Read Blood Bought: Cruentus Dragons Book Two Online

Authors: Brynn Paulin

Tags: #Erotic Paranormal Romance

Blood Bought: Cruentus Dragons Book Two (3 page)

BOOK: Blood Bought: Cruentus Dragons Book Two
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The irony of the moment didn’t escape him. Just as he’d tracked down the means to free himself of the mating call, Athena had been located.

Against every ion of his being that screamed to rush to her, he hesitated. He could stop this now. He could end the agony and call they’d both experienced for the last six months, but…if they were together, it would end anyway. They’d experience the bliss that only came to those perfectly suited to one another by the universe. The mated.

His feet were in motion before his mind fully worked out the import of the moment. He tore down the wide, red-carpeted hallway of the floor Janos had rented for their stay here. Vaguely, he noticed Janos standing in one of the doorways with his wife, but Jonah didn’t pause.

Jonah, what’s up?
Janos asked through their mental connection.

Athena… Found… Going… Getting her…
He couldn’t get out more than the jolting words as his single focus was in getting to the compound north of the city.

Behind him, he heard Janos laugh, but there was no mocking in the happy tone.
Do you need me to come with you?

They were wingscions, partners in most things. Janos had Jonah’s back in whatever trial he faced. But not this.

No. Taking her to the cabin. Will return after…

After she’d agreed to stay with him and to fully unite with him. And if she wouldn’t, he’d go with plan B. The paper in his pocket suddenly seemed to weigh thousands of pounds. He had only to mutter the incantation and drink the potion that would accompany it. That wouldn’t be necessary.

Within minutes, Jonah was in his silver Mercedes and rushing across the city as fast as he could. Of course, it was
New York
and every cab seemed intent on killing him. Most people would call him a moron for driving in
New York City
, but he needed it, and it wasn’t as if he could fly without detection. As he got stuck in a snarl, leaving the metropolis, he wished he’d taken he chance.

* * * *

Athena woke slowly. Her stomach roiled at the scent of the Djinn on her. He’d done nothing untoward that she could tell. But she could smell him, and he wasn’t here now.

She blinked in disorientation. She’d been on the bus, and…well, she had no idea where she was at the moment. The opulent room, wherever it was located, was dim with the wall sconces casting a muted glow around the space. She’d been left on a wide, cushy bed. The blankets were so soft and thick, they seemed to nest around her as she lay atop them. Pushing upright, she looked around, already devising an escape plan.

“Don’t bother,” came a dry voice.

Her eyes narrowed on the dark-haired man who sat in a huge wingback chair across the room. Despite the size of the piece of furniture, it almost seemed too small for the enormous man. Her stomach gave a twist of recognition. Not Jonah, but definitely a Dragon.

“So I should just sit here on this cushy deathbed and wait for you to drain me dry? No way.” She swung her feet to the floor, grateful to find she still wore her shoes. There was no chance she’d willingly hang around here for one of these creatures to sink his fangs into her. That was what had happened her first day with Jonah—some Dragon had mistaken her for a…what had Jonah called it? A blood letter?

She tried to forget the enormous pleasure that had slid through her when that strange Dragon had bitten her. She tried to only remember the outrage. And Jonah, he’d been outraged too. The battle that had ensued had been no small fistfight. Jonah had been ready to full-out kill the other Dragon.

“I’m not going to bite you, as delectable as I’m sure your blood would be. I don’t relish Jonah’s wrath. I heard about what happened with Niko. I like my face as is.” He grinned. “I’m Levi. This is my compound.”

“Nifty,” she replied. “And the door would be where?”

“The door would be locked.”

She blew out an irritated breath through her nose. These Dragons were a pain in the ass. Trying to kill her aside, she almost preferred the Djinn.

“So you’re in league with that jerk.”

“Jonah? The term is mate, honey.”

