Billy Jeffers: Rockers of Steel (5 page)

Read Billy Jeffers: Rockers of Steel Online

Authors: MJ Fields

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Billy Jeffers: Rockers of Steel
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“Billy fucking Jeffers.” Memphis snorts, taking my other side. “That was one hell of a solo.”

I shrug as I step off the stage.

Everyone is standing at the bottom of the steps, looking at me.

Xavier shakes his head. “Is there a problem we need to know about?”

“Big problem,” I say as I push past them. “I have to piss.”

“Billy, what’s going on?” Taelyn asks from behind me, but I ignore her.

In the bathroom, I place one hand on the wall above the urinal, steadying myself as I unbutton my jeans and pull my semi-chub out. Then I proceed to take the longest piss in history. I shove it back in then wash my hands. Looking in the mirror, I splash some water on my face. I swear to God, I hear the band start up.

I force myself out into the hallway and am met by Xavier, Taelyn, and Madison Black.

“They start without me?” I ask, trying to get past them.

“Hey, man, Madison is gonna take you home,” Xavier says, gripping my shoulder and steering me toward the door. “We’ll see you in the morning.”

“Wait, Billy, is there something you’d like to talk about?” Taelyn interjects.

“No,” I grumble, seeing Abe O’Donnell to my left. “I can finish the night,” I tell them.

“We’re all good.” Abe nods. “The new bartender shouldn’t have over-served you.”

“I’m not a child.” I scowl as we make our way through the crowd.

Once outside, I see Madison’s little sports car at the curb. She doesn’t say shit as she gets in and starts up the car.

“I’d rather take a fucking cab,” I say as Xavier opens the passenger side door for me.

“She’s your cab tonight.” Xavier all but pushes me in the car then shuts the door behind me.

“I’m perfectly capable of catching a cab, Madison.”

“Just like you’re perfectly capable of walking out here by yourself.” She snickers.

“I’d be a little less concerned with me and a little more concerned with yourself.”

“Is that so?” she asks as she peels away from the curb.

I grip the dash and groan as my stomach takes part in some sort of Olympic tumbling event. “Do you think you could at least try to drive like a normal human being?”

“Say please, Billy,” she chides.

The way she says it causes my jeans to shrink at least half a size.

“I’ll say please when you look in the damn mirror before leaving your home.”

“You seemed to be appreciative of my attire earlier,” she retorts like she is trying to get a rise out of me, and she fucking is.

“Cock tease,” falls out of my mouth before I can even stop it, and to be honest, I really don’t care at this moment. It’s not like I haven’t thought it for months now.

She wags her pinky at me. “Cock, huh? I was pegging you as a penis guy.”

“How about you not worry ’bout what’s between my legs and worry more about trying to conceal what’s between yours.”

“My, my, my, what big eyes you have,” she sings as she comes to a stop.

“They don’t need to be big. Hell, I don’t even need 20-20 vision to see what you’ve been trying to give me for months.”

“There’s where you’re wrong,” she says as she reaches down and pulls her heels off her feet then tosses them in the back. “I don’t give it away.”

“You certainly seem to be trying. Every chance you get, you’re flashing me red, white, black, or purple scraps of silk or lace,” I say as she presses the accelerator.

“You shouldn’t be looking.” She laughs as she zips through the streets.

“Your driving is gonna make me sick,” I snap.

“I am so sorry,” she says, but I know damn well she doesn’t mean it.

She pulls next to my BMW and stops; none too soon, either. I open the door and nearly fall out.

She is immediately at my side, wrapping my arm around her shoulder. “Come on.” Her voice is softer now, and it knocks me so off guard I allow her to guide me inside.

Once in, I walk toward the stairs.

“Billy, I bet the elevator is a better option.”

“No. Thank you for the ride, Madison.” I open the stairway door and take in a deep breath, trying to muster up the strength and sobriety to take the four flights. “What the fuck,” I groan as I begin.

Once at the top, I open the door and make my way down the hall to my door. I reach in my pocket and fish for my keys.

