Bondmaiden (13 page)

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Authors: B.A. Bradbury

Tags: #chimera, #erotic, #ebook, #historical, #fiction, #domination, #submission, #damsel in distress, #corporal punishment, #spanking, #BDSM, #S&M, #bondage, #master, #discipline, #Slave, #mistress, #castle. Soldiers, #princess

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Sometimes she would use two candles at once, which was even worse. At other times – times Lia came to dread – Elfrida would use the biggest candles in her collection, so that Lia’s vagina and anus were stretched painfully. Fucking her with these monstrosities proved a little problematic, for they were so big they wouldn’t move freely in spite of the natural lubrication provided by the tallow, but such things didn’t deter Elfrida from indulging her spiteful nature.

‘You really have to try harder,’ she would say. ‘When cousin Medwyn next comes to visit I intend to have you dance for him with those penetrating you, and if you aren’t more receptive I shall ask him to whip you.’

Candles weren’t her only means of torment, however. One day she sent Lia to fetch her jewellery box, from which she took her very best necklace. It was a beautiful object, with eight beads of golden amber, smooth as sea-washed pebbles and big as pigeon’s eggs, strung on a fine silver chain. Elfrida told Lia to lay facedown on the bed, whereupon she proceeded to push each bead in turn into her bondmaiden’s rectum. This wasn’t achieved easily, needless to say, nor quietly, for Lia whimpered and squirmed as the large beads breached her sphincter. But worse was to come, for with seven beads inserted Elfrida held the eighth and drew the whole string from her with one firm tug. Lia gasped, buttocks clenching and back arching at such crude treatment, but Elfrida simply giggled, waited for her bondmaiden to settle, and then started all over again.

Despite her new diversion Elfrida didn’t totally abandon her old interests. Lia was still required to pleasure her mistress several times a day, mostly with her tongue. During one such interlude, with Lia licking diligently and Elfrida purring like a kitten, the door opened and a handsome noble entered the bedchamber, accompanied by a male servant.

‘Have a care, Elfi,’ he beamed with a smile. ‘Too much cunnilingus can send you blind!’

‘That’s masturbation,’ Elfrida said, seemingly unperturbed by the lack of a knock on the door or by the two men’s presence. ‘And anyway, it isn’t true. If it was you’d have been blind before you were fifteen.’

She pushed Lia away and propped herself up on her elbows. Lia wiped her chin, which was covered with Elfrida’s juices, and glanced surreptitiously at the newcomers. She recognised the servant as Karl, Prince Baran’s bondman: which left little doubt as to the identity of the young noble.

‘Long before fifteen, I’m afraid,’ he said dryly. ‘And cover yourself up, sister dear; we can see everything you’ve got. The sight of that gleaming wet cunny is no doubt driving poor Karl here wild. You know he’s always had a soft spot for you.’

Elfrida laughed and drew her gown across her shapely legs. ‘Did you want something in particular, Baran, or are you just here to goad me?’

‘I want something,’ he said, and nodded at Lia. ‘Her, in fact. This pretty thing’s your new bondmaiden, so I believe.’

‘Yes she is,’ Elfrida confirmed. ‘Why, are you intending to fuck her?’

‘I am indeed; and I wouldn’t want to be in your shoes if our dear mama hears you use that word. Actually, I intend to fuck your bondmaiden until she clear swoons and faints with pleasure. It won’t be the same as fucking a nice tight virgin, of course, thanks to mother’s silly ideas and Velda’s little demonstration.’

‘Ah, you heard about that.’

‘Yes, I heard. A complete waste of time, if you ask me. I could have told you all you need to know about sex in ten minutes flat. And most certainly it was a waste of a perfectly gorgeous virgin. When I discovered what they were planning I volunteered to do the demonstration myself, but mother wouldn’t hear of it. She said it would be undignified for someone of royal blood.’

‘Yes, I can see why she might think that,’ Elfrida said with a wry smile. ‘Anyway, brother, haven’t you defiled enough virgins? You must have had dozens and dozens by now.’

‘More than that, I’d say,’ he gloated, beaming arrogantly from ear to ear. ‘And beware, Elfi, for you risk your very soul. To speak of “enough virgins” verges on blasphemy, in my book.’ He was stripping off his clothes as he spoke, and when naked he sat on a stool and beckoned to Lia.

She looked at Elfrida uncertainly, and the princess sighed. ‘You’d better go to him, is suppose. I fear we won’t be rid of him till he’s fucked you.’

