Read Blind Date Online

Authors: Veronica Tower

Tags: #Romanace, MC/IR, Contemporary Erotic Romance, Ménage

Blind Date (8 page)

BOOK: Blind Date
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Merci’s body still touched Chris with awe. Why some guy hadn’t snatched her up years before was beyond him. Maybe they were just meant to be together.

Chris wrapped a fluffy towel around his waist covering his rigid organ and reached into the stream of water to brush Merci’s nipple.

She opened her eyes, a wide smile on her face. “Are you ready to come in yet?”

“I want to,” Chris confessed, “but you’re too damned distracting. I think it’s time I start shaving you.”

Merci trembled beneath the spray, making Chris grow even harder, as if that were possible.

“It’s time to dry off and come into the bedroom.”

Merci wrapped a towel around her—breasts to thighs—before leaving the bathroom. It didn’t stay there very long. As they approached the bed, Chris yanked it off in one rapid motion and spread the towel atop the pillows.

Merci stood trying to cover herself with her arms, reacting in equal parts to the shock of cool air on her flesh and the surprise of being suddenly naked. The latter motivation didn’t really make any sense, Chris had been staring at her in the shower for the past ten minutes, but some reactions went beyond reason.

“Why don’t you lie down here on your back?” Chris suggested, patting the mattress with his hand.

Merci crawled onto the bed, all too aware of Chris’ eyes on her breasts, her hips, her thighs and her ass. His eyes were wide with excitement.








Chapter Seventeen



Merci watched those eyes closely as she rolled onto her back and spread her thighs. The lips of her pussy parted, opening for his inspection.

“Is this what you want to see?” she asked, sliding her hands down her stomach, through her bush and gently spreading the lips even further for him. His eyes narrowed as he focused on the pink flesh within. His hand moved to the bulge beneath his towel and gripped himself as he stared at her.

“Maybe you want to start by fucking me?” Merci suggested.

Chris slowly shook his head and released himself. “Oh, I’m going to fuck you, Merci, but first I’m going to shave you bald and lick your bare pussy.”

He came around the mattress and positioned himself between Merci’s legs. Then he reached over to the table he had set up beside the bed and removed a steaming washcloth from one of the bowls. “This may be a little hot,” he warned her as he dropped the cloth onto Merci’s pussy.

She hissed in response, sitting up rapidly, hands racing to push the washcloth off her flesh, but Chris’ hands were ahead of hers. He caught the cloth and scrubbed it hard into her bush and over her groin.

“I can’t believe you just did that!” Merci told him.

“Feels good, doesn’t it? All that heat soaking into your skin.”

Merci started to settle back down onto the mattress. “Now it does, but when you first dropped it on me-”

Chris playfully tossed the cloth up between Merci’s breasts and reached for the shaving cream. He filled his open palm with foam and smeared the soap all over Merci’s bush. Then he picked the washcloth back up from between Merci’s breasts and cleaned his hands. “I’ve been looking forward to this all day.”

Chris chose one of the disposable razors and dipped it into the second bowl of water. Then he leaned close over Merci’s pussy and touched the metal to her flesh just above the line of foam. “Are you ready for me?”

Merci shivered.

With his left hand, Chris pinched the loose flesh and pulled it taut. Then he dragged the razor cleanly down Merci’s
mons veneris
revealing the smooth brown flesh beneath.

Merci quivered with excitement. Her muscles tensed and the heat roared between her legs.

Chris rinsed the razor in the bowl of water and then stroked the clean flesh with the tip of his finger. “So smooth,” he whispered.

Merci trembled at his touch.

Chris scraped the pubic hair from another row of flesh, gradually expanding the shaven area.

Merci’s skin was so sensitive, the feeling of the blade moving across her so exquisite, the chance of painful mishap so high, that it was all that she could do to hold herself still and keep from trembling.

“You are so beautiful,” Chris told her as he rinsed the blade again, preparing to make yet another stroke.

The towel began to loosen around his waist as his erection pushed the cloth away from his body.

The sharp thin blade kissed her
again, scraping even more of her flesh bald and clean.

“I can’t believe I’m letting you do this to me,” Merci whispered.

“I can’t wait to suck your clit off your bald pussy,” Chris responded.

He rinsed his tool and stroked her again as the towel slipped completely from his waist to hang from his erection in front of her.

Chris pulled it free and flung it to the floor. The eye of his hard dick looked straight up Merci’s body.

“I would love to slide inside of you right now and then try to finish this with my dick filling your flesh.”

At last Merci found the limit to what she would and would not allow Chris to try. “No!” she insisted, without any hint of compromise in her tone.

Chris rinsed off the blade. “Just fantasizing aloud,” he assured her.

He scraped her one more time, taking the final row of hair, and then made light touch up gestures to bring his work to perfection. Finished, he sat back to admire Merci. Her smooth brown skin glistened in front of him until her clitoris and labia rose out of her flesh to beckon his attention. “That’s just about perfect,” Chris told her. “You are perfect.”

Merci slipped her fingers down her body to explore her newly shaven flesh. The skin was so smooth, so tender, so excited by the caress of her finger tips.

Chris gently lifted Merci’s fingers away from her body and brought them to his lips. His tongue caressed the tip of each one in turn, sending shivers down Merci’s arm, through her breasts and into her newly shaved pussy. “Do you know what time it is? Chris asked her.

Her breath caught in Merci’s throat and her thighs began to tremble. All of the blood in her body seemed to rush down to her labia and clitoris.

Chris’ head dipped low until his lips hovered over her dark folds of swollen flesh. “You are so beautiful,” he whispered. “I can see your excitement beading on your lips.”

The tip of his tongue darted forth to gently taste Merci’s juices.

