Blood Witch (10 page)

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Authors: Ellie Potts

Tags: #Fantasy, #Paranormal

BOOK: Blood Witch
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“And I am not good enough?” he asked cocking his head.

“No, we need to know if someone saw you two here say around sundown.”

He nodded. “My second can vouch for us. He walked in,” he paused trying to find the
right word. “On us-um... making out.”

Collin coughed, suppressing a laugh. Patrick shot him a shut-up look just as Collin’s
phone went off. He walked away but not far so they all could slightly overhear the

“I guess this has something to do with the drugs you guys found last night?”

“We can’t tell you that,” Cathy said.

“How did you know?” Patrick said.

She shrugged. “I still have friends there too.”

Collin came over and motioned for Patrick to follow him. They watched them walk outside.
There was angry whispering.

“I think I know what that is about,” Leslie said. “Stupid banshees.” Cathy frowned
at her. They walked back in both angry and looking at her.

“When were you going to tell us?” Collin finally asked.

“When were you going to tell me that Mark put you back on the case?”

“We were told not to,” Patrick said.

“And when do we ever follow the rules?” she asked and got up and dragged the guys
both outside. “Sorry, but I didn’t want this to happen in front of Cathy. I was going
to tell you when you guys got home or tomorrow. It kind of depended on things.”

“What things?” Patrick said.

“Things you don’t want to know about,” Collin said quickly.

Leslie nodded sitting on the porch. “For the first time since I got all tangled in
this mess I felt like my own person. Even with the wolves I just never was. It’s hard
to explain. But the past couple days I felt alive, free and mostly normal. I miss
that, being me.”

“And what are you going to do?” Collin asked.

“Just call Mark and tell him you changed your mind,” Patrick said. “We are a team.”

“We still are. I just have other plans.”

“Like what?”

“I was thinking of a security business.”

Cathy walked out of the house stopping to say bye to Nathan. Leslie watched the exchange
and rolled her eyes as the Supervisor rambled on about how nice Nathan’s house looked.
She walked down the steps and stopped before her.

“We have to go, but you will have to come in and give us a full statement.”

“I am rather busy so call me so I can check my calendar,” she replied tartly.

“Come on guys, we got a call,” Cathy said turning and making her way to the black
SUV. They gave Leslie one last look of concern before following after her.

Nathan walked down the steps sitting beside her as they both watched the car leave.
“So I take it, it went well?”

She shrugged. “As well as it could have.”

He stood back up and took her hand. “Come inside with me.” She let him lead her inside
the house. Once the door was closed he pulled her close, and kissed her deeply. She
broke the kiss and went to the window, looking out into the darkness.

Nathan wrapped his big arms around her pressing his body against her back. “What time
is your meeting tonight with Cathy?” she asked as his hands slid into her shirt slowly
kneading her skin.

“There will be no meeting,” he whispered nuzzling her ear.

“Oh?” His hands moved to cup her breasts. “Oh,” she let out a shaking breath.

“Remember, tomorrow night is the were-party.” His hands moved her around and next
thing she knew she had no bra on and her shirt had disappeared, he spun her like a
professional dancer.

“I forgot all about it.” He kissed her neck.

“You have to come,” he murmured between little kisses.

“I know, but I am no longer a Supervisor.”

“No, you have to come because you are half us. All weres must come.” He picked her
up into his strong arms, surprising her, making her yelp. “Plus I would love to have
you there.” He walked them to the bedroom. He flung her on the bed, making her yelp
again, mysteriously missing the rest of her clothes. She propped herself up on her
elbows. With an evil smile Nathan slowly stripped out of his clothes. Her heart sped
up. He looked down at her and his nose flared.

“I smell you and you smell good,” he growled and crawled onto the bed, stopping over

“I will go,” she whispered. He kissed her hard, her mouth opening to his their tongues
mingling. She opened her eyes as his fingers trailed down her body. “Your bear eyes
are showing.”

