Read Bonds of Desire Online

Authors: Lynda Aicher

Bonds of Desire (5 page)

BOOK: Bonds of Desire
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With a low rumble, he jerked away, pushed her back until she stumbled against the hard, cold marble of the island. Stunned, she blinked and raised her hand to cover her throbbing lips. She stared at him, trying to sort out what had happened.

“I guess you’re not gay,” she stated into the silence.

He cursed, a low, hard bite under his breath, then spun around and stormed away. The bedroom door closed with a quiet
that didn’t match the frustration lingering in his wake. Was that a confirmation or not?

More confused than ever, she sunk onto the stool she’d vacated earlier. Anger, passion and exhaustion mixed in a jumble of nervous energy she was unable to process. She grabbed her forgotten drink and slammed down the remaining contents in one gulp. It didn’t help to cool the fire that still burned in her core or loosen her muscles that were once again strung tight.

The glass clattered against the marble before she released her hold. She didn’t need the audio proof of how unsteady she was. She pressed a hand at her temple, trying to rub away the headache that pounded behind her eyes.

The quiet circled her, pressing close until she wanted to scream. She bit her lip to hold it all back. The emotions, the tears, the thoughts. Everything. She’d spent too many years watching her mother cower to her father, and too many more ensuring she’d never be forced into that role, to willing give over her control to a man. Fantasies very seldom measured up to reality, if ever.

She would deal. He couldn’t make her run, if that was what the kiss was about. But it didn’t matter, because it wouldn’t happen again. This wasn’t about her or Seth. It was about helping Tyler. That was all. And they still hadn’t figured out how to get him to stay. Tomorrow. They’d handle it tomorrow.

Determination returning, she grabbed the supplies from the counter, kicked off her heels and walked to the half bath between the two bedrooms. Running wasn’t in her blood and that was something the domineering Dom needed to learn. She couldn’t be manipulated just because he’d kissed her in a way no other man ever had.

Chapter Six

Seth stared at the man sleeping before him. The pale glow of morning edged in around the blackout curtains to provide a shadowed indistinction to Tyler’s features. His bangs hung low across his forehead to dust over his brows and hide part of his eyes. Even in the morning, his face was smooth. Only a smattered hint of beard stubble showed along his jaw and chin. It was easy to see why he could fool so many about his age.

Tyler lay on his stomach, arms tucked under his pillow. The younger man’s face was pinched, even in sleep, a good indication that the pain meds were wearing off. Even in the dim light, his bare back displayed the angry red wounds that blazed across his skin.

It would be weeks before he healed completely. On the outside, at least. God only knew how long the internal wounds would take to overcome. Despite the man’s harsh front and assurance that he was fine, Seth doubted every word. No one endured that kind of beating and came out unchanged.

Even if it was consensual.

He slumped further into the cushioned chair and closed his eyes for a moment. There was a peace in the blackness, if only his mind would let him find it. It hadn’t all night. Not during the long shower meant to wash away the grime of the evening, along with his sins. Or when he’d lain in his bed, sleep a lost cause.

The curtain puffed out, pushed by the breeze that rushed in through the opened window. He’d turned the air off so Tyler wouldn’t get chilled. The damp scent of last night’s rain left a cleansed feel to the morning. If only it could scrub his conscience clean. The air rustled across his bare chest, and the curtain flapped to the side to show the morning sun. It rustled back into place a second later, plunging the room back into shadowed darkness.

He had no idea how long he’d been sitting there, but he’d have to move soon. Everyone was counting on him to know what to do. Solve their problems and sort out the mess. How?

He rubbed a hand over his eyes and down his cheek, the stubble scratching his palm. He should get up. There was a truckload of shit to deal with at the club. The fucking politician needed his membership revoked immediately. There were memos to send, forms to complete, their lawyer to contact. Christ. And that wasn’t counting the normal business dealings he had to do. Stock to order, work schedules to finalize and post, payroll, employees to reprimand or praise—the list was never-ending.

And he would bet money that Deklan and Jake would be at his door seeking answers before noon. He’d called them both before he’d left the hospital with Tyler, but they would be here anyway. It was their business too.

One he was fucking up royally.

And the pity party wasn’t getting him anywhere. He shifted forward and pressed his palms into his brow. The pressure centered his frustration but did little to ease his thoughts.

In addition to everything else, he now had the added complication of the sexy-as-hell lawyer tossed into the middle of the mix. The impulsive kiss last night had done nothing but screw him further. Instead of running like he’d hoped she would, she’d dug in her heels and was now crashed on his couch. Out of spite, he was sure.

He couldn’t deal with her right now. Not his residual desire or her fiery determination. Mastering Allie would take patience and a lengthy persistence that he didn’t have time for. Yet that kiss of his had backfired in multiple ways. He couldn’t get the sweet taste of her out of his mind, nor the subtle moment when she’d let go. His groin tightened at the memory of that exact instant when Allie had stopped resisting. The needy little sound that had rumbled in her throat had almost been his undoing. A second longer, and he would’ve had her splayed on the couch, doing things they’d both have regretted.

