Billionaires: Second Chance at Love (2 page)

BOOK: Billionaires: Second Chance at Love
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Chapter 3: The New Assistant



Since he already knew where she lived, he used his knowledge to his advantage. He figured that flowers were the weakness of all women. From what he remembered, she had a couple of plants in her apartment so she was no exception to the rule. Now that Jessica was aware of his financial situation, he could do whatever he wanted. The next morning, she received a home delivery: a thousand red roses and a note saying: “I am sorry. Please come back to the job interview. I promise to keep things strictly professional if that is what you wish.”

She hated herself for being so easily impressed. Her hands were actually trembling as she read the note. On the table there was another letter. It was a final warning from her landlord. She was three months behind with her rent and she desperately needed a job. Being an assistant to such a big company was perfect for her. She could do that job better than anyone. However, she also had some pride left too. The last thing she wanted was to give him the idea that she was using their one night together in her favor. The funny thing was that she was qualified and a hard worker. She probably would get the job anyway. But now…now things were different.

The first time she decided to have a one night stand turned out to be with her future boss. Normally she would have never slept with a guy she just met. Her last boyfriend had to wait 3 weeks before she finally let him into her bed. However, James met her in a bad moment. She had just broken up with her boyfriend and she was licking her wounds. Her friends convinced her to go out and then they pushed her to approach the nice guy from the other table. Jessica did not normally believe in destiny, but at that moment she had to wonder.

After hours of thinking, Jessica talked herself into going to the job interview. It was a great opportunity for her career, not to mention that she was at risk of becoming homeless. She could not afford the luxury of pride with so many bills stacking up. For the interview she chose a pant suit that covered up her hot body. She was aware of the effect her round breasts had on men and she did not want to use her looks this time. 

Her only requirement was to be hired only if he believed that she was the right person for the job. She did not need any favors from him.

"Are you kidding me? Of course you are the perfect person for the job! I knew that just by looking at your resume.”

“Normally I would not doubt that, but after what happened between us…”

“I understand, but look what one applicant answered to the question about a criminal record. She actually wrote “it’s complicated.” So as you can see, it was a no brainer choosing you.”

This actually made her laugh and relax a bit. Being with him felt so right. He was indeed a hot man, but that was not the reason. It was almost like she knew him for a long time. Jessica made a promise to herself to keep their relationship professional. Everybody always told her that mixing business with pleasure was a really bad idea. She also tried to make him promise to treat her as an employee or maybe a friend.

“You will have all my respect, but just know that if you ever want more, I am open to it. I really like you. It is entirely up to you, though. The last thing I want is for you to feel pressured. Our night together was amazing, but we don’t ever have to talk about it.”

His words should have made her feel better, but she could see his naughty smile and the sparkle in his eyes. Jessica understood that what he meant was: “I will never stop until I can have you again.”

In some ways, he was just the typical young billionaire who was used to having everything on a silver platter. This included women, of course. If only she could find the strength to resist him…

Working as his assistant meant that they were spending most of their time together. As he promised, James did not put any pressure on her. The first move had to come from her. In the meantime, he did not stop seeing other women. This made her very jealous, but she could not tell him that. After all, he did not owe anything to her. Even so, she was angry and wanted to do something to get over him. The initial attraction between them transformed into much deeper feelings. She could not understand how he could sleep with other women if indeed he was in love with her, too.

James, on the other hand, was just trying to make her jealous. He realized that he might actually get a real girlfriend in order to make her jealous. Showing up at the office with a different girl every day showed that he did not care about any of them. He had to make her believe that he’d found a special woman and gotten over her. He did not have to look far for that woman. Annabelle was a successful business woman and she’d wanted him for a long time. Up until then, James never gave her any attention. However, now he needed her to get to the woman he loved.

When he heard about this plan, James’ best friend Matt warned him that he was transforming into his brother. This thought crossed his mind, too. Using a woman like that was something only Dave would do.

“I don’t know what else to do, Matt, this woman is driving me crazy. What started as a physical attraction transformed into an obsession. I need to make her love me. I think the only way I can do that is by showing her that I can be a good boyfriend. She already thinks that I am a rich playboy and she does not want to have anything to do with me.”

“I understand, but be careful. Annabelle really cares for you.”

“I know, and I have a plan for that. The last thing I want to do is to hurt her.”

“What is your plan? I think it is a very bad idea, but I am curious about what you’re thinking.”

“Well, don’t you always tell me that I am a genius? Watch and learn my friend!”

His plan was to be entirely honest with Annabelle. He asked her to help him make Jessica jealous. He also told her that he fell head over heels for Jessica and he needed help. It was just one friend helping another. Annabelle did not hesitate before agreeing to help him. What James did not know was that she wanted to use that to her advantage. He was the man she wanted for years and now was her chance to show him what he was missing. She was not going to let such a silly girl take her man away from her. Sure, Jessica was younger and more attractive, but Annabelle knew how to play men. This little game allowed her to spend a lot of time around James and they even got to kiss whenever Jessica was around to see them.

She knew that it was just a game, but she played to win. In this case, she was going to end up marrying the man she loved. One of her mottos in life was to always keep her enemies close. In this case, her biggest rival and enemy was Jessica.

