Read Blue Persuasion Online

Authors: Blakely Bennett

Tags: #Romance, #Erotica

Blue Persuasion (3 page)

BOOK: Blue Persuasion
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“Not sure I agree with her. You like pain,” he said with a wide grin. “That, and Cat’s a light touch with the tattoo machine.” He scanned my body as if to find the perfect spot. “I’m sure you could handle a tattoo on your foot … man, you were so fucking hot tonight. I’m getting hard again just thinking about it.” He chuckled and looked back at the design. “Yeah, I think this design should be larger.”

“Is Cat the one who fixed your previous tattoo?”

“Yep, and she also did Red’s tat.”

I reached across him and touched his right deltoid, tracing the Celtic knot surrounded by the flames of the sun. The whole group now knew the significance of that tattoo. He had lost his fiancée in a car crash many years ago.

“Are you nervous about tomorrow?” Bond asked.

“Cat’s an amazing artist, so no. If it were anyone else, I probably wouldn’t do it in the first place.”

“Gotcha.” He leaned across me and turned off the lamp.

I lay the art rendering of the tattoo on my bag and cuddled up close to Bond. Taking in a deep breath and letting it out slowly, I sank into the bed and his arms, smiling and thinking that tomorrow should be an interesting day.


Down the Line

by Jose Gonzalez

n the morning, I did my best to be quiet so Bond could continue to sleep. After getting dressed, I gathered my belongings from the side of the bed and tiptoed toward the bedroom door.

“Make sure to switch out the toothbrushes in the bathroom before you go and come say goodbye,” Bond rumbled in his rough morning voice.

His comment twisted in my gut, but I did as he asked. Jacqs had spent the night, not long ago, and found my toothbrush in place of her own. She didn’t know it was mine, but it caused friction in their relationship. They seemed to move past it quickly. Even though I totally accepted the need to do so, being second place, as much as I understood and expected it, still hurt.

Climbing into the bed, I forced my feelings of inadequacy aside and snuggled up next to Bond, breathing in his masculine scent of sandalwood and warm, musky skin.

He kissed my head and held me close. “Don’t be mad at me, Blue. I just want to avoid the drama and all the questions.”

“I know. I get it.” I did understand. It just made the distance between me and my one and only crystal clear, and I didn’t care for the reminder. I sighed heavily. “Get some rest and call me when you’re free, or I’ll see you on Wednesday at Red’s.”

“I’ll find time before then. I can’t wait to see how your tat comes out and have your body under my control again. My palm is already twitching.” He smacked my ass through my jeans, and I squirmed against his growing erection.

“Sorry, dude, I don’t have the time.” I laughed and pushed away from his chest. “I’ll text you later.”


Babes in Tattooland
stood out against the shop fronts around it. The lighted marquee done in fancy tattoo writing had two large red roses on either side of the “in” on the sign and an artistic swirl across the bottom of the lettering. The flamboyant sign hinted at what the customers might find inside the establishment.

The red and black checkerboard tile, red walls covered with tattoo pictures, black furniture and fixtures, along with the hard music, defined the ambience.
Killin’ It
by Krewella blared through the shop speakers, and the waft of antiseptic filled my nose.

“Blue!” Cat shouted and waved once I entered.

I walked past two black couches and a counter full of piercing options to Cat’s station toward the front of the open-floor area. The fact that the establishment was mostly empty left me more at ease.

Catherine, Cat to our group, had been involved with Kevin, Kev, since I knew them. They had an interesting dance I had yet to figure out. It seemed like many in our gang were pairing off, which left me feeling even more alone.

Shaking away the feeling, I handed Cat the stencil she had previously created and we hugged each other.

Her striking appearance fit with the tattoo shop. She wore tight red jeans and a black cut-and-tied T-shirt she had altered herself. The butterfly ribbing on the back showed the straps of her red bra. Her blue-black long, angled bob reflected the light and just like her name, she applied her smoky eye makeup so it came to a cat-like point.

“Where is everyone?” I asked.

“It’s still early. The place will start filling up in another hour or so. Saturdays are busy for us, and I’m booked for the rest of the day.”

Looking around, I said, “Kind of odd that the decor is so masculine for a place where there are only female tattoo artists.”

