Bitter Black Kiss (14 page)

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Authors: Michelle Clay

BOOK: Bitter Black Kiss
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He smiled up at her, a knowing look shining in his eyes. He gripped her wrists and pulled her down to his level. His mouth sucked on her bottom lip. The head of his cock nudged at her pussy.

“I don’t think I’m going to fit, baby.”

Nicole knew he wasn’t bragging, just stating a fact. His cock was long and thick, and god did she want to feel every delicious inch of it inside her.

“Brody, do you have —” He moved against her and she forgot what she was going to say. She watched as he reached for his pants, pulled out a foil-wrapped condom and ripped it open with his teeth.

He squirmed beneath her in an effort to slip it on. Next his fingers found her hips. With sure hands, he guided her to him. He impaled her slowly, allowing her to sink onto his flesh comfortably. Once he was confident she could handle him, he thrust into her again and again, the rhythm intense and unhurried.

Nicole threw her head back and cried out in wanton pleasure. She allowed herself to let go, to experience emotions, wants and needs that she usually kept bottled up. Her legs tightened, and her hips ground against him. Brody's hands kneaded her breasts, tweaked the nipples and made her moan in satisfaction.

He thrust himself deeper, filling her with each movement. She nipped at his neck and shoulder. The coppery tang of his blood filled her mouth and teased her senses. Brody continued to move against her, but allowed her to control the speed and intensity of their lovemaking.

She fell atop him, panting and spent, but not quite ready for release. Her arms wound around his neck and shoulders to pull him close as their bodies would allow. Before she could move, he rolled her underneath him. Her legs wound around his hips to guide him deeper. Nicole’s back arched as her insides pulsed around him. She cried his name and allowed the ecstasy to carry her over the edge. Seconds later, his buttocks flexed, and his body tensed in release.

Nicole struggled to drag air into her lungs. She was thankful Brody lay atop her, still deep inside because she knew not all of her body was as it should be. Her slender fingers curled on his shoulders; the nails had formed into wicked claws. She’d bitten her tongue during the fervor and knew her teeth were sharp and pointy. The full moon was still days away. How strange.

Brody rolled onto the pillow beside her. Although it was close to dark, she could see the smile that masked his features. She wanted to cuddle, to be held and assured that she had been a spectacular lover.

His arm tightened around her waist and pulled her closer. He buried his nose in her hair. “Let’s just stay in bed.”

Nicole snuggled against the firm line of his body and loved the idea of making love all night. Judging by the erection that nudged her hip, he did too.

They didn't have time for all that. Her phone shrilled the new ringtone she’d assigned to Sean. With great reluctance, she sat up. "We're going to be late."


Chapter Twelve


Neon lights danced on the hood of Brody's Mustang. She laid her head back and squeezed her eyes shut. In the silence, she had time to think. Had she done the right thing, making love to Brody so soon? There went her idea of playing this smart. What she planned on doing was asking him out, dating, doing the smart thing. Not fucking him the first chance she got.

Brody's fingers brushed against her bare thigh. After a few seconds, he said, “What did you want to talk about earlier? We got sidetracked."

Nicole glanced in his direction. A soft laugh escaped her. “I guess I'm better at show than tell."

"What about Stone?"

Nicole didn’t like where this was headed. “What do you mean?"

“You’re not dating him?” He made a face like the words left a nasty taste in his mouth.

Shock widened her eyes. “Are you serious?”

He didn't take his attention off the road. "I think he's serious about you. He sent Tony to warn me off you."

“We are not seeing each other. We never were.” Why the hell did he send Tony to warn Brody against seeing her? “Stone had the wrong idea about us, but I set him straight.”

“Awesome. I've never been good at sharing." A gorgeous smile brightened his features.

Bitter Black came into view. Since it was Monday night, the club was closed. It looked strange and alien without a crowd and neon glow. A couple nice cars had parked out front.

"What about you?" She grasped his hand. "Didn't you have something you wanted to talk to me about?"

He groaned in frustration.

"It will have to wait until after we're done here." He leaned over and kissed her then got out of the car. By the time he reached her door, she was already out and moving up the sidewalk. He fell into step beside her.

Nicole wanted to say more, suggest they pick up where they'd left off in her bedroom, but they'd reached the door by now. Two gentlemen in suits were seated at the bar. Tony stood behind it, a smug look on his face and a drink in hand. Angry bruises dotted his face and a few slashes decorated his chin. A gauze bandage covered one of his ears, and the knuckles of one hand were red and inflamed.

