Birthday Girl: Paolo's Playhouse, Book 3 (3 page)

BOOK: Birthday Girl: Paolo's Playhouse, Book 3
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She hadn’t realized she’d been making any noise at all, hadn’t realized her lips were parted, her mouth dry from panting. She closed her mouth and swallowed, keeping her eyes on her husband the entire time. She nodded. He winked at her and brought her hand over to the edge of the table.

“Grasp onto the edge of the table and don’t let go,” he told her softly. He nodded to Marc and he did the same with her other hand. “Don’t move your hands now, Shannon. Do you understand?”

She nodded, nervous and excited at the same time.

Marc slid one hand behind her back, his large hand hot on her bare skin. He slipped his other hand under the tablecloth and cupped her pussy. She jumped slightly, couldn’t believe she was sitting there, letting him touch her so intimately. But it felt so incredible, so forbidden, yet unbelievably erotic.

Marc pressed the base of his hand on her clit and it immediately began to throb in time with the ragged beat of her heart. Her eyes drifted shut. His long fingers stretched along her pussy, the tips tucking beneath her, pressing against her anus. He effectively held her body between his strong hands.

“I could spend hours where my hands are right now,” Marc said on a low groan.

Tyler laughed darkly. “Oh yeah. I’ve spent hours between those legs. She’s incredible.”

Shannon gave herself over to the sensations. Marc slid the hand on her back even lower, over the bunched up fabric of her skirt. He spread his hand across her ass, his long middle finger resting in the cleft between her cheeks. His other hand still cupped her pussy and his fingers began moving, stoking the fires burning there until her flesh was swollen and throbbing.

What would happen if she climaxed here in the restaurant? Tyler was right when he said she couldn’t keep quiet. She couldn’t keep still, either. How could she not draw attention to them if she screamed and rocked when she came?

Shannon knew she could call a halt to this play at anytime. Tyler would respect her wishes. Marc would too. But she was so stimulated, she couldn’t tell them to stop. What was wrong with her? She didn’t want either one of them to stop. What had happened to her modesty? Her fear of exposure? Shouldn’t she be outraged instead of aroused in the corner of the elegant restaurant?

It was crazy. Hadn’t she said she wanted crazy tonight?

Her heart pounded against her ribs. Her eyes flew open. Here in the shadowy corner, what did they look like to other diners? The couple at the table closest to them had left and no one else seemed to be paying attention to them. Did the three of them look to be in the middle of a serious conversation to anyone who glanced their way? If one or the other of them occasionally kissed her, or brushed a hand against her skin, it probably wasn’t all that noticeable.

Marc’s hand was still underneath the table cloth, teasing her puffy lips. Tyler slid one of his hands under the tablecloth as well. He dove below Marc’s hand, plunging his fingers again into her heated core. Two hands, two men, worked at her as she tried to sit still, tried not to react to the stimulation that was driving her quickly to the edge, tried not to draw attention to what they were doing there in the corner booth. She bit her bottom lip when Marc scraped her clit with a fingernail.

Tyler’s long fingers easily found her G-spot, rubbing long and deep against that sensitive bundle of nerves. She tried not to move, tried not to arch her back or cry out. Between the two of them, she spiraled closer and closer to climax. She had no idea how she was going to hide her reaction when she came, but at this point she didn’t care.

All she wanted was to come.

“She’s amazing,” Marc murmured. “So wet and hot.”

“Yeah, I love to watch her when she’s like this,” Tyler said. “Her face is so expressive.”

“She’s driving me crazy with those wide lips,” Marc said. “And she’s making those little noises in the back of her throat again.”

“She knows she has to be quiet,” Tyler said, and his voice held a dark, cautionary tone. She clamped her lips together. Then he tweaked her nipple, hard, with his free hand. “She knows she has to stay still.”

Neither one of them looked her in the face. To anyone watching them, they appeared to be deep in conversation, ignoring her completely. Except Shannon knew what they were doing with their hands. And with their words.

“I bet her body goes wild when she comes,” Marc commented.

“You have no idea.”

Marc circled the tip of his finger around and around her clit, teasing but not quite touching it. “Does she usually come more than once?”

