Billionaire's Second Chance (sam, bella and Kate Book 2) (12 page)

BOOK: Billionaire's Second Chance (sam, bella and Kate Book 2)
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Another laugh left him as he lifted her, placing each foot onto his shoes like a child before slowly walking her backwards to the bedroom.
  “Oh I have missed so many things, but it is catch-up time.”  With a sensual laugh, she allowed her fingers to slide inside his jeans waistband, her body arching back slightly to look up at him, bringing their hips together as she felt the unmistakable hardness of him.

, is that a phone in your pocket or are you just glad to see me?”, she grinned, her eyes dancing with his as they reached her room.

The rumble of his laughter sent goose
bumps down her entire body as he allowed his jacket to slide from his shoulders and drop to the floor.  “Tell you what – if it starts to vibrate, I want only you picking up”, her smile widened as her wrap joined his jacket.  The feel of the bed against the back of her legs halted them, Philippe’s look becoming more sensual and seductive as he reached down, grasping the small nightshirt in his hands and pulling it slowly over her head, Bella saying nothing as she lifted her hands in compliance.

His eyes once more flicked down her body as he stepped back, his look full of fire as he pulled his own t-shirt over his head and made quick work of the rest of his clothing, throwing it in a heap, the t-shirt at the bottom, a small curve of his lips as he moved back towards her.  “I am hiding that Miss Smith
, because you stole my last one.”  Her eyes were full of fun as he plucked the rose from her fingers.  “I think I will need this”, his words enigmatic before his mouth dropped to take hers.

Bella groaned, her body jumping to instant arousal as their naked skin met, both warm but still shuddering as they joined.  “Oh Philippe
, I missed you”, she whispered softly against his mouth, as he deepened the kiss, the intensity of it pulling the very air from her lungs as the two fell back together onto the soft mattress.  Pulling his mouth from hers he looked down at her, his look full of his own need as half-lying over her he allowed the rose head to run slowly down her smooth body, the goose bumps rising with the softness of the petals as they caressed her skin and the heat of his eyes as they followed the flower’s descent.

“I have dream
t of you just like this Bella”, his voice full of sincerity and a barely contained passion which kept her still under him, her eyes closing with sensation overload as the petals touched the apex of her thigh before continuing down to the blonde curls and the heat of her.

gulped in air as she moaned softly, “I want you Philippe. Now.  Please”, the heat in her belly at boiling point, the need for him almost painful.  He dropped his head to suck in one nipple, his own need at that moment obvious from the straining hardness, as with a quick flick of his wrist he threw the rose to the side, moving over her and with one quick sure thrust sheathed himself within her quivering body.  Bella gave a long sigh, her hands gripping his hips as she held him so tightly within herself, the feel of him so good – so meant to be, she thought.  As he began to rock against her, she moved with him, encouraged him, and clung to him feeling as his tempo increased; his strokes sure and long as he pulled every last ounce of pleasure from her.

When it came
, it came fast, Bella’s nails digging into the softness of his buttocks as the orgasm slammed into her, radiating from her belly to every part of her, her cries like sweet music to him as he struggled to hold back.  With almost a sob of relief he took one more lunge, his body spasming as he released deep within her, her muscles rippling and caressing him to devastating effect as he joined her, both soaring with the intensity of their climax before crashing down, their bodies still shuddering with aftershocks as they clung to each other, both panting and laughing happily. 

Finally able to move, Philippe rolled onto his side bringing Bella with him, not prepared to let her go.  Snuggling into him, Bella gave a sigh of complete contentment
.  Philippe smiled, opening his eyes to look down at her, seeing as she looked up at him, her wonderful eyes seeming even larger as she stared back, blissful contentment deep within.  Lifting his hand, he ran his thumb along her soft lips, Bella chuckling as she playfully sucked it into her mouth, seeing the fire instantly once more rise to his eyes before he looked more carefully at her.  “Have you given any more thought to coming to Lucy’s birthday party?  Or perhaps, just coming to stay for a few days?”

, she flashed him a large smile. “Well, it had crossed my mind.”

His face was full of expectancy as she moved to kiss his chest, his arms pulling her back, grinning, “Oh no you don’t
– I need an answer.”

Bella looked back innocently as her fingers moved to gently run down the inside of his thigh.  “Can I think about it for ten minutes?”

His eyes closed as her touch slid along the already hardened heat of him. “Bella Smith, you are a bad girl.”  Her throaty laugh pushed him over the edge as he hauled her in against himself again, kissing her.

