Bite (Bloodlines Book 1) (11 page)

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Authors: Crissy Smith

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

BOOK: Bite (Bloodlines Book 1)
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Marcello was still talking but he couldn’t hear or understand the words.

Was Dakota aware of what was going on? Had she set him up? It seemed impossible, but what did he know?

Kieran had trusted Caspar, and look at where that had gotten him. He let his head drop back and closed his eyes.

, he prayed.
Kill me. Just end it.

There was no way he’d last again in captivity. He could only hope he wouldn’t wake back up.


Chapter Six




The insistent ringing dragged Dakota out of a deep sleep. She rolled over and stretched out her arm to nudge Kieran so she could get back to sleep. When her hand met only empty bed she sighed but sat up. “Really?”

There was no one there to answer her, though. Kieran wasn’t in the bed, room or adjoining bathroom. At least the ringing stopped.

She concentrated her hearing on the other rooms but she knew that there was no one else in the suite with her.

Once again, the ringing sounded and she groaned. With Kieran gone that meant it was her cell phone. She dragged herself out of bed and glanced around for her clothes. Ah, yeah, living room. She picked up the robe that Kieran had worn last night and pulled it on before she strolled into the other room.

While the curtains were closed, the rest of the area was just as they’d left it. Dakota walked over to her pants, which were on the floor in front of the desk. She rifled through her pockets until she found her phone. The time on the device said it was just after five in the morning.

Dean’s name was flashing across her screen.

“It’s early,” she said as a greeting.

“We need you at the office,” Dean told her.

“Why? What’s going on?” she asked as she circled around the desk. Kieran’s notebook was still open and his laptop was in sleep mode. She trailed her finger over the keyboard mouse and it powered up.

“We had a little problem last night,” Dean said. “Sparro said you needed to get here.”

Dakota frowned as the computer opened on Kieran’s email and she read the subject lines. Someone was sending Kieran reports on her, Dean and other agents from her division. All the emails had been opened except for the one with her name. Kieran hadn’t looked at it yet.

Would he do it now?

While she was mildly irritated, Dakota couldn’t really blame Kieran for looking into them. Dean had started the battle when he’d let Kieran know that Caspar had asked them to keep an eye on him. She’d even thought about looking into Kieran herself.

“Are you listening to me?” Dean demanded.

Dakota jumped up and pushed away from the desk. “Sorry,” she said.

“Just get here ASAP,” Dean said.

“I’m on my way,” she replied. Dakota disconnected before she started to gather her up her clothes. She rushed to the bathroom then turned on the water in the sink. Since she wouldn’t have time for a shower or to go home for more clothes, she’d have to make do. Luckily she kept a spare bag in her locker at the office so she’d be able to change at some point.

It was rare for her boss to call her or Dean in, so whatever had happened had to be big. The toothbrush from the day before was still there so she quickly took care of her morning routine before she dressed.

Once ready to go, Dakota walked back over to the notebook that Kieran had left open on the desk to leave him a note. She picked it up and saw that he’d been working on something strange. His writing was horrendous but she did manage to pick up ‘Walkers’, ‘hotel’, ‘group’, ‘Organization contact’. If she had the time Dakota would try to figure out what Kieran was up to. Had he found more Walkers in town? She hadn’t heard about any cases involving Walkers in her city but she’d have to check when she got to the office.

If Kieran was onto something, she wanted to know about it.

Dakota tore off a page and wrote Kieran a quick note.


Had to run to office—see you tonight


Maybe she could take him out to dinner or another club. As much as she loved being with him in private, Dakota wanted to take him around her city and show him what only a local knew about. There was so much more than the tourist traps.

A few drinks and a nice dinner should go a long way to buttering Kieran up and finding out what he was working on.

She placed the note on the edge of the desk then hurried toward the door.


* * * *


Kieran held his head in his hands as he sat on the cot in a holding cell. He’d woken up locked in the small prison room and knew he’d fucked up. Luckily he was still in the Organization building, or guessed that he was. He could smell a mixture of humans and shifters, heavy on the shifter. Plus the setup was exactly the same as the holding cells his division used.

