Blink of an Eye (3 page)

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Authors: Keira Ramsay

BOOK: Blink of an Eye
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“Some,” he replied, grinning. “But not enough for what I have in mind for you, Cassidy.”

She returned his smile slowly, sensuously, and reached up to free her hair. It shimmered over her like a silken veil, covering her to the waist with the exception of her breasts, which peeked through. It was the most erotic thing he’d ever seen.

“I think we’re covered.” She shimmied out of her slacks and panties and simply stood there, letting him look his fill, with the confidence of a woman who knew exactly who and what she was, shining out of her like a beacon.

She deserved his honesty, at least, even if she took his breath away. “I don’t think I’m gonna last very long. It’s been a while.” He should have felt self-conscious, explained that there weren’t many chances for loving out in the field, but he could see she knew exactly what he was talking about.

She closed the space between them and curved her hand behind his neck, bringing them into full body contact. His body superheated wherever skin touched. “Then we’re in the same boat. Now fuck me.”

Jesus. He’d never heard that come out of a lady’s mouth, but he had no doubt she meant exactly what she’d said. And it turned him on…ferociously. So, like the good soldier he was, he followed orders.

He pushed her back onto the bed, removed the condom from his billfold and made quick work of putting it on. He took another long look at her, lying on the emerald bedspread, blonde hair fanned around her.

“You’re a goddamned feast for the eyes, darlin’.” Damn, he’d said it aloud, hadn’t he?

She smiled and ran her fingers over her breast, tweaking the nipple. “So are you. Get down here.”

He could have looked at her for hours, days. The throbbing in his cock reminded him exactly why he was here. He dived onto the bed, careful to keep his full weight off her, and startled a laugh out of her, exactly as he’d intended. While he definitely wanted to fuck her, he also wanted to store up this memory for a while, and damn it, it wasn’t going to be a poke and run.

Lowering himself carefully, he eased onto her, settling between her legs. He could feel her heat against him, could smell her arousal on the air. All the muscles in his body pulled bowstring tight. God, had anyone ever felt or looked more perfect, more right?

Her eyes narrowed and she let out a sigh as he pulled her into his arms, nudging into her pussy with care. She seared him from head to toe with her blatant sensuality and the fact that she wanted him as much as he wanted her, stirred something deep inside. Something he’d never felt before. He pushed the feeling back down to concentrate on the here and now.

Jesus, she was tight and wet, and he was almost ready to come just from touching her. She wrapped her legs around his back, opening for him, urging him deeper until he’d sunk into her to the hilt. He dragged in a strangled breath. “Don’t move, baby. Please don’t move.” If she did, it’d be all over bar the shouting.

She feathered her hands down his back, caressing the lower part of his spine with whisper-soft touches, until he had his breathing under control again. Levering up on his arms, he looked down into her face and began to thrust, slowly. She surged up and met him, stroke for stroke, her nipples hard little points against his chest. Her expression contorted and for a moment he thought he was hurting her, and realised she was coming. The thought that he, a man who had lost his eye, lost his career, hell, lost the things that made him who he was, could make someone like Cassidy feel this way swept through him, making him feel powerful and alive. Her muscles contracted around him as her legs clenched him like a vice and her fingernails dug into his back. The unexpected pain pushed him over the top and he began climaxing right along with her. It was, without a doubt, the longest orgasm he’d ever had. Cassidy’s pussy milked his cock, wringing every last bit out of him.

He braced himself above her on shaking arms, breath whooshing out of him in great bellows, and found himself looking at a supremely sated woman. Her pale skin was highlighted by hints of pink on her cheeks and upper chest, as she lay there, limp as a ragdoll. She looked like he felt.

He rolled over and lay next to her, chest heaving, sweat stinging the raw crater of his eye where it had run down beneath the eye patch.

“Holy shit,” Cassidy breathed.

“Yeah,” he replied, too wasted to do anything more than breathe and thread her fingers through his. He felt himself fading and knew he should say something, anything, it was what a lady deserved. But the thought went hazy as he dropped off into sleep.

