Bitter Black Kiss (28 page)

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Authors: Michelle Clay

BOOK: Bitter Black Kiss
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His laugh was low and dangerous. “I’m the Alpha. I can claim you if I please."

“I’ll kill you before I let that happen,” Brody struggled to free himself. Another man to their right stood at the ready in case he succeeded.

“There’s a gathering Saturday night. I’ll overlook our past differences if you join the pack.”

Some of the pack members voiced their approval. Others jeered.

“Over my dead body.” He jerked one arm free and dragged the man who continued to hold on.

Sean’s smile was dangerous. “That can be arranged.”

The new Alpha turned on his heel and strode away.

Chapter Thirty-two


Brody opened his laptop and sat it on the kitchen table. Something bothered him about the BST that was scheduled for delivery tonight. He keyed in the necessary search criteria. Results flooded the page and it would take him forever to wade through it.

Nicole’s voice rose and fell in the other room. He leaned back in the chair to steal a glance at her. She lounged on the couch, talking with Molly. She was showered and looked great in her own clothes. She wore a pair of faded jeans and a simple t-shirt that complimented her eyes. His heart lurched. Because of his stubbornness and stupidity, he’d almost lost the woman he loved.

They’d found Molly amongst the ruins of their kitchen when he’d taken Nicole to her apartment to gather a few things. The redhead had gotten worried last night after their call had been disconnected. When she’d been brushed off by the overwhelmed police department, she’d driven down the coast first thing this morning to look for her. After a round of hugs and reassurances that they were okay, she followed them to Brody’s house.

Once there, he asked Nicole about the information she’d overheard between Stone and Vasquez. She’d given him the details, but was more preoccupied with how he’d shown up on the beach last night. He’d given an abridged explanation of what Vasquez and her cousins had planned for him. Shortly after that, he’d slunk off to the kitchen, eager for some quiet time.

He clicked onto a site and grimaced at what he found. Pier Thirteen didn’t exist. The city tore it down two years ago after it crumbled and killed some kids playing beneath it. He groaned in frustration and closed the computer. There was nothing to go on and he was back at square one.

The phone rang, startling him from his daze. Perry’s mousy voice hummed over the line. “Brody, will you come to the hospital? Vasquez asked for you. Something bad happened.”

Perry hung up, leaving his questions unanswered. He removed a bottle of water from the fridge. He had half a mind to wash his hands clean of Vasquez, Stone, and the whole mess. It might be a setup. Perhaps Vasquez had involved Perry in her sick game. He supposed there was only one way to find out. He chucked the empty water bottle into the recycling bin beside the back door.

Molly looked up at him with a perceptive glance. Nicole’s cheeks were scarlet. He decided he was better off not knowing what they were giggling about. Instead he said, “I’ve got to go out for a while. I’d feel better if the two of you went somewhere public while I’m gone.”

Nicole scrambled off the couch, concern darkened her face. “You’re not going after Sean, are you?”

Brody sighed. Stone wouldn’t get away with all he’d done. There were things that needed to be said, things needed to be done, and Brody would see they were handled. It was obvious he couldn’t trust the law enforcement types to do it. “No, not yet.”

“Where are you going?” Molly asked from the couch.

“The hospital. Vasquez wants to see me.”

Nicole’s lips pursed and her brow puckered. “Why?”

Worry niggled at the back of his brain. “Look, she’s my ex-partner and I just shot her full of enough BST to kill two men.”

Nicole gripped his arm. “She tried to kill you, baby. She framed you for all the things Sean did. You don’t owe her a damned thing.”

“Maybe not, but she owes me an explanation.” He took her hands in his. This new closeness they shared was strange and unfamiliar, but comfortable and exciting at the same time. He liked it. His lips brushed against her forehead. “You can’t stay here. I don’t want anything to happen to you while I’m away.”

Molly grinned up at him. “We’ll just go with you. Hospitals are about as public as you can get.”