He chuckled that dark manly chuckle which promised something dark and dirty. His hand
cupped her sex, and he inserted a finger. “Mmm, wet,” he whispered. He inserted two
fingers and moved his fingers slowly. Her back arched and her eyes closed. The pleasure
built up, and her body started to tremble. She opened her eyes, looking at him and
the world in gold.

bear eyes are showing,” he chuckled.

“Kiss me,” she whispered, and he did just that. As their tongues mingled he pushed
himself into her, making her cry out in his mouth.

Chapter Thirteen

“What do think is planned for tonight?” Collin asked. He stood in the living room
watching the other two get ready.

“I don’t know; I didn’t go to the last one. Supervisors weren’t allowed,” Leslie said,
finishing tying her shoe.

“I just think they should have kept it that way,” Patrick murmured with a big frown
on his face.

Collin hit him on the back. “Nervous?”

He nodded, “just a bit.”

“And why would a big bear like you be nervous?”

He looked at Leslie. “My brother knows my secret and is dating my roommate.”

She held out her hands. “It isn’t like it’s all my fault.”

Collin nodded. “That’s what happens, I guess, when you're a sexy bear blood witch.”
The words weren’t meant to be hateful, but she flinched. They looked at her.

“It is still weird,” she told them. “Let’s go. I want to get this over with.”

“Oh this isn’t going to be fast and easy,” Patrick said as they walked outside.

“All weres in one place,” Collin shook his head. “This is going to be-”

“Insane?” Patrick and Leslie said at the same time.

He smiled at his friends. “Fun.” He winked and they all nervously laughed.

On the ride to the warehouse Leslie looked out the window, watching the passing town
of Normals closing up for the coming night. So blissful to the Opposites. They passed
dark daytime shops and a park that even thugs stopped hanging out at after dark. Opposites
gave off a vibe that scared even the hardest Normal. It made her think back to the
day she found out who she was. She sighed as she stared at reflection in the mirror.

“You are over thinking again,” Patrick said from behind the steering wheel.

She closed her eyes and leaned her head against the glass. “I know. I just have those

“We don’t understand that part, Les,” Collin said from the backseat. “What I want
to be is just one, not half breed.”

“I just want to be accepted for me,” Patrick said and they looked at him. “I get it
with you guys, but my lifestyle isn’t acceptable in the pack.”

“I think it is time for us to change these feelings,” she told them and explained
her plans for her Opposite Security.

They pulled into the already packed parking lot of the once empty warehouse. They
followed the crowd inside. The mixture of weres tingled along Leslie's skin. She could
feel them, their life energy. She stopped breathing in the night air and took in the
energy. A hand touched her shoulder. She turned to Patrick.

“You good?” he asked, concern showing on his face.

She nodded. “Let’s do this.”

To make everything even, the wolves and bears each had a man at the door. It seemed
fitting that the two biggest packs do so. There were no arguments on it. Albert and
James both scowled at Leslie.

“Jeez, it is nice to see you guys as well,” she said as she walked into the building.
The first thing she noticed was that it had to have been twenty degrees warmer inside
because of all the weres. She took in the crowd and the giant room.

The warehouse used to be an old canning factory. The scent of sweet tomatoes still
filled the air. It took her back to when she had been younger when she lived in Atwater.
It brought a smile to her lips as the memory hit her. On a good morning or night the
smell of tomatoes and garlic was in the air and the sound of the B52s flying over
had been normal. Now the area fought to survive. Even fifteen years after the closing
of the base, the county couldn’t seem to get out of the financial hole.

“Come on,” Collin said, dragging her through the crowd.

The three made their way to a set of stairs and climbed a few to get a better look
of the layout of the warehouse. The old machinery was now gone, so the building had
been an empty husk. In one corner there seemed to be a dance floor with a DJ. The
music vibrated the walls as were danced their frustrations away. In one corner food
cooked, and the cooks were heaping meat both raw and cooked on platters. In one corner
they had a stage set up and people were working on the sound system. The other corner
held tables with pack info and other booths either selling something or advertising

“Wow,” Leslie said, “This place is awesome.”

