door opened and a cold breeze swirled around her bare feet, before
the door fell shut again. His scent was stronger now, laced with traces of
sweat, and sawdust. She grinned to herself as she rounded the corner. Sure
enough he’d collected some more logs, and was even now stacking them next to
the fire place.

took a deep breath and straightened up slowly.

“Morning, kitten, or should that be
I was beginning to think you’d sleep the day away.” He turned round, and his
easy smile meant she launched herself at him. Hunter caught her easily, and
with her legs wrapped around his waist, and her arms round his shoulder, she
clung to him like a monkey, while they kissed.

the time Hunter slowly put her back on her feet, they were both breathing
heavily, and Hunter rested his forehead on hers.

Christmas, kitten.”

sprang into Emilia’s eyes at the choked emotion behind those three words. Words
she knew he hadn’t said since his brother had died, and the fact that he was
willing to say them now, to her, meant the world to her.

Christmas, Sir.”

kissed her on the nose and stepped back with a smirk kicking up the side of his

wardrobe full of dresses and she chooses to wear my old shirt on Christmas Day.
Don’t most people dress up for the occasion?” He winked at her, and hands on
hips Emilia made a big show of looking him up and down.

“Says the bear who looks more like a
carpenter right now.”

let her gaze wander over the wide expanse of his bare chest, liberally
sprinkled with dark hair that narrowed into a happy trail. She followed that
path until it disappeared into the waistband of his jeans, and her mouth went
dry at the thick outline of his erect cock under the faded denim.

cleared his throat, and Emilia smiled at the strained quality of his voice.

keep looking at me like that, kitten, and I’ll forget about Christmas dinner,
and just have you to eat instead.”

cheeks heated at the mental images that brought to mind, but her stomach chose
that moment to rumble and Hunter laughed.

guess I best feed you though.”

that was the other delicious smell that made her mouth water.

cooked?” she asked, and Hunter cocked an eyebrow at her.

well, it was more raiding the freezer and letting the oven do the rest. Mrs. R,
who cleans this place for me, has a rabid fascination with all things
Christmas, hence all the Christmas biscuits you mutilated for decorations.” He
pulled one off the string, dangling in front of him, and popped it in his mouth
with a sinful smirk that made every feminine bone in her body melt.

did not mutilate anything, but I did wonder why you had them. I will admit

shrugged his shoulders.

Mrs. R. She is a veritable Santa. Sure enough I found a turkey crown, roast
potatoes, and all the trimmings in the bowels of the freezer, so you’ll have
your Christmas dinner after all. I’m just
up and then we can eat. Judging by the smell it’s ready.”

turned to leave, and then stopped and looked back at her with a rueful grin.

found it before, so by all means put on some Christmas music. If we’re
do this, we should do it properly.
like I said.
You have some lovely dresses in that wardrobe. Use them.”

can’t see the point. You’ll only tear it off me later. Admit it, that’s the
only reason you bought them. So I wouldn’t moan when you ruin all of my
clothes. I’m still pissed you tore that lovely jumper.” She stuck her tongue
out at him, and sulked.

looked stunned for a minute and then threw his head back and roared in

something else, Emilia Duncan.”

took a mock curtsy, and he shook his head at her still laughing.

buy you another one of those damn jumpers if you like it so much, and let’s eat
our Christmas dinner naked for all I care. It’s just the two of us after all.
Let’s make it our new Christmas tradition.”

couldn’t help it. She burst into tears at that statement, and Hunter sobered
instantly. In the next second she was in his arms, cradled against his big
chest with him murmuring soothing nonsense into her hair. Hunter picked her up
and sat down on the settee in front of the fire.

her chin he tipped her head up and kissed the tears off her face.

family?” he asked, and she nodded.

know it’s silly, but—”

kissed her, stopping her objections, and she sighed into his kiss. Here in his
arms, surrounded by the man she loved, her heart ached a little less, but her
father’s rejection still hurt. Her brother’s even more so, especially at

love you,” she whispered, and Hunter stilled around her. She held her breath,
suddenly unsure. Surely he loved her, too, didn’t he? He hadn’t said the words,
but they were as good as married. In fact their bond was supposedly unbreakable,
and far more sacred than mere marriage. Had she read too much into his actions?
Maybe this was something forced on him by the mating bond, and love had nothing
to do with it? Emilia swallowed the rising bile back down and pushed against
his chest, but he was like an immovable mountain around her.

love you, too, kitten.” A sob escaped her at his strangled reply, and he
tightened his hold on her. “Never doubt that, baby. I’ve loved you for a long
time, but I never thought you could feel the same, not about someone like me…”

that again, you—”

laughed, stopping her mid-sentence.

your claws away, kitten. I don’t feel like that anymore. You’re mine. I know

slapped his chest and scowled up at him.

you’re mine. No one else is going to get their claws into you, but this

kissed her nose and nodded.

fucking right, and this bear will tear any man to shreds who as much as looks
at you the wrong way.”

growly possessiveness made happiness spread through her veins like the warming
rays of a summer’s day, and she sighed.

just wish I could sort your stubborn father and brother as easily. I spoke to
him earlier.”

blinked in surprise and sat up straighter.


nodded, and his mouth clenched into a grim line.

they okay?” she asked, dreading his answer.

“Physically, yes.
Emotionally, who the fuck knows.
I set him straight on a few
things, mainly you and me, and that I wouldn’t stand idly by while he cut you
out of the family business.”

gasped, and Hunter shrugged his shoulders.

know, you say you don’t want any part of it, but that is not the point. I also
told him the truth about Leo.”

did he take that?”

glanced at her, and she read the truth in his amber eyes.

well. Once he stopped cursing and calling me all the names under the sun, he
calmed down enough to somewhat listen to reason. Besides I’ve made it a
condition of his getting the shares back that Leo seeks help.”

did?” Emilia asked, emotion making her voice shake, and Hunter smiled at her.

course I did, baby. They’re your family, and as such they’re mine now, too.
Besides you love them, and it might not do any good, but I had to try—for you.”

pulled his head down to kiss him, and the world seemed brighter.

was that for?” Hunter asked, and she grinned up at him.

“Just because.”

grew serious, and she sobered.

might not do any good, you know that, right?” he asked, and Emilia fell in love
with him a little more right there and then.

know, but Christmas is a time for miracles, so I shall choose to believe that
it will. After all it brought me you.”

shook his head in wry amusement.

folks would say getting hitched to the Beast is a punishment, rather than a
present, and certainly no miracle.”

Since when have
I ever cared what some people think? But, there is one thing that’s been
playing on my mind. I can’t just up and leave my work, and you’re … where
are we
anyway?” she asked, and Hunter laughed.

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