Blind (Senses Series Book 1) (8 page)

BOOK: Blind (Senses Series Book 1)
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I can’t fucking believe this is happening.

Logan’s hand slides down following the curves on my body to my inner thigh. “Here?”

I shake my head lazily rocking my hips towards him in hopes that he’ll take the hint.

Please take the goddamn hint.

Instead he lets his lips give my neck a good suck as he continues this delicious misery. Finally his hand slides over the outside of my thong, which to say is soaking would be an understatement.

“Fuck you’re wet.” The words make me more so. “Is that for me?”

Like I’m not even in my own body my head nods as my body rolls up again hoping he’ll end this agony before my demise.

Seriously. What the hell is the goddamn hold up? I’ve waited years for this!

“Tell me,” he demands, his fingertip making small circles on top of my underwear covered clit. I whimper loudly. “Tell me this is mine.”

In a voice I don’t recognize I cry out, “Yours Logan. All yours.” Like the expert he is, he slips his hand under my thong, slides a finger inside me, and cause my body to arch up off the mattress as I call out his name, “Logan…”

His thumb starts small circles around my clit as he pushes his finger deeper, “Mine.” The tone is animalistic. Coated in testosterone and dripping in domination. Between the combination of the word, the pressure, and the fact no one has touched me like this in years, my core clenches around his finger. He softly groans in my ear, “You’re gonna come for me.”

Not a question. Not a request. A fucking command.

My walls clench again as he gently starts pushing in and out, slipping an additional finger in after only a brief moment. I cry out his name in pleasure again. I can feel my orgasm pleading to get out of me like someone trying not drown. What I’ve always thought of as a long process is now the shortest it’s ever been.

God, he really does know what he’s doing doesn’t he?

As if hearing my thought he licks my earlobe and I moan his name again, louder this time, more urgent. I don’t want him to stop, but I know that I’m so close I can’t fight it. “Logan…” my whimper is a warning. Sensing it he rests his forehead against mine as my breathing becomes nonexistent. With one final rub, I’m coming apart, thrashing up to meet his touch as my orgasm rushes out of me leaving my head reeling, his name falling from my lips again and again.

His fingers slip out of me as he moans in my ear one final time. “Mine.”

I struggle to lift my eyes open, but can barely do it.

Not only was that better than I dreamed, it actually made the ones I fantasized about look like scenes from a bad teen movie. A very awful teen movie.

My breath leaks back into my lungs after several long attempts, which is when I notice that Logan is no longer lying beside me, but standing up. The triumphant smile on his face is followed by him saying, “You look fucking beautiful when you come.” Before I can say thanks for the strange ass compliment, Logan turns and disappears out of my room leaving me in the exact same state I left him in almost a week ago.

Ugh. Karma is a bitch.

Chapter 14


With a final huff I hop off the treadmill and toss a towel around the back of my neck, sweat pouring from my forehead. Fuck, I’m ready for a shower. I grab my gym bag, swing it over my bare shoulder, and head towards the front when Will stops me.

“Yo Kellar,” he calls out leaning against the check in counter.


“Wade’s got a family thing that he’s gotta disappear for awhile to take care of. Think you could help out and take his place a few times a month with the young ones?” I pause and fold my arms across my chest. “Nothing permanent. Just come in and watch them spar, give tips or even advice. Just an extra eye. It’d be a big help.”

My immediate response is to shut him down.

Not really my scene. But you know, Will has done a lot for me, and before I could afford a membership he took a chance on training me. I owe him.

“Yeah. Just let me know when.”

“I’ll let you know with plenty of time in advance. And I know not to bother you on Fight Night or the day before.”


“Appreciate it.” Will nods at me and I continue on my way. I’m dying to get home.

Behind the wheel of my mustang, I begin drumming to a song on the radio. To no surprise Maxx begins creeping in on my mind. She loves this song.

Girl can’t carry a tune to save her life. She takes tone deaf to another level.

Whenever she’s around me she sings at the top of her lungs.

Fuck, now I’m smiling.

After I finger banged her a couple nights ago, I left. It took every muscle in my body to do it, but I did.