“Most of our customers are men so I guess that was the owner’s thinking.”

“Makes sense. So should we get started?” I asked, my voice wavering.

“It’s normal to be nervous your first time. Take off your shirt and lie face down. I’m going to enlarge the stencil, and I’ll be right back.”

I yanked off my top and lay down, struggling to find a comfortable position for my ample boobs. Finally settled, I rested my cheek on my folded arms.

When Cat came back, she said, “You wore a sports bra? Smart thinking. I’m pulling down the right strap and will cleanse the area.”

After she applied the stencil, she held up a mirror so I could see the placement over my shoulder.

“Looks good to me.” My voice wavered.


The next sound I heard was a sharp buzzing as she began to tattoo. The pain immediately fired off my endorphins and after breathing through the first several pokes, I adjusted. Zoned out, I didn’t stir until I felt a wind-like sensation sending ripples and chills across my skin.
It’s not windy out
, I thought. I gently turned my head and watched the door close behind a broad, towering man with long, rich brown, shoulder-length hair.

The eminent Native American pierced me with dark mahogany eyes and paused.

My nipples pinched tightly in response to his gaze.
Not for us girls
, I said silently to my breasts. I turned away from the door.

The magnetic pull drew closer, and my body tensed in response. His scent—completely male—overpowered my senses. The mix of the ocean, light soap, and pheromones made my head spin.

“Are you hanging in there, Blue?” Cat whispered into my ear.

I tilted my head up. “Yeah, I’m fine.”

“You’re shaking.”

“I am? Ummm ... okay. I’ll be still.”

“Very nice work,” a deep, bass voice rumbled above me.

“Hey Tate,” Cat said. “I’ll just be another fifteen minutes or so.”

“I’m good on time. Great design. It’s interesting that you coupled cherry blossoms within a dragonfly. Do you mind if I sit here?” Tate asked, pointing to the chair situated above the head of the table.

Yes, I mind!
I screamed inside my head. Apparently, they didn’t hear me.

“No,” Cat replied. “Blue, this is Tate, Tate, Blue.”

“Nice to meet you,” he said. Although he gave the correct greeting, his creased forehead and turned-down lips said anything but.

I nodded my head in response, scared to speak aloud. The shaking Cat mentioned had morphed into agitation.
Warning, warning, warning
, my mind shouted. The rest of me felt a very different message. My body’s ambiguity roused me, and I had to get up.

“Do you know the symbolism?” Tate asked. The timbre of his voice sounded almost angry.

“Sorry, I need to ... go ... use the restroom,” I forced out, pushing to a sitting position. I kept my eyes downcast and stood. “I’ll be right back.” I shuffled off to the bathroom.

After using the toilet and calming my racing heart, I walked back to the table with my arms crossed over my chest in an effort to hide my boobs.

“What do you think?” Cat asked expectantly.

In my vexed state, I hadn’t checked out the tattoo. “I decided to wait until you’re done.”

“Cool. Tate says that the cherry blossoms symbolize beauty and the fragility of life, and the dragonfly totem carries the wisdom of transformation and adaptability.”

“Huh, I didn’t realize,” I said, taking a chance to look directly at him as I perched on the edge of the table.

Close up, I noticed he wore baggy jeans and a fitted T. He had a light five o’clock shadow and high cheekbones. The sharp edges of his face strongly contrasted his soft, full lips. His stern expression rattled me.

“Maybe unconsciously, you did,” he said, penetrating me with his stare.

“I...” I couldn’t think of a response, so I blurted out, “Are you Native American?”

He tilted his head as if to say, “What do you think?”

Entangled in his gaze, he seemed to see straight through me. I turned around to see if anyone stood behind me.

“No, you,” he said.

“No,” I responded.

“Right. I’ll be in the reception area,” he said to Cat as he continued to stare at me. His gravelly voice seemed lower than before. He took a deep breath and stood. “Nice to meet you.” Again, the words were polite, but the tone and stern expression were anything but.

“Yeah,” I said, averting my eyes and lying back down.

After he walked away, Cat scolded, “Why are you such a weirdo with men? He was totally attracted to you.”

“He’s not my type. He’s huge, stoic, and all-confident, and those men are the worst trouble.”

