Bind Me [Pact of Seduction 1] (7 page)

BOOK: Bind Me [Pact of Seduction 1]
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With Marley's fantasy done and over, Bella would be next, and clearly she needed the reassurance to dive in like Marley had. “Last night opened a new world for me, and I'm not about to give it up. I'm so experiencing that again."

"But not with Reed?” Bella asked.

Marley hated the thought of it being true, no matter how angry she was at him. “No, not with Reed.” The sadness wafted off her tone. “Never again with Reed."

Reed hadn't slept, hadn't done anything but drive around for hours until he found himself back at home in the early morning. He powered up the computer, then pulled up Marley's profile in the forum and stared at her picture. Why couldn't he get her off his mind?

"Already on the prowl, are you?"

He'd been so focused on the screen he hadn't realized Kole had woken up and joined him in the living room. He spun the chair he sat in to face Kole. He wasn't about to tell Kole how foolish he was acting over a woman; his friend would goad him for it. Instead he stuck to the other thoughts in his mind. “How did the night go with Zoie?"

"Spectacular.” Kole grinned. “Her tolerance levels are quite high. I suppose I should thank you for giving her over to me. She's going to provide me with some enjoyment, I'll tell you that much."

Reed inclined his head in response and wasn't at all surprised to hear Zoie shocked him by her pain levels; it had the same effect on Reed. Still, Zoie had been a special woman, and he needed to ensure Kole treated her right. “How hard did you push her?"

Kole plopped down on the couch beside the computer. “Not too far. Tested her limits is all. Tonight we've got another scene planned, and I'll push her a little more.” He gestured toward the computer with a curious gaze. “Who is that?"

"A submissive I was with last night."

Kole leaned forward, examined Marley's picture, then whistled. “Just your type of woman—sweet and sexy. You think she's a keeper?"

Reed knew Kole would also understand the need to find one's own submissive. Even Kole, after all these years, hadn't found a submissive to claim as his. “We both know finding
is highly unlikely."

Kole eyes went huge before he arched an eyebrow. “If I didn't know you better, I might think you were sulking."

Reed scowled. “I'm not sulking. More pissed at myself. I up and left her last night immediately after the scene."

"You didn't offer her aftercare?” Kole asked, a bite in each word.

The reprimand was justified—what he'd done was reprehensible. “I have no idea what fucking happened. We shared an amazing scene together; the woman is a born submissive, but then I panicked and ran like a damn coward."

Kole paused before he gave Reed a measured look. “Is she worth your pride?"

Marley had awakened a part of him that he'd thought long dead. She made him break the walls around his heart, and she left an impression on him he couldn't forget. “She is worth so much more.” The entirety of the situation smacked into his thick head, past the pain of his damaged heart, because Marley
worth the risk. “I have to go to her and apologize."

Kole looked at him as if he were a complete idiot. “I would say that you do."

Reed deserved the harsh expression and, in fact, agreed with Kole. He had been a fool. After a short good-bye, he strode out of the house, got into his truck, and entered the GPS coordinates of the address he remembered from Marley's waiver. Baltimore streets flew by Reed's window while he drove at least twenty miles over the speed limit.

Half an hour had passed before he pulled up outside the red brick, two-story house. He cut the ignition and waited. His damned fears had caused him to run away, and he felt ashamed for how he'd treated Marley. He needed to apologize to her, and he wouldn't call to issue an apology over the telephone; he had to rectify what he'd done face-to-face. More than anything, he needed to explain himself to her.

Reed got out of his truck, closed the door behind him, and approached the house. It was around ten in the morning, and typical traffic filled the area—families out for walks with their dogs, people off to enjoy a sunny winter Sunday morning with their children.


The idea had never appealed to Reed—he'd not once thought himself capable of being a family man who would settle down enough to have such dreams. Now everything had changed—Marley had changed it all for him, and for the first time in so long, he had hope.

At the front door, he inhaled deep to prepare himself and hoped his thoughts came out clear and concise. He knocked, and footsteps barreled to the door before it opened to a pretty woman. Typical bleach-blonde bombshell, not his type and certainly not Marley. For a moment, Reed wondered if he had the wrong house. “Does Marley live here?"