I deserve a medal for that shit.

Watching her come undone for me was the sexiest fucking thing I’ve ever seen. I wanted to just plunge myself inside and make a new home, fuck everything else. I always figured that if Maxx and I ever crossed that line, shit would be complicated. That she’d be demanding more from me. That she would try to force something from me that I can’t give her, yet here she is…just taking the little bits I can offer.

She has to be the most amazing person in the world. I know you see it too.

Lately, when I’ve had time away from her, I let my mind wander to what it would be like if we were actually a couple. To go to bed with her and only her.

I sound like such a pussy.

They’re stupid fucking thoughts. No matter how dumb my daydreams are, lately I can’t shake them.

If it makes up for it, Maxx is naked in most of them.

At home, the house is empty, and I get in the shower figuring that Erin and Maxx should be home any minute. Lucky for me I don’t have to share a bathroom. When we moved in Erin demanded that she get the master, and the idea of Maxx having to share a bathroom with my random conquests seemed cruel, so I got the second biggest room with the bathroom attached, leaving Luke and Maxx stuck sharing. Neither of them seems to mind.

The warm water rolls over my shoulders and a short grunt leaves me. Suddenly, I hear the sound of my bathroom door opening.

What the…

“Hey Logan.” Maxx’s voice fills my bathroom to my surprise.

Unsure of what to think about her in here, I try to still my voice as my dick stiffens.
She’s not here for you. Only thing you’re getting dude is a wash and now maybe a self applied hand job.

“Hey Maximus. What’s up?”

“Do you know if Luke is coming home? I tried to text him and never got a response.”

“Yeah,” I call over the water. “Met him for lunch. He picked up a shift tonight.”

“Erin’s going out for a drink with some friends,” she informs me.

And that’s when the shower curtain rips open and Maxx is standing in front of me completely naked.

Holy mother of God, Batman.

She looks like she slipped out of a Playboy magazine. Her tits sit perfectly like they were bought and paid for, her curves are smooth and inviting, hips wide with a perfect round ass I wanna grab. This has to be a dream. This has to be a fucking dream.

And I swear to God if I am dreaming and you wake me up, I’ll kick your ass.


She climbs into the shower, shoves me against the tile wall, and pushes her lips against mine sucking my top lip into her mouth. Feels exactly like a dream. Our tongues briefly touch before hers starts to travel downward on my neck, across my collar bone, down my chest, and after a swipe across my nipple I let out a long moan.


Her tongue continues on a path all of its own and I know I should stop it.

She shouldn’t be doing this. She’s not gonna do what I think she is. No fucking way. There’s no way she’s gonna—

Maxx’s tongue licks the drop of precum from the tip of my cock and I let out a loud growl.


And that’s when her jaw drops, her warm mouth slides down my shaft, her hand cups my nuts, causing my head to hit the tile with a thump. She rolls her tongue slowly and deliberately taking her time, yanking me to the edge before I’ve even had a chance to enjoy myself.

No. I can’t fucking come just like that.

I let out another moan and try to still my breathing hoping it’ll help but fuck….the way her tongue is running up and down my cock, I barely stand a chance. The water is rolling down her body like a porn shoot,  pulling that orgasm along like a dog on a leash.

“Fuck Maxx…” My fingertips weave in her wet hair that’s starting to wave, grip tighter and pull her closer. 

She keeps the speed steady, increases pressure, does a small spin trick before pulling me towards the back of her throat. That’s it for me. Like some juvenile who’s never had a girl on his cock before I let go with a sharp, “I’m coming.”

Like a greedy kid sucking the last of a milkshake she swallows every drop until my knees are buckling. Stunned, I watch as she pulls herself up, pecks me with a kiss on the corner of my mouth, and then vanishes like some sort of blow job Houdini.

My body slides down against the wall, exhausted, confused, and relaxed. With the feel of Maxx’s lips still ingrained on my body I rest my arms on my knees, lower my head, and shut my eyes.

I don’t know what the hell just happened but that was amazing.

