Read BOUGHT: A Standalone Romance Online

Authors: Glenna Sinclair

BOUGHT: A Standalone Romance (2 page)

BOOK: BOUGHT: A Standalone Romance
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Unsatisfactory. He doesn’t say that, but his eyes flash it so quickly that I wonder if I’m going crazy. I shake it off. Maybe I’m getting more self-conscious the older I get. Mentally, I check myself out.

I’m not bad looking. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not a model, but I’m not plain either. I have sharp, angular eyes, courtesy of a half-Japanese mother. My lips are plump, pink, inviting. I have dark blue eyes, and my skin is generally on the pale side. I think it looks nice next to my incredibly dark hair. I’m slightly curvy with round hips, long legs, and small breasts, but I consider that my only downfall.

Don’t be paranoid,
I chide myself.
I’m positive you’re just imagining things.

As the night progresses, however, I begin to have my doubts. The way that Connor’s only gazing at Zoey, I can tell he’s more interested in her. Being bitter isn’t pretty, but I can’t help but to feel that way. I order three more margaritas until standing upright becomes more of a chore than a normality.

“Why did you drink so much?” Zoey chides as she tries to help me up from the seat. “The club’s closing soon. We have to get you out of here.”

“Screw that,” I can hear myself saying from a mile away. “Let’s go get food. I’m starving.”

“Of course you are, drunk.”

I groan. “Zoey, food.”

“Yeah, yeah,” she grunts as she succeeds in getting me up. “You’re costing me a night of debauchery with those two blond hotties. You owe me.”

“So much,” I mumble as we stumble out of the club together.

I can feel arms wrap around my waist. Those definitely don’t belong to Zoey. If they do, I should really go to spin class with her. I glance up.

Connor’s stern face looks back at me with such a pure look of disdain that I shrink under his gaze. What the hell did I ever do to him? The feeling of his muscles pressed against my body make me shudder involuntarily. Once again, there will be no one in my bed when I return home. I want to feel someone stroke my face, brush my hair aside, kiss me…

“Come on,” Connor says as he tries to tuck me into a taxi. “I’m in no condition to drive either. I guess we’re sharing.”

I want to plead with Zoey not to leave me with this asshole, but she’s much too preoccupied with the blonds in her life. Not wanting to take away from her evening, I give her a hearty wave before the taxi pulls out of the lot. Sighing, I sit back in my seat.

Glancing over at Connor, I can tell he’s on a different planet. He’s looking out of the window, his mouth set straight. I feel the attraction bubbling up, until he opens his lips.

“Is there something on my face? Or do you always stare open-mouthed at strangers?”

I scoff. “Excuse me?”

He turns to me, an eyebrow raised. “Did I not say it clearly enough?”

What a jerk. I cross my arms over my chest and stare back at him with what I hope is an equally steely gaze. Normally, I avoid confrontation. Not because I don’t think I can’t win, but entirely because it generally isn’t worth my time. This time, I’ll make an exception.

“Do you have a problem with me?”

“Excuse me?”

I roll my eyes. “You heard me perfectly fine. Do you have a problem with me? You’ve been nothing but rude all night.”

Connor scoffs, an incredulous look on his face, crinkling his features. “I’m helping you get home and I’m being rude? Sorry, princess. I hate to have to be the one to tell you this, but the world doesn’t revolve around you.”

“I didn’t think it did,” I snap.

“You don’t act that way.”

“How do I act?”

“The way you’re dressed, the way you sit in the corner and sulk, you’re not worth my time.”

The words aren’t said cruelly. No, they are cold, calculating. I feel the knife stab me in the heart. Insert and twist. For a moment, I’m lost for words. I can feel my tongue stumbling over something insanely witty to say, but my mouth remains empty.

“Exactly,” he says before he turns back to the window.

When the taxi reaches my building, I pull myself out and slam the door. It takes me a minute to find my footing, but I refuse to take any help from him. When he steps out, I push him away before I storm off.

“Aren’t you going to pay for your part of the taxi?” he calls after me.

“Go fuck yourself!”

I storm into the lobby of my building. There’s someone different behind the desk, but I ignore them as I power on to the elevator. My blood bubbles in my veins. The only thing that runs through my mind is how glad I am that it’s over and how much I wish I could have come up with something equally cutting to say.