Pulling back, she smiled up at him, a shyer look crossing her beautiful features
. “I would love to come to Lucy’s party.  I can change my flight”, rewarded with the broad grin which filled his features, his eyes full of shining sincerity.

“Thank you
.”  This time his kiss was gentle as the two once more lost themselves in the other.

At seven
, they sat at the table in her office, both dressed, having shared a shower together, Bella still feeling where his hands had lathered soap and caressed her body as he cleaned every inch of her, she returning the favour.  They ordered breakfast from room service and were contentedly munching through the stack of toast as Anna arrived.  Bella introduced the two, the other woman respectful towards Philippe, while making ‘Oh my God, he is gorgeous’ faces to Bella behind his back, Bella having to drop her eyes so as not to laugh out loud at her antics.

She laid out his expected duties, giving Philippe a matronly look.  “Your main duty is to make sure that Dante is at the church
– in one piece, and preferably sober.”  Philippe flashed her an amused innocent smile, as her eyes narrowed.  “Are you planning on a stag night tonight?”

His grin widened even further, his vague
answer, “Perhaps”, with eyes which twinkled mischievously as she sighed.

“Like I said
: one piece, sober and there.”

He rose and gave her a salute. “Yes
ma’am”, moving to the door as he clutched the paperwork she gave him.  “I will see you tonight then, at the church.”  Bella nodded, smiling as he winked at her before saying goodbye to Anna and slipping out of the room.

Anna watched Bella, her head cocked to one side
, “Now there is a man whose number I should hold onto.”

Bella frowned as she looked over at her assistant, her voice a little sharper than she meant
, “And why is that?”, seeing as the other woman grinned.

, I doubt that you would want to plan your own wedding”, her voice full of fun as Bella dropped her eyes, feigning interest in something she had written.

“I have no idea what you are talking about

Anna laughed once more, “Sure you don’t

That night the wedding party
assembled for the rehearsal, Bella ensuring that they knew who was to go where and when.  As Dante and Samantha stumbled moving to the altar, Bella told them to stand back, asking Philippe to join her to demonstrate.  Directing him, the two finally stood before the altar, he holding her hand as she faced him.  As Philippe looked down on her she paused, her expression one of complete disbelief as at that moment, that instant, it hit her, his eyes holding hers with a knowing light in them.  She was in love.  She, Bella Smith, the most down-to-earth woman in the world was in love with the Greek who held her hand, the surprise on her face making him smile wider as though he understood, as though he had always understood – as though he knew she loved him.

, that is exactly how you will be looking at each other.”  Anna jumped to her rescue as she directed her comment to the bride and groom.

Bella dropped her eyes from Philippe and moved back to the others, her heart beating wildly within her chest.  “I
f... If you could try that”, she stammered, avoiding his look, missing the small smile that lit his lips.

As the practice wound down Philippe moved over to Dante, checking his watch. “OK doomed man”, his tone full of fun, “According to the wedding witch over there I am not to have you in a state
, so the stag party starts in... Oh, thirty minutes.  Boys are waiting.”

Dante smiled at Samantha, pulling her closer for a kiss, “I will try and be good
”, his voice sensual.  Bella smiled seeing the way Samantha clung to him, her answer unheard by the others but one which made him grin widely before the two men left, the rest of the party dispersing also.

, looks like it is a night out for the girls then”, Bella said, taking Samantha’s arm, the two moving to the restaurant they had booked for a meal to give them plenty of time to chat and relax before the madness of the next two days.  At the table they Skyped Kate, their friend missing the wedding because of problems with her first pregnancy which meant that she was not able to fly. Both Sam and Bella had been assured that the fly ban was only precautionary, Kai, overly protective of his wife and child.  She wailed that Samantha could not put the wedding off for six months, Sam shaking her head playfully, declaring firmly, “Not going to happen.” It had been a wonderful night, both girls finding themselves the target for many men who tried to get them to join them for a drink, many not caring as Samantha flashed her engagement ring, informing them of her forthcoming marriage.  Bella chuckled, “We still got it, and given the state of Kate, would probably even do better than her.”  Samantha laughed happily with her.

As the restaurant started to close
– both girls surprised at the lateness of the night – they moved to the street, Sam pulling her in for a hug.  “You have no idea what this has meant having you here Bella”, her words full of honesty which showed in her eyes.  “Can I ask one more thing?”  Bella nodded with a huge smile on her face.  “Stay with me tomorrow.  I want you to be with me when I get up – I don’t want to be alone.”

Grinning like a Cheshire cat she nodded her head, “Of course
, thank you.  Oh Sam”, tears in her eyes as she hugged her friend again, the two fighting the emotions tearing at them before moving into separate cars to take them home.