Once I get my shit together, actually shower off, and change into sweat pants, I head straight for the kitchen where I find Maxx sitting on the edge of the counter dangling her feet, snuggled into one of my old t-shirts with a pair of yoga shorts on and wet hair piled on top of her head.

Damn she looks beautiful. And no, not just because she just had her lips wrapped around my cock. Thank you very much.

I guess I stare at her longer than I realize because she giggles. “What? Do I have whipped cream on my nose?”

“No.” I grab the bowl of chocolate, vanilla swirled ice cream that has whipped cream and chocolate syrup on top.

Maxx moans after taking a long bite and I find my cock rising for another around.   Clearing my throat I lean against the counter beside where she’s sitting in hopes that she’ll miss it.

“Oh!” Her voice squeaks. “I got you something for tomorrow night.”

Confused I take another mouthful. “What?”

She leans backwards, stretching her frame, her tits rising, her nipples now hardened and having my attention.

You know, I should really return that favor. Besides her nipples would taste even better than this ice cream.

Before I can act on it, she hands me a white box with a black ribbon bow tied around it. “Here.”

I put the bowl down, give the ribbon a pull and open the lid to see a roll of white boxing tape with the word ‘Lucky’ plastered on it along with dice. A huge grin expands across my face. “Trying to tell me something?”

“No.” She rolls her eyes. “I know you’re not lucky, just a fantastic fighter. I got it because tomorrow’s theme is Vegas and gambling.  It would be fun if you joined in on it.”

“Vegas huh?” I put the box down and pick up the ice cream again. “What are you gonna be wearing?”

“You’ll just have to wait and see like the rest of my adoring fans.” She pretends to be fawned over before having another bite of her own dessert.

Fucked up thing is I do fawn over her. Like a goddamn pussy.

“Apparently guys really like seeing me dressed up like that.”

“Can’t blame ‘em.” My shoulders shrug. “But to be honest I think this look is hotter.”

She rolls her eyes. “Yeah, okay. That’s why the girls you bring into your bed are all dressed like low class hookers? Because you think
,” she points to her attire, “is hotter.”

“They’re brought into my bed because I already have
,” I point back at her and her wardrobe, “in my life. I don’t need another.” Maxx’s throat takes a deep swallow as her brown eyes light up like I just hit the jackpot.

Fuck. I shouldn’t have said that. I meant every word and even the ones I didn’t, but I can’t be that guy who she expects to put that sparkle in her eyes. She’ll just get hurt. Hurt worse than any damage I’ve ever done in the ring. And trust me when I say I’ve done plenty of damage.

Clearing my throat, I nod towards the package. “Thanks for the thought by the way.”

Maxx doesn’t say anything else just nods and finishes her bowl of ice cream before rushing up to my room to set up the console up for the game. Once my bowl is in the sink, I grip the edge and stare down at it. It’s empty. Like me.

Level with me for a sec would you? How can I be expected to give myself to another person when there’s nothing here? And how can someone like Maxx full of life, want to give herself to me knowing damn well how hollow I am?

Chapter 15


I tug at the fitted black corset top that runs a high risk of letting my boobs fall out. I need this stupid thing to come up just a little more. I tug again. And again. And again until I feel like my chest is going to suffocate.

I should fire Erin for this.

“I can’t wear this.” I turn to Erin who is busy checking her phone for something, looking easily drop dead gorgeous in a similar outfit to mine except instead of a tight, short black skirt she’s got on black high waisted, skin tight satin shorts with the word ‘Lucky’ on the ass. Her corset is strapless, mine has very thin pieces of string that are not worthy of being called material. Instead of being bare legged like me, she’s got on fishnets. Me, heels, her, stiletto boots. And while I’m lucky to get to wear this cute tilted top hat, she’s filled her hair with numerous curls.

Is it just me or are her outfits always easier to handle than mine?

“You say that every fight,” her voice chimes in, her face still not looking up.

“God.” I tug again, my boobs jiggling like some bad porn video.

At least they’re perky even though I feel I look cheap. Besides, my job is to please the crowd and the ladies get it done.

“I’ll be thankful when we hire someone.”