Policemen outnumbered the medical staff in the hospital corridors. Brody passed through the lobby on his way to the elevators. He recognized a couple uniforms from central division. They nodded or called a quick hello, giving no indication that they planned to arrest him. Maybe Vasquez hadn't told them who had nearly killed her.

Nicole and Molly walked behind him, hand in hand. Molly wore a wary, expression while Nicole’s was a bit suspicious. She glanced into each room they passed like she expected someone to jump out and grab them.

He didn't blame her. Everything about this was just so fucked up. He loved the idea that she was protective of him. She was acting like a real wolf's mate. He had to force himself not to smile like some idiotic schoolboy at the thought.

Once they were in the relative privacy of the elevator, Nicole's hand found his and she squeezed his fingers in reassurance. “Are you sure you want to do this?”

A wave of emotion heated his cheeks. He’d trusted Eva Vasquez. They’d been close once, mentor and student. She’d taken him under her wing and shown him the ropes all those years ago, rode with him when no one else would. The fact that she’d betrayed him really shook his ability to trust at all. He sent a covert glance in Nicole’s direction. She turned toward him. All he saw there was love and worry.

The elevator door swooshed open and all three stepped into the police filled hallway.

Perry squirted past two officers who chatted at the end of the hall. “Oh right, you came. I wasn’t sure you would.”

“What does she want?” He didn’t care how cross he sounded.

Perry winced though the malice wasn’t meant for her. She cast a glance in Molly and Nicole’s direction. “Vasquez was pretty out of it last night. She kept asking for you. She repeated your name, over and over and said she was sorry. What’s going on, Brody?”

He shoved his hands into his pockets and rocked back on his heels. Both Nicole and Molly laid a hand on his arm.

“Can I see her?”

Perry motioned for him to follow. “She’s in and out. The doctors said she’s lucky to be alive. The BST stopped her heart twice. She’s not out of the woods yet, so they’re only letting a select few visit her. Since she’s adamant about talking to you, you’re it.”

Nicole stood on tiptoe to kiss his cheek. “We’ll be okay.”

"If anything happens, get friendly with a cop. Understand?"

Both girls nodded.

A bored uniform was stationed outside Vasquez’s ICU. Brody stepped inside the dimly lit room and noticed two things. The first was Chief William Glaser. He sat in a chair beside the bed. The gray haired man’s fingers steepled beneath his chin. Glaser’s shrewd gaze rested on Vasquez and he didn’t bother to look up.

The second, and probably most noticeable thing in the room, was Eva Vasquez. She looked fragile nestled amongst the stark white sheets. Her black hair was snarled around her head and tendrils of tangles lay across the pillow. Dark circles under her eyes left her with a haunted appearance. Skin that was once a caramel hue looked ashen. Bandages ran the length of her left arm, the one torn by her own nails. A heart monitor beeped slow and steady in the background.

“She wouldn’t talk unless you were here,” Glaser said in a hushed tone. His pale blue eyes turned in Brody’s direction. “Now that you’re here, she’s asleep. Figures, doesn’t it?”

Brody held no animosity toward the man. He hadn’t been in office at the time Brody was pushed out of the department. Still, he didn’t answer the rhetorical question. He leaned against the doorframe and crossed his arms over his chest instead.

Glaser smiled, but it held no cheer. “She talks in her sleep. I know you gave her BST.”

He didn’t bother to inform the chief that the injection hadn’t been entirely intentional.

“Brody?” Vasquez’s voice was whisper soft, the last syllable of his name faded to nothing. Her eyes were half open and she stared nowhere and everywhere all at the same time.

Glaser leaned forward. “He’s here now, Eva.”

She ignored him. Instead, she lifted her good arm and beckoned for Brody to come closer. He chose to stay where he was. The police chief had to lean closer to hear her. Of course Brody wouldn’t have that problem, but he wasn’t going to pretend to be normal. Not this time. Her arm dropped back to the bed in surrender.