Damn it. This one was on that whole mate train, too. And she really wanted to get off the ride. What had happened? She’d been on the verge of wedded bliss—well, probably not bliss since the guy had been bent on killing her. Oblivion. She’d been on the verge of wedded oblivion when her cousin Scarlett had gotten to the church to help with final plans. Then Athena’s fiancé had tried to kill them. The guy had friggin’ blue balls, and not the kind she’d really wish on him. Bastard. He’d started flinging glowing orbs of energy at her and Scarlett and blowing up everything in his path to them. As if that weren’t enough, in came the Dragons—also blowing up stuff, then dragging the two women off into the sky to go to their lair in some Colorado mountain.

It was a lot to comprehend. A homicidal fiancé who wasn’t exactly human and Dragons. As if that wasn’t enough, two hours later, one of the Dragons had bitten her to drink her blood. Because yeah…dealing with flying, shape-shifting men and near death wasn’t good enough for one day. She’d had to deal with fangs, as well. Dragons were also the creatures from which vampire lore had been drawn. One day and a whole fantasy grab bag that would have had her Mythology professor in college scratching his head.

It had been too much. And all within the space of a few hours. She’d run. And since her ex—and dead—fiancé’s kin were after her, she’d been running ever since.

“I don’t have a mate, you deluded imbecile,” she snapped. What was it about the Dragons that made her so virulent? Yeah, she had a strong personality, but usually, she was nicer about it. It was probably self-preservation, not letting these creatures get the best of her. They’d dragged her into this stupid feud and ruined her life. This mate thing was just over the top. Yes, she’d been engaged, but she wasn’t enamored with the idea of a lifetime with a man—any man. Look how poorly the last go round had turned out.

Still, to her chagrin, her insides gave a lurch of pleasure at his name and the pain in her middle temporarily abated.

Levi smiled again. “I’ll expect an apology after Jonah’s fully claimed you.” He took her arm. “Come along, hellion. Time to go meet him. I’m sure he’s got plenty of things in mind to curb your temper.”

She recoiled as he took her arm, her retort slipping away as revulsion crawled over her skin. He sighed then murmured a few words, pressing the third and fourth fingers of one hand to her forehead. An odd numbness slipped over her, and her eyes lost focus, everything around them taking on a muzzy glow.

“That won’t last, but it will at least get you through the short journey to the meeting place. Don’t worry. You’ll be back in top hostile form when Jonah arrives.” His fingers tightened, and he pulled her toward the door—which wasn’t locked, but at the moment, she couldn’t bring herself to care. There wasn’t anything she could do to escape his iron grasp. Did she want to?

Jonah, Jonah, Jonah…
As she shambled along beside him, her traitorous body took up the happy chant. It reminded her that he’d done this. It was his fault her life had been turned upside down. From everything she’d learned, she knew her situation wasn’t precisely his fault, but he was still the center of her ire.

“When I get my hands on him...” she mumbled.

“I should have sold tickets,” Levi said, leading her from the room and into a corridor. “The two of you should be quite a show.”

Chapter Two


Athena’s unmistakable rage radiated across the compound and hit Jonah full force as his sedan raced up to the house where the party awaited him in the inner courtyard with his woman. Grimacing, he pushed his body past feeling the pain that had plagued him since she’d left him. She was his mate and his body craved her, not that she gave a care about that.

No, she’d run rather than mate with him.

His jaw locked as his own anger joined hers. His only solace was in the knowledge that her pain was equal to his, as was her rightful punishment for running from their union. A thin smile momentarily curved his lips. Soon all the pain would end and she would bear another punishment for her desertion, one meted out by his hand, one he’d sorely enjoy. Athena would be at his command and begging for his touch. That would be pleasure indeed.

The smile faded as she came into sight. Two Dragons from the
New York
clan held her, and everything inside him rebelled at another male touching his woman though he knew it was necessary or she’d run. Athena was good at running, as he discovered in the months since she’d fled the Cruentus compound.

