Born to Be Wild: Welcome to Paradise, Book 3 (7 page)

BOOK: Born to Be Wild: Welcome to Paradise, Book 3
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She hadn’t done much exploring lately, though. In fact, she couldn’t remember the last time she’d had sex. Wait, it had been last year, with the ADA from the Denver prosecutor’s office. Missionary all the way—and he hadn’t cared much for blowjobs. The memory made her all the more determined to prove to herself she still had the right skills.

Taking a breath, she wrapped her lips around Jake’s cock, loving the way he filled her mouth, the way his shaft throbbed as she gently scraped her teeth over it.

When he tangled his hands in her hair and tried to pull her closer, she quickly retreated, punishing him for his complete disregard of orders.

“Hands to yourself,” she reminded him.

“Yes, ma’am.”

She heard the laughter in his voice and decided to shut him up—by sucking him so hard he swayed on his feet. Another curse popped out of his mouth.

Fighting a jolt of arousal, Bree focused on driving him to the brink of madness. Relaxing her throat, she took him in deep. She bobbed her head as she sucked him with fervor, then shifted to short, shallow strokes while her hand wrapped around the base of his cock and squeezed.

“Christ,” Jake choked out.

She dragged her tongue along his sensitive underside, then swirled it over his tip, pumping his shaft as she teased the head. Her other hand slid down to cup his balls and when she fondled the tight sac, Jake groaned so loudly she felt the vibrations against her tongue.

“Fuck, oh, fuck,
,” he hissed out.

Bree hid a smile. Once his vocabulary was stripped of everything but the F-bomb, she had him exactly where she wanted him. Time for the final touch, the one thing guaranteed to make this big macho man lose his cool.

As she sucked him hard and deep, she rubbed one finger over the trail of saliva dripping down his shaft, then dragged it up to the crease of his perfect ass and slid the tip right through the tight ring of muscle.


Jake came so violently Bree nearly lost her grip on him. As hot jets spurted to the back of her throat, she swallowed eagerly, her lips wrapped around him in a tight seal that had him moaning with ecstasy.

When he finally grew still, Bree demurely wiped her mouth and stood up. She shot him an innocent smile. “So, do my blowjobs still make the grade?” she couldn’t help but mock.

He blew out an unsteady breath. “Were you trying to kill me?”

“Nope. That was just payback for the way you seduced me in the restaurant last night.” Her eyes met his. “Has your endurance dwindled with old age?”

“Who you calling old?” He grabbed her hand and brought it back to his erection. “Still rock hard and raring to go, sweetheart.”

And with that, he shoved her onto the table again and wrenched her skirt up. Bree’s heart pounded as she watched him sheath himself with a condom. God, she needed to have him inside her again. Last night had been too brief, a mere warm-up compared to what she knew Jake was capable of.

And he didn’t prove her wrong.

He drove his cock into her soaking wet core in a stroke so hard that the table jarred the wall and a small picture frame crashed to the floor. They both ignored it; Jake simply kicked away the sturdy wood frame, withdrew, and plunged right back in.

He still wore his T-shirt, but damn it, she wanted to feel his skin beneath her fingertips. She slid her hands under his shirt and dug her fingernails into the sleek sinew of his back.

“Wrap your legs around me,” he ordered roughly.

She did, and immediately he deepened his thrusts. Jake’s mouth covered hers as he pistoned his hips, his arm coming down so he could grind the heel of his hand against her clit. He applied just the right amount of pressure, stroking that swollen nub as his cock stroked her core. It wasn’t long before she came again, a wild rush of pleasure that seized her body and rippled through every muscle, every inch of skin.

Jake took longer to reach that explosive end. His thrusts were relentless, his rhythm fast and controlled. The sound of their flesh slapping together and the warmth of his breath as he buried his head in the crook of her neck was achingly familiar and utterly thrilling.

Before she could stop herself, the words “I missed you too” flew out of her mouth.

And pushed Jake right over the edge.