“Damn it,” I mumble as I stumble into my place. “Bastard. Who does he think he is?”

I don’t bother going up the stairs. That’s just asking for something bad to happen, especially when I can’t even stand up straight. Kicking my shoes off, I pull my legs up on the couch before reaching down and pulling a thin black blanket over my body.

Strike one for Operation: Get Laid. I still can’t put my finger on what Connor hated about me so much, but I know it’s best to just let it go. There’s nothing I can do to make him like me.

“You’ll never see him again anyway,” I mumble to myself as my heavy eyelids close. “You’ll never see him again. Besides, he wasn’t that good looking anyway.”

I know that’s a lie. Still, it’s a pretty good one to tell yourself when the idea of rejection is just too much to bear. Before I can dwell on the Connor situation for another moment, I feel myself drifting off to sleep.

Chapter Two

“You look like you were hit with a truck.”

“Thanks, Miranda. I always love your kind, kind words of encouragement.”

“Well, you do,” she says as I sit in her office. She passes me two pain pills. “Take these. What the hell were you doing last night?”

I shrug. “Hanging out with a friend.”

“Sure,” Miranda says, shaking her head. “I hope you’re well rested before I have a special client for you today.”

Despite my throbbing head and racing pulse, I sit up a little taller. “Special clients” are Miranda’s way of saying they were loaded. Good. I could use the money. I swallow the pills down quickly, chasing them with the warm cup of coffee in my hands.

“Who is he?”

“Well, he’s new in town. He’s actually an investor.”

I groan. “That sounds wonderful. I’m sure I’ll hear all about it.”

Miranda laughs. “Actually, he’s quite diverse, and he’s really funny. I had a long talk with him. The only reason he’s here is because his sister is getting married and he needs a date to the wedding. This should be pretty simple. No groping, no bullshit. Just quick, easy cash.”

Why does that concern me? Whenever someone says that something is “quick and easy” it almost never is. I want to say no, I really do. Some part of me can feel the part where this assignment becomes a pain, but like I said, I could use the cash.

“How much?”


“Grand? Pass!”

“Let me finish! Five hundred thousand. Two fifty before the wedding, two fifty after, with the possibility to make a little more if you can convince his mother that you’re actually dating. There’s a catch though.”

I close my open mouth quickly. “Sure there is,” I say, rolling my eyes. “What is it?”

“You have to work with him several weeks in advance,” Miranda says as she flips through a file on her desk. “He really needs someone convincing.”

“Can’t someone else do this?”

Miranda shakes her head. “He saw everyone else this morning and turned them all down. He’s looking for a type or something. Anyway, if you had been on time, you would have been here when he was choosing. Now, this guy could potentially bring a lot of business to my quiet little establishment, with his business friends coming in and out of town all of the time. I need you to be on your best behavior.”

“Why?” I ask, raising an eyebrow. I can feel the hammer about to drop.

“He’ll be here in a little while.”

“Of course he will,” I say with a sigh.

“Just remember,” Miranda says, “five hundred thousand.”

I perk up. “Fine. I’ll do it.”

“He has to approve you first.”

“Oh, trust me,” I say with a grin. “He will.”

I decide to go classy. There are rooms for all of the escorts where we can get dressed before meeting up with new clients, but I rarely use mine. I do however store some of my good clothes, shoes, and bags, for reasons like this.

Rummaging through the small room, I pick out a black dress. It’s longer than I usually go for, but it’s classy. The black material slides over my skin easily before I start to twist my hair into a neat bun. I glance at my reflection in the mirror. Not bad.

Makeup is next. I’m actually really good with a makeup brush, I just prefer not to go all out most of the time. Today, I’m pulling out all of the stops. I apply makeup until I’m satisfied. A classic red lip, perfect eyeliner, long lashes. I blow myself a kiss in the mirror.

“Not bad,” I mumble, smacking my lips together. “You’re going to pick me, that’s for sure.”

“Angel, could you hurry up please? Our guest is waiting. We’ll be in my office.”

