Read Blood Stained Tranquility Online

Authors: N. Isabelle Blanco

Blood Stained Tranquility (21 page)

BOOK: Blood Stained Tranquility
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That was more detail than her mind was able to handle. He was rough, uncertain, but his blatant honesty as he said that left no doubt in her mind that he meant it.

“You look more dangerous like this,” she said.

He looked confused again, his brow furrowed and his lips set in a pout. She leaned forward, pressing her lips to the spot between his eyebrows.

“That’s a good thing?” he asked, breathless.

Gah. Those two voices were going to kill her. She couldn’t wait to hear them moaning for her when she made him come again.

Over, and over, and so fucking hard he wouldn’t be able to leave the bed for days after.

Hell, yeah.

“It’s a very good thing,” she replied. “You look more like a warrior. Fiercer.” She pressed every inch of herself against him, purposely rubbing her slit up the length of his dick. “You’re gut-wrenchingly sexy like this. And the markings?” Tilting her head, she placed her lips right on his ear, and whispered. “I want to drink from you on each one. Just bite down and swallow you.”

She was on her back so fast she was left blinking up at the ceiling in confusion.

Zen reared over her, hands braced on the bed and arms straight and bulging. He purred, giving her that vicious half-smile that bared his incisors.

Not even bothering to stifle the shiver that went through her, Eve spread her legs. When she latched onto his sides and tried to pull him down on her, he resisted. The bed groaned underneath them when she tried pulling as hard as she could.

are the beautiful one,” he said. “That’s why the first moment I saw you, I had to have you.
of me had to have you.”

She remembered. She’d just left work, and was crossing the street. He’d been leaning against the building across from her, waiting for her. She hadn’t known him, hadn’t known why he was there.

She would never forget the look on his face when he’d locked eyes with her though. She’d witnessed Mavrak stir for the first time in centuries, even if she hadn’t known it back then. All she’d seen was the heat and shock inside Zeniel’s disguised, blue eyes.

Desire for him morphed, twisting into something volatile and nearly ugly. It was a greedy thing, and didn’t care about anything other than being fed. Hell, his Tranquility side could have come out just then, and she wouldn’t have remembered that she was supposed to be mad at him.

No. She just wanted to fuck the breath out of him, pure and simple. And she wanted him to fuck her soul right out of her body, if such a thing was possible.

“Then have me. Now. Because if you make me wait any longer—”

He leaned down, setting his forehead on hers and closing his eyes.

Eve shut up.

His plump, firm lips parted, dousing her with the taste of his breath. Desperation didn’t even begin to describe how she felt, but she couldn’t move. She could do nothing except breathe him in like a junkie. She had no idea if it was because he was her mate, but nothing had ever smelled as good as him.

Her pussy clenched so painfully that the rest of her body followed suit.

His eyelids did that slow-rising thing again, baring completely black eyes. Eyes that bored into hers, his hunger leaking out of them and sliding into every one of her cells.

“I can’t hurt you.” His voice was a guttural, hoarse rasp. “The things I want to do to you . . . I’m scared of myself.”

“Oh my fucking God.” She started trembling so hard that her forehead bumped against his. “My pussy is hurting
much right now.”

Another surprised laugh slammed out of him, and that merely flooded more of her mouth with his taste. “You are something else, female.”

“You won’t hurt me. You won’t. I’m immortal now. I can take it.”

He fisted her hair, tilting her head back so she had no choice but to look at him. “I want you to call me Zeniel.”

“What . . . why?”

“It is the part of me I want for you. The part of me that I will strive to fully become. That is the male you deserve.”

Despite his brutal hold on her hair, she shook her head, tears reforming. “You
Zeniel to me. But you’re also Mavrak. And I want you both, you hear me? I don’t want you to become one or the other, I want you
, damn you.”

It was his turn to shake. He was still trembling when he lowered his weight, blanketing her in all that heat and muscle. He licked the shell of her ear, tugging on it with his teeth, clipping her flesh with one canine. He latched onto her earlobe, sucking on it, groaning at the taste of her blood.

She squirmed under him. Her yoga pants were drenched through, her pussy pulsating wantonly. “God, Zen. Please. I need you inside me.”

He hissed at that, latching onto her jaw with one enormous hand. “I’m going to fill you. Deep. So deep you’ll feel me everywhere. I need it like that,” he confessed, his rough voice attacking her eardrum and her poor, over-stimulated mind.

She was going to flip him over and violate
in two seconds.

A sexy, dual-toned rumble sounded from somewhere deep inside his large chest, seeming to build until his ribcage shook with it. He willed her clothes off. Every piece. His followed, and the moment his heated skin pressed against every inch of hers, they both jerked.

“Oh, God.
. Now.” She arched, trying to rub her nipples against his chest.

He cupped her face, making her feel tiny and fragile. He captured her mouth with his lips, completely engulfing hers. Despite which side of him was dominant at any given moment, the way he kissed didn’t change. He opened her wide. Moved his lips against hers as he slid his tongue into her mouth, fucking it without mercy.

His erection stroked her wet, swollen slit, and he was fiercely hard. So hard, and throbbing like he was about to explode over her.

“Gods,” he gasped, lips still pressed to hers.

Eve writhed, her nails latching onto his skin, all the blood in her body seeming to rush right into her clit. “
—please . . .”

“I love when you call me ‘baby’. It turns me on.” He bit her chin, staring into her eyes. “No one’s ever called me that.”

She moaned it again, raising her head and trying to flick her tongue along his lips. So close. He just needed to put the tip in her, and she’d explode. She knew it.

“Hold it, baby. Hold it. Not yet.”