He didn’t know how long he’d been out but from his headache it had been a while. Kieran healed rather quickly, and even quicker if he drank, but having his air supply cut off screwed with the blood flow and killed off the good cells while leaving the bad.

It pissed him off since he’d just fed and now he’d have to find another source. As soon as the assholes released him. Caspar wouldn’t let them hold him for long. It wouldn’t surprise him if his boss showed up either.

All he had to do was bide his time. Kieran stood with a growl, even though the sound and movement made his head pound harder. He walked over to the iron bars and gripped them. With all his strength he tried to bend them. It would take too much energy to get through but if he could mess them up, he’d at least feel better.

Plus he really didn’t want to think at the moment.

Sure, he realized that he’d overreacted with the boss that had caught him sneaking around Dean’s office, but there were questions, too many damn questions, which made him uneasy.

Dean had a file with his name and information on it.

No, he wouldn’t think about that until he was back in his hotel room alone. He’d find out what Dean and the Las Vegas branch were up to. Although he might need to move rooms again. He wouldn’t trust Alex or the other Walkers either until he knew who’d told Dean about what had happened to him.

He just couldn’t figure out why Dean hadn’t told Dakota anything. And Kieran was certain she wasn’t aware of his past. If she did know, Dakota wouldn’t have pressed him. Not only that, but Kieran could read people, and Dakota had the people closest to her hiding things.

It seemed like every time he had a plan, there was a new twist. He really needed Remy to get to town, and together they would figure it out. Kieran might not like having to need someone but at least he trusted his partner.

Fuck, he wasn’t going to think about any of this. He pushed away from the bars, disgusted with his thoughts and the fact that he hadn’t even made a dent.

He took a deep breath before he strolled to the cot and sat down. He leaned against the wall and stared straight ahead. Kieran knew how to play the game.
Do not let your enemies see you weak.
That was the first rule that Caspar had taught him.

So he’d fall back on his training. The locals hadn’t seen anything like him yet. Kieran knew how to protect himself and those around him.

Dakota. He couldn’t pull her into this until he knew what he was up against.

It wouldn’t be easy to get her to give him space. Already Dakota read him better than most people. He’d think of something, though. The urge to protect her was strong inside him and he knew that meant more than just a passing relationship while on vacation.

He might only be there for two weeks but they’d find a way to make it work between them. They had to.

Wow, it’s crazy how things have changed so much in less than twelve hours.

Kieran banged his head back against the concrete. He had to stop thinking. Period. He closed his eyes and concentrated on his breathing. When he’d been captured before, he would stare at the wall of his cage for hours.

The shifters had kept him in a steel cage inside a cold room with no windows and only a bare light bulb hanging from the ceiling. He’d never seen another room like that one. Thankfully, since he’d probably lose his mind if he ever encountered anything like that again.

As his breathing evened out, Kieran sank into old memories. The air around him grew cold as it had always been during his imprisonment. He’d been so starved that he had begun to think that he’d never feel warmth again.

His fangs dropped down against his will as the past pulled at him. He hadn’t been able to control his fangs then either. Well, when he’d had them. The shifters had loved to yank his fangs from his mouth, causing him the most horrible pain he’d ever felt. Each time his fangs had grown back the shifters had been delighted. If he hadn’t done what they wanted when they asked, the first punishment had always been the loss of his fangs.

His teeth ached as he reminisced. Kieran ran his tongue over them and cut himself on the sharp edges. Blood dripped down his throat, and even though he didn’t get the same feeling from his own blood as he did when he fed from another, it helped to remind him that he wasn’t still in that hell.

“Are you okay?”

Kieran lifted his head then opened his eyes to peer at Dakota as she stood in front of the bars. He nodded once.

“I have the key,” she told him. “Let’s get you out of there.”

Kieran stood before he walked slowly toward the door. “How’d you know I was here?”