“I’m so sorry.” Her voice cracked and tears slid from her eyes. There was sincerity in her words, but he chose to ignore it. “He tricked me. I believed he cared about me and let my feelings cloud my judgment. I’m sorry I set you up.”

Glaser’s gaze turned in Brody’s direction. “What’s she talking about?”

Vasquez spoke in urgent gasps. “I wish I hadn’t planted all those things. I used to be a good cop, Brody. Will you tell them?”

Glaser’s face darkened. “You 
 a good cop, Eva.”

Despite his resolve, Brody found himself at the foot of the bed. His heart twisted in his chest and part of him wanted to hate her for all she had done. She was so far removed from the partner she’d once been.

Vasquez's eyes fluttered closed and her lips trembled. “I’ve done things, terrible things. It wasn’t just you, Brody. I did whatever he wanted, to whoever he wanted.”

“When’s the shipment?” Brody asked, not ready to accept her apology.

Glaser cast a sharp glance in his direction. Clearly, he didn't like the idea of Brody interrogating her.

Vasquez struggled to keep her eyes open. For a moment, he didn’t believe she would answer. Finally, she said, “Tonight. Half past midnight, pier fourteen.”

He pursed his lips. “I thought it was thirteen.”

“No.” Vasquez’s words began to slur. “He only said that because he knew the slut was listening.”

Brody scowled at Vasquez’s description of Nicole. Any other time, he would have defended his girlfriend, but under the circumstances, he let it slide.

Glaser leaned forward expectantly. “You’re on Sean Stone’s payroll?”

“Brody was right all along. About everything.” Vasquez struggled to keep her eyes open. She lifted a hand toward Brody again. Her fingers beckoned to him, her eyes pleaded. “Will you forgive me?”

She lost the battle and her eyes drifted shut. Brody was unsure whether the sleep was drug-induced or from exhaustion. He didn't care. He turned from the room and strode into the hall.

Glaser followed. The older man laid a heavy hand on his shoulder to stop him. “We need to talk.”

Nicole and Molly joined them. Both looked uncomfortable under Glaser's scrutiny. Nicole’s fingers slid against Brody’s and he squeezed them in return.

He stared at Glaser and tried to read him. It was difficult to break through the cop’s icy blue gaze. He took a chance. “You need to put men at both piers. You heard her. Another shipment of Beast is coming in tonight.”

Glaser appeared torn. Brody knew he was trying to decide if this was real or a dying woman’s outrageous imagination. Doubt surfaced in his voice. “Are you sure it’s Stone? He’s donated a lot of money to the anti-drug programs.”

Brody decided to make a last ditch effort. The worst he could do was say no. “It’s just a front, Chief. He’s supplied the city for years.”

Glaser chose his words carefully. “We have to be one hundred percent sure. The department can’t afford another screw-up.”

“It won’t go bad this time. We’ll get him, Chief. Without Vasquez to run interference, we have the best shot we’ve ever had.”

Glaser scrubbed a hand across his chin and glanced down the hallway. “I’ve read some of the old case files. You made some serious allegations that Pharm-lab was involved. But don’t they manufacture wolfsbane tablets?”

“They do. Stone is CEO of the company." Brody saw his chances at nailing Stone slipping away. "They make BST in tablet and liquid form too.”

Glaser rolled his shoulders and took a deep breath. “Do you have proof? I really don’t want to go after him again without justification. I need more time, more information.”

“We don’t have the luxury of time.”

Nicole found her voice. “Chief? I was there when Sean was talking to Detective Vasquez and Tony. He told Tony to set up the delivery for tonight at half past midnight.”

Glaser smoothed a hand across his silver hair. Brody could practically hear the gears as they turned in his brain. The older policeman knew he couldn’t ignore these charges brought against Stone, but also couldn’t go after such a public figure without unmistakable proof. “Two men that's all I can give you Brody, and one of them will have the final say for the department.”

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