Read Blue Twilight Online

Authors: Sarah King

Blue Twilight (16 page)

BOOK: Blue Twilight
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Angel, you’re too good to be true

My heart must be telling lies

For I see Heaven when I look at you

And I see the blue twilight in your eyes


You never see it coming

Until it’s far too late

What the future will bring

Is left up to fate


Angel, you’re too good to be true

My heart must be telling lies

For I see Heaven when I look at you

And I see the love reflected in your eyes




As the last note faded, the place erupted into applause. Jake smiled before catching the gaze of the only person whose opinion mattered. He saw the tears streaming down Lisa’s cheeks and wanted nothing more than to wipe them away.

Taking the microphone once more, he addressed the crowd. “That song was co-written by the amazingly talented Lisa James. Lisa, I hope I did your song justice.” He saw Lisa’s nod of approval and quickly glanced at Debra. Debra’s eyes shone in the darkness as she gave him a thumbs-up to continue. “I’d like to play another song for y’all tonight. I wrote this next song in a few hours.” Adjusting his guitar, he said, “See, I never thought I’d get a second chance. I’d loved and been hurt. I didn’t think I’d ever be able to open my heart to anyone again.” He paused as an over-ambitious fan shouted, “I’ll love you, Ryder!” Jake chuckled. “Well, thank you, darling, but I’m afraid my heart’s spoken for. There’s only one woman I want to spend the rest of my life with…if she’ll have me.” Jake’s gaze locked onto Lisa’s. “Angel, this one’s for you, and it’s called


With a temper as hot as a Tennessee summer

She blew into my life with a force that overtook me

With eyes as blue as the deepest sea, I felt myself go under

And drowning was the sweetest agony


Even when the storm rages

Even when I feel I may be lost

I hold on for dear life

Because I know my lifeline will be tossed


And when the winds swept in and carried her away

I had to let her go

My troubled current was too rough for her to stay

But the tide will come in, I know


Even when the storm rages

Even when I feel she may be lost

I hold on for dear life

Because I know my lifeline will be tossed


Yes, even when the storm rages

Even when I feel I may be lost

I hold on for dear life

Because I know my lifeline will be tossed


Looking out to the horizon

The moon will rise, bright and full

And I will wait for her to come back again

Because the tide, like my love for her, is unconditional




A small crowd had gathered around Lisa, shouting questions at her. She ignored it all as Jake sang to her. When he finished, he jumped off the stage and started in her direction. He brushed aside anyone who stood in his way. Finally reaching her, she felt her heart stutter. They might as well be the only two people in the room.

“You listened to me,” Lisa finally said. “At my mom’s reception…”

“Of course,” he interrupted. “I always listen to you…I always will.”

“You gave up everything…” Lisa began as more tears threatened.

“Nothing that truly mattered,” he insisted as he took her hand.

Lisa took a stuttering breath. “Jake, I just…”

He held up a hand to stop her. “However much time you need, take it. Wherever you have to go, whatever you need to do. I’ll always be here waiting for you…for both of you. I’m not giving up on us.”

Lisa stared at this man who had turned her entire life upside down. She thought of the pain he’d caused her, the love he’d shown her, the miracle he’d given her, and now, the ultimate sacrifice he’d made just to be with her.

“You hurt me,” she said on a shaky breath. “More than anyone ever could.”

Releasing her hand, he started to turn away. “I understand.”

Lisa blew the hair out of her face. “Where are you going?”

With a frown, he stumbled over his words. “I just…I thought…”

Lisa stuck her hands on her hips. “Are you always so stubborn?” She fought to keep the smile off her face. Deep down, she supposed she’d always known she’d forgive him. But that didn’t mean she couldn’t make him suffer a bit first.

Jake grinned. “I learned it all from you, angel.” Turning serious once more, he pulled her close. “I’ll never hurt you again.”

Lisa stared up into the eyes of her future. “No,” she agreed. “You won’t.” Pulling his lips to hers, she registered the noise that broke out around them. “I think you better get back up there and sing for these people,” she murmured against his mouth.

“The only person I care about singing for is you,” Jake said. But he kissed her once more before turning to jump back onstage.

Grabbing his arm, she pulled him back quickly. “I just have to ask…one more time. Why me?”

Jake grabbed her left hand and slid her engagement ring back into place. “I already told you, angel. There is
only you
.” And with a wink, he got back onstage and rocked her world.





Lisa’s eyes slowly opened as she registered the screeching noise that had woke her. She smiled as she recognized her son’s cries. Sliding out of bed, she padded down the hall to his nursery. She stood silent in the doorway as she watched Jake gently lift their son out of his crib.

“What’s the matter, big man? You hungry?” Jake rocked Mason as he continued to talk to him. “You don’t want to wake your momma up. She needs her beauty sleep. But just between you and me, I don’t think she needs it. She’s already beautiful.” Glancing up, he caught Lisa’s gaze with a wink.

“Sweet talker,” Lisa said as she moved into the room. She grabbed one of Mason’s tiny fingers. The baby immediately started to fuss louder. “Here, let me,” she said reaching for the infant.

“I got him,” Jake insisted. He began quietly singing to his son. Mason immediately stopped crying and simply stared up at Jake. Lisa’s heart still skipped a beat whenever she heard her husband sing, and it would appear her son was just as enamored.

Sighing, she watched her men sway around the room. She caught sight of Jake’s latest platinum record lining Mason’s nursery wall and smiled to herself.
, she thought,
just didn’t get any better than this



About the Author


Sarah is wife to her high school sweetheart and currently works part-time outside of the home and full-time inside the house as mom to two adorable minions…who may or may not be making her hair turn prematurely gray.  When not typing out another idea that has popped into her head, she can be found reading, knitting, or listening to her ever-expanding music collection.

BOOK: Blue Twilight
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