Bottled Up: April Fools For Love (6 page)

BOOK: Bottled Up: April Fools For Love
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He leaned forward and gripped the counter where her ass had been seconds before. His balls brushed against her chin, as she swirled her tongue along the underside of his shaft. There was no time to wait. If she stopped now, she’d let the memories in, and there was only room for Nate. His arms made her feel safe, his eyes made her feel beautiful, but him being here made her feel like it was a new beginning.

His garbled groan was all he got out before she pulled off him with the condom already in her hand. Rolling it along his shaft had her more than ready. She needed him. Now.



Nate was in heaven. He’d have to thank Ang for this idea. It was working out better than he could have ever dreamed. The sand wasn’t part of Angela’s plan, but he couldn’t miss the chance to show Betty what she’d meant to him. He wanted this chance, and he couldn’t say no to her now.

Betty had just rolled a condom on his dick. Her juices were still warm on his lips, and her pussy was open to him as she jumped back on the counter. She was stunning and successful, and she wanted him. He wanted her more.

“Come here,” she said with her arms and legs spread.

Her breasts were large and heavy against her rib cage. As he stood enjoying his look at her, her nipples budded, and he could see the glisten of her pussy as it trembled. She had been so close to coming in his mouth. He’d felt her body stiffen, and her little bundle of nerves tremble against his tongue.

He wanted inside her more than air, but he also had to make sure he didn’t explode. He licked his finger. Her sweetness, brought him back to the hunger he’d never been able to bury. She’d been so hot and ready for him, and the feel of her on his finger alone was near enough to send him over the edge. He didn’t want this to be over in a few strokes. But he was not opposed to round two. At least there were more condoms, because he felt like he was back in high school. His stamina hadn’t been the best at eighteen, but he had could recover like a champ.

Betty didn’t allow him the down time. She gently pulled him toward her heat. Her ankles dug into his ass as she slid forward, until her thighs rested against his hips. Her walls trembled around him, as she clamped down around his cock.

He tried desperately to recall the stripping gig at the old folks home, to keep himself from ending this too quickly. But when Betty dug her nails into his shoulder blades and began to scratch against his back while her soft lips kissed his ear and jaw, there was nothing he could do.

Betty overwhelmed every sense he had. She smelled like a soft musk enveloped in apples and coconut. She was sweet and savory and every dirty dream he’d ever had come to life.

Nate wrapped his arms around her back, letting his palms ease over her shoulders and down to her hips over and over again with every thrust. He couldn’t stop touching her skin. But even as she felt soft beneath his palms, she showed him her passion wasn’t timid when her nails dug in.

He wanted to learn how she looked in the morning. He wanted to take her out and show her who he was. He wanted to do whatever he could to hold her in his arms. He had to make sure he didn’t run this time.

Then her movements sped up. Her breath went from deep moans to higher breathy gasps. She was close.
Thank god
. He wasn’t going to make it much longer.

Easing his hand between their bodies, he followed the soft curve of her trembling stomach down to the apex of her legs. Her heels pressed harder against his ass. She bit down on his shoulder, and it was a miracle he held on, but he had to feel her come undone for him. She was slick against the pad of his thumb when he worked his way between her folds. Her clit throbbed underneath his touch, and he had to pull back enough to watch her. He thrust inside of her again, and drowned in her eyes as she came for him.

This was different
. He couldn’t figure out why, but it was important that he hang on as long as he could.

Her eyes finally rolled back, and as her body shook with the pleasure of her orgasm, he ducked his head to her shoulder and let his own pleasure roll up his spine. Another series of fast thrusts, and he held himself hard against her as his legs nearly gave out.

He held her as the waves of pleasure subsided enough so he could breathe again. Then he kept holding on. 

But as the air returned to his lungs, and subsequently his brain, he had to wonder, “What now?”



Betty held onto Nate for dear life. She wasn’t in danger of falling off the counter, and she wasn’t about to slip and knock into the cabinets behind her because Nate’s forearm was looped around her shoulders. But that didn’t mean she wasn’t in a whole lot of trouble.

Betty never thought any man would top Nate in the sack. Turns out she was right, and wasn’t that just a punch in the gut? She’d thought she needed to get this obsession over Nate out of her mind. She’d even thought this little sexcapade might help her stress level. That wasn’t what had happened. As she felt Nate’s heart beat against her naked breasts, she felt warm, safe, and happy.

It was the fantasy. But weren’t fantasy’s supposed to fizzle in the harsh light of day? Wasn’t this time supposed to make her realize she could never have the man she pictured in her head? How could it be better than she’d ever imagined?

Nate pulled back, and she finally had to let him straighten. A future filled with love and marriage didn’t happen when you had sex on the first date. And what if it did? There were no guarantees with a guy like Nate. He’d left without a word last time.

The sex wasn’t supposed to be this good. She wasn’t supposed to want more. She needed to be a grown-up about this. It was her decision to push for the big O instead of giving the guy a chance to get something started besides her engine. She shouldn’t kick herself too hard. She wasn’t the one who didn’t try and call him the last time they got together. If there was one thing she was good at, it was being a grown-up. Man, reality sucked compared to her fantasy.

Her lungs hurt as she drug in air filled with lust and memories. She almost didn’t get the words out, but she wasn’t going to be left holding a letter he’d never read again.

“I suppose you need to get going,” she said. If someone was going to start the thank-you-ma’am talk, she should do it. It would make the situation easier for Nate. “That was really good. Thanks.”

Nate jerked at her words. “It
good. Um…” He looked around before heading to the bathroom.