The woman's eyes became suspicious as a protective note rose in their depths. “And you would be?"

"Reed.” Those suspicious eyes flashed with total shock, and her lips parted to speak, yet nothing came out but a squeak. He stood for a few seconds, unsure of her reaction, but soon realized she needed a little help to move on. “Is she available?"

"” The woman opened the door wider, and it gave Reed a view of the living room where Marley sat on the couch with two other women, all staring blank-faced at him.

Understanding hit him—these were Marley's best friends, the ones she'd spoken of when they first met. Clearly she had told them of the events last night, and his arrival floored them. He chuckled, unable to hold his amusement back. “May I come in?"

"O-o-h.” The woman looked back to Marley. “Can he come in?"

In nearly the same move as her friend, Marley's mouth parted but nothing came out; her only response was a quick nod. Then she gave her head a shake and said in an even tone, “Yes, he can."

Reed kept his stare on hers and was pleased she had remembered his rules to use her voice. He stepped into the house, removed his shoes, then went over to the lone recliner resting next to Marley on the couch. He watched the women. No one blinked, yet no one said a word—amusement at its best. “Well, since you all seem to have lost the ability to speak, I'll go first. My name is Reed Matheson. I'm guessing you're Marley's best friends."

Each head nodded. Before Marley cleared her throat, the sweetest blush rose on her cheeks. “This is Bella, Kyra, and Sadie.” She pointed to each woman at introduction.

"It's my pleasure to meet you,” Reed replied. “If it wasn't for your pact of seduction, as you all called it, I'd never have met Marley."

Again silence filtered in around him, and their mouths dropped open. A good few minutes passed, and Reed had no clue what to say. In truth, he didn't want to share his feelings with a bunch of women; it'd be hard enough to tell Marley his deepest thoughts. So here he sat.

Blessedly after a few drawn-out moments, Kyra jumped to her feet. She yanked on Bella's arm and grabbed Sadie's hand. “Come on, girls, let's give Marley and Reed some alone time."

Bella struggled away, approached Reed, and glared. “You have some explaining to do.” She poked his chest. “You don't get to leave her like you did last night, regardless of how good it was, then just show up here like some hero. Marley might be okay with what happened, but I'm not."

Reed glanced at her finger jabbing his chest before he looked back to her. He could count the number of times a woman had treated him as Bella did now on one finger. It took guts, and her tenacity amused him. “As much as I appreciate that you're loyal to Marley—and respect that you are looking out for her—I believe that is a conversation I need to have with her, not you."

Bella's eyes narrowed as she continued to poke his chest. “If I hear that you have done anything to not make her blissfully happy, I will hunt you down and make you regret the day you contacted her. Do
make myself clear?"

Her lips parted to issue another round of demands, but Reed interjected before she could. “I hear your warning.” He removed her finger from his chest and then squeezed her wrist. “But I would recommend if you decide to follow Marley's actions and choose to fulfill a BDSM fantasy, lose the attitude before you go, or you'll have a mighty sore ass when you leave."

"I'm glad you heard me.” The stern set of Bella's face vanished, her eyes went wide, and a blush rose to her cheeks. “Wait. What?"

"You're going.” Marley gave her a shove toward the other women. “Right now."

Reed had never seen women move so fast; Sadie and Kyra practically ran from the room, and Bella stumbled as she followed. He focused on Marley, who had taken her seat again and still stared at him. Too many emotions ran across her face to pinpoint where her thoughts lay. He steadied himself to do something he'd never done before, dug down into his heart, and embraced his emotions. “I've come to apologize."

Marley blinked, the confusion clearing from her eyes, replaced by irritation. “Damn right you should."

Her curt tone stung, but he deserved her anger and would see to appease her. “I shouldn't have left you like I did, and I'm here to ask for your forgiveness."

"Ahh...” Her expression turned mystified. “Well...” She lifted her chin, clearly trying to hide the fact that his apology surprised her. “It's good you realize how much of a jerk you were."

