Blake, Abby - Maya's Masters [Viper's Dungeon 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (13 page)

BOOK: Blake, Abby - Maya's Masters [Viper's Dungeon 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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“Top from the bottom?” Cam had heard Logan use that term before, but previously he hadn’t really been interested enough to want to know what it meant.

“It’s a term we use to describe a sub trying to manipulate the actions of her Dom. Even the best-trained subs occasionally try to get their own way. I suppose it’s probably human nature. That’s why it’s important to correct her behavior straightaway. When a sub knows exactly what is expected of her, and what the punishment will be if she fails, she can truly relax and enjoy submitting.”

“Oh,” Cam managed to say without making a comment either way. He’d spent all day wondering what he should do now. Even as they’d been discussing last night what they expected from Maya, Cam hadn’t been certain what they expected of him. Derek talked as if they were going to be a permanent threesome, but surely he could see how strange it must be for Maya to love only one man but to continue to have sex with both.

But then again, things were different in the world of BDSM. Maybe Derek and Maya saw nothing unusual about their situation.

“Would you mind if I went out for a couple of hours?” Derek looked curious, so Cam gave him only part of the explanation. “I just want to drop by Logan’s place, say hi, maybe meet Emma and Jace.”

“Sure,” Derek said with a more relaxed smile. “It should have occurred to me that you wouldn’t leave Maya’s side unless you knew she was protected.” Derek pulled his car keys from his pocket. “Take my car. The keys to the restaurant are the two silver ones, but do me a favor and call my cell before you use them. We’ve had very little gang activity in the past few days, and it’s starting to worry me. I wouldn’t want to shoot you accidentally.”

Cam laughed, the strange feeling of camaraderie with this man throwing him farther off balance. In the SEAL teams he’d made friendships that he’d known would last a lifetime, even if they only saw each other every couple years. He’d never expected to find something similar in the world outside the teams. It was just one more problem to ponder.

He nodded his thanks, grabbed the keys, and headed for the door.

* * * *

Derek smiled as he stepped into the bedroom. Maya kept her eyes down, but it was obvious that she noticed Cam’s absence. Derek considered not explaining, but decided that the anxiety over not knowing would likely be counterproductive to his plans for tonight. There were situations where it was good to keep his sub guessing, but this wasn’t one of them.

“Master Cameron has gone to visit his friend Master Logan. He’ll be back in a few hours.” Maya seemed to sigh with relief but didn’t say a word or lift her gaze—exactly as she’d been told to do when upstairs. It wasn’t easy for a woman as independent as Maya to give up control to another, so Derek decided that such good behavior deserved a reward. “Stand up and bend over the bed. Head and shoulders flat to the mattress. Ass in the air. ”

He saw her tense up, probably wondering if she was going to get another spanking, but quickly did as he asked. He caressed her bottom, glad to see that the swats he’d given her earlier hadn’t left any marks. Even in his early training as a Dom he’d always believed that punishment should be swift and fitting but never leave lasting pain. Of course, his only exception to that rule was the one about safe words, and thankfully he’d only been forced to follow through on that once.

One of the subs he’d been training at Viper’s Dungeon had often seemed to endure more than she’d been able to handle. He’d worried for her safety and between him and Viper had basically set a trap to force her into using her safe word. But despite the fact that he, with Viper’s discreet supervision, deliberately tightened the cuffs on her hands to the point of danger she’d failed to use her safe word.

Derek had called a halt to the scene, loosened the cuffs, and then tied her to the whipping post in the middle of the room. All of the Doms had gathered with their subs, and everyone in Viper’s Dungeon had learned what happens to a sub who refused to use her safe word when it was needed. It was not an experience that Derek ever wanted to repeat, no matter how necessary it had been to ensure the woman’s safety.

He rubbed his hands over Maya’s ass, enjoying just touching the woman he loved. He’d been tempted to say it back to her last night—“I love you”—but had realized that Cam wasn’t quite ready to admit it to her also. It was understandable that it would take time for the ex-SEAL to feel confident in his feelings, especially with the recent upheavals in his life, so Derek had stayed silent and simply crawled into bed beside the woman he loved and talked and held her through the rest of the night. Cam had slid onto the other side of the bed while they talked, but once Maya had fallen asleep had seemed restless.

At first, Derek had been worried Cam regretted what the three of them had done—the BDSM lifestyle simply wasn’t for everyone—but it may have been related to the fact that he’d basically been on guard duty since he’d met Maya. He hoped that visiting Logan would help Cam sort out whatever was going on in his head.

But right now Derek had a beautiful sub to reward.

“Widen your stance, and then use your hands to open your cheeks. I want to see your pretty asshole.”

Maya gasped, shuffling awkwardly as she decided whether to follow his instructions or not. He waited, watching her closely for signs of distress. He knew she’d never had a man in her ass before, and he fully intended to be her first, but he wasn’t going to push this issue tonight if she truly wasn’t ready. He had a ridiculous urge to pump his fist in the air when Maya placed her on hands on either butt cheek and pulled them apart. Her back hole pulsed a couple of times, her arousal obviously increasing as he moved closer.

He could smell the clean scent of her shower gel still clinging to her skin as he leaned over and pressed a kiss to each ass cheek. She shivered under his touch, the sight so erotic that he had to swallow down the urge to slam into her pussy hard and fast and fuck her until she was writhing in ecstasy.

He slid his hand underneath her, unerringly finding her swollen clit. “Don’t come, sub.” Her pearl was hard and slippery with her arousal, and she shuddered as he slid a finger either side, rubbing and squeezing until he felt every muscle in her body pull taut.

She whimpered as he pulled away, panting as she tried to come down from the precipice of orgasm. When he was sure she had herself back under control he did it again, caressing the swollen nub until she got so close to orgasm he wondered if she might decide to dive over and take her punishment later.