“Try the other side,” comes from behind me.

“Madison, it would be best if you just went home.”

“I want to make sure you make it inside. Try the other pocket.”

“How about you try my pocket.”

“You are loaded.” She shakes her head as she sinks her hand in my pants. Hers eyes widen as her hand brushes against my erection.

“Those aren’t the keys,” I comment as I sag against the door, ensuring I don’t fall over.

Her eyes meet mine. She licks her red lips and leans in. She is going to fucking kiss me. She is going to, and there isn’t shit I am going to be able to do to stop it, because I’m drunk, hard, and right now, my brotherhood with the band doesn’t mean shit to me.

I close my eyes, anticipating her lips touching mine, and then she pulls her hand out of my pocket.

I don’t have a clue how it happened without me knowing, but she unlocks the door, and I feel it giving way behind me.

I open my eyes to find her giving me the Madison Black look. The corner of her mouth is slightly turned up, her perfectly arched brow high on her forehead, and she is giving me the fuck-you look as I start falling into my apartment.

I grab her hip and pull her right down with me.

Her blue eyes are not so fucking smug looking now as she lies on top of me. Using every ounce of strength I have, I grip her hip and scoot farther inside before kicking the door shut behind us.

She tries to stand, but I grip her other hip. Her lips part.

“Is this what you want?” I grind my hips against hers.

“I think you mean to say this is exactly what
wanted for some time.”

I can’t help chuckling. “Oh, Madison, you’ve made damn sure I’ve thought about you, and I have made damn sure to avoid every sexual innuendo or scheme you’ve conjured up in your head.”

“Please. I was just trying to see if my gay-dar was right or wrong.”

“You know damn well I’m not gay,” I comment, pushing the hem of her dress up with my thumbs.

Her breath hitches when I wrap my hand around her thighs tightly. I spread her legs wide and look between them.

“White? How virginal of you Madison, but we both know better, now don’t we?”

Instantly, her face goes from shock right back to the Madison Black I’m used to: pissed off.

“You gonna lie there and stare, or are you gonna do something about it?” she asks.

I pull her up toward my face and cup her ass, lifting it and rubbing my nose across her damp, little lace. I inhale deep and cringe inwardly, thinking how fucking good she smells: clean, fresh, and—

“Oh, God,” she moans as I rub my nose harder now and inhale deeper.

“Smell good,” I groan.

“What a big nose you ha—”

I cover her with my mouth and suck, needing her to shut the fuck up.

“Yes!” Her hips rock against my mouth as I suck harder. “Billy,” she pants out and tries to pull away.

I look up, my mouth still on her, and I see something I like. I like it a lot.

I push my thumb inside her panties, and her insanely long eyelashes flutter as her cheeks turn red.

“Oh, Madison, now is not the time to feign innocence.”

“Fuck you,” she whimpers.

“I’m not some fucking frat boy.” I stroke her hot, wet lips. “Never had a man between your legs, have you?”

“This is a bad—” She stops when I push her panties further to the side and sink a finger in her.

Her hips jut forward, and she catches her bottom lip between her teeth, no doubt trying to stifle a moan as her head falls back.

“Such a tease,” I say as I curl my finger up and rub the spot inside her that makes her hips rock. “Tell me what it’s like to finally have a man who knows what he’s doing inside you.”

“I’ve had better,” she snarks back.

I pull my finger free and take her hips, forcing her to her back. “Lies,” I say as I hover above her.

“Shut the hell up and fuck me,” she retorts with daring eyes.

“Say please, Madison.”


I rub my covered erection against her. “No? Then how about you beg.” I pull away.

Her eyes narrow.

“Oh, Madison, you will be begging.” I nudge her again, and her eyes roll.

I nip at her lips as I rub against her. Her lips part, and I shove my tongue inside. I rub my tongue up and down hers as she pushes hers against mine. I suck on it and drag my teeth down it before smashing my lips to hers again. She doesn’t fight for control like I anticipated, but then again, I am so fucked up I know damn well I wouldn’t allow it.