"I do, and I'm more sorry than I can say. My duty as your dom is to handle your aftercare when a scene is over. It should've been me, not Raven, to make sure you were all right with what happened between us and to ensure you were settled. I left you at a vulnerable time and will forever regret my choice to fail you."

Marley laughed, showing her anger had lessened, which pleased him. “The word
doesn't belong in what happened last night."

Either she wasn't as angry as she first put off, or she was too happy to see him to stay mad. Whatever it was, it pleased him, and the sound of her amusement sent a wave of warmth right to his heart. “You enjoyed the experience, then?"

"Immensely.” She held his gaze in a way she never would have done when they first met. “Nothing happened I would change. I've never experienced anything so intense in my life. Well, except for the way you left."

He knelt in front of her and took her hands. “I didn't sleep last night contemplating what happened."

Reed joined her on the couch, rested his hand on her thigh, and squeezed, aware of her breath whooshing from her lungs. The reaction didn't shock him—his presence would unravel her. Now submissive, her mind would be drawn back to the events between them. Memories, he imagined, of what she had experienced. It pleased him to see her react so intensely, because he had the same feelings too. “There is something about you—something I want to lose myself in.” He caressed her cheek with his thumb. “After we completed the scene and I held you, I didn't want to let go."

"You didn't?"

"No, I didn't.” He'd never told anyone this. “You're the first woman I've had sex with since my relationship with my lifestyle submissive, the woman I loved, ended two years ago."

"You haven't been with anyone in that long?"

He chuckled at the surprise in her eyes—she had no idea what she did to him—and he inclined his head. “You, Marley, make me want to break my rules. I know enough to declare it now, or I'll forever regret it. I'm not a man who loves easily.” He gave her a stern look. “My heart has been broken once, and since then I've never wanted to be attached, nor have I ever met a submissive I wanted to call my own—to control more out of a need for myself than a duty to the sub. Do you understand the difference?"

Happiness shone in her expression, and she smiled. “I do, but—"

He raised his hand to stop her next words of why and how. Of course, he expected her to doubt him. Hell, he'd doubted himself for the last eight hours, but in the end, she remained on his mind. “We don't have to rush into anything—all I'm asking for is a chance and some time to get to know each other outside of the lifestyle."

"You want to get to know me?"

"I do.” Reed wanted to know all of her—every little piece that made up Marley. A spark had been lit, one he didn't understand and one he'd never experienced before—he refused to waste it.

The confusion showing in her gaze indicated her inability to accept what he said as true. “Are you saying you want to date me?"

"That's the idea.” Date, love, dominate—he wanted it all.

"And what about
the lifestyle?” Excitement lit her beautiful eyes, and her cheeks flushed.

Reed squeezed his hand tighter around her face in a show of domination. “Last night you gave yourself to me and I accepted you. It would be my honor to show you more of what the submissive role could bring to your life."

"So you want to be my dom too?"

Reed shook his head. So much she needed to learn, but he was more than happy to teach her. “It's not a matter of want. I already am.” He gathered her in his arms. “Where is your bedroom?"

[Back to Table of Contents]

Chapter Six

Marley tried to get a grip on all this but failed. When Reed showed up on her doorstop, she'd tried to stay angry with him, but in truth she was blissfully happy he'd come. This all seemed like a big dream—one she waited to wake up from. Yet as he proceeded into her bedroom, kicked the door closed behind him, and set her down, she hoped if she was dreaming, it'd last forever.

The gentle man she'd seen minutes ago had vanished, replaced by the dominant one she'd witnessed last night. “Undress yourself."

Marley removed her clothing without hesitation, eager to please him, and waited for further instruction.

The silence drew on until finally Reed broke the awkward moment by arching his eyebrow. “I would hope I do not need to remind you of protocol."

Marley dropped to her knees, comprehending his statement. His gaze said it all; he now controlled the moment, and she understood what he meant about the difference between in a scene and out of one. A moment ago, he'd shown no signs of dominance, but here Reed was her dom. Not to be questioned, and by God, she relished his control.

She laced hands behind her back, stared at his knees, and remained that way even when he turned toward her dresser. He took something off the top, but she never saw what he had.

BOOK: Bind Me [Pact of Seduction 1]
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