Read Bobby Does Dallas: Hill Country Heart Online

Authors: Sable Hunter

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Fiction

Bobby Does Dallas: Hill Country Heart (26 page)

BOOK: Bobby Does Dallas: Hill Country Heart
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"Bobby!  I can walk.  I'll run a little if I have to. You don't have to carry me.  What will people think?"  Grinning; he showed her what he thought about anyone else's opinion.

He watched where he was going, but he also began to kiss her face.  Over and over again – everywhere he could reach.  How could she have ever doubted him?  

When they got to the players area, Bobby waltzed right in with her and sat her down gently on the couch.  "Don't move.  I'll be back in two shakes of a sheep's tale." 

She could do nothing but smile.  Joyfully, she called the babysitter and told her that she was unavoidably detained and would be there shortly.  She didn't know what Bobby wanted to do, but going to their son would be their ultimate destination.

"Who are you?"  A sharp, harsh voice broke through her contented reverie. 

Cecile looked up to see a stunning woman staring at her as if she were a piece of dog
that she had found on her shoe.  Cecile actually looked around to see if there was anyone else who could possibly have offended this woman so completely.  "Me?"

"Yes, didn't I see you being carried in by Bobby Stewart?  What did you do?  Throw yourself at him?  This is a private area and it's time for you to go."

Cecile tried to find the steel in her spine, but she had msplaced it somewhere along the way.  Her voice didn't come out nearly as strong as she would have liked it to have.  "I'm a friend of Bobby's.  And he asked me to stay and wait on him."

"I don't care if you're Bobby's mother.  I'm Mr. Stewart's agent and he has a date tonight with a Hollywood starlet.  He doesn't have time to waste on you."

Cecile stood up and was just about to state her case, when the woman had the audacity to take her by the arm and begin to lead her out toward the elevator.  Cecile tried to pull away.  "Bobby and I have things to discuss.  If he had a date, he would have told me."

"You can mail him a letter."  The woman was incredibly strong.  And she was pinching the tender flesh on the inside of Cecile's elbow. 

"Listen lady; I'm aware that Bobby has to have an agent, but he and I have a relationship."  At that the woman stopped so suddenly that Cecile almost fell.

"A relationship?"
The agent's expression was actually laughable.  But, Cecile wasn't laughing; in fact she was about to cry.  And what the woman said next was just about the last straw.

"Relationship, my ass.
  You're practically as old as I am.  You are certainly not the type of woman that Bobby needs to be seen with.  As far as I'm concerned, you can consider your relationship over.  I call the shots in Bobby's life now and he doesn't need to be spending time with some over the hill bimbo with stains on her shirt.  Couldn't you have at least dressed properly?"  With that final insult, Ms. Know-It-All pulled her by the arm again and started off.  But, she met a barrier that she wasn't anticipating.

"Andrea?"  Bobby stood there looking more forbidding than Cecile had ever seen him. "Get your bony hands off of Cecile.  She's with me."

Andrea had the good grace to look somewhat ashamed.  "Bobby, you don't have time.  We've got to be at the Ritz in an hour.  And whatever you have to say to this woman can surely wait."

Once more, Andrea began to propel Cecile forward.  Cecil instinctively moved toward Bobby, who caught her to himself then slipped her in back of his intimidating form.  He took a brief second to brush a gentle finger down one cheek.  "It's okay, precious.  I'll handle this."  Turning to Andrea he let her have it.  "Let's get one thing straight – right now – at the onset of our association.  If we can't come to terms on this –
there will be no association
!  This woman belongs to me.  She is more important to me than my position with the Cowboys.  She is the most important thing in my life and I don't want to ever see you treat her with disrespect or say one unkind word to her again – or you are fired. 
Do you understand me?
  If you try to make me choose between football and Cecile – you can see how far you get with a football sticking up your skinny ass. 
Are we clear?

Andrea was a hard-as-nails businesswoman, but even she knew when her britches had been ripped.  "I'm sorry, Bobby. There are so many appearances that you need to
make .
. "

"I don't mind making appearances, Andrea.  But never again will you refer to them as 'dates'.  I don't date other women.  I've in love with this one and there is no room in my life for anyone else – not even for the camera.  Are we clear?"  Andrea stepped back and shut her mouth.

"Crystal.  If you'll call me tomorrow, we'll review your commitments and make appropriate changes." 

Cecile was flabbergasted.  If there had been any doubt in her mind how Bobby felt about her, it was gone.  Uncaring who was watching she launched her whole body at him and he caught her to him and held her tight.  "You do care about me," she whispered in wonder.

"I think I've told you that all along, baby."  Bobby said in a teasing voice.  "Let's get
here.  We've got a lot of lovemaking to do."

He led her by the hand until they got to the parking garage.  Spotting his same pick-up, she instantly felt more at ease.  "There's some things we need to talk about," she spoke hesitantly as he helped her in the truck.  His hands on her body, his nearness – it was all so dearly familiar that she wanted to cry. 

Tucking her into his side, he put one hand between her legs and curved it possessively around her thigh, anchoring her to him in no uncertain terms.  "I know we do.  We're
stop and get a pizza and then I'm taking you home with me. We'll talk all night long if we have to."

"Bobby. The pizza sounds great, but could we go to my house afterwards, instead of yours?" 

He looked at her closely, but did not argue.  "As long as I'm with you, I don't care where we are."  Cecile shuddered with emotion.  Could he have said anything more perfect?  Briefly, she told him where she lived and how to get there.

Calling on his cell, he ordered a large pizza with everything and swung by to pick it up.  Waiting in the drive-through, he pulled her into his lap.  "Do you have any idea how much I've missed you?"  Letting his forehead rest against hers, he caressed each side of her face with his hands.  It was as if he couldn't get enough of touching her.

