Black Heart: Coeur de Sade (Black Heart Series) (34 page)

BOOK: Black Heart: Coeur de Sade (Black Heart Series)
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            "Fritz is dead.  I killed him," I said.

            "Yee-haaa!  Well done, Sable.  You have the Coeur de Sade now?"

            "No," I said, and he gasped.  "He threw it away in the struggle or something.  He was wearing it when the fight began, but wasn't when it ended."

            "Anyone could have it," Jeff said.  "I saw the coverage on TV.  They had a live feed.  Hell, I saw the damned talisman around his neck."

            "It's all recorded on tape!" I said.  "I bet it shows him throwing it away and who picked it up."

            "Yes, we're on it," Jeff said and hung up.

            I turned shining blue eyes on Roger.

            "We still might get the talisman," I said.  "The TV station was filming the whole thing."

            "Yes!" he cried.

            I reached up and unbuckled the two straps that held my top together around my throat.  Roger's libido fired up, understanding what was about to happen.  I smiled wantonly at him.

            "I have a tradition," I said.  "Whenever I successfully stake a vampire, I celebrate with wet, wild, and wicked sex.  I think killing a murderous werewolf rates right up there with staking vamps.  What do you say?"

            Roger was out of his shirt and jeans before I finished unbuckling the straps holding my top together below my breasts.  Once the top was open I left it flapping as I bent over and unzipped both thigh boots.

            Being a naturally kind and helpful kind of vamp, Roger helped me pull off my boots, then peal my snug latex low riders down my legs.  When I stood up, he ran his hands up my belly, to my boobs, gave them both a firm squeeze, then pushed my top over my shoulders and off.

            "There.  You're perfect now," he said.  He cupped my boobs, then ran his hands down my sides and over my flaring hips.  "Just perfect."

            I moved close, moaning as he enfolded me within his arms.  Tilting my head back, I offered up my lips and he accepted.  That kiss was the deepest, most passionate one we'd ever shared.  After that last battle, where we both came so close to absolute and final oblivion, we needed to celebrate our continued existence.

            After a few minutes, he pulled me back to an ottoman.  He sat, and I straddled his lap.  He kissed my belly, tongued my navel, as his hands caressed my rump and thighs.

            "Will you let me tie you up this time?" he asked.

            I'd almost forgotten he was a kinky bastard.  A self-proclaimed bondage boy.  He was obsessed with rope and knots, and the
of erotic bondage.  Whatever, he was kinky.

            "Anything you want," I said.  "But first you have to take care of my needs."

            Leaning over, I sank into his lips and kissed him with all the emotion I had pent up.  We both groaned as our lips slid over each other, tongues darting in teasingly, playfully.  Finally, I lowered myself onto his lap, reaching down to guide him into me.

            "Ooh, hello!" I cried, and laughed.  "That hits the spot, baby.  Oh, yes."

            We hungrily sucked, nibbled, and kissed each others lips and neck as his hands played with my bouncing boobs and I slid up and down his shaft.  An erotic heat melted my insides after a few minutes, and I felt the first twinges of an orgasm starting to build.  My slow slide up and down his penis evolved into a faster and faster bouncing.

            "Oh Jesus," I gasped.  "Oh Jesus."

            So close.  So good.  Just a few more minutes.

            Roger's power erupted.  It surged through me, ripping my soul asunder, sending exquisite waves of pure pleasure surging through my body, head to toes.  When Roger used his power to climax me, he climaxed my entire body.

            "I'm coming!" I cried.

            "Wings!" Roger cried, and his wings erupted from his back as my back arched and I reveled in my orgasm.

            I felt his wings form and manifest as pleasure radiated through me.  I
it!  A second later, he sent another surge through me, I climaxed again, and...

            "Yes!" Roger cried.  "Yes!  You did it!  You did it!"

            "Uuuggghhhh," I groaned, feeling as if every once of energy had been sucked from my body.  "Oh Jesus!"

            For a long moment I sat there, impaled upon his still hard penis, and panted as I tried to find my ability to form coherent thoughts.  I felt my wings, felt them weakly flapping, but I was afraid to look.