“You’re in luck.” Erin slides her phone in her pocket. “Frank said he hired someone earlier this week and that she’ll be by for us to check out mid next week.”

Great! If she’s worth it. If she is then there’s only one more Fight Night for me. Only one more night to be slutted up before I can pass the torch and focus on what I really get paid to do. Organize.

“I swear if my boob falls out of this top Erin—”

“It won’t. Now get going! You’re gonna be late.”

“Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.” I snatch my signs from where they’re leaning beside the door and head towards the ring.

Music starts and I do like I’ve done the last couple of Fight Nights and strut the stage like I’m queen of the world.

It’s all a game. But you know what? I kind of like the confidence boost I get from the cheers in the crowd. It’s refreshing. Kind of like the Logan situation. But please don’t get me started on that. Now’s not a good time for me to be weak in the knees. I already suck with balance in these shoes.

With my sponsor sign held high, I do my best to keep a smile plastered on my face, hiding the fear that my tits are going to come spilling out for the entire world to enjoy.

No extra shimmy today.

“And now….He may be lean, he may be mean, but he is an unstoppable machine…Robot!” The D.J. announces as I hold up the decorated Robot sign. Best part of these signs is when I pick them up from the sign maker. The look he gives me never fails to make me laugh.

If you had to put Robot on a sign for me, you would give me the ‘mentally disturbed cheerleader’ look too.

Robot stomps his way into the ring, looking like a brick wall with legs. Short, but muscular. Like a muscle man, overwork yourself in the gym, did you have pills to help you, sort of guy. With my heels on we’re the same height. Not quite the type Logan normally fights, which raises a bit of concern.

Isn’t it done by weight or something?

While the crowd cheers, I point to the spot on my cheek for him to come and kiss. Like some overgrown macho ape, he stomps over, pulls me to his hip and plants an overly enthusiastic kiss on my cheek. The crowd may be erupting in cheers, but something tells me that if I look over at Logan he will be erupting in rage.

I kind of like the idea of him being jealous. Wish it were with better material though.

Pulling away from him, I listen to the D.J. announce, “He may bend, he may sway, but he will not break! The one, the only, Unbreakable!”

Enthusiastically I hold the sign up as I turn my face to see Logan with the Lucky tape wrapped around his hands looking like fury incarnate. With focus and a scowl on his face he marches over and wraps both arms around my waist from behind, which causes the crowd to scream even louder than they already were.

In my ear he says, “He just signed his own death certificate.” My eyes bulge wider as I try to hide the sudden fear. I quickly tap my cheek and Logan tosses a hand in the air for the crowd to make more noise before he leans around and kisses the spot.

Nervous, I give him a second look, he winks and puts on his game face.

Well this is gonna be bad. At least for Robot. But really if you’re such a tool that you name yourself Robot don’t you deserve whatever is coming for you?

I shuffle off the stage quickly and make my way around to watch the fight from the corner that’s basically reserved for employees only. When I get there I see Logan landing his fist in Robot’s face so hard that blood flies and the crowd ‘Ohs!’ I scrunch my face.

That had to hurt.

Stuart is snapping away photos and Tony is doing the same thing, except he’s using his phone to upload them as they are happening onto one of the social media sites. This week he showed me how many fan pages and fan groups there are for Logan and I must confess it was overwhelming.

If you think his ego is bad now, fear the day that he figures out he has an actual following.

Fighting a smile, I tilt my head to the side as I watch him maneuver his way around the ring barely getting touched. His muscles are flexing as sweat starts to cover his skin. Realizing how sexy he looks, I feel a familiar warmth grow between my legs along with the need to have some part of him against me. My index finger slips into my mouth.

So help me God, I know I’m not supposed to sleep with him, but if he were to offer…I don’t know if I’d have the strength to say no anymore. Do you honestly have the strength to say no anymore? No? Yeah, I didn’t think so.

“So tell me…” Tony’s voice says in my ear over the crowd’s responses.