“You’re wrong about this one, Blue. I’ve been working on him for years. He’s one of the good guys.”

“Really? He seems full of issues to me. Does he ever smile?” I lowered my head and found a comfortable position.

Cat rested her hand on my back and said, “I’m sure he smiles.”

“Okay, I believe you. He’s just not my type.”

“But I don’t believe
. Ready?”

“Whatever. I’m ready. Let’s talk about something else.”

“Okay. Have you heard from your mother lately?” she asked as she resumed tattooing.

“Unfortunately. She wants me to come over on Sunday to meet her latest conquest.”

“Will you?”

“Probably. I haven’t seen her in a while, and at least I’ll get that out of the way. I mean, I love her, but I’m dreading it. Not so much seeing her but meeting her latest beau. She has the worst possible taste in men. The minute she leaves the room, they’re all over me. I’ve stopped telling her about it, because she just thinks I’m jealous. Telling her what I really felt, which was disgusted, didn’t help. Plus, they never seem to hang around for long. Maybe she’s finally found a decent man. I doubt it, but I can hope. How’s yours?”

Cat shifted the tattoo machine. “Pretty much the same, but I’m a bit worried. She hasn’t been as mean lately as she usually is.”

“And that’s a bad thing?”

“Well, it’s certainly not normal for her. I asked if she was feeling okay, and she just brushed me off.”

“Do you think we’re all such good friends because we have horrible mothers?”

Cat stopped tattooing when she erupted in laughter. Good thing, because I cracked up as well.

“Jacqs’s mom is great and so is Kev’s, so I think that theory is shot.”

I chuckled once more and said, “Right. I love Jacqs’s mother. I’ve never met Kev’s, though.”

“That’s because she lives in Connecticut with his dad, who’s also great.”

“Ahhh. That makes a lot of sense to me. Kev is great and very loving. You’re very lucky, Cat.”

“Yeah, yeah, that’s what everyone tells me.”

I shook my head at her and rested my cheek back on my arms.

Once Cat completed the final touches, she cleansed the tattoo. She led me to a large mirror and had me turn my back to it, handing me a smaller one to look into. “What do you think?”

“Holy moly! That’s ... that’s way more than I thought it would be. I don’t mean in size, but wow! How did you get so much dimension in it? Oh, and I love the iridescent blue. It looks 3D. How did you do that?”

“She’s the best,” Tate commented, startling me. “I won’t let anyone else work on me.” He had invaded our space yet again.

“I’m going to apply ointment and cover it,” Cat said as I handed her back the small mirror. “You need to wash it with antibacterial soap, which I will give to you, and use A+D Ointment twice a day for three days. Then I recommend coconut oil, but whatever kind of lotion you have will work. Once you get home, take off the bandage. Try to keep it uncovered as much as possible.”

“I have to work tonight,” I said, leaving my sports bra strap down and pulling my T-shirt over my head.

“Either go without a bra on—”

“That’s not possible,” I interjected.

“Then use a strapless one.”

“I’ll figure something out. You’re incredible, Cat.” I hugged her tightly. “I just love it.”

She smiled to me and then said, “Tate, I’ll go check her out and be right back. I’d like to see how your back healed first before we continue onto your thigh.”

He peeled off his shirt and watched me over his shoulder. He seemed to want me to see, and I don’t think he was showing off Cat’s work either.

I think he wanted me to see him. “Holy Toledo!” I exclaimed.

A flying golden eagle, on the diagonal, spread from his right shoulder down across his coppery, wide back to his left hip where his jeans cut off the rest of the design. I could imagine that the bird’s left wing crossed the top of his butt cheek and covered the side of his left thigh. It was an amazing work of art.

Another tattoo covered his left deltoid. Cat had tattooed it in such a way that it looked like a colored drawing. The bust of a Native American woman with a feather headdress and long braids abutted a Viking facing in the other direction with a metal helmet, face guard, and a long, full beard.

I forced myself to walk away and dragged Cat with me. “Damn, Cat. I had no idea how talented you are. That’s some amazing art.”

“It’s what I love.”

“Thank you is the appropriate response. I thought I was the one who had issues with compliments.”

“I’ve never gotten used to receiving them. A foreign concept in my house growing up.”

BOOK: Blue Persuasion
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