Bloodstorm (Heart of a Vampire) (5 page)

BOOK: Bloodstorm (Heart of a Vampire)
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He called his magic and shot it at the vampire. The guy dodged. Shane drew on more power, but the vampire was almost on him.

The guy flew to the side, crashing into the wooden fence where the bodies had hung.

Shane stared at the sight, unable to comprehend what was in front of him. Niki stood over the second vampire, her face flushed, fangs fully extended.

Her eyes were no longer green, but blood red. She turned away, her silky black hair drawing a curtain in front of her.

What are you doing back here?” he mumbled.

Something seemed... off. Besides, I felt your power from halfway across town.”

He blinked. “Why’d you come back?”

She shrugged. “I guess not all vampires are only interested in killing.”

He flushed as she threw his words at him again. He’d forever regret saying something so stupid. “Look--”

I’ll be by the sheriff’s station later to talk to these two. Will you let me in?”

Sure,” he answered, knowing she’d probably just saved him from a lot of pain.

Good.” Niki turned and disappeared back into the darkness.

Shane stared after her, wondering if this had been a trap, if he’d been bait. Turning to the vampires struggling on the ground, he got down to business and called his deputy back out.

He’d interview these two before she showed up, and they better hope they could tell him something. Yet, his thoughts lingered on Niki. She’d come back to help. That touched him in different, deeper places than she had before.







Chapter Four



he vampires claimed to know nothing, and in fact, assured him they’d done nothing wrong.

We was just looking for--”

A friend,” the smaller guy, Baal--real name simply Frank Smith--interjected.

His buddy, Twink AKA Hank, blinked his owlishly large eyes while his head bounced up and down. “Yeah. Yeah. A friend.”

And who’s your friend?” Shane tapped his pen against the blank notebook.

Well...” Frank leaned his elbows on the table. “See, we was supposed to meet her at the bar. But then we got into that little argument you saw. We didn’t know you, so we ran. Later, we tracked her down in the alley. How’s we supposed to know you were a cop?”

Shane glanced down at his khaki shirt, clearly emblazoned with the symbols of the job on the front pocket and both sleeves.

Hank stared at his friend as if he was hearing it all for the first time. But when he caught Shane watching, the tall, thin man nodded vigorously.

And your friend’s name?” Shane’s suspicions were growing, he couldn’t stop them. Had Niki set him up?

The two vampires glanced at each other. “Um...”

Relief swamped Shane. “If she’s your friend, how come you don’t know her name?”

Frank’s eyes widened and tried to stand, but the chains jerked him back into the metal chair. “Look, you can’t arrest us for just walking along.”

Shane leaned back, crossing his arms over his chest. “I didn’t.” He smiled. “I arrested you for attacking a Keeper.”

Both men paled further. Hank stuttered, “We... we...”

Attacked me.”

Well, we didn’t know you were a Keeper,” Frank protested, eyes flickering as if he might find help somewhere in the room.

Doesn’t matter. You saw I was a cop, and no more crap about you couldn’t see my shirt. Your vision is just as good in the dark as in the light.”

Frank shrugged. “Don’t mean nothing to us. We’re not bound by mortal laws.”

Shane grinned. Exactly what he wanted to hear. “Interesting. You’re the type of monsters I get to track down and send to the Council.”

Hank’s hands shook, rattling the chains. If he turned any whiter, the tall man would pass out. Frank just tapped his fingers on the metal table as if he didn’t care, but fear shone from his reddened eyes.

A knock came at the door and Shane stepped out of the tiny interview room. His deputy, Chase, stood there, hands tight on his belt.

What?” Shane demanded.

MacDougal found out you have two vampires in custody. He’s demanding they be turned over to him.”

Shane strode down the hall and into his office. Jordan MacDougal sat casually in one of the visitor’s chairs, his custom suit perfectly pressed, expensive leather shoes shining. Considering Jordan was asking for Shane’s prisoners meant this probably wasn’t a social call.

What are you doing here?” Shane demanded of the Master vampire.

My duty. I heard about the dead wolf, and the two Rogues you arrested. It’s my territory. I’m taking them in to be tried.”

Shane leaned against the side of his desk. “You can’t have them. I already called into the Council--”

Yes. I know.” Jordan rose with a lazy grace. He smiled, flashing his fangs. “The Council turned those two over to me.”

Damn it, Jordan. What do you think you’re doing?” Shane brushed his hands through his hair as he turned and moved to his seat. “These are my... whatever you want to call them. They know something about the murders tonight. I need whatever information they have.”

MacDougal’s eyes softened, the red receding to thin bands and allowing the normal deep blue to show. “I am sorry for, as you probably see it, butting in. But something is in the air. Something strange that whispers to me in a language I cannot understand.” He leaned over the desk. “Let’s face it. I will be able to get the information from them you need. You won’t.”

As much as Shane wanted to argue with that statement, he couldn’t. “Only because you’ll torture them.”

Jordan shrugged. “If you wish to call it that.”

Shane grumbled, “You know damn well that’s what it’s called.”

That’s neither here nor there. I have my ways. And in the eyes of the Council, they’re perfectly acceptable. Leave it at that.”

Blood-sucking barbarian,” Shane muttered.

Jordan laughed. “It’s good to see you too, old friend.”

The man walked out, heading in the direction of the holding cells. Shane didn’t bother to get up. Jordan would retrieve the vampires and be gone before any of the deputies could work up the courage to interfere with the territory’s Master vampire.