Lia felt sickened by the utter disregard and flippancy with which they treated her and her feelings, but dutifully she went to the prince, who drew her onto his lap, her legs astride his thighs.

‘Did Velda teach you how to ride a fellow?’ he asked.

‘Yes, my lord,’ she answered clearly, not wanting to show her loathing for the man.

‘Good, then I’ll fuck you that way,’ he decided. ‘But you’ll have to get me erect first.’

‘W-with my hand, my lord?’ she stammered. ‘Or my mouth?’

‘Your hand will suffice,’ he mused. ‘I haven’t had a good fuck since yesterday, and she gave me little enough pleasure so I’m more than ready. A few quick pulls should do it.’

He was right, and having barely touched his cock Lia found it rigid in her fist as he held her around the waist and settled her onto it. Then as she obediently began to move on his lap he slid his hand down to where his column of flesh penetrated her and began to thumb her clitoris.

‘So tell me, sister,’ he said as Lia rode him, ‘now you’ve had the demonstration do you feel tempted to try it for yourself? Fucking, I mean. With a male, that is.’

‘I can’t,’ Elfrida said petulantly. ‘Mother has threatened me with a convent if I lose my maidenhead. It’s so unfair! You can jump on whomever you like whenever you like, whereas I have to wait till she finds me a suitable husband.’

‘Poor little princess,’ Baran mocked. ‘Don’t you feel sorry for her, Lia, missing out on all of this?’

Lia remained silent, fearing that any answer risked offending one or other of them, but Baran now seemed distracted by her swaying breasts anyway and sucked and chewed her nipples in turn. He was still thumbing her clitoris diligently, and a warm glow began to fill her belly, and though having received no instruction to do so she put her hands on his shoulders to help intensify the movement of her hips and groin. Their eyes met and he gave her a knowing smile.

‘Ah,’ he murmured softly, almost affectionately, ‘it starts, does it?’

‘Yes, my lord,’ she gasped, blushing furiously.

‘In that case, pretty Lia, let’s see if we can’t make you squeal.’

He began to move his hips beneath her and his thumb flicked faster. Lia too picked up the pace, and soon the pair were writhing in a passionate embrace, Prince Baran grunting, Lia sobbing, for the glow inside her permeated her limbs until she thought she must surely die of pleasure.

The climax ripped through her at the same instant he thrust hard up into her, and she did indeed squeal and hug him tight, prince or no. And then she slowly subsided, moving on him still but languorously now as Baran nuzzled his face into her throat, sighing contentedly and lightly kissing just below her ear.

‘Well,’ Elfrida said with mock wistfulness once the pair had become still at last, ‘that’s another heart broken, I expect. How can these poor creatures fail to fall for such a handsome, gallant man?’

‘You’re right,’ he said, ‘they’re always falling in love with me, the silly chits. Three have killed themselves over me; did you know that? I know it’s pathetic, but what can you do?’

He eased Lia to her feet and looked around for Karl and his clothes. It was true, Lia thought; the prince was handsome and a most skilful and accomplished lover, but she knew she could never fall in love with anyone so full of himself despite what Elfrida might think. Vanity and pride are not attractive qualities, even in a prince.

Baran left soon after with his man in tow, and Lia was jerked back to reality by Elfrida’s caustic tongue.

‘Don’t go getting any airs and graces, missy,’ she snapped. ‘You may have been fucked by a prince, but it doesn’t change a thing. You’re a bondmaiden and don’t ever forget it. Now get over here and finish what you started – and you’d better make
squeal if you don’t want a taste of the lash!’

That night, as Lia lay curled up on the floor in the cramped alcove off Elfrida’s bedchamber, she felt more lonely and forsaken than she had in her whole life. She missed Helma dreadfully, who seemed so far away she was more like a dream now than a real flesh-and-blood sister. She missed Durwin too, for she hadn’t seen him since her deflowering, and there had been no time afterwards for even a single word of affection as Velda had sent him straight back to the kitchen. His expression was one of sadness as he left them, and Lia knew he felt guilty about hurting her. It wasn’t his fault, of course, as he’d had no more say in what happened than she had. They were both puppets, dancing to Velda’s tune.