But she pleased him greatly when she panted, gasping for air, but managed to hold on to her control. He placed a hand between her shoulder blades and pushed her forward slightly, lifting her knees onto the bed so that she wouldn’t collapse. He knelt at the edge of the bed, and then pressed his mouth to her pussy. Instinctively she pushed back, and he slapped her thigh hard, much harder than the three swats he’d given her earlier. She moaned with her arousal this time, but stopped pushing back and relaxed once more.

He thrust his tongue into her pussy, holding her trapped against him as he sipped her nectar and then lovingly suckled her slippery flesh. He nibbled her labia with his lips, scraping his teeth gently over her swollen flesh.

Replacing his tongue with his fingers, Derek moved his mouth higher, licking a path up her separated cheeks until he was flicking lightly against her puckered hole. She jolted, shaking all over, and he knew this time she wouldn’t be able to hold on. He had every intention of having at least two fingers buried in her ass as she climaxed this time.

He licked over the supersensitive skin once more, possessive emotions wrapping around his heart as he removed his fingers from her pussy and pushed the slippery digits against her asshole. She squirmed, moaning, whimpering as he used his other hand to grab hold of her clit once more.

“Come for me, sub.”

Maya screamed, her orgasm breaking over her the moment the words left his mouth. Her pussy and ass pulsed in counterpoint, the latter opening for him, hugging his fingers tight as he pressed them into her back passage. She shook all over, a small keening cry escaping her lips as her orgasm went on and on and on.

Finally she settled, her body seeming almost boneless as she relaxed against the mattress and tried to catch her breath. But then she jolted, almost as if she just noticed the fingers in her ass. Derek lifted a hand to her lower back, pressing down firmly, holding her in place. “Be still, sub.”

Maya stopped moving, but her ass clamped down on his fingers, and she couldn’t quite mask the whimper of fear. “Are you using your safe word, Maya?”

“Y–Yellow,” she said quietly.

“Good girl, Maya. Why are you frightened?” He left his fingers in her ass, but stopped moving them. If she’d said “red” he would have reacted more decisively, but with her “yellow” safe word he waited for an explanation.

“I–I don’t…I don’t like serious pain.”

“I know, Maya. The only time I would ever deliver such a punishment is if you didn’t use your safe word. You just proved to me that you are willing to use it when you are feeling overwhelmed, so I don’t think you’ll ever attract that sort of punishment.”

“But…” She hesitated and clenched her ass muscles, and he realized what she was referring to.

“You think anal sex is going to hurt?”

* * * *

“It doesn’t?”

“No, sweet Maya, it doesn’t hurt if you’re properly prepared.” He scissored his fingers in her ass, and she couldn’t help the low groan that escaped her. She saw him reach for the lube on the bedside table, heard the cap flip open, and jolted as the cool gel drizzled onto her skin. She shivered with increasing arousal as he worked the lube into her back passage. “Push out, sub. Push against my fingers.”

She did as he asked, surprised to realize she’d been instinctively sucking the muscles in despite her wish to force his fingers out of her ass. How very strange.

But as soon as she found the right muscles and pushed out, his fingers slid deeper into her ass, stretching her tight hole and setting alive nerve endings she hadn’t been aware she owned.

She felt him add a third finger, the slight pain quickly overridden by the amazing arousal coursing through her. Never had she imagined such excitement coming from something she’d believed to be painful.

“That’s it, sub. Relax and let me show you how enjoyable anal sex can be when it’s done right.” It took her a moment to realize that she was actually rocking on her knees, pushing back onto his fingers, greedily taking the unexpected pleasure.

She whimpered when he pulled his fingers out, her ass spasming as the muscles tried to close tight once more.

“Roll onto your back, sub. Wrap your arms around your knees and hold them up.”

She forced herself to move, the lethargy of her previous orgasm fighting with the energy of her renewed arousal. As she did as he asked, he moved to the cabinet, grabbed a condom, and sheathed his cock. He poured more lube onto his hand, coating his erection in a generous amount as he moved into position.

“Don’t move, sub,” he said as he pressed the head of his cock against her back hole. She held her breath as the flared head pushed past the tight ring of muscle much easier than she’d expected. She felt every inch of his cock drag over the puckered skin, the touch strange but not unpleasant. Carefully he worked himself all the way into her ass, finally coming to rest with his thighs pressed against her bottom.

She felt full, her pussy clenching, protesting its emptiness, as heat radiated outward. And then he started to move, slowly at first, giving her time to adjust, giving her time to enjoy the new sensation, giving her time to reach the peak of arousal, before he slammed into her, the hard jolt pushing her across the bed slightly.

He grabbed her hips, holding her trapped more effectively than any bonds she could imagine. He stared into her eyes as he fucked her, his pleasure glittering in his gaze as he leaned over her and pressed a kiss to her mouth.

“You please me very much, little sub.”

The praise melted through her, heat swirling into her belly even as she tried to control her race to orgasm. He must have sensed her dilemma because he kissed her hard and thrust his cock deep. His palm pressed hard against her mons, trapping her clit, and he growled, “Come.”

She was a good sub and did exactly what she was told. Wave after wave after wave of climax crashed over her, her eyesight blurring as Derek thrust into her grasping, pulsing hole again and again. He seemed to be grinding his teeth, his own orgasm imminent, and she instinctively wrapped her legs around his waist, dug her heels into his ass, and held him tight.

He pushed deep, his cock seeming to swell a moment before it twitched inside her ass and he groaned loudly. He fell forward onto her, his weight holding her down, the sensation a little uncomfortable and maybe just a touch frightening, but he pulled away a moment later, eased his cock from her ass, and headed into the bathroom.

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