Despite the lateness, being after midnight
, and knowing that she was up at seven the next day, Bella felt unsettled, not sure why.  Feeling the need to relax, she finally moved into the large en suite bathroom, running a luxurious bath, filling the large Jacuzzi tub with bubble bath as she splurged with candles and wine, playing some soft music.  With a small sigh she missed the main ingredient to her romantic bath, her mind once more stunned at the depth of her feelings for the man.

Stripping her clothes she sighed with anticipation as one toe dipped into the warm welcoming foaming water, groaning loudly as the doorbell rang.  In disbelief she pulled a large fluffy towel around herself
, moving to answer the door.  With a wide grin Philippe stood on her doorstep, swaying slightly, his hands pushed deeply into his trouser pockets, his tie pulled down with the top button undone.  Chuckling, she crossed her arms, a disapproving look on her face.  “Remind me again Mr Tremour – you DO actually have a home to go to, right?”

A big smile filled his features as he nodded, “Several Miss Smith
, but none of them have you in them.”

Bella was unable to hold back the small laugh as she stepped back to let him enter, noticing the
slight sway in his walk as she closed the door behind him. “I felt it my duty Bella to come and report to you in person that the groom has safely been delivered to his bedroom, as sober as I am, and in great spirits about his upcoming wedding.”

Moving forward, he took her into his arms, “Now how are you going to thank me?”, his eyebrows wriggling

Bella laughed, “Well
, I was just about to jump into a bubble bath...”,  a small growl of approval left him as he stepped back.  Once more he admired Bella, her long hair pulled up and held high on her head with a clip, a seductive smile on her large lips, her voice sensual, “It is a very, very big tub.  Might even be room for two.”

Laughing, as with no further encouragement he kicked off his shoes and threw his jacket over a chair
, pulling his tie off as Bella dropped the towel, turning and purring softly as she walked back towards the bathroom, looking over her shoulder, her blue eyes warmer and more inviting than a summer day.

Chapter Eight

Waking the next morning, she switched off the alarm, turning to look down at Philippe who still slept soundly beside her.  Flicking her eyes over his handsome face, his features relaxed in sleep, the corner of his mouth upturned, she gave a small sigh.  She could hardly believe how natural it seemed for them both to wake up together, her heart swelling with all the love she held for him. 

The memory of the previous evening drew a chuckle from her lips, Bella again recalling sitting between his legs in the bubbly wetness, her back against his chest as they sipped wine, both laughing together the whole time.  Philippe joked about finding himself in a discarded scene from
‘Sex and the City’, as blowing bubbles away, he kissed her hair as she sighed contentedly within his hold.

As they stood, he
had used a fluffy towel to dry her, tickling her the whole time before unwrapping her small frame and sweeping her into his arms.  They had not made love, but curled up together, both talking about anything and everything, his arms tightly around her, Bella never before feeling so secure as they fell asleep.

Taking a strand of her long hair she slid it down his cheek, his eyes blinking slowly open as a large smile spread over his face, his hand moving to the back of her head
, pulling her down to kiss him.  “Good morning”, his words drawled sensually as she quirked her eyebrows.

“Good morning”,
she responded, surprised as his other hand moved around her waist and he quickly rolled with her until he lay over her, Bella chuckling happily, “Down tiger.”

Philippe dropped his head to her throat
, growling against her skin as she wriggled helplessly under him, the sensations flying up and down her as she laughed uncontrollably.  Lifting his head, his voice was full of fun, “So... We learn a new thing each day, and today, we learn you are… ticklish.”

Bella opened her eyes with mock horror, “No...
No... Do not.”  As his head dropped again, Bella writhing under him as she again broke down into hysterical laughter, before wrapping her arms around his neck.

Philippe stopped to once more look down at her.  “I could really get to like this Bella

With a softness in her eyes she bit her lip, nodding up at him, before a more mischievous smile crossed her features as she slid from under him, “But
, not tomorrow Mr Tremour.  Tonight, I am staying with the bride.”

Chuckling, he looked back at her, once more allowing his eyes to flick down her wonderful body
, giving a wicked smile, “Well, I’m not really into threesomes Bella...”

She gave him a shocked look before laughing and throwing one of the pillows at him
, moving into the shower, “You wish”, her last comment, hearing the rumble of his laughter.

