Black Friday: Exposed (14 page)

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Authors: Ashley;JaQuavis

BOOK: Black Friday: Exposed
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The most important day of the trial was approaching fast. The day that Alija was expected to take the stand was only a few days away and everyone was on edge. Everything was riding on her and she knew it. She was nervous; she did not want to mess up in any way. She had to speak her words as if she were telling the truth and she figured the easiest lie was to say that Kasheef was not even at the club that night.
Kasheef still had some things to take care of. He contacted Carmen and asked her to set up a meeting with a federal prosecutor.
“Kasheef, I don’t think it is wise for you to contact them in the middle of your case,” she advised.
“There’s just something that I need to handle, concerning the drugs that were found during my arrest,” he responded.
“Kasheef I really think you should wait until they bring those charges against you,” Carmen said.
“Why haven’t they indicted me yet?” Kasheef asked curiously knowing that the fed boys didn’t play. Going up against them, your chances were slim and he hoped to be in the wind by the time those charges came back up.
“They must be after someone bigger than you ... maybe your supplier?” Carmen speculated. “Either way, if you go in there you are going to ruffle feathers.”
“Just set up the meeting,” he said before flipping his phone closed. He was eager to get this business with the feds handled. Even if he beat the murder there was a good chance that he would be convicted if he was prosecuted for the heroine charge. This is where the game got tricky for him. He had to play chess with his enemies and knock out two birds with one stone. He had to be smart in how he moved. At this point, any wrong move could land him a permanent spot behind the bricks and he dreaded that more than he dreaded his own death. Kasheef never wanted to put his life in jeopardy again and since he planned on sharing his life with Alija he knew that he would have to give up the drug game. He needed to make preparations to make a clean break so that his past could never come back to haunt him. There was still the issue of Kasheef’s connect. He would not want to see Kasheef’s business go. Kasheef knew that he would have to have some type of incentive to provide Osti with if he wanted to exit peacefully. Kasheef went to a pay phone and contacted Osti to set up a meeting with one of his people who was already in the states. After that was done he contacted Stick, who had been loyal to him for years.
“I need to get with you about something fam,” Kasheef said.
“A’ight, come through my spot,” Stick responded. “Give me about an hour.”
“A’ight, I’ll be there in an hour. It’s important so make sure you are alone,” Kasheef instructed before snapping his phone closed.
Stick was only twenty-one, but was as thorough as most old heads in the game. Kasheef had found him when he was ten years old and was selling candy to people coming out of the grocery store in the middle of the summer. The young boy had caught his attention because Kasheef knew that schools did not do fundraisers during summer vacation and he confronted the boy about it. A youthful Stick was honest and when Kasheef asked him why he was posted in front of the store, Stick replied, “I’m just trying to get my shine up like you. I’m trying to eat.”
Kasheef laughed at the boy and purchased his entire stash of candy bars. He rode by the same spot for a week straight and sure enough, Stick was posted in front of the store relentlessly getting his hustle on. Kasheef respected the young boy’s tenacity and grind. He immediately recognized him as good corner boy material and put Stick onto the game. Stick had moved up in the ranks quickly because he was smart and ruthless. If Kasheef was not going to be getting money anymore he knew that there was no better person to pass his empire down to then Stick. An hour and a half later Kasheef pulled up to Stick’s Crown Heights project building. He placed a call to Stick to let him know he was in front of his building. A couple minutes later Stick came walking out of the building.
“What’s good fam? You sounded kind of urgent on the phone,” Stick said. He stepped into the car and Kasheef pulled away from the curb.
“It’s about time you came into your own fam,” Kasheef said as he whipped his Navigator through the hood. “I think you’re ready. I’ve seen your ass grow up from a little hard headed mu’fucka to a grown man. Ain’t no need for you to play the back no more. You were patient and you waited until your time came fam. I appreciate that. Most of these mu’fuckas out here trying to take what they haven’t earned. You have earned it though.”
“Earned what? You speaking in circles,” Stick replied.
“My spot. I’m retiring from the game. After the trial is over, I’m done. I’ve already set up a meeting for you to meet with my connect and everything,” Kasheef said.
Kasheef reached out his hand and Stick shook it. “Yo, fam, good looking out, but there’s only one problem.”
“What’s that?” Kasheef asked curiously.
“That new cat Fiasco is fucking up the game. I guess he’s been moving weight out of the Bronx. He’s been stepping on my toes lately. He is coming to our blocks shooting up shit, scaring our workers. He talking ’bout ain’t nobody working them corners unless they slanging for him,” Stick replied.
