Body of Evidence (17 page)

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Authors: Lenora Worth

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He came around the table and tugged her up and into his arms. “And let's not forget the best part. I love you. It would be nice if you felt the same.”

She leaned up and kissed him. “I didn't want to love you. I fought against it.”

“I know. You think I'm a thrill seeker like your daddy, right?”

“Aren't you? Didn't you tell me over and over you can't have a real relationship with a woman?”

“Jennifer, going after criminals doesn't give me a
thrill. I hate every minute of the ugliness I have to deal with. But it's worth it to me to do my job. I took an oath to do that and to protect the people of Texas. It's fulfilling and satisfying and yes, it's dangerous, so I can't bluff my way out of that. But, honey, you frighten me a whole lot more than chasing criminals. And in spite of my big talk on staying single, if you don't agree to love me back, I'll be a broken man. Do you want that on your conscience?”

She smiled up at him. “Well, since you put it that way…I guess not.” Then she put her hands on his face and brought his head down. “I love you, too, Ranger-man. I'm pretty sure I'd be a lot more miserable without you than with you. And here's the evidence.”

She proceeded to kiss him, showing him in no uncertain terms that she meant it.

Anderson's heart fussed and fumed and explored with a love so strong that he thought he might dance right out of his boots.

“It's gonna be all right now,” he told her. “You'll be safe. We'll be working with Paige Bryant to identify the body we found. Cade will investigate that. We won't quit until we find out who murdered Gregory Pike. But you and I will have a lot more time together. I can't promise bad things won't happen, but you'll have me around for a long, long time.”

“I'll hold you to that,” she said, kissing him again.

Then Anderson heard a yelp and lifted his mouth from hers. “What was that?”

Jennifer stepped away and turned her head. “Sounded like an animal.”

“Sure did.” He tried to hide his smile.

The yelping started back up. “It's coming from over there.” He pointed toward the stables. “Let's go see.”

Together, they hurried across the pasture.

And then a tiny chocolate-colored puppy came loping out of the tall grass next to the barn, his curious nose wet as he flopped and fell over his big feet.

Jennifer looked at the puppy, then back to Anderson. “Oh, how adorable. Where'd he come from?”

“I have no idea,” Anderson said, trying to stay cool. “We get a lot of strays out here. People come by and drop them off. Looks like we got ourselves another mouth to feed.”

He watched, love coloring his world in vivid shades of gold and amber, as Jennifer fell on the grass and lifted the curious little dog up into her lap. “I think he's a chocolate lab. Isn't he beautiful?”

“Beautiful,” Anderson said, walking toward them, his eyes on her.

Jennifer held the puppy close, letting him nuzzle her face. “Are you gonna keep him, Anderson? Please don't send him to the pound.”

“Wouldn't dream of it,” Anderson said, reaching down to rub the dog's head. “He needs a good home, don't you think?”

Jennifer looked up at him then, her expression changing as realization washed over her. “I've been set up, haven't I?”

“I don't know what you mean.”

She reached out a hand and yanked him down beside her. The puppy took that as a sign to play so he frolicked around in a circle, his chubby legs dancing between Anderson and Jennifer while he yelped in delight.

“Oh, I think you know exactly what I mean. That's twice—no, the third time—today you've sprung something on me. You're very demanding and sneaky, you know.”

“How am I doing so far?”

She leaned close, the little lab trying to push between them. “I think I'm beginning to love surprises and demands and a tad of sneakiness.”

Anderson pulled a hand through her hair. “Then I'd say our life together will be real interesting, darlin'.”

“I can't wait,” she said. Then she dropped her smile. “I miss Roscoe, Anderson. But the puppy is so cute.”

“Maybe you can get to know him and if you like him, the little rascal can be yours. When you're ready.”

“Rascal. That's a good name.”

“For the dog, you mean?”

“For the dog and for a certain Ranger, too, I think.”

Anderson kissed her again. “Good enough.” Better than good. This was near perfect. Rascal yelped in agreement and went back to playing with his new family.

Special thanks and acknowledgment to Lenora Worth for her contribution to the Texas Ranger Justice miniseries.

ISBN: 978-1-4268-8537-2


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