“Oh yeah, when she gets really worked up I can get her off two or three times.” Ty rubbed harder against her G-spot. “And she’s so ready right now I bet we could get her to come over and over again.”

Shannon whimpered. She tried to focus her attention on an ornate light sconce hanging on the wall across the dining room. She couldn’t move, she wasn’t supposed to make any noise, and these two men were stimulating her within an inch of an orgasm. She didn’t know how else to try to take her mind off the things they were doing to her body. They continued to play with her body, coaxing her higher and higher. She was panting now, still gripping the edge of the table. She was close. So close.

Then Tyler leaned over, blocking her from the view of the other diners, and caught her mouth with his. Marc scraped her clit one more time and she exploded, her cries of completion lost in the kiss. She struggled to keep her body from shaking too much and eventually the spasms lessened and she settled back against the cushion.

“That was beautiful, hon,” Marc whispered in her ear as he slowly drew his hands from her.

“It’s time to go, sweetheart,” Tyler said softly, wiping his fingers on his napkin. He signaled to the waiter for the check. “Marc will follow us to the Playhouse.”

Chapter Two

“What?” She couldn’t think. Couldn’t make sense of his words. She was still floating on that orgasmic high.

“We’re going to the Playhouse, remember?”

“Oh, the sex fantasy place, that’s right.” And there they’d have their ménage. “Um…”

Reality hit Shannon hard. She wanted it, she really did, but was it splitting hairs to say that as hot as Marc was, as much as she loved him touching her, she didn’t want anyone but her husband fucking her?

She didn’t have to say anything more. Her husband knew her better than anyone. Tyler kissed her quick and hard. “Don’t worry, sweetheart. Your pussy is mine, only mine.”

Marc took one of her hands and kissed the tips of her fingers. “I’ll only be there to bring you pleasure. I won’t do anything you don’t want me to do. No penetration, I promise.”

That made all the difference to her. Her husband was the only one she wanted making love to her, but with Marc there to give her attention as well…she couldn’t turn down an opportunity like that.

The waiter brought the bill and Tyler took care of it swiftly. Shannon smiled slowly at the attention they got as they walked through the dining room, both gorgeous men holding her hands.
Eat your heart out.

“My car’s over there,” Marc said when they walked out into the cool evening air. “I’ll follow you.” He leaned over and kissed Shannon’s cheek then squeezed her hand before he turned and walked away from them.

“He thinks you’re going to change your mind,” Tyler said as they watched him head toward a small black sports car.

The cool breeze felt wonderful on her heated skin. “Why?” For the first time tonight, she got to admire Marc’s firm ass. She grinned to herself as she realized she was going to get her hands on that ass tonight. “Why would I change my mind?” She rubbed up against her husband. “You’ve got me so horny I can hardly think straight. That had to be part of your plan.”

“Well, yeah, but I don’t want you to look back on tonight and think that we coerced you into anything.”

“I won’t think that. I’m not going to change my mind. This is the perfect gift.”

Tyler pulled her into his arms in the middle of the parking lot. “You’re incredible.”

Marc’s car roared to life. So did her body. She grabbed Tyler’s hand. “We better get going.”

Tyler was quiet as they pulled out of the parking lot. Marc’s headlights were bright behind them. Once they were on the highway, Ty took a deep breath and turned off the radio. “I love you, Shan. I wanted to make tonight special since you’d been dreading turning thirty for so long.” He reached over and she automatically parted her thighs so he could cup her pussy as he always liked to do. Without her panties, he was able to sweep a finger along her slick flesh. “You’ve said more than once that you wished I had more than one mouth. How wonderful it would be if you could have a mouth on your breasts and another between your legs at the same time. Remember?”

“Yes,” she whispered. She loved Tyler’s mouth both places and often whined, only partly in jest, when he left one part for the other. But even with all the times she’d mentioned a threesome, she never thought he’d want to do something about it. That he had ever considered sharing her with another man.

“When I heard Marc was coming to town just for a couple days, I figured if anyone would be up for it, he would.”

Shannon slid her hand across the console and rubbed his thick cock through his trousers. She was glad to find he was as aroused as she was. “So you’ve been planning this for a while?” This man she loved continued to amaze her.