Tony shot Brody an evil glare as he took his place behind the bar.

“Where is the band?” Nicole asked.

Sean pursed his lips. “You aren't the only one running late."

She eased onto the barstool next to him. He leaned close. "I can smell him all over you, Nicole. What have you done?"

“That’s none of your business.”

"You had sex with the DJ."

The men they were meeting sauntered over and saved him from her retort. After a few tense moments, the men discussed the record business. Sean twisted on the stool, and most of his back was to her. She was unsure why he even asked her to come; after all, no one seemed to care about her opinion. Each time she tried to interject, they continued to talk. Her tap on Sean’s shoulder went unanswered. There seemed to be a “when the boys talk, keep your mouth shut, sweetie” atmosphere around the bar.

She and Brody shared fleeting glances at every opportunity. She wished the business would finish so they could rendezvous in bed.

Sean twisted to face her and repeated whatever question he’d just asked.

“I’m sorry, what?”

An annoyed expression knitted his blond brows. “Never mind. The band has arrived. Let’s move closer to the stage.” A sparkle of excitement lit his eyes.

"More drinks, bartender." Tony sounded like he’d already had more than enough.

Three men and one woman in spandex and leather crowded onto the stage. The woman sat at the drums and waited for her cue. The men stood with their backs to the audience. The first wave of bass and guitar filled the room, and the woman beat the drums. The singer gripped the microphone stand, but still hadn’t turned around.

Sean grasped her hand and led her to one of the tables closest to the stage. The others followed. The record execs sat at a nearby table while Tony sat alone. He still nursed the glass of scotch Brody had shoved into his hand.

The singer pulled the microphone close, and his voice vibrated through Nicole’s memories. It was strikingly familiar. The man turned to aim his attention at the table in front of the stage, Nicole’s table.

Aaron James stood on the stage. His hair had thinned a bit, and he might have put on a few pounds, but it was him.

The scar on her shoulder tingled with phantom pain. Memories of his fists and hurtful words shook her. She shot a glance in Sean’s direction, but he didn’t seem to notice her discomfort.

Aaron’s dark eyes turned toward her. Could he see her in the darkness? His words drifted through the sound system and filled her with dread.

“I sink teeth deep in,” he sang in his scratchy, deep voice. The bass was a hard thudding rhythm that left her with chills.

Nicole’s stomach roiled. “Sean?”

Sean didn’t divert his attention from the stage. “Shh. They’re good, aren’t they? Very visceral.”

“The more you fight,” Aaron continued. “The more it turns me on.”

Nicole sprang to her feet. Her chair tipped, and their drinks sloshed over the table. There was no way she could listen to this garbage. Aaron had to know she was there. The lyrics were way too particular.

“This is bullshit,” she said. “They can’t play at the club.”

“To smell your fear makes me crave you even more.” His words followed her to the door. “I won’t stop until you’re bleeding on the floor.”

She cast one last glance over her shoulder. Sean twisted in his seat, an unreadable expression on his face. Tony looked smug while the record executives looked confused.

She stood in the parking lot, fishing through her clutch with shaky hands. She popped the last wolfsbane tablet into her mouth and crunched it between her teeth. Bitter Black's front door slammed against the wall. She didn’t know who she expected to see, but when Brody’s arms encircled her, relief flooded through her.

She gripped his upper arms and clung to him. His name escaped her on a shaky whisper.

His body was familiar and welcome. She laid her head against his chest. The thud of his heartbeat steadied her. “Are you okay? What happened in there?”

Angry tears slid down her cheek and moistened his shirt. “That was Aaron, my ex. He’s the one who infected me. I can’t believe he wrote a whole song about it. God, what an asshole.”

"Let’s get out of here." The arm around her waist tightened and urged her toward his car.

“Take me home with you?”

Brody crushed her against him. The warmth of his skin infused her with a sense of calm. In his embrace, she was safe. He stroked her hair and whispered soothing words. In his arms, she might melt and forget about the world around them. His lips brushed against the corner of her mouth. “I won’t let anyone hurt you, Nicole.”

She didn’t have time to revel in the intimacy of his voice. Hard-soled footsteps drew them apart. Brody released her and turned to face whoever dared interrupt them. His brows knitted in anger.

Aaron sauntered from the building.

He regarded Nicole with a sneer. “What? You didn’t like my song? I wrote it just for you, baby."

Brody gripped the front of Aaron’s shirt. “Why are you harassing her?”