“Why am I just now hearing about this?” Kasheef asked harshly. “I knew the nigga was trying to make money and I didn’t hate on that, but now this lil’ mu’fucka getting out of hand. When niggas gon’ learn to stay in they lane?” he asked heatedly.
“I didn’t want to cloud your head. You know with the trial and everything I thought I should wait to let you know, but recently this mu‘fucka been doing some real disrespectful shit. He’s spitting venom on your name and everything. Mad niggas been jumping ship. They trying to be on the winning team nah mean? I’ma ride with you until the end fam, but you know when people think you down they automatically count you out.”
“Yeah, bitch niggas always do switch sides, but your boy is far from out fam,” Kasheef assured as he rubbed his neatly trimmed goatee.
“I told you before I’ve even seen your chick Norelle with him. At first they were real low key with it, but recently she’s been riding shot gun with the nigga and everything. In the club on his arm and shit ... just real disrespectful nah mean?” Stick said.
“You have put in a lot of work for me over the years. It’s your time. Don’t no new mu’fuckas run New York fam. That ain’t happening. I’ll take care of him, you just be ready to step into the big leagues. You’re the boss now,” Kasheef said.
Kasheef circled the block once more before pulling back up to Stick’s building. “You got to come up and have a drink with your boy or something,” Stick said. “I got to celebrate fam.”
Kasheef shook his head. “Maybe another time. I’ve got one more loose end I need to tie up,” he said. He tossed Stick a cell phone. “This is how Osti will contact you. He’s the only one who has that number. I don’t even know it. He will call you when he’s ready for you.”
Stick nodded and shook hands with Kasheef once more before Kasheef pulled off. He retired back to the hotel and found himself making his way to Alija’s room. He knocked softly on her door. She answered it wearing a gold lace camisole and lace boy-cut panties to match.
“Shh!” she whispered as she opened up her door and invited him. “I just put Nahla down. She was a little cranky today but—” she stopped talking when she noticed the look on Kasheef’s face. “What’s wrong?” she asked.
Kasheef grabbed her arm and brought her near him. With his hand caressing the nape of her neck he kissed her slowly. “I love you.”
The look on Alija’s face was one of shock and panic. She did not know what to say. Here he was laying all of his cards out on the table and all she could do was stand in front of him, speechless. When her heart returned to a normal pace she took a deep breath and finally, unsurely replied, “I love you too Kasheef.”
He scooped her into his arms with ease. “I swear I’m gon’ give you the world ma. Just believe in me. Trust me. Be loyal to me and I will give you everything you need or want. If I can’t give it to you then I’ll die trying, I promise you that ma.”
Alija kissed his nose and replied, “I love you Kasheef. I wasn’t supposed to, but I do. I promise to give you everything that you deserve.”
She got into her bed where Nahla lay peacefully. “Come lay with me,” she said. Kasheef stripped down to his boxers and crawled underneath the covers. He took Nahla from the bed and laid her tiny body on his chest. Alija smiled and lay underneath his arm. “Good night Kasheef.”
He kissed the top of her head. “Get some rest ma.”
They both went to sleep knowing that they each held the other’s future in their hands.
Chapter Fourteen
The morning of Alija’s testimony came quickly, too soon for some, not fast enough for others. Kasheef and Alija moved around her hotel room silently. They both had burdensome thoughts on their mind and the air between them seemed too thick to talk. Kasheef finished dressing and grabbed his keys. There was one more thing that he had to do. Before he left he stood in front of Alija.
“How do you feel?” he asked her concerned. He could see the stress taking over her face. She was usually so vibrant and relaxed, but today her features seemed to be set in a permanent scowl.
“Nervous,” she answered truthfully. “And confused.”
“I don’t want to put any more pressure on you,” Kasheef said. “I just want to let you know that I love you. I love you more than anyone in this world and no matter what happens today, that will never change a’ight?”
Alija nodded and gave him a weak smile.
“What about Norelle? When she hears me—”
Kasheef placed a finger to Alija’s lips. “Norelle is already taken care of. I got you ma, just trust me.” He kissed her one last time. “I’ve got to go,” he said. Alija nodded her head, but she could not help but feel like this was the last time she would ever see him. She felt like she was suffocating and all she wanted to do was run. Run away from her problems, run away from the confusing game that her life had become.
A half an hour later he stood in front of the federal building. He took a deep breath before stepping inside, knowing that there was a possibility that they might not let him walk back out with his freedom intact. It was a risk that he had to take. He took the elevator to the eleventh floor where the Drug Enforcement Agency was located. Confident in his Calvin Klein two piece suit, he stepped to the receptionist as if he belonged with the stride of a man on a mission. “I have information pertaining to a heroine ring here in the city. I need to speak with someone in charge,” he said calmly.