His teeth sank into her neck as he came, but the sting of pain only turned her on. She
missed him, she realized. Missed his rough hands and talented tongue and wicked cock. Missed the way he moved and smelled, the wild streak that made him dominant and insatiable when it came to sex.

She mumbled a disappointed sound when he pulled out, now missing the feeling of fullness, completion. When she stared at his gorgeous face, the hazy look in his eyes made her want to purr like a contented kitten. “Bedroom,” he grunted out.

“No can do, caveman.” She received great joy from the disappointed noise
made. Sliding off the table, she searched the floor for her panties. “I’m having dinner with my family tonight.”

Jake frowned.

“Hey, I told you I have family obligations this week,” she said with a shrug, adjusting the hem of her skirt.

“So, what, you only stopped by for a quickie? I feel used.”

“Oh, don’t give me that pouty look. You like being used and you know it.”

After a second, a lopsided grin tugged his mouth up. “Yeah, I do.”

Bree forced herself not to look as he rolled the spent condom off his softening erection and tucked himself back in his jeans—otherwise she’d be tempted to stick around a while longer. Temptation, after all, was Jake’s middle name.

“Will you come back later tonight?” he asked as he zipped up his pants.

“Probably not. My brother’s driving in from Denver for dinner, so I want to spend some time with him. I haven’t hung out with Gabe in ages.”

Jake raised a brow. “But you both work at the same law firm.”

“In different divisions. Sure, we pass each other in the hall fifteen times a day, but Gabe’s been as busy as I have, so we never have time to exchange more than a quick ‘hello, how are ya?’”

She waited for Jake to work the charm and try to dissuade her from hanging out with her big brother tonight, but to her surprise, he simply nodded and handed her the purse she’d dropped on the floor before he’d mauled her. “Say hi to Gabe for me.”

Jake opened the door for her, but before she could walk through it, he yanked her into his arms and kissed her. Bree melted into his broad chest, breathing in the woodsy scent of his aftershave. When he broke the kiss, she felt a little dazed.

“Tomorrow then?” Urgency lined his deep voice.

She nodded. “I’ve got the whole day free. My parents have plans.”

“Good. Come by when you get up. I’m having breakfast with my mom, but after that, I’m free too.” He grinned. “We’ll spend the day in bed. Just like old times.”

A few minutes later, Bree was driving back to her parents’ house, while Jake’s words continued to linger in her mind.

Just like old times

“What the heck am I doing?” she mumbled as she came to a stop at an intersection off Main Street.

Having a little fun, that’s all.

Right. Fun. With Jake.

The one man who had the power to knock her off-balance, throw a wrench in the plans she’d made for herself.

Taking a breath, Bree waited for the stoplight to turn green, then pressed down on the gas, trying not to overanalyze any of this. She was only home for a week. Besides, what was the harm in hanging out with Jake? They were having a little fling, rekindling an old spark. Didn’t mean she would fall head-over-heels for the man again. One week, and then she’d return to Denver and carry on with her life. And Jake would carry on with
life, doing whatever it was he did in the Special Forces.

So…fun. Just some hot sex before they went their separate ways, same way they’d done twelve years ago.

Only this time, she wouldn’t be walking away with a broken heart, just a satisfied libido.

Chapter Five

Jake was in a foul mood as he strode out of his mom’s house the next morning. His brother hadn’t shown up for breakfast, and he had half a mind to drive over to the jerk’s apartment and tear him a new asshole. The disappointment in his mother’s warm brown eyes had been unmistakable, but yet again, no amount of prying could get her to talk about the rift between her and her youngest son.

“Is Austin still staying at Maddie’s old place?” Jake asked curtly, glancing over at his twin.

“Yeah, but I don’t suggest you go over there. We keep pushing him, we’ll push him right outta town,” Owen answered with a heavy sigh.

They reached their respective pickups and halted, both of them looking over at the enormous cedar porch of Della’s rustic two-story house. Owen and his crew had built her the house after their old man died, hoping that it would serve as the fresh start their mom needed. It had worked—Della seemed incredibly happy with the new homestead.