“I want my wife back.” Aaron’s dark stare didn’t leave her. Her scar tingled, and she fought the urge to press fingers against it.

Nicole gripped Brody’s arm. “He isn’t worth it. Let’s just go home.”

“Is that any way to speak to your husband?” Aaron drew himself up and sneered.

Brody attempted to hold back his temper or maybe something worse. “Leave. Now.”

Aaron didn’t let Brody dissuade him. “You’re still my wife, Nicky. Even if you run away, it won’t change things.”

Aaron made a grab for her, but Brody knocked his hand away.

Nicole gripped the handbag too hard and broke something inside. “Get the hell away from me.”

Brody’s hand slipped over hers, and he pulled her against him. “Let’s go.”

“Don’t walk away from me!” There was no tenderness in Aaron’s voice, only possession. “You’re mine! Get back here, bitch!”

Nicole slapped him. “We’re over, Aaron. Get it through your thick skull.”

Aaron drew his shoulders up to stand a full six feet four inches. He indicated Brody with a tilt of his head. “Is it because he’s better looking or good in bed?”

Nicole wished she never agreed to come tonight. Brody looked like he intended to murder Aaron. She ignored Aaron’s question and wrapped her fingers around Brody’s forearm in a silent plea. “We were married by a guy dressed like Elvis. He was just as drunk as we were. There wasn’t even any paperwork.”

 “You’re pathetic, you know that?” Aaron snarled. “A goddamn whore.”

“That’s enough,” Brody growled. He wedged himself between Nicole and Aaron, who had moved closer.

Aaron shoved Brody aside. A wild, predatory expression glazed his eyes. For just a moment, he looked just like he did the night he attacked her. His face leveled with hers, but she held her ground. “There were vows, Nicky, vows I took very seriously.”

Nicole laughed so hard that tears sprung to her eyes. Both Brody and Aaron looked puzzled by her reaction. “I came out here to start my life over, without you. You're trying to cling to the past. Who’s the pathetic one?”

Aaron made a move to grab her, but she reeled just out of reach.

Brody gripped Aaron’s shoulder and shoved him backward. “Don’t touch her. In fact, don’t come near her again.”

“Fuck off.” Aaron pushed him back.

Brody advanced, and Aaron stumbled backward. “I don’t think you’re hearing me, asshole. Don’t call her. Don’t follow her. Don’t even think about her. Understand?”

Aaron made a fist and swiped at him. Brody caught it in mid swing and forced him to his knees. His arm twisted at an odd angle, and Nicole was certain Brody intended to snap it off at the elbow.

Aaron’s teeth gritted with pain. His eyes watered and danced with fear as he looked up at Brody. A string of snot leaked from his nose. “No problem, man. Whatever you say.”

Bitter Black’s front doors swung wide, and Sean, Tony, and the record executives made their way toward them. The men in suits made a quick exit to their cars while Sean and Tony moved toward Nicole and Brody. Displeasure pinched Sean’s face.

She was unsure whether or not Brody had even noticed. He shoved Aaron aside. “If you so much as breathe her name again, I will hunt you down and hurt you.”

“We aren’t finished.” Aaron scrambled to his feet. He slunk away after casting a murderous glance in Nicole’s direction. Brody’s threats might work for a while, but she knew this wasn’t the last she’d see of Aaron.

Brody grasped her hand in his, anxious to speak. “Let’s go, Nicole. I have to talk to you. It’s important.”

Jealous rage warped Sean’s face. Quick as anything, it was gone. His expression took on one of a concerned friend.

“Are you trying to steal my girl, Brody?” he said with just the right amount of amusement and threat.

“Cut the crap, Sean. I’m going home.” Nicole seized Brody’s hand.

Sean blocked their path. “What happened? I had to reschedule the meeting, or I would’ve been out sooner.”

“You know full well what happened,” Brody growled. “You’re the one who set it up.”

Sean smiled, but it didn’t carry any friendliness. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

Nicole drew her shoulders up and stared at Sean. “Did you know he was the singer of the band I managed?”

Sean shook his head. “I had no idea.”

Brody stood poised, ready to protect her should anyone attack. “That’s bullshit. You knew he infected her. That’s why you brought him here.”

Sean's expression remained emotionless. “I don’t want you going anywhere with Brody.”

Nicole glared up at him and despised his audacity. “You can’t tell me who to spend time with.”

“He’s dangerous.”

“No more than you are,” Brody said in a voice akin to a growl.

She grasped Brody’s hand, and together they moved toward his car.

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