            "Oh, they're malformed," I said.  Disappointment consumed me.  My wings were huge, but pathetic, limp things.  "I can't fly with those."

            "Forget that.  You have wings, Sable," he said.  "Hell, mine didn't look that good the first time.  Each time they will get better and better, until you can fly with them."

            I tried to flap them, and knocked over his TV and a chair.  I was so embarrassed, my wings were sucked back into my body in a flash.  I missed them immediately.

            "Sprout wings again," Roger said.

            "I can't," I said, frustrated.

            He sucked in his wings, then sent a surge of pleasure through me.  I screamed, caught unprepared for it, but loving it.  Then he cried out and sprouted wings, and I did too.  At the same time.  The second set was just slightly better than the first.  I pulled them back into my body and grinned wickedly at Roger.

            "Let's do it again. And again.  And again."


            Roger and I didn't sleep at all that day.  We were too excited.  We spent hours forming and reforming my wings.  After the first couple times, I didn't need his erotic power's help.  I started popping them in and out, laughing with delight every time.  By the time Roger called a stop to it, around one in the afternoon, my wings look remarkably close to his.

            Then it got kinky.  Roger really loved tying me up.  Me, I wasn't so thrilled.  Truth is, it left me cold.  Bondage squashed my joy.  I didn't like the loss of power and freedom.  Roger figured I was a natural born dominatrix or something.  I doubted it, since I had no desire to spank or whip anyone either.

            Our play time ended well after sun set.  Around eight.  Roger called it a "scene."  Whatever that meant.  It was over, I gave him what he wanted and Roger was one happy camper.  I still couldn't understand how my sister enjoyed being tied up.

            I called Jeff first thing.  "Any luck with the video?"

            "No," he said, sounding disgusted.  "The cameramen were all standing on the ground, so very little of the actual fight was recorded.  Anyone could have it."

            "Thing is they may not understand what they have," I said, frowning.  "Some guy might think he has a souvenir, thinking it is just a ruby and gold necklace.  It isn't common knowledge that Fritz was killing vampires with it."

            "I know," he said.

            "Fritz is dead.  The vampire murders have stopped," I said.  "I think I've fulfilled my side of the bargain."

            "No, not until we have the talisman," Jeff said.  He sighed gustily.  "But this does change things.  I have to consult with council."

            "Fine, you do that," I said.

            I was never going to get way from those damned vamps.  I needed to speak to Dane and Heidi.  Maybe they'd found something, or saw something.  Well, Dane anyway.  Heidi never had her heart into the search.  All she cared about was Dane.  I didn't exactly blame her.

            After a lusty kiss, I left Roger to get ready for work.  He had to be there by nine.  Really, after the previous night and our very "busy" day, I'm surprised he didn't call off again.  But he was concerned about getting fired.  He was more concerned about TV coverage outing him as a vampire, but what we saw on TV didn't show anyone's face in focus but mine.  One of the cameramen did a slow foot to face shot of me at one point, lingering a bit on my rump and boobs.  I was surprised the station aired it.  There was nothing newsworthy about it.

            In no time I was up on Loop 635, heading east.  Rush hour was over, but traffic was still thick.  I managed to maintain a good fifty-five to sixty all the way through the High Fives, and past Plano Road.  After that it opened up and I hit the gas.  And I cruised into Mesquite at ninety-five miles an hour.

            Yeah, I was a happy camper until a light, misty rain started.  I had to slow down just to see.

            I followed my link with Dane to the Town East exit, turned away from the mall and into an older neighborhood.  Before long I was rolling slowly towards a brick house in a nice, established neighborhood.  Nice trees, anyway.

            As I turned the last corner, I spotted Heidi's SUV backing out of the drive.  Dane was inside, driving.  He was alone.  I stopped, and waited for him to come my way.  I'd rather speak to Dane and Heidi separately anyway.  But he surprised me by going the other way.

            "Oh, decisions," I said, wanting to speak to Dane the most, but seeing an opportunity to hash it out with Heidi.  Heidi won.  "I can track him down afterwards."

            Killing the engine before I reached her house, I coasted past the driveway and parked on the street.  Even Heidi would’ve noticed if I rode up into their driveway.