Alone with her sorrow, Lia sought consolation by stroking between her legs, though she feared it must surely be a sin to obtain pleasure in such a way, but to her guilty delight the pleasurable sensations stirred. She stroked faster, teasing her clitoris while inserting first one then two fingers. She closed her eyes and pretended it was Durwin touching her, but Durwin’s face turned into Velda’s, and Velda’s into Prince Baran’s, until she didn’t know who she wanted it to be. And then it didn’t matter, for she was wailing softly and shuddering on the floor as the orgasm swept over her.

As she sank back panting she heard a faint sound, and opened her eyes to find Elfrida standing over her. ‘Enjoy that, did you?’ the princess said tartly. ‘And just who gave you permission to masturbate, may I ask? It certainly wasn’t me, your mistress, was it?’

Having no answer, Lia shook her head fearfully and shamefully. Elfrida grabbed her arm and pulled her to her feet, dragging her trembling bondmaiden through into her own chamber where she told her to wait. Elfrida went out and returned shortly with two men: her brother’s bondman Karl and a guard Lia recognised but whose name she didn’t know.

‘Sit there, you two,’ the princess ordered haughtily, pointing to a couch that stood against one wall. ‘There’s something I want you to see.’

The guard cleared his throat nervously. ‘I shouldn’t be away from my post, my lady, begging your pardon,’ he bumbled. ‘I’ll get in terrible deep trouble if the sergeant catches me here.’

‘You’ll get in worse trouble if you disobey me!’ Elfrida snapped. ‘Sit, I command it!’

The guard sat down hurriedly.

‘That’s better. And you,’ she waved her hand dismissively, ‘Karl, am I to have a problem with you, too?’

‘Not I, my lady,’ he said with a faint smile. ‘I am yours to command, as ever.’

He bowed and sat, and Elfrida then turned to Lia and fixed her with a cold stare. ‘Let these men see you for the whore you are,’ she demanded.

‘M-my lady?’

‘Strip off your nightgown, you fool. Remove it and show yourself to these honest fellows.’

With hands that trembled with shame Lia did so, standing naked and humiliated before them, unsure where to put her hands, knowing she would provoke Elfrida’s fury if she made any futile attempts to cover herself.

‘Show yourself, I said,’ the princess snapped. ‘What, you dare disobey me?’

Lia was close to tears, not understanding what it was her mistress wished her to do. Elfrida pushed her, propelling her towards the men.

‘Show them your tits!’ Elfrida growled, and Lia leaned forward.

‘Now your cunt,’ Elfrida said, and Lia straightened, placing her feet a little further apart, but sensing it might not be enough to satisfy the irate princess she spread her sex lips with her fingers.

‘You men,’ Elfrida said, ‘penetrate her.’

‘My lady?’ the guard said uncertainly.

‘Penetrate her!’ the princess snapped, sticking out her forefinger and jabbing it at each of them in turn. ‘I can’t say it any plainer than that, can I?

The guard reached forward and did just that, tentatively at first, then growing in confidence when the princess gave him a nod of approval. Lia endured the probing in silence, her cheeks aflame. For several minutes the bizarre tableau held, then Elfrida clapped her hands. ‘Karl, your turn now.’

The bondman was more confident right from the outset, using two fingers instead of one and frigging Lia rapidly. He even brought his other hand into play, pinching her clitoris, to Elfrida’s obvious delight.

‘Good,’ she said after a while of ogling the lurid activity. ‘Now I think I’ll let you fuck her. Lia, get down on your hands and knees like the filthy bitch you are. You men, sort out between you who gets her mouth and who gets the other end.’

Lia got down as ordered while the men held a brief, whispered discussion, but very quickly it was Karl who knelt in front of her and the guard who shuffled behind.

‘You… what’s your name?’ Elfrida asked him.

‘Gunther, my lady.’

‘Well, Gunther, I leave it up to you which passage to use. They’ve both been well poked of late, so should be equally receptive. And you, Karl, take no nonsense from her. When you climax she is to drink down every last drop, you understand me?’
‘Perfectly, my lady,’ he grinned. ‘Do you wish us to begin?’

Elfrida nodded smugly as she settled on the couch they’d vacated. ‘I do. Yes, indeed I do.’

And so they did. Karl took his cock from his breeches and Lia, miserably accepting her fate, opened her mouth to receive it. As she did so she felt the guard’s cock clumsily nudge and prod its way into her vagina. He began to move rapidly and Elfrida told him to slow down. ‘This isn’t a race,’ she said petulantly. ‘There’s no prize for squirting first, so take your time and make her suffer her shame.’

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