“Does Unbreakable know how lucky he is to have you in love with him?” Horror pops on my face as I snap my neck around at him. He’s got a soft smile on his and adjusts his dealer jacket. With a short shoulder shrug he sighs. “It’s obvious by that sparkle in your eye that you only get for him. My only question is does he know how lucky he is?”

I press my lips refusing to answer.

Sadly, we all know the answer to this question.

I look away briefly.

“I didn’t think so…”

“Look Tony—”

“Don’t worry about it Maxx. No hard feelings. Just let him know that if he’s dumb enough to break your heart and leave it in pieces, I’m smart enough to come along and put them back together.” He raises his eyebrows and gives me a charming smile.

Really? He even bows out gracefully? He really is a dream come true, even if he’s not mine. You want him? He’s a catch I’m telling you! The only problem I have now is how do I tell him that Logan’s already broken my heart by keeping the Friend name tag on my forehead? That he’s already broken it because he’ll never love me like I love him.

I keep those thoughts to myself as I lean over and give him a kiss on the cheek. “You deserve nothing less than the best, Tony.”

“You are the best,” he responds. “Hope Unbreakable knows that.”

Before I can respond it’s declared that Logan is the winner. Swiftly I turn back around to see him with his hands in the air, his mouth piece hitting the light, and his eyes searching the crowd for something.

What the hell could he be looking for?

At that moment, his eyes lock onto mine and the proud grin on his face gets bigger.

Was he actually looking for me?

He winks.

Ugh. Cheeky bastard. As much as I hate to say anything, it really means a lot to me that I was the first thing he looked for when he was done. Logan’s never said much with words, but he always says a shit ton with his actions. Why can’t that just be enough for me?


After a longer work night than expected, I passed out with minimal effort. Dragging my exhausted body down the stairs while tugging on the edges of my sweatshirt, I rub the sleep that’s still lingering in my eyes. That was the hardest one so far. Apparently the promotional themed drinks and discount cover charges for wearing a costume are working because we had a line to get into the bar that wrapped around the corner. Plus it was so crowded before and after the fight that people were still talking about it when I finally got to leave. It was so busy that I could barely get C.J. to get me water when I needed it. It was crazy, but Frank made a shit ton of money, meaning I made a shit ton and so did Erin, which is probably why she is smiling so brightly this morning.

“It is too damn early to have a smile that bright.” I point to her face as I flop down on my seat at the kitchen table a glass of chocolate milk in my hand.

“Chocolate milk? Really?” she snaps in return. “What are you six?”

I shrug and take a sip. “You know I don’t like coffee.”

“I understand you make poor choices.” She nods and cross her legs, bringing her coffee cup up for her to take a drink. Afterward she shakes her head. “Last night was insane. I’ve never seen the bar like that.”

“Me either.”

“You’re doing good girl.” The compliment is followed by Luke strolling down the stairs in his sweats and a t-shirt looking about as awake as me. “Really good.”

“Thanks,” I take the compliment and sit cross legged. Turning my attention to Luke as he pours a cup of coffee I ask, “So…tell us, is Stuart as interested in you as you are him?”

Spilling a little of the coffee he gripes about it being hot before wiping up the mess. “I’m not interested in him.” Erin bursts out in laughter. Annoyed, he glares at his sister as he tosses the dish rag on the counter. “I’m not.”

“Right. And makeup for me is just a hobby.”

Luke rolls his eyes, leans against the counter, and sighs. “He’s got a boyfriend. So…not interested anymore.”

“Sorry.” I rest my arms on the table. “That sucks.”

“Yeah well apparently we live in the house of man problems.”

“I don’t have man problems,” Erin adds cheerfully. Luke and I both tilt our faces at her sarcastically. “What? I don’t!”

“So that little spat between you and C.J.—”

“What spat?” I interrupt.

It’s her turn to glare at her brother. “Was nothing.”

“Nothing my ass.”

“What spat?” I try again.

“We’re done with that topic now,” Erin declares.

And much like Logan, when she declares something is over you damn sure better believe it.

The sound of a door opening causes us all to turn our heads to the stairs. My body tenses like some sort of sick Pavlov’s bell thing. Just the sound of Logan’s bedroom door opening the morning after Fight Night causes this overwhelming dread.