The Dragons, who were in human form, seemed relieved that he’d arrived. Athena on the other hand looked even more pissed off. They had her chained between them as a safeguard. That was overkill. A small woman against a pair of full-grown Dragons? She’d never escape them. He suspected that Levi had done this for effect. She’d been captured and was now to be returned to the one who’d master her.

If Levi had hoped to impress the import of the situation on her, he’d failed. Impotently, she fought, her long black hair flying wildly around her head. Even from a distance, he could see the fury in her dark brown eyes while the muscles of her arms strained against the manacles that held her.

She glared at his car, though he was sure she couldn’t see who was inside, not in the faint moonlight of early evening. But she knew… As her struggle increased, her teeth bared in contempt.

“Get out here, you bastard, and call off your dogs,” she screeched.

“Um, honey, we’re Dragons. And if you weren’t Jonah’s mate—the poor sucker—I think I’d barbeque you,” the taller of the pair holding her said dryly. Levi. Jonah was grateful the elder had chosen to see to this matter personally. And Levi seemed intent on jerking her chain. Literally.

“Hey, no toasting my
, Levi,” Jonah cut in as he slid from his silver car. He drew a black leather case from the backseat and approached the trio.

“I’m not suggesting toast.” Levi glared at Athena. “I’m thinking banshee on a spit. She

“Did she break skin?” Jonah asked, more concerned with his mate prematurely ingesting Dragon’s blood than for Levi’s wellbeing.

“No. Thank goodness.”

“I’m right here, you jackasses!”

Jonah shook his head, holding back his chuckle as he met Athena’s stormy brown eyes. Silently, he surveyed her while she just as silently glared back. So many times during his fruitless search, he’d arrived just after she’d departed. Just as often, her scent had still been in the air, tormenting him. The mating call had twisted his insides more viciously than normal, the innate need to be with her bringing him physical pain.

Did she not feel the same?

She must. In her short-sleeved T-shirt, he could see the mating mark on her left arm that matched the one on his right. How did she control the call? It should be so strong that even the Dragons holding her wouldn’t be safe from her need.

He shoved away that repugnant thought that would cause him to hate his friends who held her. Intent, he headed directly for Athena, holding her gaze. One thought filled his mind. One thought? No, many. Full thoughts escaped him. His head was filled with random images. Her neck, his teeth, her blood.


She was his, and it was time she realized it.

Holding her gaze, he stopped before her and opened the case. Her eyes widened at the leather shackles he removed. Snarling, she fought as he deftly replaced the iron that had held her.

“What?” she sniped. “You’re not man enough to handle me without tying me up?”

“Sweetheart, I’m not taking any chances of you jumping from the car.” He lifted her wrists to inspect the gashes from the metal shackles.

She pulled away. “Back off, Fang. I’m not dinner.”

“You’ll be whatever I choose,” he replied, content to spar with her as long as she was with him. At this proximity, the need to couple with her increased, but the pain somewhat receded—the first relief he’d felt since the mating mark had appeared on his arm.

He shook his head at her continued belligerence. He knew the need pulsed through her. He saw it in the way her nipples pushed against her shirt and heard it in the way her heart thundered. It certainly wasn’t caused by fear. Jonah was convinced this woman felt none.

His tongue pressed to the bottom of his front teeth, and he slightly parted his lips, drawing in a breath. Yes…there it was. Her arousal filled his senses as he tasted the air. The heavy flavor of her desire nearly had him yanking her into his arms and dragging her away. The other Dragons would be able to scent it as well, and she was his! He wanted her as far from other males as possible until he was fully united with her.

Shaking, he pulled himself from the edge of frenzy. He had more control than this. Gently, he stroked her cheek, and his skin tingled at the long-awaited contact.

“Get your hand off me or
see what it’s like to be bitten,” Athena growled.

“In my dreams,” he murmured. He sighed. “Still a shrew, I see.”

“Jerk,” she said, her voice hardly a whisper as desire darkened her eyes.

BOOK: Blood Bought: Cruentus Dragons Book Two
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