Guest. Just hearing that word lets me know that he’s already here. Early. I quickly slip my feet into black heels before I drape a necklace around my throat. I glance in the mirror. A startling image stares back. It reminds me of those old school actresses from years ago. I love it.

Hurrying, I lock the door to my room before I slow down in the hall. I saunter slowly, trying to calm myself down. This much money in one go? It’s more than amazing: it’s exactly what I need.

I knock on the door lightly before I hear Miranda’s voice calling for me to come in. She’s using that super high-pitched, sweet voice that the clients seem to love on her for some reason. To me, it just sounds fake and odd. Still, it’s always a sure sign that she’s with someone who will be the reason my ridiculous rent is paid for the month.

Pushing open the door, I step inside. I freeze. There he is. He’s sitting on the chair, leg crossed over his knee in one of those impeccable suits, this one black with a red tie. Words try to come out of my mouth, but I find myself stumbling, mumbling all over again.

“Mouth closed,” he says, and a grin spreads on his lips.

“You!” is all I manage to choke out, sounding even more like an immense loser.

He nods. “Me. Amazing language skills, as usual.”

My blood is boiling. “I don’t need this.”

“Neither do I. I thought you had quality women here.”

My eyebrow shoots up. “‘Quality’ or not, at least I’m not a rude, spoiled, middle-aged man.”

Miranda holds up her hands, cutting his retort off. “Wait, you two know each other?”

“Briefly and not pleasantly,” I mumble between tight lips.

“For once, we agree on something. There’s
no one
else available?”

Miranda shakes her head. “Everyone else is booked up solid. This is a busy season. Social events, weddings, business meetings. Angel is the only one who even has half the time, and that’s because she’s very picky.”

It’s true. I don’t spend time with just anyone. The ones I pick might be annoying, but they are well off. Their irritating habits aren’t enough to kill my mood and need for the money.

Connor sighs as he looks me up and down. “Well, I guess you’ll do. You have cleaned up quite nicely.”


I scoff. “Who says I even want to work with you? You’re a jerk.”

Connor reaches into the suitcase beside him and loads Miranda’s desk full of cash. I somehow remember to keep my mouth closed this time, but I seem to be having trouble breathing. I would say that I can’t be bought, but I can. I really, really can.

“What do you want?”

“Manners, first of all. My family can be…harsh. I need someone that can fit in easily.”

“For how long?”

“Four weeks. I’ll pay you extra for two weeks ahead so that I can coach you on what to say, who’s who, and all of that fun stuff. We need to make this look legit.”

“Why is this so important?” I ask, even though I can see Miranda shooting me daggers. “And I thought you were an attorney.”

“I am,” he says, adjusting his tie. “I also invest. It’s made me quite wealthy.”

“I can see that,” I mumble, my eyes falling on the piles of green that seem to be calling my name.

“As for why this is so important, let’s just say my mother is trying her hardest to play matchmaker. After a dozen failed attempts, I’d like to call it quits, but you don’t say no to Mother. So, will you do it?”

I nod slowly. “Okay, there will be ground rules.”

“Oh?” He lifts a brow.

“Yes. You will not berate, belittle, or be rude to me. This,” I gesture between the two of us, “will not take up every second of every day of my life. I have other things to do too.”

“Fine. Then you’ll be available when I call on you, and you won’t drink like a fish.”

I feel myself grow red. Biting words sit just on the tip of my tongue. Before I can issue a cutting remark, Miranda stands up and places her hands on her desk.

“Then it’s all settled. We’re happy to help, Mr. Kavanaugh. Angel, why don’t you have a seat while we work out the details of this little deal. I have some papers for you to sign.”

I sit down, still pissed about the whole situation. Why am I even agreeing to this? The reason is as clear to me as it’s always been, but that doesn’t mean I have to like it.

Miranda pushes paperwork over to Connor. He signs each page with a flourish before the papers disappear into Miranda’s drawer. She writes him out a receipt, discreet, with no name of the company, before she passes the paper to him. I watch as he folds it up, and it disappears into the inside of his suit jacket.

“Is that all?”

“That’s everything,” Miranda says with a broad smile. “I’m sure you’ll be impressed with what Angela can do.”

Connor makes a sound in his throat that sounds half-snort, half-grunt as he shakes his head. I resist the urge to curse him out. He stands up, adjusts his suit, then looks down at me.