Heidi seemed calm inside, so she didn't know I was there.  Good.  I wanted to surprise her.  Keep her off balance, and maybe talk some reason into her bleach blonde head.

            I had little hope of success, but it was worth a try.

            I heard her moving around inside, humming contentedly.  They had hardwood floors, because I could hear her heals clacking as she moved about.  I walked up the sidewalk, looked around, and knocked on the door.

            "Coming!" she sang out.

            I frowned.  Who did she think she was?  The world's happiest housewife?  Heidi had the biggest, brightest smile you could imagine when she opened the door.

            It vanished immediately.


            "Me," I said.  She tried to slam the door in my face, but I pushed it back open and walked past her.  I paused to breathe deeply of Dane's scent.  Gave me goose bumps.  "You should be more careful about opening your door at night."  I looked around.  She had great furniture.  Looked expensive.  "We need to talk, Heidi."

            Fear erupted deep inside her, but she didn't shrink away from me.  Why should she?  As she said before, and we both knew to be true, if I hurt her Dane would never forgive me.  She had most of the cards, but I had a trump card or two myself.

            "No, we don't.  I warned you, Sable.  Stay away from us.  Stay away from Dane," she said.

            She was Dane's age, at twenty-eight, but looked twenty when she did her makeup just right.  At five foot nine, she was an inch shorter than me, but her five inch stilettos put her eye to eye with me.  She wore designer clothes, and Chanel No. 5.  Very irritating.

            Heidi looked like she was ready for a date, in a white off the shoulder sweater, soft pink above the knee skirt and matching shoes and belt.  The diamond necklace and tennis bracelet looked expensive.  But considering Dane's strong preference for early dinners, I suspected they just got back from eating out.

            "You know I can't stay away.  I still love him."

            "He doesn't love you," she said, but I think I rattled her a tiny bit.  "Can't you take a hint?"

            "Yeah, but only if it is in line with what I plan to do anyway," I said, smirking.  She growled in frustration, blue eyes fierce.  Then she turned on a heel and stomped across the room and picked up her purse.  It looked like an expensive purse.  Of course it matched her belt and shoes.  "I don't want to fight you, Heidi.  I just think we need to clear the air.  We both want Dane, and may the best — oh."

            Heidi pulled the Coeur de Sade from her purse and dangled it before me.  I felt the frigid magic engulf my body, and I froze.  Trapped and entranced.  I couldn't take my eyes off that ruby.

            "Do not move, bitch," Heidi sneered.  "I know what this is.  It's magical, and you have to do what I tell you to do.  Don't you?"


            "Tell me you are an ugly whore."

            "I'm an ugly whore."

            "What's the surest, easiest way to kill you right now?"

            "Cut off my head."

            "Eeww!  All that blood," she said, and actually squirmed.  "Yuck.  Is there any way to kill you without all that blood?"

            "No.  Killing is messy."

            "I'll think of something.  Later," Heidi said, stepping up close and lifting my chin with a perfectly manicured finger.  "Dane has gone to work.  He won't be back for a long time.  That means you and me are going to have a lot of fun."

            She walked around me twice, her hand running across my breasts, through my hair, and finally across my belly.

            "Fancy yourself some kind of vampire dominatrix, I see," she said.


            "Really?  Not what I see," Heidi said.  "Kneel."

            I knelt.

            "Lay on your belly before me," she commanded.  I obeyed.  She moved her foot to within inches of my face.  "Kiss my shoe."  I obeyed, leaving a very nice burgundy lip print behind.  "Good girl."

            Heidi ordered me to all fours and then made me follow her around the living room like that, barking like a dog.  It seemed to amuse her.  Then she ordered me to kneel and rise up on my knees.  I obeyed.

            "You have the most incredible, glossy black hair I've ever seen.  So soft and silky.  Dane has commented on it a couple of times," Heidi said.  She went into the kitchen, rummaged through the drawers a moment then returned with a wicked looking butcher knife.  She smiled cruelly, gathered my hair up in a thick ponytail...and cut it off.  "Ha!  Not so pretty now, are you?  I'll keep this as a souvenir.  Is that a problem?"

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