In less than ten minutes flat he was sitting across from Dan Greene, the chief of the DEA. “I hear you have some information regarding some illegal activities that are going on in the city,” the chief said as he stared intensely at Kasheef.
“Yes, I do.”
“And why are you just volunteering this information?” he asked suspiciously.
“I know you are aware of my arrest. I am going through a very public trial right now,” Kasheef stated.
“I know who you are Mr. Williams,” the chief responded. He leaned back in his leather chair and put his hands behind his head as he swiveled in his chair from side to side. He squinted in suspicion and added, “The question is: what are you doing in my office?”
“I’m here to help you help me. I’m sure you are aware that when I was arrested twenty kilos of heroine were found as well. I didn’t know that the drugs were in the house, but I know who they belong to,” Kasheef lied.
The chief pulled out a notebook and a pen then slid it across the desk, his pale fat hand contrasting with the dark mahogany wood. “Start writing,” he instructed.
In one swift motion, Kasheef tossed the pad right back at him. He sat back in his seat and folded one leg across the other. “I’m not going to do your job for you. I just have some information that will lead you in the right direction. Norelle Gibson. That’s whose apartment the drugs were found in. If you watch the company she keeps you will find your source. Norelle helps him move his product up and down the East Coast. If you check her accounts you will uncover a gold mine.” Kasheef stood up to leave, but turned to face the chief before exiting. “I trust that this will prevent the DEA from opening a fresh case on me?” he asked, making sure that he had dotted all of his i’s and crossed his t’s.
The chief nodded and replied, “If this lead pans out then you have my word.”
“I need better than your word. I need that told to my lawyer,” Kasheef replied as he slid Carmen’s business card across the desk. The man didn’t like the fact that he was bargaining with a criminal but he made the call anyway.
Once everything was in place, Kasheef went to leave.
“Oh yeah, and good luck on that murder rap. We didn’t need to open a fresh case on you for the drugs. You hung yourself when you killed that kid. You blacks get off on that ... killing one another,” the chief stated sarcastically as he picked up the phone.
That’s what you think
, Kasheef thought with a smirk. The chief did not know it yet, but he was going to have the last laugh when it was all said and done.
Norelle stepped out of Fiasco’s BMW and kissed him gently before walking into the courthouse. Today was the day that she would receive her emancipation. She was getting ready to hear the testimony that was sure to set her free. She walked through the crowded building eagerly, hoping to run into Alija before the day’s proceedings began. She saw her being escorted out of the DA’s office.
“Alija!” she called out as she maneuvered her way in and out of the crowd. Alija stopped walking and turned to see who had called her name. The DA waited and watched the interaction so that she could see who was interacting with her star witness. She did not need anyone throwing a wrench in the plan. Alija was due to testify that day and she did not want any interruptions.
“I’ll be right back,” Alija told Nancy Schwartz as she made her way over to Norelle, looking her up and down as she approached. She couldn’t help but turn up her nose at the woman.
How stupid can she be to give up a man like Kasheef? He would have taken care of her if she had just stuck by him
“I just wanted to make sure our agreement was still intact,” Norelle said discreetly as she stood in front of Alija.
“Everything is going to go as planned,” she assured her. She turned and walked away to rejoin the DA. Butterflies filled her stomach as she was placed in a small holding room until it was time for her to enter the courtroom. The state had arranged for Nahla to be taken to a daycare so that Alija could be present in court. She took several deep breaths as she paced around the small office. She hoped that nothing went wrong. She desperately needed for things to go right. The contents of her stomach sent a wave of nausea through her body and she gasped for air. She was overwhelmed that she could not hold her breakfast. She rushed to the bathroom and barely made it as she vomited in the toilet. She heaved violently until nothing else would come up. She splashed cold water onto her face.
Calm down
, she told herself. It felt as if the room was spinning and she hoped that her nerves would settle before she was due to speak. She sat down and closed her eyes before sending a silent prayer up to God. She was going to need all the help that she could get to pull this off.
“The State of New York calls Alija Bell to the stand,” the District Attorney announced. The large wooden door creaked open as Alija appeared. Kasheef’s heart melted when he saw her. Her skin glowed as if she had been personally kissed by the sun and her honey brown complexion complimented the cream H&M dress she wore. A large gold belt was wrapped around her tiny waist and her feet were blessed with gold, strappy stilettos. The way that her hair was pulled up away from her face allowed Kasheef to take in all of her features. At that moment he knew exactly why he loved her so much. She was his idea of perfection. She was his love. Her heels clicked against the floor as she glided up the aisle and into the witness chair.
“Raise your right hand and place your left hand on this Bible,” the bailiff instructed. Alija inhaled deeply and did as she was told. She glanced over at the jury and Mickey gave her a discreet wink of reassurance.