Her hips bucked in knee-jerk reaction to the contact.

“Oh my God,” Merci whispered.

Chris’ lips moved up her body, brushing against the shaved perfection of her
. His tongue darted back out, scraping a wet path along her hairless flesh. A quiver radiated outward from the point of his touch.

Chris dropped his face lower, caressing her shaven flesh with his no longer smooth cheek, scraping the same channels the razor had just cleaned.

Merci’s heart beat too rapidly in her chest. Her breath wouldn’t come. She tried to crush Chris’ face between her thighs and buck her clit up into him, but his strong hands pushed her hips back down and his calloused thumbs reached out to stroke the clean sides of her pussy.

“I want you, Merci,” he whispered. His breath felt hot on her lips. His mouth hovered inches from where she wanted him to be.

“I want you,” he repeated, “and you’re mine!”

His mouth dropped hard, engulfing her aching clitoris and sucking it deep inside him—clamping her most sensitive flesh between his rough tongue and the firm roof of his mouth.

Then he started to use his teeth.




Chapter Eighteen



Merci’s response was everything Chris could have hoped for. Her hips gyrated so forcefully he had trouble staying on top of her. She twisted, she squirmed, she thrust, she screamed, and the more she exploded beneath him the harder he strove to suck another orgasm out of her.

He dropped his left hand between her legs where he could thrust his thumb deep inside her pussy, rubbing the calloused flesh hard into her slippery passage.

Merci screamed louder, almost throwing him off. Her engorged nipples bounced up and down from her efforts, urging him to grab hold of them. Chris lunged forward to accommodate, grasping a whole breast firmly in his right hand, squeezing the soft dark flesh between his fingers.

Merci’s whole body seemed to leap off the bed, her spine arching so forcefully that she carried Chris up with her. When they crashed to the bed again, she got her hands firmly on his ears and tried to pull his mouth off of her. She got him up as far as her navel before he fought his way back down to her sweet clitoris.

Then she was screaming her pleasure all over again.


















Chapter Ninteen



Merci couldn’t think any more.

Her heart was bursting in her chest. Her lungs had caught on fire. And her pussy would not stop exploding in a string of never ending orgasms.

Abruptly she realized that Chris’ weight had left her body. The sound of dripping water reached her ears and then the stinging, burning slap of a hot wet washcloth landed on her bald pussy as a monstrously big cock bruised its way past her lower lips.









Chapter Twenty



Merci exploded anew the moment Chris entered her, spontaneously thrusting her hips upward to take as much of his length as she could. Her legs wrapped around his waist locking him deep inside her and her incredible orgasm enveloped his bare cock, challenging him to come with her.

Chris tried to pull back. He wanted to thrust, to pump, to fuck, before he came, but Merci’s legs did not release him. Her fingers reached out to claw at his back; her teeth sank hard into his shoulder; and her hot slippery pussy turned up the pressure on his cock, vibrating harder as she ground herself against his stiff rod.

Chris’ tight balls slapped excitedly against Merci’s ass and the tip of his penis ground against the end of her vagina. His right hand found Merci’s breast, and squeezed in counterpoint to the pain in his shoulder.

He had always prided himself on his stamina, but no man alive could withstand the power of this woman’s orgasms or the feel of her fingernails digging channels down his back and ass. Her pussy had a mind of its own, squeezing and milking his shaft, egging him on to his own mind blowing climax.

He just couldn’t help himself. His balls tightened and his cock exploded, spewing white-hot passion deep into Merci’s body. His fiery love intensified Merci’s convulsions so that she bucked her hips even more forcefully against his body.

Half lunging, half collapsing, Chris landed atop Merci, his chest flattening her breasts beneath him, his long slick cock popping free to fountain sticky gobs of excitement onto Merci’s stomach. He reached down to reinsert himself, dragging the oozing head of his dick across her wonderfully smooth flesh. Then he slid forward one last time so they could lie together as one body.











Chapter Twenty One



When they caught their breath and Chris’ shriveling penis had withdrawn from her again, Merci traced circles of semen on the newly bald flesh of her
. It was so smooth, so silky, and so wonderful to touch.

“You like it?” Chris asked.

Merci smiled. “You might say that. I might even let you do it again…”

Chris’ grin matched her own as he slid down her body to remind her of the benefits.









Part III: Laying Plans

Chapter Twenty Two




The word hissed at Merci causing her to spin around to find her old friend, Liv, glaring at her. It was a half-expected confrontation which Merci had been dreading. She had no idea how it would turn out.

“How could you do this to me?” Liv asked.

Merci didn’t know how to answer. Even after all their years of friendship, she didn’t really understand what motivated Liv. They were very much opposites in far more than the color of their skin.

 “Hi, Liv, it’s been too long!”

 “Don’t ignore me!” Liv nearly spit the words. Her vehement tone began to attract the attention of other members of the party.

Merci wondered how much any of them actually knew about the real cause of the dispute.

“I’m not ignoring you, Liv. What do you want me to say? I like Chris! I’m glad you suggested our blind date.”

Liv’s hands shook with fury. “It wasn’t supposed to be a real date!”

Merci wondered how this must look to the people around them and couldn’t help but smile. “Careful, honey,” Merci gestured toward their fellow partiers. “These people will think you want Chris.”

Merci’s suggestion so surprised Liv that she burst out laughing. The anger wasn’t gone, but it was momentarily overwhelmed by the absurdity of the idea. The fit passed quickly, but Liv’s carefully honed instincts for social preservation kicked into gear. It simply wouldn’t do to tell Merci what she really thought of her with all of these witnesses around to learn what Merci had failed to do.

BOOK: Blind Date
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