Though she sure as hell hadn’t looked happy over breakfast.

“Maybe I’ll give Uncle Rice a call,” Jake said, referring to their dad’s younger brother, who lived a few miles from Nate’s place. “He and Austin used to be tight.”

“If Austin won’t talk to us or Mom, he ain’t gonna talk to Rice.” Owen shrugged. “I say we try a new approach and leave Austin alone. We’ve been badgering him to open up, so maybe backing off will produce better results.”

Jake dragged his hand over his scalp in aggravation, then reached into the back pocket of his jeans for his Camels. He’d been trying to cut back on smoking, but seeing his mom looking so damn hurt got him on edge. Despite their reputation for being bad boys, the Bishop brothers had always done everything in their power to keep their mother happy. Jake knew being married to a cheating bastard like his father hadn’t been easy on her, especially since the townsfolk refused to let her forget it. Growing up, Jake had been fiercely protective of his mom—and still was. He just never thought he’d have to protect her from his own brother.

“Fine, I’ll leave him alone. For now.” He lit up a smoke and took a deep drag, eliciting a frown from his twin.

“You said you were quitting,” Owen said, disapproval ringing in his tone.

“It’s a process.”

“Maddie says cold turkey’s the way to go. She hasn’t touched a cigarette in two years.”

Jake had forgotten his sister-in-law was an ex-smoker. Figured. She’d had a rebellious streak running through her for as long as he’d known her.

“Oh, speaking of Maddie,” Owen said suddenly. “She wanted me to ask you how your date with Bree went.”

Jake exhaled a cloud of smoke into the air. “It was good,” he said vaguely. “Nice catching up with her.”

When Owen pinned him with a knowing stare, Jake actually shifted in discomfort. His twin was the only one able to see through him, which was damn disconcerting. Upside was, Jake could see right through Owen too. Their connection had followed them from the womb to adulthood—it was eerie, but Jake felt like they could read other’s minds sometimes. And he wasn’t even going to touch that phantom pain thing both of them seemed to experience when the other got hurt.
was eerier than anything.

“You slept with her,” Owen accused, after a few beats of silence. Laughing, he shook his head. “Wow, the military man thing really is the key to getting laid, huh?”

“Not with Bree,” Jake admitted. “Me and her…we’ve got some weird connection. We always end up getting naked when we’re together.”

The memory of yesterday’s tryst in the hallway floated into his mind, and he had to will away a hard-on. He’d really missed her, that was for sure. He hadn’t been living like a monk these past twelve years, but he’d yet to encounter a woman as passionate as Bree Lockhart. Once she let down her guard, she became a completely different woman—a sexy, wanton temptress who didn’t know the meaning of the word
when it came to sex.

He imagined all the things they could do this week, and just like that, his hard-on returned with full-force, jerking against his zipper.

If Owen noticed his twin’s state of discomfort, he was too much of a gentleman to comment on it. “I always liked Bree,” Owen confessed as he fished his car keys from his pocket. “I still don’t get why you broke up with her.”

He shrugged. “We had different paths to walk.”

“Yeah, I guess.” Owen paused in thought. “What about now? Are those paths more aligned?”

Another shrug. “Doubt it, man.”


“Come on, can you really see me and Bree together for the long haul? She’s a big-time lawyer, I’m…” He trailed off. Come to think of it, he had no idea what he was anymore. But he wasn’t ready to spill his guts yet, so he plowed on, hoping his brother hadn’t noticed his hesitation. “She’s a wealthy good girl, I’m a bad boy Bishop. It would never work.”

His twin didn’t look convinced. “You never know unless you try.” Before Jake could respond, Owen opened the driver’s door and slid into the pickup. “Anyway, I gotta go to work. I’ll see you later, bro.”

Jake offered a brisk wave, then headed for his own truck. He snuffed out his cigarette in the console ashtray, started the engine, and drove down the dusty driveway toward the main road.

BOOK: Born to Be Wild: Welcome to Paradise, Book 3
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