Chapter Four




Cassidy awoke to the gentle pluck of callused fingers at her nipples, between her legs.
Heaven. Pure heaven
. She fought to stay in the dream because it was so very delicious and it had been far too long since she’d dreamt herself into orgasm.

The heavy mane of her hair lifted and an insistent mouth cruised over her nape, nipping, licking, tugging at her until she squirmed beneath those hands, that mouth, begging for more, even as she realised it was no dream. This had to be the best way to wake up ever devised and there was no way she was going to let it end.

Those magical lips moved down her back until, with a sudden swift move, she was shifted from her side to her back, her legs hanging over the edge of the bed. She stared at a blond head burrowing between her thighs and began to breathe in short, sudden pants.

He found her clit, licking the hard nub with first teasing, then hard, wide swipes. Her pussy gushed as he pushed first one finger, then two inside her, twisting and turning until she could feel his knuckles hard against her. The pads of his fingers discovered and exploited her G-spot.

She shuddered, a full-body shiver, and clenched her thighs tight around his head, weaving her fingers through the short spikes of his hair, urging him on. He increased his pace. Glittering sensation rocketed through her, sparking in her clit and nipples at the same time, catapulting her over the top and into an orgasm so intense she thought she just might die.

Dimly, in the back of her consciousness, she heard the soft tear of foil and felt a heavy body settle between her legs, lifting her hips until his hard cock pressed insistently against her. She began to protest…no, too tired…then he was inside, stretching her almost to the point of pain, and there was no way in hell she was giving this up.

She opened her eyes and stared up at Scott, his single eye burning with an intensity that shook her down to her soul. She knew how she was supposed to feel about the magical way he handled her body, but what about the havoc he was beginning to wreak in her heart with his soft, worshipful touch and smouldering gaze? She shut her eyes, concentrating solely on the sensations whirling through her, and not on the incredibly tender look gracing his face.

He thrust slowly, the angle of his entry driving him deeper than she’d ever been penetrated. She twined her legs around his thighs, anything to keep him inside, and felt one of his hands leave her hip. His fingers honed in on her clit, strumming it in time to each plunge. She hovered on the edge of another climax, and still he moved with slow certainty.

“Cassidy,” his voice was impossibly deep and the simple sound of it almost pushed her over the edge again. Almost.

“Cassidy, look at me.” He was commanding now and she couldn’t help but obey. Her eyes fluttered open. “I want to see your expression when you come.” He picked up the pace as their gazes locked. Their bodies slapped together in a sound as old and sensuous as time. She felt her body begin to tense, he pressed a broad thumb against her clit, and she exploded, screaming his name.


Scott drew in a ragged breath as Cassidy squeezed and pulsed around him, gritting his teeth to keep her from pulling him along.
To hell with that
. He’d come like a fifteen-year-old the first time. This time he was going to use both of their bodies until neither of them could lift their heads.

She went limp beneath him and he eased his thumb off her clit. He’d never known a woman who was so responsive… Hell, he’d never known himself to have this kind of willpower, wanting to prolong it, to encourage the exquisite torture.

He leant forward and ran his hands over her breasts, drawing a tormented moan from her. Her nipples peaked beneath his palms as she shivered.

“Scott,” her voice was guttural, satisfied. “I don’t think I can come again.”

He smiled and tweaked a nipple. “You will, and I’ll be right there with you.” His mouth replaced his fingers.

Increasing his suction, he brushed his hands down her arms, catching a wrist in each hand. Releasing her breast with a pop, he shifted up, pulling her arms over her head, and captured her lips with his own as he began to thrust, deep and powerful.

She came alive beneath him, bucking up to meet each surge, straining against the hands manacling hers together. Her pussy was wet and slick around him, quivering as he slid into her forcefully.

“Let me touch you,” she gasped.

Scott shook his head with a wicked grin. “Remember…enjoy.” Her pulse thrummed beneath the thin skin of her wrists, and he knew she was as turned on by the submissive pose as he was.

