Bitter Sweet Deception (The Kingsmen M.C Book 4) (4 page)

BOOK: Bitter Sweet Deception (The Kingsmen M.C Book 4)
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My son.

Sugar is quiet. I can see her eyes darting around the rooms, taking it all in. Her place was a shoebox compared to mine, but even though hers is a rental, it feels a lot warmer than this place does.

ll show you around in the morning. Right now, le
s just get some sleep

I offer, holding out my hand.

I guide her down the main hall to the guest bedroom. I
s the only room in this place that has an adult-sized bed, even though i
s never been used. I open the door, having forgotten what the inside looks like. I
s smaller than the master suite, but i
ll do for tonight.

Charlie watches me, eyeing me for any clue as to wha
s next. I remove my cut, hanging it on a nearby chair, and then my shirt, throwing it to the floor.


she asks nervously.

I point to the closed door at the far end of the room.
Over there. Should be towels and new toothbrushes in the cabinet

She nods, bolting off. The door shuts quietly behind her and I see the strip of light appear below the door. I finish undressing, throwing my jeans onto my makeshift dirty laundry pile, some change rattling loose from a pocket and dropping to the floor. I kill the light and get under the covers. The nights are getting colder, I hope the blanket is warm enough for her. I lay back, one arm under my head, the other one resting on my forehead as I wait.

s not one to dilly-dally but she sure is taking her sweet time tonight. My eyes grow heavy waiting for her as I begin to linger in that half-place between wake and sleep. The sound of the door opening stirs me, and I open my eyes to watch her come to me, her porcelain skin glowing in the dark. She has no nightclothes so sh
s in her bra and panties, which suits me fine. I have half a mind to offer her a t-shirt, but think twice. I want her skin on mine.

She slows as she nears the bed, unsure of what side to take.

Come here

Her shoulders straighten, clearly tense from nerves. I pull back the covers for her, my tented boxers showing as my hard cock lifts them. She slips in the bed, lithely, sliding into place next to me with the quilt sealing her in.

She smells like mint and soap. Her lips are cold as they find mine, offering a chaste little kiss before she tries to roll over to her side.

What the fuck
?  Yeah, tha
s not gonna work. My woma
s never been shy in bed. Hell, sh
s the first chic
ve found that can actually keep up with me. I wrap my arm around her, hand sliding down the curve of her side, feeling the tiny bumps breaking out along her skin.

My mouth finds her ear, latching onto the lobe, playing with it, taunting it. I know sh
s fighting against herself not to give in to me. Tha
s OK. I know
ll win.


she calls out, facing away from me.
m just really tired

I turn her over onto her back, my arm strong as I hold her in place.

m gonna wake you up






The bright lights hurt my eyes as I adjust to the intenseness coming from the bulbs above the vanity. The bathroom is clean, sterile looking. Hell, the whole house looks sterile looking, like it has
t been used in forever. I ca
t believe he took me back here. I know ther
s some deep shit in his heart when it comes to this house.

I do
t dare ask him, as
m afraid it will only open myself up to return questions about my own past, but
ve heard enough from the girls and from clubhouse gossip that he was burned bad, years ago by his o

s mentioned his son before, Brandon, but never went into detail. The hurt look that would come over him every time he said the bo
s name was enough for me to know to let it go. It was fine, though, a healthy distance. Room for each of us to have our own past.

What the hell was he thinking, bringing me back here
?  This is not how we operate. This is his space, his history. Surely, he does
t want to mix me in it, or so I thought. Will he want in on
  life, other than the part that he already knows? I do
t like this new change, this new direction for us.

It was safe before. Keeping each other at ar
s length.
m not dumb, I know it could
t stay that way forever, but part of me wanted it to. Before it gets real, and ugly, and intense, and messy. Relationships are messy. The good parts and the bad. They have a stronghold on you, and
ve always known that I would
t do well tied to another person like that.
ve got too many issues, too much shit weighing me down.

I came to this town thinking I could find a way to fix that, so that I would be able to get past them. Here I am, months later, worse than I was before. Now
ve got daddy issues
commitment issues. Fuc
… me.

Part of me wants to run out that door and get the hell outta Dodge. The other part wo
t leave hi
t. As scared as I am of wha
s set to happen next between us, I know
m more scared, terrified even, of what would happen if it did
ve had a taste of him, a harmless little bit that sucked me in and took over. Now I need it to live, to breathe, to function.

I look at the tired eyes staring back at me in the mirror.

What the hell have I gotten myself into?




The icy mintness in my mouth makes breathing a chore, hurting my throat as the air passes through. H
s in bed already, chest showing, blanket low. Is he sleeping? I
s too dark to tell, but his form is still.

Come here

My eyes close for some reason, although there is no light offending them. Shit. H
s not sleeping. I swallow hard. I can do this. What the hell is wrong with me? I was
t even this nervous the first time a fucked a guy.

I can hear him breathing, even and deep as I get closer. He pulls back the covers showing me my place in the bed. My place by his side. My pulse races. Moonlight creeps in through the slits in the blinds, laying evenly-spaced lines across his flesh, his boxers, his bulging dick. Ther
s something inherently intimate about sharing a bed with someone. Fucking or not, just sharing the space. It seemed different in my bed, knowing that I could have him leave at any time, even though I knew I never would.

The clubhouse crash room did
t count. It was neutral territory in a way. Just a frame and a mattress, no strings attached.

But, this was his plac
and he was asking me in, showing me where I fit. Next to him.

I crawl in, swift and discretely, offering him a goodnight kiss and turning myself from him, as If he would somehow be able to read my thoughts. I know from his body language that he wants more, but hope that he will simply take the hint and leave it be. This is a lot for me. Whether he knows it or not.