Her submission was buried too deep to deal with a flash attack of lust. And as much as he might want her, he wasn’t the Dom to coach that softer, freeing side out of her. Not now.

He usually left the savior stuff to Deklan. But then, what was Seth doing with Tyler in his guest bed? The pull to Tyler was just as strong as the one to Allie—and just as wrong. His dual attraction to both sexes had never been an issue for him and thankfully, Dek and Jake never cared either. Their exposure to the BDSM world in their teens had broadened all of their tolerance levels. Still, he’d never felt this strongly about two people, let alone at the same time.

Seth lifted his head, prepared to leave. There was no way he could contemplate that and it was past time he started on his to-do list. He froze midrise when he found Tyler watching him, his blue eyes bright against his pale skin. The effects of the painkillers were no longer evident in his intent inspection or silent judgment.

That word again. What was the other man thinking?

Seth lowered back into the chair and let a soft smile warm his face. “How are you feeling?”

Tyler took a long time to answer, all of his thoughts concealed behind a blank mask. Again, he was completely still, as if movement of any kind would break the safety he currently held. Finally he wet his lips and said, “Fine.”

The smile dropped from Seth’s face, his stomach curled around the simple answer. In his experience, that was a stock word meaning fucking far from okay. “Yeah, right.” He scanned the man’s back, the anger at his abuser returning. “Do you need more pain pills?”

“No. Not yet.”

“Water? I imagine your throat’s dry as hell from the meds.”

Tyler searched him again. “Sure.”

Seth grabbed the glass on the bedside table and refilled it in the attached bath. He sat on the edge of the bed and held out the glass so Tyler could reach the straw without having to disturb his back.

Tyler looked down, his lashes lowered over his eyes. The second of distress might have been missed by most people, but Seth caught it. The brief internal struggle between resisting and complying was over in a blink. Tyler raised his head and took a few long pulls on the straw before easing away. “Thank you,” he murmured.

Seth set the glass aside but stayed seated on the bed. They needed to talk about a whole load of crap, but for now he needed to be assured that Tyler wasn’t going to run the first chance he got.

“It’s going to be a while before you can move freely.” Seth watched for Tyler’s reaction, collecting intel, because he was positive the man wasn’t going to tell him shit.

Tyler grunted, the sarcasm clear in the low sound. “You think?”

Seth didn’t react. “You can stay here until you’re ready to leave. No expectations or pressure. You’re free to walk out whenever you want.” Seth stared at him. “But you have people here who want to help. You don’t have to deal with this on your own.”

“What?” Tyler sneered, the disdain layering over the earlier sarcasm. “You looking for a free fuck?”

“No.” Seth kept his voice even. “If I wanted to fuck you, I’d go about it very differently.”

Tyler snorted. “Like you’d really pay for my ass.” He turned his head away.

Yeah. Seth wasn’t having that. He walked to the other side of the bed and lay down on his stomach. He bunched a pillow under his chest and head until he mimicked Tyler’s position. The floral scent of fabric softener invaded his nose, the smell abrupt, not subtle and soft like Allie’s.

The other man watched him once again, logging everything while showing nothing. “Newsflash,” Tyler said. “My ass is out of commission. You ain’t gettin anything here.”

“Defensive much?” Not that Seth blamed him. Sometimes the only way to survive was to punch first.

Tyler clamped his lips closed, the skin drawing tight across his cheekbones. The muscles along his shoulders tightened visibly, his arms bracing as if he was preparing to thrust away or throw a punch.

Following a hunch, Seth slowly reached out his hand, maintaining eye contact. His movement was controlled, nonthreatening. Tyler stared back, his eyes widening when Seth settled his palm around the base of Tyler’s neck. His skin was warm against the chill of Seth’s fingers.

Tyler’s eyes closed instantly at the contact, a wave of conflict crossed his features before the tension drained from him. His shoulders sagged, the rigid hold of his brow lifted to ease away the lines across his forehead.

Another damaged soul. Seth understood so much about this man even though they’d never shared histories. Words weren’t always required to know someone. Every so often, it was possible to find a person you just knew intuitively, as if he or she were already a part of you.

Why did it have to be this man? Now? When there was so much to overcome and very little chance of anything coming of it?

“I’ll never harm you, Tyler,” Seth vowed softly, meaning every word.

Tyler opened his eyes. There was weariness in them. A caution learned and earned from years of experience. “How do I know that?”

“You just do. Or you wouldn’t be here.”

“Words mean nothing.”

“Yet you’re here.” Seth rubbed his thumb over the soft bristles of hair at the base of Tyler’s skull, a slow pass of soothing comfort for both of them. “Which means there’s some part of you that trusts what I say.”