Holy fuck, the way his accent and arousal wrapped around the word baby—she shook her head, her back arching, her head punching into the pillow beneath.

“I can’t. Oh, God. Zen. I’m coming!”

He moaned, reaching between them and latching onto his cock. He played with the head, rubbing it hard into her clit.

“Making me come with you. Fucking perfect. I
you throbbing on me. You’re skin’s so hot.”

Her hips undulated, wild and hungry, as cum spurted out of him, hitting her flesh, and setting off even more pulsations inside her.

. . . ”

His head fell back. His throat was bared to her, every mark and vein thrumming on it. The blunt head of his dick slid up and down, smearing his cum all over her. It passed over her entrance once, lightly. A tease, nothing more. “Gods, the way you make me come. Don’t think I’ll survive being inside you. So tight. I’m not even inside you, and I can tell.”

He was panting hard, the markings on his body seeming to throb with his heartbeat.

It called her attention to the rest of him. He had more marks, thick lines curving over his ribcage, his obliques, his sexy fucking hips and thighs . . . The way they wrapped around his body as it moved was so damned mouthwatering. He looked like a wild, tattooed, sex god.

In a rush, she was raring to go once more. Her body throbbed and grew even more soaked.

“Fuck me,” she whispered, breathless and needy. “I need your cock inside me. Fuck me.”

Sweat broke out along every perfect line of him, making the slide of flesh against flesh that much hotter. “Look at me, my female. Look at me as I take you.”

She hadn’t even realized she’d closed her eyes. Opening them, she was hit with the visual of her male poised over her, his large cock in his fist. He shifted. She tensed. Then, the moment his dick probed at her, her body jerked, jumped, and shook uncontrollably.

“Eve.” He groaned and grabbed onto her hips, trying to hold her still. Her body disobeyed and Zen had to all but manhandle her into position, his smooth chest pressing her upper body into the bed.

“This is for me. Only me. And you’re going to stay still and let me fucking have it.”

Evesse had never,
in her life tried so hard to obey someone’s command. Had it been anyone else, she would have punched them for trying to dominate her that way. But she was coming on a level that was mind-blowing, and when he managed to work the tip of him inside her, pain and pleasure combined until her emotions, her hormones, her
was blown wide open and her body seized under his.

She was undone. Fucking delirious.

She was on the verge of blacking out, and they hadn’t even really begun yet.

Zen slid his arm under her, his hand spanning her back so he could scoop her up against him. “Please, baby. Let me have this. Let me inside you.”

She pressed her feet into the bed, hearing a dangerous groan coming from the wood beneath it. Bracing herself, she somehow forced herself to remain still, even as her inner walls rippled around him.

Zeniel arched his back, pushing with everything in him. Her too-tight muscles nearly refused to give way, but then, he was in her—sliding past her too tight entrance—all hard, male, and wide.

She tore around him, pain lancing her delicate flesh.

Uh. Oh
, Gods. Yes. Evesse.
Yes, baby
. The way you feel.”

Growling, he rose above her, pushing in deeper. He slammed one fist into the headboard and rotated his hips leaving her body no choice but to feel him.




“Baby,” she whispered, barely any air in her lungs.

It was too much; feeling him, seeing him, hearing him. But she couldn’t possibly stop him. Not with his rock-hard, too-hot flesh jerking inside her. The pain morphed into a sick, twisted sort of pleasure. The knowledge that he had claimed her sent endorphins flooding into her synapses.

Unbridled between her thighs, Zen rocked into her, forcing his tip so deep that she felt him against her cervix.

“It won’t stop,” he said, clenching his jaw hard enough that it popped. Strands of burgundy-colored hair fell from his ponytail and slid over his shoulders as he stared down at where he thrust into her. “Can’t stop. Need to come inside you again. Too good. Made for me. You were fucking. Made. For. Me.”

He punctuated the last three words by ramming into her hard, pushing her head into the headboard. It cracked. Or was it the bed?

Or the floor?

Fuck, it was everything. The walls around them seemed to shake from the force of their fucking, but Eve was too delirious to care. He was too damned perfect, felt too damned right, and despite the fact that he was actually hurting her, she needed him too much to ask him to stop.


“More?” he hissed, looking vicious. One-hundred percent war demon rutting between her thighs.

Eve bit her lip, incisors sinking into her own flesh. “More.”

He momentarily clenched his eyes shut, expression agonized. “I’ll give you everything, female. Everything.”

Every muscle flexed with his next thrust. The bed broke and the floor beneath it fractured.

With a harsh curse, Zen lifted her into his arms and flashed them off the bed. The world blurred and rushed past her for a second.

Then her back slammed into the wall, and her male slammed into her.

Power erupted from both of them. His energy encompassed her, tingling along her skin and rubbing against her hypersensitive nipples. She thrust the fingers of one hand into his hair, latching on. The fingers of the other hand embedded themselves into the wall.

“More. Break me, if you have to, but give it to me!”

“Gods. How you please me,” Zen rasped.

He leaned in, kissing her. Hard, wet. When she sucked on his thick tongue, he moaned, slowing until his thrusts were shallow.

Eve met him mindlessly, feeling her flesh swelling again. And something else. A hunger that was growing unbearable. She needed his flesh, his blood.

“I need to drink from you. Please.”

Moaning anew, he slammed into her in a deep arch, his back bowing. Another wave of energy pulsed out of him, hitting the furniture and ricocheting off the walls.

The entire house groaned and shook, and a new crack appeared across the floor. She didn’t care. The structure could have come down around them, and she wouldn’t have blinked.

But Zen lifted her off the wall, hugging her to him tightly, before dematerializing with her out of the house.

Chapter 16


BOOK: Blood Stained Tranquility
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