Collin nodded. “I have never thought I would ever see the inside of this place.”

“It is all overrated if you ask me,” Patrick said with a very bored tone.

Leslie eyed the crowd and her eyes locked on Nathan. He stood in bear glory over by
the stage talking with some people. His nostrils flared and his eyes looked up, scanning
the crowd. His eyes met hers, and that electric tingle ran through her whole body.
It raised the hair on her body and her magic whispered.
Frowning she watched him move through the crowd. People didn’t even give him a second
look. They just moved out of the King Bear's way; some even gave him a small nod of
respect. But he didn’t notice them, his eyes were on Leslie and she felt his weremagic
move with purpose.

Her heart started to race, the anticipation of him made her body tighten and tingle.
Her magic felt as if it grew tentacles, reaching out touching the were essence around
her. Nathan didn’t stop. He just grabbed her and kissed her hard, bringing a small
moan from her throat. Her magic wrapped around them, holding them tight as they kissed.
When he broke it off, he looked at her half closed eyes.

“You two need to get a room,” Patrick said, disgusted.

“Go away,” Nathan said and he dragged Leslie through the crowd. Her magic had a mind
of its own and its tentacles reached out and touched weres as they passed, making
them look at them with animal eyes.

“I am having some difficulties,” Leslie said.

“I didn’t think of how this might affect us,” he said making her look at him. “Just
hold on.”

He led her through a small door behind the stage and down a narrow hall. He threw
open a door and looked inside. Satisfied, he pulled her in. She eyed the dusty furniture
and old boxes. The air was thick with dust, they both knew by it that no one had been
in there in a while. Leslie opened her mouth to say something, but he kissed her hard.
He picked her up easily and sat her on the old desk.

He looked down at her with his bear eyes. “Show me yours,” he whispered.

“But,” she whispered.

“No buts,” he said as his hands easily slid under her shirt. They moved up to cup
her breast. “Show me your bear, Leslie.” He almost growled the last as he roughly
squeezed her breast.

She shook her head. “I can’t.”

“Just release it.” With an evil smile he kissed her hard and rough. His picked her
up and with his quick reflexes he spun her. His hands went to her jeans, unbuttoning
them. He hooked his hands in them and pulled jeans and the cute frilly new panties
she had recently bought. “Come on, Les, or the magic is going to drown you.”

She closed her eyes and opened that door as he pushed her on the table with her butt
in the air. The magic came exploding from her body as he pushed himself in her. He
rode the magic and her, one hand on her hip, the other gripped in her hair.

Leslie had been introduced into the wolf pack by Richard who had been willing to share
her with Jonathan. When the magic ran high Jonathan could be greedy, but when he felt
like sharing she got to experience magic and sex with him and Richard. This moment
seemed to be even more arousing. She moaned as he pushed inside her, stretching her,
and pulled out and the magic ate at their emotions. Leslie opened her eyes and looked
at the dirty desk that now took on a gold sheen. Her body tensing as the orgasm rolled
through her; she cried out; her body calmed. The magic was sated but Nathan wasn’t.
He gripped her hip hard enough to bruise as his thrusts sped with urgent need. Each
thrust made her want to scream, it hurt yet felt good. He pulled her hair a little
harder, and her body vibrated with the pleasure of the next orgasm that hit her off
kilter. He let out a growl as he came.

Leslie looked at the table the gold fading as she tried to get her breathing under
control. Nathan kissed the back of her neck. “Did I hurt you?”

She shook her head. “No. I am just trying to get my heart to beat normally.”

He pulled away from her, which made her almost sad. When they both righted themselves
and their clothes he grabbed her and held her to him. She closed her eyes as he protectively
stroked her head. They stood there like that for some time, or maybe it just felt
like more time than normal.

“Damn, I say we have a replay of that again very soon.”