As Anna once more arrived
, the two were again finishing breakfast, her intelligent eyes flashing brightly at the familiar domestic scene.  “Nice to see you again Philippe”, her look pointedly aimed at a smiling Bella.

giving Anna a warm grin, he bent his head to drop a kiss on Bella’s lips, “I will see you at the wedding”, his eyes flashing brightly at her, not even bothering to hide the situation from Anna, Bella feeling the small blush rise to her cheeks as she shook her head at him, her eyes full of ‘I will make you pay for that’, his lips dropping to her ear as he whispered softly, “You can punish me later.”  Her lips twitched as she blew him a kiss at the door.

As he passed Anna, Philippe paused, pulling his business card from his suit pocket before handing it to her.  “If there are any problems you can reach me
at this number.”  Anna took the card, grinning at Bella who watched the scene with a raised eyebrow, Philippe giving her a conspiratorial wink as he slipped out of the suite.

Anna turned to Bella
, a huge grin on her face holding up the card.  “He gave me his number!  I wonder why”, her face alive with fun as Bella rolled her eyes at her assistant.

“In case of trouble Anna
, nothing else.”  Anna hummed the wedding theme playfully as she moved around the suite, Bella throwing a wedding favour at her, laughing.  She however, finished her tea slowly, her mind returning to the previous evening as she and Philippe lay in each other’s arms.  She remembered telling him the comments of her assistant the previous morning, telling herself that his actions had only been a coincidence, although a small seed of hope filled her chest.

For the next two hours both women phoned the vendors, ensuring that all was still on schedule, no problems arising
, much to their relief.  About to sit back and congratulate herself on the smoothness of operations, her mind once more returned to Philippe as a small knock on the door pulled her back to reality, surprised as Dante appeared.  Standing with a large grin on her face she moved forward to hug him, her eyes sparkling seeing him there, his face apologetic.  “Are you swamped?”, his voice full of hope that she was not, as she shook her head.  “Nope – you will be glad to know that everything is running to schedule”, smacking her hand on her head as she grabbed the wooden desk, “Touch wood.”

He smiled at the action, an eyebrow raised
, “Don’t tell me you’re superstitious?”

Bella made a small snorting sound, “Well
, yeah.  I’m a wedding planner.  If it can go wrong, it often does.  Never tempt fate.”

Dante laughed before becoming more serious.  “Could I ask a favour Bella?”

Her eyes widened in surprise, a warm smile on her lips, “Sure, so long as it isn’t to add another hundred guests.”

His head shoo
k a small chuckle escaping him, “No... More personal.  I want to get Sam something special.  Hopefully something she can wear – and wanted your help choosing.”

felt the wide grin fill her features, holding back the 'aww' which sprang to her lips, once more thinking how wonderful Dante was.  That he loved Samantha was clear to see, as it had been so many years ago; she wondered what had happened that could have possibly split them up.  Grabbing her bag she turned to Anna, giving her some instructions before she moved to join Dante, “I am all yours.”

After a short drive
, with Bella laughing easily with Dante, she commented on his and Philippe’s love for toys as she sat in the soft kid leather upholstery of his sports car.  He flicked her a questioning look, “Have you been in Philippe’s car?” 

Bella blushed as she stammered softly, her tone full of embarrassment before his chuckle made her laugh too, shaking her head softly, “I guess Philippe didn’t say anything to you

e confirmed this with a wide smile, “No... But I have to say I am happy for you both.”

A gentle look came to his eyes as he darted a quick look at her, “He always missed you Bella
.”  Bella looked back at him in surprise, Dante adding softly, “I was not supposed to be at Kate’s wedding.  Did you know that?”  Bella shook her head her eyes growing wider as Dante’s lips curled, “Philippe begged me to come with him.  I was going to give it a miss.  I was not really prepared to see Sam.”

he stared back, her voice lowering, “I... I didn’t realise that.  But he wasn’t there”, she managed, as Dante gave a small grimace.

“No.  The morning of the wedding Lucy was ill
, and he was not able to come.”  Dante gave a small sigh.  “He would never admit it Bella, but he was really upset because I know he wanted to see you.”

Bella nodded softly, warmth filling her blue eyes as she flicked a look back at him, “But it was not a complete waste
– you and Sam found each other again.”

Dante nodded, softness in his features
. “Yeah.  I thought I was over her, but one look Bella, just one look and I knew that I wanted her back by my side.”  His head turned briefly to her.  “I told Philippe after Kate’s wedding that I planned on winning Sam back and it was he who told me about you being a wedding planner.”  His handsome mouth curled in an amused smile, “In fact, he sent me all the details of your business: phone, email – just in case I couldn’t find you.”

Bella felt as her mouth fell open, “He...
He did?”, her eyes sparkling brightly, “I didn’t realise.”