“I expect you to be ready tonight. Let’s say,” he checks his phone, “six. We’ll get dinner and discuss the details. Wear something appropriate.”

“Fine,” I mumble between tight lips.

Connor produces a business card. It’s plain black, with a silver stripe running along the top. “Here’s my number. Text me here at five and give me a location. I’ll pick you up.”

I don’t say anything this time. I’m not quite sure how long this being bossed around by him thing is going to work out, but I’m not loving the odds. He gives Miranda a small wave before he disappears out of the door. I flip him off when I know he’s well on his way out of the door.

“What was that all about?” Miranda asks, her eyebrow cocked.

I sigh. “Let’s just say this won’t be easy money.”

“Yes,” she said with a chuckle. “I can see that. I want to remind you of something though.”

“What’s that?”

“If you give this company a bad name with even one client, you know I won’t tolerate you. What happens?”

“I lose my job.”

“Exactly. So put on your big girl panties and your biggest smile, and remember, it’s only a few weeks.”

Easy for her to say! I slip out of the dress before tossing it into an armchair. It isn’t going to be easy at all. And I can’t imagine an entire family of Connors. Letting my hair down, I twist it into a thick bun. At least for now I have money in my pocket. There are too many people depending on me, too much that I have to do, or else I would have refused his money in a heartbeat.

I slip back into my street clothes. First, I’ll have to buy new clothes. His lifestyle screams “rich,” and I know I will have to match, blend in. Miranda waves as I pass her office. The sun outside hits my eyes, making me wince. It’s going to be a long day. I’ll definitely need reinforcements.

“Shopping? In the middle of the day? What’s the occasion?” Zoey’s voice echoes through the speaker, the sound of traffic close behind her.

“I need to impress this new client.”

“Oooh, sounds fancy. I’m heading over towards you now.”

“Don’t you have work?”

“Nope. I had court all morning, and the rest of the day is just paperwork. I can do that at home later. Do you want to go to Lovely’s? I hear they’ve just gotten brand new inventory.”

“It couldn’t hurt,” I say slowly.

“See you soon.”

I hang up before I slip my phone back inside of my purse. My first step is to stop by my apartment. I need to get comfortable if I’m going to be trying on clothes and shoes all day. After the shop, I’ll head to the salon to get my hair and nails taken care of. Okay, so maybe, just a little, I want to blow Connor out of the water. I want to wipe that smug little look right off of his face. No, I want more than that: I want to see his jaw drop.

When I get to my room, I slip inside of a long, cotton dress. I like the way it naturally hugs every curve, every inch of skin. My hair is braided quickly before it’s thrown over my shoulder. I don’t bother with anything fancy. Instead I slip my feet into a pair of pretty sandals, dap on a little lipstick, and head back out the door.

Lovely’s isn’t far. It’s in a bustling area with too much traffic and no parking, but the boutique itself is pretty quiet. I adore the owner, Sophie, who always has a little drink waiting and a smile. Sometimes I wonder though if she’d still have that bright smile if she’d met me ten years ago, back when I didn’t have a dime to my name. Let alone enough money to shop in her store.

“What took you so long?” Zoey chastises the moment I walk up to the store. It’s tucked among several other businesses, all of the buildings so close together that they’re almost touching. Zoey herself has already changed out of her work clothes. Instead of the usual suits, jacket, and heels that I know she wears, she’s wearing a pair of jeans, a wine-colored blouse, and flats.

“I had to change,” I say as I push past her into the shop.

“So did I,” she says with her hands on her hips.

I roll my eyes. Even though she’s putting on a big show, I can tell that she’s secretly pleased. She’s happy to play hooky from work to go out with me, explore the shops, drink wine. As soon as we’re inside, Sophie glides over.

Sophie’s unlike any woman that I’ve ever met. She’s tall, taller than me even, and she still wears six- and seven-inch heels. Dangling, dazzling earrings always frame her face, along with long, platinum blonde hair. She always wears the smallest, clingiest dresses I’ve ever seen, and her glasses somehow seem to stay on the tip of her nose. I always think that she’s sexy in a strange way.

BOOK: BOUGHT: A Standalone Romance
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