His dick presses into my lower back, enticing me, calling to me. I fight against myself not to just pounce on him and take it in my mouth, but sex is only going to gloss over all this right now. His lips take my ear in between them, tongue stroking the sensitive lobe, teasing me. His warm breath showers me with his need. I
s stronger than mine, but
m catching up.

No. If I give in, it will only solidify what h
s trying to do here. It will only serve to connect us more, deeper, and leave me even more vulnerable to him. More to loose when the other shoe finally falls one day.

I try in vain to hide my physical wants from him, lying.


Thank God he ca
t see my face while I say this, as I know it will only betray my false words,
m just really tired

I pray it works.

He grabs me to him, bringing me closer and no longer able to face away from him, holding me in place.

m going to wake you up

m done for.

His lips crash down on mine, tongue demanding entry against my futile and half-hearted resistance. His leg swings over, knee bending to lift his thigh up in between mine, prying my hips apart. They d

My mind goes blank, all thoughts erase, making room for the feelings seeping in. My neck lifts off the pillow, eager for his mouth, his fingers curl into my skin, deepening their hold on me.  His knee rubs against me, with my hips gyrating to deepen its effect. Saltiness wafts in the air around us as my need starts to escape.

m going to taste you, lick you dry, and make you scream for me to stop

A compressing pain starts in my chest as
m sure my heart has stopped at his words. He rolls over, pulling me with him, positioning himself in the middle of the bed. His hands clap themselves around my thighs.

Sit on me

Oh God, the pressure in my chest wo
t let up, each time it starts to, he opens his mouth and speaks again. I fumble with moving my legs to complete the task, knowing wha
s in store. His tongue is evil, with its underhanded control over my body. I hook my fingers around the elastic waist of my panties.

I said. Sit. Now

OK then. If h
s in such a rush, then he can deal with them himself. I walk forward on my knees, carefully swinging my leg over him, clearing his head and lowering myself carefully. His hands eagerly tug at the thin cotton bottoms and I feel them stretch before finally tearing, the ripping sounds electrifying the room.

He now has the access he wants and buries himself deep, tongue splaying itself and taunting me with its strength. His hands take a hip in each palm and guides them to work in unison with the movements of his mouth. I
s helpful at first but I find that I do
t need the instruction. I roll my hips slowly, on their own, hovering just low enough for him to work his magic. And it 
  magical. H
s casting a spell, hypnotizing me.

I grab his rough hands from my hips and pull them upward, each cupping their own breast.
Why do
t you use these where the
ll do some good

His hands spring to life kneading roughly and pinching at the tips. The double assault, above and below, is heaven. Each one is immensely pleasurable in their own right, but battling with the other, demanding my attention. He rolls at my nipples, punishing them for my smart mouth. Tha
s OK. I like his punishments.

I control myself, knowing how to prolong the building eruption in my lower half. I concentrate hard, not willing to give it up too early. He needs to earn it tonight. I cover his hands with my own, gripping tight before taking his right hand up to my mouth and taking two fingers in, stifling my moans into my cheeks as I taste him deep.

His teeth gently close around my center, teasing with delicious pressure as I try to delay the inevitable. He knows
m fighting it. H
s pulling out all the stops tonight, determined to set me off.

So you wanna suck, huh

he moans from under.

He snakes his arms back, trailing his hands up my spine, resting them on each shoulder, pressing forward.

Then suck

he adds pressure behind his palms, guiding me down.

.  My body crumbles under his direction, bending forward to return his favors. His dick is pin-straight, pointing to the ceiling, growing even bigger by the second. I open my mouth, spreading my lips, and slide down, covering him with moistness as my tongue caresses his thickness. My lips are taught, stretched tight to accommodate him, but I know how to. His length is another story. It takes time for me to work myself down as far as I can, careful not to trigger a choke. He doubles his efforts on me, nibbling and sucking.

I ca
t hold it in anymore. I release his cock from my throat as I need to scream my release, pleasing him by voicing his victory to the night. His hands knead my ass cheeks, my skin shudders from the violent quakes setting off one after the other. I collapse, crashing my head into his thigh, struggling to breathe, waiting for it to end, but praying it wo

He kisses my thighs rhythmically, avoiding my pulsing flesh as it settles. It takes moments to recover, and I feel his cock throbbing against my hand, waiting its turn.

m stable, he moves me, knowing that I can offer no help.

The first one was a tough one. Le
s see how easily you give me the second

He slips into me, my tightness allowing him only partial entry.

You feel so fucking good, Suga

My body slowly comes to life, working with him as he thrusts further and further in, closing in on sheathing himself completely. His lips lower to mine, their muscles playing with me, as we each demonstrate our skills.


I beg.

He licks my lips.
How deep

I grab hold of his ass and pull,
As deep as you can go. Please, I can take it, I swear

His hips are swirling as he enters me, offering beautiful friction to my aching nub, still not fully recovered.

He kisses my chin, my neck, dee
I know
ll have his marks on me in the morning, but I do
t care. H
ll have mine, too.

He hovers over my ear,
Then I need to ride you. Hard

God help me, and all the cliches out there, but I swear I fainted. I must have, because he has to turn me on his own, as my body is nothing more than a mass of mush right now. His words, crude, rough, and hones
they did this to me.

I try to help as he stages my body where and how he wants it. The softness of the mattress underneath is comforting as I search for places to hold onto, knowing I do
t have much time. I feel his hands fisting at himself, preparing his dick for its job. He bends down and bites one ass cheek, following it with a kiss on the other.

BOOK: Bitter Sweet Deception (The Kingsmen M.C Book 4)
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