“I shouldn’t.”

“Probably. Yet if things were different, I would cherish everything you gave me.”

A soft gasp rang through the room to shatter the moment. Tyler tensed, the muscles bunching tight beneath Seth’s palm. It was unfortunate that he’d never know if Tyler’s reaction was due to Allie’s entrance or his words.

Seth glanced over Tyler’s shoulder. Allie stood framed in the doorway, backlit by the light from the main room. Her face was in shadow, but the stiff hold of her body said enough. He didn’t have the energy to stress about it.

“Morning, Allie,” he mumbled, keeping his hand on Tyler and his eyes on her. “Been up long?”

She shook her head and took a step back. “I didn’t mean to intrude.”

“You’re not intruding.” He lowered his tone, wanting to see her reaction. “Come here.” Would she comply or bulk?

Something warm and sultry eased through him when she stepped into the room, almost as if she wasn’t aware of it. He glanced to Tyler. A crooked smile crossed his lips, a look of knowing in the man’s eyes. There was a glint there that caught Seth’s breath, a gleam that held something besides hurt and challenge.

Longing. But for who or what?

Shapely, toned legs were displayed beneath the hem of the T-shirt Allie wore. The improvised nightshirt reach to midthigh. She stopped at the end of the bed, a vision of rumpled morning and tussled awakenings. She covered a yawn, crossing her arms over her chest when she finished. The action did little to hide her breasts beneath the thin cotton. Seth was certain his black shirt had never looked that good on him.

“Do you make moves on everyone who stays at your place?” She arched a brow, her gaze landing on Seth’s hand where it rested on Tyler’s neck.

Seth smiled. “Usually the moves are made before the sleepover.”

She glanced down, a piece of lint suddenly needing her attention. She plucked it off and flicked it away. “Don’t manipulate us.”

His smile dropped and he started to flip to his side. Tyler moved in a flash, his firm grip on Seth’s wrist, keeping his hand in place.

“Don’t go.” The whispered plea was so low that Tyler’s lips barely moved. The need conveyed in his reflexive action reached out to entice every dominant urge within Seth.

“I won’t,” he promised. There was no way it had been easy for Tyler to say those words. The pressure on his wrist eased, but Tyler still held on. Seth looked to Allie, who watched the exchange with narrowed eyes. “I’m not manipulating anyone.”

“Is that true, Tyler?”

The other man finally turned his head to study Allie with the same intensity he’d grilled Seth with earlier. “I can hold my own.”

“Right.” Her sigh spoke volumes more than her single word. Shaking her head, she moved to Tyler’s side of the bed and sat on the edge, one leg bent beneath her. Tyler was immobile once again. Completely still except for the sway of the mattress from Allie’s weight. “Me too.”

The deep chuckle that burst from Tyler startled Seth. Even Allie snapped back, surprise on her face. “I’ve noticed,” Tyler said.

“Thanks. I think.” Allie gave a soft smile, glancing over Tyler’s back. “How’s the pain?”


The stock answer had Allie shaking her head again. “And I bet you have a bridge to sell me if you think I’m that gullible. I’ll stop at the pharmacist today and get your prescriptions filled. There’s still a painkiller left if you need it now.” The doctor had sent home a dose to hold Tyler over until the drugstores opened.

“I’m good,” he insisted. He released his hold on Seth’s wrist, relaxing incrementally but moving no more than to tuck his hand back under his pillow.

“Are you?” Seth asked. The swap of biting words with this gentle complacency had him on edge.

Tyler contemplated Seth before the corner of his mouth curled up. “No. But the drugs are worse than the pain.”

“How?” Allie tugged the hem of the T-shirt down, stretching the material over her bent knee until it was pulled tight and hid the teasing curve of her breasts. Her gaze landed on Seth’s hand, his grip on Tyler’s neck seeming to hold her attention. Her innocent question made it clear that she’d never been in a place of vulnerability. Must be nice.

“No one will harm you here,” Seth assured Tyler, ignoring Allie’s question but shooting her a hard glare. “I promise.”

“W-what?” she sputtered. “Are you implying that I would hurt him?” Her mouth opened in disbelief. “I don’t believe this.” She ran her hands through her hair. Her jaw worked like she was chewing on her next words. “Look. I promised Tyler I’d help him. And I won’t go back on that, no matter how much you—” she pointed at Seth, determination flashing in her eyes, “—keep trying to chase me away.”

“I’m not trying to chase you away.”

“Then what was that kiss about last night?” Her triumphant smirk was accompanied by the thump of her arms crossing over her chest. She arched her brow at Seth.

He didn’t look at Tyler, wouldn’t give her the point by looking away. But Tyler hadn’t tensed at her words. His muscles were still lax under Seth’s palm. “Just a kiss. One you liked, if your reaction was honest.” It was his turn to raise a brow.

BOOK: Bonds of Desire
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