Read Blood Stained Tranquility Online

Authors: N. Isabelle Blanco

Blood Stained Tranquility (39 page)

BOOK: Blood Stained Tranquility
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Eve parted her lips, moaning around him, sucking him in even as he thrust himself into her mouth. Then, it was all about her heat, her tongue lapping at every inch of his cock.

“Oh, fuck. So wet. So hot. Fuck,
. Suck me. That’s it, baby. You feel so good. Suck my cock. Ah, shit, I can’t—”

He nearly fell onto her as all sensation abandoned his limbs and rushed into his shaft. Catching himself with one hand against the altar, he forced himself to stay upright and keep his eyes open so he could take in the sight of his dick deep inside Evesse’s mouth.

“So sexy. Fuck.”

He felt as though he might hyperventilate. The sexiest female he’d ever laid eyes on had her eyes closed, dark lashes resting against her cheeks, and was sucking at him, humming like she couldn’t get enough. She licked at his aching flesh, pulling back and hollowing out her cheeks so that he felt the suction all the way down to his damned toes.

“Gods, baby. Never felt anything like this. The way you look with my cock in your mouth.”

She moaned at that, her lids rising languidly. The moment she locked eyes with him, he almost came right there, his dick pulsing wildly in her mouth. Eve pulled back and he damn near lost his mind.

He grabbed onto the edges of the altar’s pedestal with both hands, his legs beyond weak. “Evesse,

She smiled up at him.

His breath hitched and his heart ached at how gorgeous she was, naked with all that hair flowing down her back. On her knees for him, rubbing her lips along his cock. The curve of her ass had him biting his lip, drawing blood.

His mate moaned, nostrils flaring, no doubt smelling his blood.

“Suck me. Milk me, baby, and I’ll give it to you. Everything.”

He couldn’t even believe he was demanding that of her, but there was no shame in it. He hadn’t been lying when he said no female had ever sucked him off before.

And he knew she’d never touched another naked male but him, especially not to suck his dick.

It was a win-win as far as his instincts were concerned. He needed it as much as she did.

“You want me to suck your cock?” Eve asked, giving him a saucy smile before leaning in and sliding her tongue along a pulsing vein on the side of his dick.

Zen sucked air in between his clenched teeth. “Oh fuck.”

She was even better than he’d freaking fantasized.

Eve giggled. His eyes rolled into the back of his head. She placed her hands on his pants, dematerializing them. Air hit his tight balls, the sensation making his cock throb harder. Her hands tickled the inside of his thighs, and then his sac.

Zen tensed, power shooting out of him in every direction, igniting the inside of the temple. The floor lit up and began shaking as Eve reached up, her hands cupping his balls, making them draw in tighter.

He opened his eyes, feeling like his lids weighed a fucking ton. He had to see this. Had to see her get turned on by his reaction to her . . . fuck, he could smell it all around him. Everywhere.

Inside his temple.



“Oh, God. Zen. I’m so hungry.”

He lifted one hand from the altar, grabbing the back of her head and bringing her in. “Do it. Take whatever you want from me.”

The thought of her drinking from him there caused another hot spurt of pre-cum to shoot out of him, landing on her cheek.

Eve trembled, her thighs quaking. She parted her lips, her canines sliding down, sharp and vicious. Her eyes were wild and molten. He sniffed the air, dragging her scent into him in deep, rapid bursts. The hunger in her exacerbated the raging creature inside him. He felt suffocated.

Increasingly desperate.

Eve feathered little kisses along his shaft, her fingers just as much of a tease along his pained balls.

Just as he thought he was going to lose his mind, grab her face, and fucking shove his cock onto her incisors, Eve opened her mouth and ran one sharp tooth down his length. She didn’t even make it half-way down his shaft before the scent of his blood got to her and she was latching onto him, taking deep pulls from the wound. She lapped at it, sucked at it, then bit down into him again, just hard enough to draw more.

Her lips, her tongue, her fucking heat.

The same thing that had him taking her virginity like an inconsiderate beast—his inner demon—broke free, smashed through his control tower and overrode all concerns but one.

Fuck her mouth. Fuck it

So, that’s exactly what he did, forcing his shaft into her mouth, grabbing onto fistfuls of her hair, and arching his hips against that gorgeous face of hers. He became an animal. And the way Eve momentarily choked on his length, her throat convulsing tight around his tip, only set him off more. He fed his cock into her mouth, over and over, flexing his abs with each thrust.

Eve closed her eyes again, rising up higher on her knees so she could take him in deeper. Every thrust of his dick into her mouth was answered by a rock of her hips. She was dripping wet, her scent coating the air around him and pushing him closer to orgasm.

“Fuck, baby. Touch yourself.
, fuck, do it! Come while sucking my dick.”

Her eyes flew open, her gaze savage. Right before he thrust back into her mouth, he caught sight of his shaft, glistening with her saliva.

Covered in his blood.

Eve mewled, her hand diving between her legs. She came instantly, her mouth going brutally tight around his dick. She sucked and licked at him with animal ferocity, writhing sexily against her own hand.

“Oh, Gods. Shit, baby. I never—sweet . . .
 . . . take my cum. All of it.
, Evesse. Yes. Fuck, fuck, fuck!”

His seed seared the inside of his shaft, shooting out of him in painful spurts that all but fucking blinded him. The only thing left was the scent of her wetness in the air, and the sound of her moans as she slurped and swallowed him down, dragging his damned soul through his cock and out of his body.