“Do you swear to tell the truth the entire truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God?”
“I do,” she responded.
The judge looked at her and said, “Thank you Ms. Bell, you maybe seated.”
Alija’s breath caught in her throat as her nerves took over her. She could feel the stares penetrating her as she watched the DA approach.
“Ms. Bell can you tell us where you were and what you saw the night of March 21, 2008? Please don’t leave out any detail. Take us through that night as you can recall it.”
“I was at Club Blaze with some friends. I was with Ahmad Simmons having a drink at his booth,” she began. She glanced at Kasheef who was staring at her intensely. His facial expression was calm. He trusted her completely to deliver her testimony just as they had rehearsed.
The DA noticed her hesitate and urged her on. “Please, continue Ms. Bell.”
“I was having a couple drinks with Ahmad Simmons and the club began to let out. I was a little drunk. I had been drinking all night. All of my friends had already left the club so I got up to leave too. I was halfway to my car when I realized that I had left my purse and keys inside of the club at the table that I was sitting at. I went back in to get my stuff. The club was empty, but there was light on upstairs and I could hear voices.” Alija’s eyes began to water and she closed them as tears began to cascade down her face.
Norelle listened intently as she waited for Alija to identify Kasheef. She bit her nail anxiously and tapped her foot nervously. She was anxious for the trial’s conclusion and could not wait to move on with her life.
Kasheef’s heart broke in two as he watched Alija relive that night. The tears on her face caused knots of guilt to form in his stomach. The love that he felt for Alija was unmatched by any emotion he had ever felt before. He just wanted to protect her. He wanted to be there for Alija and Nahla. He never wanted to be the cause of her pain again. He looked over at Carmen who returned his gaze.
“Is all of this apart of the plan or is she going to turn on us?” Carmen asked in a furtive whisper.
“We don’t have to worry about her,” he reassured.
“Now what were these voices saying?” the DA grilled.
“I don’t know,” Alija responded as she opened her eyes and caught Kasheef’s gaze. “I can’t remember.”
“You can’t remember?” the DA asked as she gave Alija a look that sent chills up her spine.
“No ... I’m sorry, I can not recall what they were saying,” Alija responded.
The DA stalked over to her desk and flipped through her notes. “Okay, Ms. Bell well what did you see?”
“I walked in and I saw two men. They were yelling at one another. Ahmad had a gun, but the other guy pulled his gun as a reaction and shot Ahmad. I ran after that. I did not see what happened next.”
“And is the man that you saw shoot Ahmad Simmons in the courtroom today?” The DA asked.
Alija paused before answering. She looked at the jury and stopped at Mickey who nodded her head slightly, urging her on. The courtroom was so still that you could hear the faint sound of Norelle’s heel impatiently tapping against the floor. Alija felt herself gasping for air as she tried to calm herself down.
What the fuck is she doing?
Norelle thought as she set her sweating palms on her skirt and rubbed feverishly in anticipation.
“No,” she finally answered.
No! I know this bitch is not trying to cross me
I paid her $75
Norelle was livid as she stood to her feet. Before she could open her mouth to speak, the door of the courtroom opened loudly as four suited gentlemen walked in. Kasheef turned around in his seat and watched the scene play out.
“Norelle Gibson?” one of the gentlemen asked.
“Order in this courtroom!” the judge yelled as he banged his gavel and the crowd whispered in speculation.
“Yeah?” Norelle responded unsurely. “Who are you?”
“My name is Agent Greene and I’m the chief of operations for the United States Drug Enforcement Agency,” he stated.
“And? What the fuck does that have to do with me?” she asked indignantly.
“You are under arrest for the distribution of heroine and tax evasion,” he said as he turned her around and began to apply handcuffs to her small wrists.
“What! Wait, you are making a mistake!” she screamed.
“No, ma’am this is no mistake. Pretty girls like you make me sick. You’re almost worse than the drug dealers we lock up because they get involved with that life to chase tail like you. Now you have the right to remain silent ...” the agent continued to read Norelle her rights, but she didn’t hear one word. She gave Kasheef a pleading look, but the malice that she found in his gaze told her that he had set her up. They pulled Norelle out of the courtroom kicking and screaming.
Bang! Bang!
“Order in my courtroom!” the judge yelled as he hit his gavel against his desk.
Carmen looked at Kasheef in disbelief. “Is that what you had me set a meeting up with them for?”
“Just do your job, ma. If you want to represent your girl after my case is over then be my guest, but it was either her or me. The bitch tried to pay Alija to testify against me. She wanted me to get this time so that she could spend my dough. She had it coming to her,” he whispered and then refocused his attention toward the front.

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