Dante guided the car into the parking bay of the exclusive jewellers.  “Yes.
  Sam was surprised too when I told her I had already hired you.  She was emotional about it”, his eyes on her, “It made me happy to tell her that you would be such a major part of our wedding, and I know it means so much to her too.”

Bella smiled, feeling the small happy tears rising to her eyes as she moved from the car, swallowing
them down, looking over at him as they entered the jewellers.  “I am happy you found each other again”, her voice full of honesty, “Sam was never really the same after the two of you broke up.  You always made her shine, and you still do.”

She had been surprised at the strange expression which flitted over his features before he gave a small
, almost sad, smile.  “Thank you Bella.”

The two were led into a room in which the jeweller sat behind an antique oak desk.  His welcoming smile
was fixed on them both as he offered them a drink, both refusing as they took seats.  Bella allowed her eyes to admire the plush office which screamed wealth before the jeweller got down to business, asking what they had in mind.  Dante shrugged, his eyes pleading with Bella.  “I thought maybe a necklace, for her dress.”  Bella nodded in approval.  Hearing the amount he was prepared to pay her eyes grew wider in stunned shock, as the jeweller opened a catalog to find the type of design that would best suit the dress.

Bella quickly narrowed the selection down, the jeweller nodding, taking notes before disappearing, reappearing moments later with several assistants.  Each carried velvet boxes, placing them onto the desk, opened to allow the two to examine them.  Gasping, she admired the millions of dollars worth of diamonds before her, Bella flashing Dante a mock hurt look, “Oh you know how to tempt a girl

He smiled back as she moved into wedding planner mode.  Closing those boxes which were not
suitable, she finally narrowed it down to two choices – both incredibly expensive, lifting each and trying them on.  Knowing Samantha’s dress, the second made her moan at how perfect it would be, her eyes shining as she nodded at Dante, “This one.  It will be just right.”  He gave her a thankful look back, the other boxes removed as he asked if there was a matching bracelet, her eyes wide as he bought both pieces of exquisite jewellery. “Sam is going to love these”, she whispered in awe.

Dante asked with
a strange glow in his eyes, “Do you think so? I really want her to.”

She laughed, “How could she not!”

Dante offered to take her for lunch, but Bella shook her head with a smile.  “Sorry – need to make one last visit to the venue and then I am moving in with Sam for the night”, her eyebrows rising and falling mischievously, “We are going to have ourselves a girly-pamper night.”

He made a groaning sound,
chuckling at the image of two ‘gossipy’ women, laughing as she gave him a mock indignant look.  He confirmed that he planned on staying over at Philippe’s apartment, Bella laughing, “I have yet to have a complete tour of one of his houses”, the words out before she realised what she had said, another flush rising to her lovely cheeks.

Dante looked back with humour in his eyes.  “He does have a nice home on the island”, his tone playful as she looked back in surprise.

“Did Philippe?...”, she began as he shook his head.

But nobody is that happy and tired without a reason.  Remember? I picked him up the following morning.”

Bella nodded, her
teeth biting the softness of her bottom lip.  “Did you tell Sam?”, she inquired softly.

He shook his head, his dark eyes on her, “No
, what goes on with you and Philippe is your business Bella, and it is up to you who you tell.”

She gave him a thankful return smile.  “Thank you Dante”, again feeling such respect for the man before her.

That evening, as planned, the two enjoyed their remaining night together in which they would both be single, Samantha dramatically declared, “And then there was one!”, her eyes flashing with mirth, “Unless there is already one out there for our poor maiden!”

Bella brushed it off with, “Not for the wedding planner
, for she alone can hold back the forces of matrimony.”  Both girls laughed, though Samantha’s eyes glinted with a knowing look which Bella ignored.

Lying in bed that night
, Bella jumped as yet another text came in from Philippe, her insides warming happily as she read it.  “This bed is too big.  And cold.  And hard.  And I’m missing you.  I suppose if it means seeing you I could suffer a threesome.”

She quickly replied, a grin on her face “Goodnight pervert

arrived just as quickly, making her cover her mouth to stop the laugh that rose to her lips.  “Ah you have a nickname for me already.  Goodnight beautiful.”  Putting down the device, she curled up, her dreams that night full of images of Philippe.

The wedding was a huge success, everything going exactly to plan
, the many guests complimenting the couple on the wonderful day, especially given the short time scale.  Dante and Samantha had both given all the praise to Bella, she finding herself giving her details to many potential clients, happy with the interest. 

BOOK: Billionaire's Second Chance (sam, bella and Kate Book 2)
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