He woke up on the temple floor, his legs sprawled on the stairs beneath him.

He was still wearing his boots.

Black, red, blue and gray energy crackled along the ceiling, and into the black and red marble walls of the temple. The floor convulsed in fits, obviously echoing his own twitches.

Eve sat next to him, leaning on one hand, naked and luscious as she stared down at him. Her eyes were completely black, not a speck of white in sight. There was blood smeared on the corners of her lips. That, combined with that curtain of thick black hair falling over her naked shoulders, made her look like a vampire still starving for her meal.

His body surged back to life, his cock bouncing up into the air and volunteering to be her meal again. Whatever calm he had gained from his release disappeared in a flash. The sweet, musky scent of her arousal filled his senses, destroying him.

Zeniel slid his hand across her jaw and cupped her face. Her soft hair caressed the back of his hand.

“You forgot my boots.” He lifted his leg to illustrate the point, showing her.

Eve laughed, rubbing her cheek into his palm some more. “No, I didn’t. You look sexy in nothing but boots and your markings. Almost alien-army rough.”

He’d known that she found them attractive, but hearing her say it out loud made his chest puff out, pushed him close to freaking preening, and filled him with . . . pride? Damn. All it took was one comment from his
and something he’d hated for eons became a source of pride.

Go figure.

“What?” Eve asked, studying his face.

“Nothing. Just thinking. I know what Dyletri would say if he could see me right now.”

Eve took a long, hard look at his nudity, making his hips rise off the floor toward her. “What? You mean if he saw you naked?”

Zeniel smiled. “No. I mean, I’ve always hated my
markings. But now that I know you like them . . .” He shrugged.

She melted for him, giving him an adoring look. “And what would Dy say?”

He shrugged again. “That I’m pussy whipped.”

Eve let out a totally surprised and sexy laugh, her entire face lighting up. “He’s one to talk. He’s completely addicted. He has no ground to criticize you.”

“True. But he’d still make fun of me.”

The adoration fell from her face, and she arched a brow. “And being ‘pussy whipped’ is a bad thing?”

He was quick to answer.

“When you’re the female in question, absolutely not.” He moved his hand to the back of her head and brought her closer.

Evesse let him kiss her lightly, then pulled back and smiled against his lips. “Good answer. So, you’re saying you’re pussy whipped, huh?”

He bit his lip, pretending to think about it. Her cute, tight ass cheek fit into the palm of his hand, and he took advantage, cupping her and bringing her closer.

“I don’t know . . . I’m almost there.” She smelled delicious, wet and lush, and he ran his nose along her jaw, sucking it in. “I think you need to give me more,” he rasped, pressing his lips to her ear. “Just to make sure the process is complete.”

She gave a strangled laugh, moving her ear closer to his mouth. “Oh, really now?”

“Yeah,” he moaned, sliding his tongue into her ear and biting down on her lobe. “I need a lot more.”

He loved pulling her hair. He couldn’t explain to himself why, but fisting it and using the hold to dominate her made his body tingle and his instincts fucking purr. Probably had to do with the fact that his mate was a hellion who’d driven him mad when they’d first met.

He had been walking around hard as hell from the moment he’d laid eyes on her, and she had acted like he was the least desirable being in existence.

“Zen.” Eve groaned, sounding partially annoyed when he pulled her head back, fingers tight in her hair.

He didn’t give her a chance to complain further. Leaning up, he tasted her, dragging his tongue across her lips and lapping up his blood. She quivered, opening her mouth so he could thrust his tongue inside and taste even more of himself.

Fuck. His blood, his seed,
taste. All of it was in there, a wet tease that had his chest vibrating with a growl.

He panted. “You’re still hungry.”

He slid the hand that was on her ass down until his fingers were pressing between her cheeks, the tips brushing at her smooth lower lips.

Eve nodded eagerly, making low, hungry sounds that made his toes twitch.

He grabbed her hand with his free one, lacing their fingers and bringing her wrist up to his mouth.

“So am I.”

He slipped his middle finger into her pussy at the same time that he bit down into her wrist.

“Oh my God.
.” Eve undulated on him, her ass pressing back into his hand.

He held her stare. Refused to let her look away. He made sure she was watching as he took pull after pull of her wrist. Each drag was punctuated by a moan from them both, and echoed by a pulse of her inner walls.

Shit. Her flesh around his teeth, her walls around his finger. Too much. The haze hit his brain, and he closed his eyes, arching. His tongue fell onto her wrist, tracing his bite mark with a heavy, wet drag.

Eve gazed at him with pure heat. Her pussy clenched down tight around his finger, and his cock practically wept with envy. She took his ever-loving breath away.

“Climb on me.”

She nearly went wild, squirming to get his hand back in place. “No.”

Lifting her by her thighs, he spread her legs open on either side of him.

She slapped her hands on his chest, tensing as he drew her down against his abs.

Zeniel arched into her heat, feeling her wet pussy sliding across him.

This time, Eve shook her head, her voice a ragged whisper. “No.”

Chapter 29


Eve’s body had gone so rigid it shocked him. She shook with strain, hunger. Pain.

He knew she was holding back the memories again. Rhalira had ridden him on multiple occasions, and as few and far between as those occasions had been, now it made him want to rage. Zeniel never thought he would regret the rare times he’d had sex.

BOOK: Blood Stained Tranquility
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