She is holding her breath now, not allowing access inside her mouth.

I kiss down her throat and whisper, “Say please, Madison, and I will give you what you’ve been begging for.”

“No,” she gasps as her head rolls to the side.

“Fine, have it your way. But mark my words, you will be begging.”

“I highly doubt that,” she hisses.

Dear God, what am I doing?
I think as his lips travel farther and farther south. He hooks his fingers into my waistband and rips my panties down.

“You ready to beg?”

“Has hell frozen over?” I sneer, and he nips at my painfully pebbled nipples. I fight not to fall apart right there.

He looks up at me, his blue eyes waiting expectantly as he cups the other breast and squeezes hard, biting the other nipple.

“My, my, what big teeth you have,” I taunt him purposely. “Is that all you’ve got?”

He lets out an angry groan as he pushes my dress up around my waist while I lie there. He is nipping at my inner thighs now.

“Spread your legs for me now, Madison. Let me see how wet you are for me.”

I fight it a little—it’s expected—as he slides between my legs, looking up between them with eyes of fury. I push up on my elbows and look at him, feeling my body trembling with anticipation.

His eyes close, and I suspect he is fighting an internal battle, one that I want him to forget. This has gone on too long.

“Pussy tease,” I say, and his eyes pop open.

He leans in as he wets his lips and covers me completely. He spreads me with his tongue, and he isn’t gentle, either. There is no tease as his tongue flattens on my bundle of nerves, and he thrusts not one but two fingers inside of me.

I feel the impending orgasm approach at breakneck speed and cry out.

I think, hoping he didn’t hear me. When I look down, he pulls away, his face glistening with my wetness.

“Ask me to let you come.” His nostrils flare.

I give him a challenging look, and then I am shocked when he seems as confused as I am.

“Fuck, Madison, ask me.”

“Billy …”

He rubs his nose across me, and my knees tighten around his ears.

“Say it, damn you. We’ve already stepped so fucking far over the goddamned line.” His hot breath is panting against my wet pussy, and his eyes appear to be drowning in desire for me. It rocks me in a way I never expected.

“Please,” I whisper.

“Christ,” he hisses. Then he is all tongue, fingers, growls, and groans.

I explode underneath him, my hips rocking into him as I sing his praise, knowing I will regret it. But right now, as his tongue laps at my clit and his fingers slide in and out of me hard and fast, I do not care, not one bit.

When I can’t move from the punishing oral Billy Jeffers just dished out, he comes up, and our eyes meet.

He bows down, his forehead resting on my hipbone as he tries to control his breathing.

When he looks up again, it’s like a switch has flipped, and the entire stage is suddenly lit up. He stands up, sheds his jeans, pushes down his boxers, and then steps out of them.

I know I sigh none too quietly, and for good reason. He is perfect, heavy, long, and incredibly thick.
It’s like two
, I think, but as soon as he smirks, I know damn well I said it out loud.

He reaches down and pulls me up before quickly making his way to the bedroom. There are no curtains, and the sky is crystal clear. The moonlight cascades across his bed, and I am throbbing inside, thinking about finally having him.

He presses his hand firmly between my shoulders so I am bent over the bed. He kicks my feet apart, and then I feel his hand land firmly on my ass.

“What the fuck!” I shout, trying to stand, but then, without warning, he impales me. “Dammit,” I cry out.

I feel his hand fall loudly against my other cheek.

“What the fuck are you—”

He slams into me again.

“Jesus,” I cry out into the mattress, fisting the blanket.

He strikes me again then thrusts deeper.

“You fucking deserve every handprint you’ll wear tomorrow. And every time you sit”—his hand strikes me again in a different spot as he pulls out, and then powers back into me—“you’ll cringe, thinking about the big, fat cock that almost split you in two.”

After three more smacks and three more thrusts, I am trembling around him, crying out into the comforter, and my legs are literally shaking.

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