“Yeah.” He gasped when she squeezed. “That’s why I looked into the Playhouse too. I’m willing to try this threesome thing, but I’m not willing to invite another man, not even an old friend, into our bed. Ever.”

She leaned over to kiss his cheek. “I agree completely.”

He glanced over to her. “You don’t have to do this if you don’t want to.”

She crossed her arms in front of her. “Are you trying to take back my birthday present?”

“No, of course not. I just didn’t want to pressure you.”

“No pressure. I want to.”

“Are you sure?”

Why did he keep asking? Was
suddenly not so sure? “Yes, I am sure. But what about you?”

“What do you mean?”

“I think there are a couple of things that maybe you didn’t expect when you planned this little get together,” she said softly. They were pulling into a parking lot already. That was quick.

“What are you talking about?” he asked as he headed for a renovated warehouse out back.

“I think maybe you didn’t expect to feel jealous.”

“I’m not jealous.” His reply came a little too quickly.

“Tyler, don’t lie to your wife.”

“Okay, so maybe I was a little jealous to see you reacting so strongly to Marc.”

“You told me to trust you, right?”

He nodded.

“So trust me too. I love you, only you. No matter what happens tonight, I’m going home with you. Only you.”

“I know, sweetheart. I do trust you.” Tyler pulled into a parking space and turned off the engine. “You said a couple things? What’s the other?”

She swallowed before she said the words she didn’t know if he’d want to hear. “You didn’t expect to like to watch another man touching your wife, did you? But you liked it, Ty. I could tell you were getting turned on when you saw Marc’s hands on me.”

Ty grasped the steering wheel and stared straight ahead, into the darkness surrounding them. “It was so fucking hot to watch him put his hands on you.”

And she was so hot she could barely stand it. She squirmed in the passenger seat. “So it sounds as if we’re all getting something out of this scene.”

Tyler grinned, helped her from the car. Marc pulled up beside them. He opened his car door and grinned. “We’re still on?”

“Of course.” But while the reassuring words flowed easily from her lips, now that they were here, she couldn’t help but be a little nervous. Okay, a lot nervous. How did this whole thing work now?

They crossed the parking lot together. The moon was bright in the inky sky. She was between them again, holding their hands again. There was no light chitchat. No small talk. No dirty talk. Just silence.

After they stepped into the elegant elevator, Tyler leaned into her. “Stop thinking so much,” he whispered. He knew her too well. But she couldn’t help the questions whirling through her mind. What if what happened tonight was something that would change her relationship with Tyler forever? Was she ready to risk that just for an extra set of hands on her skin? Would it be worth an extra set of lips on her body? Even if, or especially if, they were Marc’s.

The smooth elevator ride was over quickly. Nerves scrambled in her stomach as the doors opened onto a richly decorated waiting room. She almost wished they could have dropped to the floor back in the restaurant and gotten hot and heavy right there while they had all been so aroused. She couldn’t stop thinking now. She got more nervous and self-conscious with each passing moment. She shook off their hands and began to pace around the small room. This was crazy. What made her think she wanted crazy? What had she been thinking?

Marc came up to face her and reached out to rub her shoulders in slow, lazy circles. “Relax,” he said softly, his eyes warm and understanding. “It’ll be okay.”

Tyler stepped up behind her and brushed her hair out of the way then ran his lips across her tense jaw. Their very different scents wound around her. Tyler’s familiar musky scent blended with Marc’s spicier smell, and she had to swallow to stop from drooling. Okay, so maybe she was still a little aroused.

Tyler pressed against her back, his erection hard against her ass. He wrapped his arms around her and cupped her breasts, fondling, squeezing. Murmuring words at once enticing and comforting. Marc stood in front of her, his hands still on her shoulders, and suddenly he leaned in and captured her lips with his. She gasped and opened under the pressure of his delicious mouth. He lightly cupped her face in his hands and slanted his mouth to take the kiss deeper.

Tears sprang to her eyes. It was too much. Too intimate. She lifted her hands to pull his away, but then Tyler leaned forward and brushed his lips against her ear. Softly murmured his love. Told her it was all right. Gentled her again. Calmed her while she got used to another man’s lips on hers.

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