He picked up the pace, sliding against her, their bodies lubricated by good, clean sweat. He released her wrists, threaded his fingers through hers and pumped towards ecstasy. She wrapped her long, lithe legs around his ass, pulling him even farther inside until his world narrowed to her, to the incredible sensations flooding through him.

His balls tightened, his chest heaved. Cassidy’s body began to tremble uncontrollably beneath him. Sexy little mews escaped her lips as she grasped is fingers and clamped her legs around his hips.

“Oh God, Scott…”

It was the sound of his name on her lips as she moaned that did it for him. He climaxed with her, surging against her again and again until he was totally spent.

He flopped onto his back, leaving his fingers twined with hers, and lay by her side, fighting for breath.


* * * *


Cassidy woke with a start, flushed from sleep, by the unfamiliar male body in her bed and the mumbled words coming from his mouth.

As she focused on his face, his words became clear and anguished. “Breathe, damn it, breathe. Fuck. Smitty, don’t you die on me.” His words faded back into gibberish.

Chills raced down her spine. She had a pretty good idea of what he was muttering about. How could such a young man live with trauma like that?

She stared up at the ceiling. Why should she even care? Tomorrow this would be a sweet memory. Still, she couldn’t stop herself from laying a hand on his arm and stroking, trying to alleviate the nightmares haunting him.

Chapter Five




‘Today is your lucky day, Virgo. Jupiter, planet of good fortune and finances, is at a perfect angle to light up your seventh house, accentuating long-term partnerships, business relationships and marriage. Meanwhile, tonight’s full moon will team up with romantic Venus in your house of true love, assuring it will be a hot summer’s night in more than one way.’


Scott snorted and closed yesterday’s newspaper. He never read the damned horoscopes, but he’d figured, since it was the edition that had fallen on his birthday, and he’d got one hell of a present, he might as well. Just showed how much of a pile of crap they were. He’d followed his cock last night, not his heart, and it had been one hell of a ride. One he’d never regret, even if it was just a one-nighter. He felt a little guilty about bolting before she’d even stirred, but he wasn’t a fan of the whole morning-after dance.

Not that coming to work was a better way to spend the morning. His office was sterile and the job was boring as hell. Six hours into his first day, and Scott knew that the Air Force had made a big mistake in sending him back home. There had to be something better for him to do. Something that would utilise the abilities they had pounded into him over the three-month indoctrination course and the two years of high altitude, low opening parachute training, dive qualification and advanced paramedic instruction.

He wadded up yet another piece of paper and used the wall across the room as a backboard for his shot. Two points.

As it had for the past six hours, his mind turned back to last night and the phenomenal bout of lovemaking with Cassidy. And that’s what it had been…lovemaking. Not a round of fucking as he’d expected and welcomed, but something far more complex. He wasn’t sure he liked the difference, and it had taken him all day to work his way into admitting it. Fucking he could handle. The thought didn’t quell his urge to revisit the coffee shop and see if she’d be willing to go at it again.

He shook his head. Now he was forcing himself to think coarse thoughts, rather than what he really felt. What he’d really like to do was give her a call and see if she wanted to go see a movie, or something equally mundane. And that was a dangerous thought, because, as soon as he could rig it, he was blowing this Popsicle stand. He knew people, could probably swing a much better assignment than this.

If nothing else, he could fill his free time by trying to get back into the field rather than sitting on his ass, playing hoop with himself.

With the decision made, he swung towards the phone and started dialling.


* * * *


As the bell over the door tinkled, Cassidy threw a glance over her shoulder and froze in mid-stride.


Her heart did a slow roll in her chest. Damn. She certainly hadn’t expected to see him again, not after his stealthy exit this morning. Not that she had minded it…well, maybe a little…but she understood the male urge to fuck and run. It seemed to be a genetic trait, one she’d witnessed time and again as her older brothers had skulked into the house during the wee hours.

Last night had been spectacular, the best sex of her life, even, but she’d thought they’d agreed, albeit silently, that it was a one-time gig.

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