Why was he so surprised? Wasn’t this what a guy wanted when he had sex? Hell, Nate had disappeared for a decade after the last time they’d had sex. Sure he’d stayed with her as she’d fallen asleep then, making all kinds of promises about when he’d come back. Wasn’t she just saving him the trouble of the bullshit?

Betty heard the water running in the sink down the hall. She put her head in her hands for a second before she realized she should hurry up and get dressed. She had her pants and bra on as Nate strode down the hall, but she couldn’t remember how her shirt worked.

He was that sexy
sex? His cock was still a bit hard, and she couldn’t look away from him. She should. It was rude to stare at someone when they were naked. But if she was never going to see it again, she wanted to make sure she had the mental picture of perfection before her.

“If you keep looking at it, I’m never going to get it to go down.”

He was right. Wanting more from this wouldn’t do either of them any favors.

Betty finally tore her gaze from his one-eyed pleasure stick. “It’s hard.”

“Yeah it is.”

Betty laughed, grateful for his light-hearted tone. It would make saying goodbye a little easier. “I meant it’s difficult to look away. That was amazing.”

Nate cleared his throat as he tossed his clothes on. “I want you to know, I didn’t expect…what just happened.”

“I should hope not.”

He licked his lips and blew out a breath. His hands landed on his hips. “I
, it was great, but it doesn’t mean I want to just leave and never come back.”

Betty gulped. She had to make sure she didn’t let herself open that door again. “It’s okay if you just wanted to see how it was between us. I won’t be mad.”

Nate zipped up his suit. It took him three tries to get the zipper to go up, and she could have sworn he flinched. Did he catch his bare skin in the metal teeth?

There was heat in his eyes now, but it wasn’t the kind he’d melted her panties off with a moment ago. This heat made her eyes water. “What’s that supposed to mean? Are you telling me you just wanted to fuck me and be done with it?”

How was she coming out the bad guy here? Wasn’t she doing him a favor? Betty shook her head.
This was going all wrong.
He wanted out of this situation too.
Didn’t he?

“I’m just saying I won’t judge you if you want to leave it at today. You won’t have to feel guilty about not calling or writing this time. I’m not eighteen anymore.”

Nate grabbed his toolbox and went for the door. He looked upset.
he want more than today?

She pulled on her tank top and scuttled after him. “Nate, wait.”

“Nope. It’s cool. I can take a hint.” When he got to the front door he tipped an invisible hat. “Glad to be of service. Let me know if you ever need to get your pipes cleaned again Miss Townsend. I’ll make sure the company sends someone more capable of pleasing you.”

The door slammed again.

What just happened?


Betty was still sitting on her couch when Ang came in the apartment. Netflix popped up on the screen and asked if she was still watching. The subscription service was asking why she didn’t have a life. She could have had a life, but she’d decided to make a guy feel like shit after screwing him on the counter. More than that, she’d done it to
. He was part of her past, and so much of a part of who she was, she couldn’t wrap her head around them as more than a fantasy. She didn’t know him now. If she let history repeat itself, how long would it have taken her to recover this time? Betty had to convince herself that she’d done the right thing. Even if her stomach was in knots. But that could also be the junk food.

Ang plopped down next to the spot on the sofa beside Betty. “So…I hear you like to love ’em and leave ’em.”

“I thought he just wanted to finish what he started. He left without a word last time we had sex. I was trying to stop him from leaving with promises he wouldn’t follow through with. I didn’t think …”

Ang reached for the bag of chips on the coffee table and shoved a handful in her mouth. “You didn’t think he could possibly be interested in a relationship with you when you made it clear you wanted sex? For someone who claims to be so grown up and progressive, you’re pretty stupid when it comes to this kind of thing.”

Betty felt a blush rise to her cheeks. “He talked about it at your store?”

“He was moody. Even told a customer she should buy the dress she tried on, because it would be perfect for luring men into her clutches before telling them they were only good for sex.”

Betty’s mouth dropped open. “He said that to a customer?”

“Yup. Luckily the girl thought he was joking and took it as a complement.”

Betty grabbed the open bag of chocolate chips she’d been snacking on all day. “I waited this long to get another chance with Nate, and I shoved him out the door. But it felt like I was back in high school and I couldn’t get it out of my head that he’d leave again. I should give up on the whole relationship thing. I suck at it.”

Ang put down the chips and grabbed one of the grape sodas from the twelve pack Betty had sitting in a cooler next to the couch. “You sure know how to wallow, though.”

It paid to be prepared when working up to a good session of regret. “I’m going to sit here and gain five pounds tonight. Want to help?”

Ang shook her head. “Normally, I’d be down, but you need to get dressed and go fix your mess of a face instead of covering it in chocolate.”

“What is there to fix it for? I just ran off the guy I’d been pining for for over a decade.”

“And who’s fault is that?” Ang paused the Supernatural episode.

Betty slumped down on the couch and used her boobs to hold up the Nutella jar. “I suck at being in relationships.”

“You suck at recognizing the potential in a new one.”


“Doesn’t mean you can’t fix it.”

“Can’t we wallow tonight and talk about how much I suck tomorrow?”

Ang eyed her before re-starting the show on their television. “You have one more episode to wallow. Then you have to get on decent clothes.”


“Because we are out of alcohol, and you and I are going out tonight. I’m done bringing people back to this place. I think this apartment is cursed.”

They ate snacks for dinner before putting on enough makeup to get into ladies’ night at their favorite bar. There was a time to wallow, and then there was time to take advantage of no cover charge. It was definitely time for the later. Payday wasn’t for another week, and the alcohol budget wasn’t hefty enough for them to pay for their own drinks.

Betty promised she’d be willing to dance and have a good time, but she was lying through her teeth.

BOOK: Bottled Up: April Fools For Love
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