"Yes, I know.  I've missed you, too.  So muchuot;

"Will you tell me what happened?  What did I do? Why did you leave?" his voice cracked a little under the strain.  "I've got to know, baby.  I don't want to make the same foolish mistake twice."

The pizza came, so she had a moment or two to get her answer ready.  He needed to hear it and she needed to say it.  Clearing the air might be painful, but it was necessary before they could move forward.  He put the fragrant pie in the back, and then settled himself next to her, putting his hand back in the place he had made for himself between her thighs.  Truthfully, Cecile was tingling all over.  She was more than ready to open herself up and feel him take possession of her body as only Bobby could, but they had things to deal with first: namely,
.  She was still on pins and needles about how Bobby would react to their son. 

Refusing to let this perfect moment pass uncelebrated, she laid her head on his shoulder and clasped her own hands around his muscular arm, letting him know that he wasn't alone in the celebration of their reunion.  It also gave her something to hold on to as she laid her doubts and fears at his feet.  "The day of the wedding, you were out in the yard talking to your brothers.  I came out to ask you if you knew where my pink lace panties were.  They would have gone perfectly with the bridesmaid dress."  She paused, but he just squeezed her leg, encouraging her to continue.  "As I was walking up to you – I heard you tell Ethan that I didn't have anything to do with it – whatever it was.  And that you didn't intend to see me anymore after the weekend was over." 

Bobby put on his blinker and pulled off to the side of the road.  He just sat there for a moment and stared off into space and then he turned to her and pulled her into his lap.  It was fast turning into her favorite spot in the whole world.  "Promise me something."  His voice was gruff with emotion.

She didn't even wait to hear what he wanted promised.  "I promise."

Her sweet response earned her a kiss.  "The next time you hear me say something stupid, will you please come to me and give me a chance to explain what I meant?"  He took both of her hands in his and tenderly kissed each finger.  "You heard part of a conversation.  I was talking about Mary Alice
you.  She had just called and asked to see me.  I know something was up, but I had no idea what she was going to say." 

Cecile gripped his hands as if holding on to the only line that had her tethered to earth.  "I'm so sorry."

"Don't be.  Let me finish."  Bobby wiped a stray tear from the corner of her eye.  "When I found you, anything that I had with Mary Alice became an unimportant part of my past; that's what I meant when I said it had nothing to do with you.  And when I said "I don't intend to see her after the weekend wasover, I meant her, not you.  She had just called and demanded to see me and I had agreed to meet her the next day, after you had planned to leave."

Cecile sank against him, throwing her arms around his neck.  "I'm so sorry.  We've lost so much time; so many things have happened.  I acted so stupidly.  If my self-confidence had been greater, I wouldn't have been so quick to believe the worst."  She caressed his dear face, loving the feel of the rasp of his beard under her fingers.  "Carl came to see me a few months ago.  He asked me to come back to him."  At Bobby's harsh intake of breath, she instantly consoled him.  "
… I would never choose him over you. But he did explain something to me.  He was sick and on medicine all of these years.  His cholesterol and prostate were off kilter and the medication that he took for it rendered him impotent.  Instead of being honest with me about it, he led me to believe that it was my fault." 

"I knew it would be something stupid like that," Bobby interjected.  "I knew there was no way in hell that the problem was yours."  They shared a soul-deep, tongue-tangling kiss that had them both panting with desire.  "Let's go home."

"There's more for you to understand, Bobby." She tried to prepare him.  "When we get to my house…there's someone I want you to meet."

Bobby wasn't in the mood to 'meet' anybody.  But he was so happy to have his
back that if she asked him to stop and have tea with the pope, he guessed that he would try.  The only problem was his dick was so swollen and eager, that ever breath he took dug his zipper down into the engorged shaft.  Pulling into her driveway, he noticed that there was a car already there.  "I'm not about to meet Carl, am I?"  Bobby had a lot of self-control, but none so far as that idiot was concerned.

Cecile actually laughed.  She was as nervous as hell, but right now?  She felt that she could conquer anything.  Bobby was going to fall in love with his son at first sight, just as she had.  There was no doubt in her mind. "No, you're not meeting Carl.  I think you're going to like this
pretty well.  I do."

Bobby was thoroughly confused.  There was a man in Cecile's house that she wanted him to meet?  Hell, he wanted to take her to bed and push his cock so deep in her pussy that she
fainted  with
rapture; that's what he wanted to do. 
  "Baby, I don't know what's going on, but I trust you."

heart clutched.  How sweet.  Taking her key out of her purse she led him up on the porch of her small bungalow house.  It was painted white and trimmed with light yellow.  Big pots of mums sat everywhere proclaiming the glory of the
.  She tried the lock and fumbled and had to try again.  “Give it here, doll.  It’s time I started taking care of you.”  He held the door open for her and then nipped her on the neck as she passd by.  “Now where’s this
I’m supposed to meet?”

Bobby let his eyes take in
home.  It looked just like her,
surprisingly, him.  There were touches that he would have chosen if he had been decorating – he liked it – he felt right at home.  Furniture that was big and comfortable invited him to sit down and put his feet up.  It was as if she had created a home with him in mind.  He prayed that he was right.  She walked through the house and headed for the bedrooms, he supposed. 

“Teresa!  We’re home.”  In a few moments a kind-faced woman emerged.  Bobby didn’t know what to think.

“Hello, Ms. Fairchild.”   

“Teresa, this is Bobby Stewart.  Bobby this is Teresa Sanchez.  She helps me out.”

BOOK: Bobby Does Dallas: Hill Country Heart
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