She smiled. “How about later?”

He kissed her head gently. “If that is what you want. I am but your servant.”

She laughed and she thought about going back out into the were party. “Did they feel

He looked at the door. “I know they felt something, but I am not sure what they felt.
Let us see if there is any damage.”

“Do we have to?” she said, holding him to her.

“Yes. I have to at least be there when the conference starts.”

“What conference?”

He winked at her. “Something we have been working on.”

“We haven’t heard anything.”

He gave her a small smile. “We don’t tell the Supervisors everything. Anyway, this
is sure to piss Mark off and he is here too.”

“Aw damn, a pissed off Mark, this I want to see.”

They left the room and made their way back down the narrow hall and out into the crazy
were energy. Her magic didn’t even bother to budge and she thanked the stars for that.
Nathan walked her around; they looked at booths of clubs and news of new clans. They
stopped to have some meat, both feeling ravenous. They skipped the dance floor and
ended up back at the stage.

Her attention fell on Cathy talking to a man. The man turned to show the side of his
face, and recognition hit her. He was the wolf nurse from the clinic. She started
walking toward them to see what they were so deep in conversation about. Nathan reached
and grabbed her arm.

“Where are you going? The conference is about to start.”

“Cathy is talking to the wolf who works at the clinic.”

Nathan eyed the two chatting and shrugged. “There are a few wolves who work at the

“I just find it odd.”

“Here you two are,” Collin said, hands full of weird created gadgets from over at
the booth area. Patrick and Jorge walked up, pretending to talk about football.

“You wouldn’t know the difference between half-time and first down,” Collin snorted.

Jorge’s eyes got real big and he bowed his head in hopes that his alpha didn’t notice.
“Jorge, I have no say in what makes you happy. Just remember your hurt my brother
I hurt your spine,” Nathan leaned in to whisper to them.

“Yes, Nathan, thank you,” he said with a huge smile.

“Stand here and be ready to be blown away,” Nathan walked up on the stage.

“Welcome. As this year's elected chairperson, I would like to thank everyone out there.”
Loud cheering erupted. “Tonight marks a few changes in the way we should be running
business. One, we have invited not only our half breed brothers and sisters,” he said
looking at Leslie. “But we also welcome those that are Supervisors.”

There was a few boos and cat calls. “Now, now, we are all wereanimals, and in some
cases half wereanimals,” Nathan said scanning the crowd.

“They shouldn’t be here!” someone shouted.

Leslie looked at Collin who hung his head. She grabbed his hand and squeezed it and
looked back at Nathan who took a deep breath. “And here we are. Just as bad as the
Normals. They see prejudice in color and we see them in different flavors. We were
born into this world. They were not,” he said anger now tingeing his words. “They
were created out of pain, shame and death. And what do we do to them? We see them
as what they grew up believing. We need to change that. They are pack, they are part
of us. Us pack leaders have talked and we have agreed to let half breeds into the
packs. Tonight we greet them with open arms as pack members.”

Leslie glanced over at Collin who stared intently at Nathan a tear running down his
cheek. “And we feel different all of us. I am not a panther or rat or wolf. But I
. I am
.” He pointed to someone in the crowd. “And you, and you. We need to rise above petty
hatred and become one. We are Pack. If someone kills one member of one pack, we should
all feel the loss.”

He smiled at Leslie. “I have asked all pack leaders and heads of the smaller clans
to come on the stage.”

Murmurs went through the crowd as the leaders made their way to the stage. Someone
came up and whispered in his ear, his hand covered the microphone. He said something
back and the person shrugged. He motioned for Leslie and jumped off the stage. Patrick
and Collin followed her up to the stage.

“It seems Jonathan is missing in action, and some of the wolves are getting a bit
antsy and upset. They haven’t heard from him for over twenty four hours. Someone called
it in, but Mark said something along the line that he was blowing off steam but he
will be back. And Jesus up there said that he thinks whatever he has been taking might
be finally affecting him.”

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