Can you blame me?

To everyone’s surprise however, it’s him we see taking the stairs two at a time, dressed in workout gear with his gym bag swung over his shoulder.

“Morning,” he speaks brightly while opening the fridge.

The three of us look towards his bedroom door waiting for a girl to come down the stairs. After he’s successfully poured a glass of juice, and it’s apparent she’s not coming down, Luke speaks up.

“So…you decided that it would be better if you snuck out of your own house instead of making the girl?” Luke offers as Logan posts up against the counter next to the fridge.

“Oh! Oh! You made her shimmy down the drain pipe because she didn’t wanna do the Walk of Shame?” Erin teases as Logan rolls his eyes.

I smirk.

You are too. It’s okay.

Luke adds, “She just floated away because her head was that empty?”

“You discovered that it was impolite to have her interrupt our peaceful breakfast so you sent her out of the house in the middle of the night?”

Hm. You know, Erin’s suggestion would actually make the most logical sense.

He takes a long drink of juice and sighs. “Are you two done now?”

Luke nods and Erin taps her chin. My eyes shoot that direction, which is when she realizes we are all waiting on her. “What? I’m thinking.”

“There was no girl last night.” His declaration causes Luke to choke on his coffee.

After several chest pounds, he clears his throat. “I’m sorry what?”

“I don’t know what he said either. I think he took up Russian. That sounded too foreign to understand.” Erin starts giggling and I let out a slight snicker.

“Oh you think that’s funny?” Logan raises an eyebrow at me.


“A little,” I whisper out.

“What do you mean there was no girl last night?” Luke drives us back to the subject.

“I mean.” He places his glass down on the counter. “I came home alone.”

“Why?” Erin and Luke cry out in unison.

Logan wets his lips and slides his hands in his pockets. Casually he looks down at the ground and mutters. “I just did.”

There’s a gentle nudge against my foot and I shoot Erin, who is trying to hide her excitement, a perplexed look.

It wasn’t because of me. I know that’s where her brain is going but chances are it has absolutely nothing to do with me. Very rarely does it ever.

“Work too hard?” Luke pokes.

“Oh fuck off,” Logan laughs warmly. “You try taking down a lumberjack troll and tell me if you’re not tired afterward.”

“Yeah, what the hell was Frank thinking? You don’t belong in the same class,” Erin nags.

“I know, but I asked for a challenge. Apparently it’s getting harder to find people willing to fight me.” Logan’s eyes roll back over to me. “Anyway, Maxx are you busy tonight?”

“Uh…Post Fight Night ritual? Pizza and movies right?”

“I was thinking maybe we could go get pizza and see a movie?” The suggestion sounds like a date.
Don’t be fucking stupid Maxx. Logan Kellar doesn’t date. You know that.

“Um…” seems to be the only thing that comes out of me. My eyes glance at Erin who is pretending to be busy on her phone and her brother who is pretending to refill his coffee cup slowly.


“Yeah. That’d be…fun I guess.”

“Yeah?” The cheerfulness in his question knocks me back against my chair.


“Alright, well I’ve got some shit to do. Think you can be ready by 6?”

“Sure,” I breathlessly answer.

“Later,” he says to all of us.

The three of us wait for the front door to close before even thinking about talking again.

“Did that just happen?” Erin mutters out pointing towards where Logan had been standing, the only remainder of him is the lingering orange juice glass that I will gladly wash. “Did he just ask you out?”

“No,” I insist, although I know how it sounded. “He just moved our tradition from the house to public.”

You agree with me right?

“I think he just asked you out on a date,” Luke says still looking a bit confused himself.

“I think you two are looking too much into this.” I get up to wash my glass and his.

“Maxx, he didn’t bring another girl home last night,” Erin states as I turn the water on in hopes of drowning her out. Knowing that’s what I’m up to she speaks louder. “He came home alone Maxx.
. A…lone…A-L-O-N-E.”

“There’s never been a Fight Night when he’s done that.” Luke backs his sister as I place the glasses in the sink.

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