“Dean called me. Sparro explained to him what was going on and Dean came up here. I guess you were still unconscious. After that he phoned me and asked me to be here when you woke. They weren’t certain what state you’d wake in,” Dakota said.

“So they sent you?” Kieran asked, disgusted. The two men had actually sent her to handle him in case he was still acting crazy. That was cowardice and despicable.

Dakota laughed. “I was seen entering your suite by the agent who was helping us keep an eye on you. When you left and I didn’t, he called Dean. My partner’s not stupid and he knew there was something going on between us, so after he found out Sparro had you here, Dean informed me.”

“Okay,” he said. “Let me out.”

Dakota raised an eyebrow. “Is everything okay?”

“I’m locked in a fucking cell,” he snapped. “No, everything is not okay.”

“Right,” she said as she unlocked the cell door and yanked it open. “Come on.”

When she tried to place her hand on his arm, he backed away. Dakota let her hand drop while frowning.

“I’ve had enough people touching me tonight,” he said.

The hurt that flashed over her face tugged at his heart but he had to get her to back off. For her own good.

“Sure,” she said quietly.

“Am I free to go?” he asked.

“Actually, my boss wants to talk to you,” she told him.

“Of course he does,” Kieran quipped.

“Let’s get this over with,” she said. “Then we can talk.”

Kieran had no plans to talk to her until he’d sorted everything out, but he nodded.

She spun on her heel, leading the way from his cell. Kieran glanced around and saw the cameras in the narrow hall as they walked toward the elevator. He hadn’t been awake for his trip down there and he wanted to memorize every inch of the building.

There was no way to know if he would have to break in again. If so, he would be more careful.

Dakota slipped her card through a reader, which opened the elevator. Kieran needed to get himself one of those cards. He’d pocket one of the other employee’s on his way out. He was good at pickpocketing—just one of the many skills he’d picked up along the way.

Remy had actually been the one that had shown him that talent. It had turned out his partner had a colorful past and Remy loved to show off.

Inside the elevator, Dakota pressed the button to the top floor. Which of course was where the boss’s office would be located. Normally Kieran wouldn’t take a risk to gather intel on one of the top guys but this gave him an opportunity that he wouldn’t miss.

Dakota remained silent the entire ride up. Kieran stared forward even though he could feel her peeking at him every few seconds. God, he wanted to reach out and pull her close. But he had to be strong.

The faint ding of the elevator as they reached the correct floor had her jumping. Kieran held back a smile. As soon as the doors opened, she strode through in a way he could only describe as determined. Damn, he wished he could read her mind. He had no idea what she was thinking but the way she strutted made him think he might not be able to push her away like he was planning.

In the gray-walled hallway, there were a few doors that were closed and he wanted to peek inside but there was no glass windows like there were in Dakota and Dean’s office space.

They reached the end of the hall, and Dakota rapped on the door.

“Come in.”

Dakota turned the knob before she looked over her shoulder at him and winked.

Kieran had no idea what that was for.

As the door swung open Dakota stepped to the side and he entered. The man behind the desk appeared rumpled and the scowl put a smile on Kieran’s face before he’d taken three steps forward.

“Mr. Smith,” Sparro said in a calm cool voice.

“Yep,” Kieran returned as he ambled to the guest chair. He dropped down to sit.

“Now that we’re alone let’s talk about what happened,” Sparro said, leaning forward.

If he was trying to intimidate Kieran, it wouldn’t work. This shifter might be powerful—Kieran could feel the forceful energy radiating off him—but better men had tried to rein Kieran in. “Sure,” he said with a shrug.

“You broke into a highly secured building,” Sparro said. “I don’t know whether to be angry or impressed.”

“It obviously wasn’t
well secured,” Kieran replied.

“And that’s why I’m leaning toward anger,” Sparro told him.

Kieran wondered briefly if yawning would piss the shifter off more or if he’d finally get to the point. “Should I be worried?” he asked with a raised eyebrow.

“You should be respectful,” Sparro responded then grinned. “But if you were, I’d know you were up to something.”

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