Shane sat at his desk the next two hours, filling out double sets of paperwork--one for the state which refused to officially admit they believed in the paranormal, the other for the Council, who made the laws for magical beings.

It was tedious, but his job.

He was just finishing up when a soft knock came at his open doorway. Shane glanced up, took a deep breath and laid his pen down. “Come in.”

Niki strode inside, glancing around the sparsely decorated room. “Nice place.”

Serves its purpose.” His gut churned. Might as well get it over with. “They’re not here.”

Her eyes widened. “Where are they?”

He leaned back and pointed to one of his visitor’s chairs. Niki sniffed, turning her back, but not before he caught sight of her fists clenched at her sides.

I had a visit from Jordan MacDougal, the local Master.”

Her back stiffened and she shot him a red-rimmed glance. “He took the two vampires?”


And you let him?”

Anger flared. “It wasn’t my choice. When the Council tells me to release one Arcaine to another, that’s what I do.”

Her eyes were wary. “I’m sure.”

Will you sit down already?”


Fine.” He sighed. “Look, I’m not going to apologize. I don’t even know why you wanted to talk to them.” He watched her closely. “They claimed to be friends of yours.”

Her lips curled. “Not of mine.”

Why don’t you tell me what your business is here? I can help.”

She wavered, he could tell. But then her walls slammed back between them. “I need to go.”

Niki swept out of his office with unnatural speed. He jumped to his feet and raced after her, catching up just outside the station. “When you’re ready to tell me, you know where I’ll be.”

She walked away.

Shane stood still for a long moment, biting back the urge to chase after her. Then he wondered why he hadn’t told the Council, or Jordan, about her. And why she hadn’t asked if he had.




Niki studied the comings and goings of the local hospital. Glaring lights lit the white building against the night. It stretched out long and narrow, three stories tall. There wasn’t much activity, not in such a small town.

If one wanted to find vampires, this was the place. The only hospital in Moss Creek meant the only blood bank.

The key was avoiding anyone from the local clan and instead, coming across someone who acted like he didn’t fit in. Finding Thomas would be better, but power-hungry Masters like him never ran their own errands. Their time was too important.

Which was why she was shocked when a man strode out of the hospital doors, power crackling around him like whips slicing through the air.

Not Thomas, but definitely a Master.

He was tall, well built beneath a dark, pin-striped suit. Blonde hair, cut semi-short, framed a strong, almost regal, face. And his blue eyes blazed as he sensed her.

His power struck out, hitting Niki even at the distance she’d kept from the building. Heat rubbed along her skin, a caress of prickling pain. She’d never met anyone so powerful before.

Another guy came out and ran into the Master, almost tumbling to the ground. “Hey,” the man complained.

Here. Why did he have to be here of all places?

Get the car, Max,” the Master replied. His gaze pinned Niki in the shadows.

She was screwed.

Max hurried away, lugging a large satchel. The Master didn’t seem to move, but suddenly he was only inches away.

Hello.” His voice was soft and seductive as he looked her over appreciatively.

No, thanks,” she responded to his blatant invitation.

Really?” One dark blond eyebrow rose and his lips twitched as he tried to contain a grin. “I don’t recall asking you anything. Yet.” The Scottish burr in his voice captured her attention.

She struggled to meet his gaze as his power pushed past her barriers and swept inside. Sure, she should look away, maybe even curtsy in his damn presence, but she didn’t play their politics.

He held out a large, smooth hand. “Shall we do this here, or at my place?”

Niki struggled against the magic trying to control her. “I’m not going anywhere with you. I’m not your clan, so don’t try ordering me around.”

His hand fell to his side and the grin disappeared, replaced with a hardness that seemed more natural than his flirting. “Yet, you do seem to be in my territory. Uninvited.”

Don’t worry. I won’t be here long.” His power became rougher, more insistent she do as he commanded.

Stubborn, huh? The hard way then.” He waved his hand and the air behind her stirred.

Niki turned to face the threat, when he whispered a soft, “Sorry.”

Something crashed against the back of her head. Her vision grew dark and she couldn’t defend herself as his power surged.




Niki woke with a start. She kept still, sensing her surroundings. The tight bindings on her arms and legs pinned her to a cold, metal chair. Nearby people talked, voices muffled through thick walls. The air smelled damp, and of old dust.

Ah, the stubborn one is awake.” The Master’s voice echoed in the room.

She opened her eyes and looked around the cavernous hall. Stone walls caused sound to distort and echo. On either side of her, rows of wooden benches spread out. She faced a raised dais, holding only an opulent, red-velvet draped throne.

The Master stepped from the shadows and slowly made his way to the throne. Behind him, two hulking men followed. Stripped to the waist other than leather straps crossing their chests, the men wore tawny pants of some sort of animal hide. Long, golden-white hair flowed freely down to both men’s waists. The twin giants took their places on either side of the throne and glared at her.

The Master settled in the throne, staring as if waiting for her to say something. She swallowed, hiding the trembling in her hands by virtue of being so tightly trussed up. He wasn’t just a Master, but the territorial King. No wonder he had so much power. Still, she shouldn’t have allowed herself to be captured so easily.

And now she was on trial. Her heart pounded loud enough she was certain everyone for miles could hear it’s galloping pace.

By law, this vampire could order her executed. She could be dead by morning, her family left unavenged and in limbo, never knowing the peace they should have.

Niki bit her tongue, fangs sinking into the tender flesh. The pain and blood cleared her head. She pushed the frightened, tiny voice down into a dark well, and slammed a lid on it. She would not leave this world without vengeance.

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