Seeing them together, filled her with more jealousy than ever, but she was not going to let that show. James was her boss and he was keeping his distance just the way she asked him to. It was painful enough to see him every day with a different young lady but now it was almost unbearable. Whenever he saw Annabelle, he would rush to give her a hug and a soft kiss on the lips. Jessica tried hard to look away but she couldn’t help herself. It was almost like she was a masochist. The first time she saw them together, she had to run into the bathroom where she could cry in privacy. 

No matter how jealous she was, Jessica had to admit that Annabelle was perfect for James. She was beautiful, classy and rich. With all her modesty, Jessica was well aware of her good looks. Men kept on reminding her of her beauty every day, but she knew this was not enough for a man like James. Now she understood why he had to pretend to be poor when he first met her. It was clear to her that he did not want a poor woman next to him. She was good enough for one night, but that was it. Annabelle on the other hand had the whole package.

One day Annabelle came by the office when she knew James was out of town for a business meeting.

“Hello, Annabelle. James is not here,” said Jessica, surprised to see her at the office.

“Oh! Silly me, I totally forgot he has that meeting today. But since I am already here and I need a lunch buddy, what do you say? Do you have some free time? If you are too busy, don’t worry. I am your boss’s girlfriend, so I can put a good word,” said Annabelle, smiling.

“Yes, sure. I have my free lunch hour now. I would love to have lunch with you.”

Jessica was honored because she had a lot to learn from a woman like Annabelle. Deep down she knew that no matter how much money she might have one day, it would be impossible to become as classy as Annabelle. They came from different worlds. It was amazing that Annabelle even paid any attention to her. They talked like old friends and although it put pain in her heart, it was clear to her why James seemed to be so in love with Anabelle. In her mind, there was no competition between them. She could never compare herself to such a woman.

From that day on, they became best friends. At least that was what Jessica thought. In reality, Annabelle wanted to learn everything about her, most of all her weaknesses. She had no idea what the plan was, but it was important to keep an eye on her. Making Jessica believe she was a true friend earned her loyalty. Jessica was now ashamed of her feelings for James. How could she want her friend’s boyfriend? By desiring him, she felt that she was betraying her best friend. She had no idea that this was exactly what her new friend wanted.

“Why are you spending so much time with Jess? This was not part of the plan.”

“Think about it. If I am her friend I can talk you up. She doesn’t have a very good impression of you so far. I can help with that.”

“Okay. Make sure you tell her what an amazing man I am.”

Annabelle did the exact opposite. With every chance she had, she invented negative things to say about James. She painted such a detailed picture that Jessica was starting to believe her. Even so, she could not help loving him. Sometimes she could see him staring at her. In his eyes, she saw a different man. He didn’t look at all like the jerk Annabelle was describing. One day they had to work late and they were the last two left in the office. James took that opportunity to make his move. At first, he touched her hand seemingly by accident. That simple touch sent shivers down her back. The sexual tension between them was unbearable. Suddenly he pushed her to the wall and kissed her. With that kiss, he told her how much he wanted and loved her. There was no need for words.

It was impossible for Jessica to reject him. Not after all that time she’d desired him in secret. Right after they made love, though, she felt overwhelmed by guilt.

“Annabelle is my friend. I cannot believe I did this to her.”

Jessica was crying. He wished he could tell her that it was all a lie, but he was scared. He didn’t want to ruin that moment. He remembered how she reacted the last time she discovered that he lied to her about being rich. James had no idea how she would react now or if she could ever forgive him. So he decided to let her believe the lie. At least until he figured out how to tell her.

The next day James called his fake girlfriend to tell her that it worked. Luckily for Jessica, they had this conversation over the phone and he could not see her face. She tried to sound happy for him and she advised him not to tell her the truth yet.

“Trust me, James. She is not ready to hear that we lied to her yet.”

When she met Jessica, she could clearly see the guilt in her eyes. She was even ready to tell her that she slept with her boyfriend, but Annabelle stopped her.

“I have big news! I just came from the doctor and I am pregnant.”

For a few moments, Jessica could not say anything. Just when she was about to come clean and tell her what happened between her and James, she was hit with this terrible news. After they made love, he told her that he did not love Annabelle and that he was going to break up with her. In her innocence, she believed him and now she felt like an absolute idiot. While she was dreaming about him, he was making love to his girlfriend and getting her pregnant. She would have given anything to be the one carrying his child. Now it was too late. Stealing the man of her best friend was one thing, but taking a father away from a baby was entirely different. There was a limit to what she would do for love.

“Have you told James?” she finally managed to ask.

“No, I didn’t and please don’t tell him. I am waiting until I’m past 12 weeks to tell him. I want to make sure everything is okay first. You understand…”

“Don’t worry. My lips are sealed. It is not my business to tell him anything.”

That was the last time they had a conversation. Jessica tried to avoid her as much as possible because it was difficult to look her in the eye. Annabelle was glad because she never liked her any way. Her plan to get James away from her was starting to work. As she expected, Jessica changed her attitude towards him. She never told him that she knew about the pregnancy and this made him very confused. He had no idea why she was suddenly acting so cold after the hot night they just had together. She told him then that all she ever wanted was to be his woman. Now she was acting like he was a stranger, or worse, like she hated him. James had no idea what he did wrong and she was not willing to tell him.

“What is happening with you, Jess? Why are you avoiding me?”

“What happened between us was a big mistake. You have Annabelle and you should be with her.”

“But Annabelle is not…”

To make him understand once and for all that she meant it, Jessica said“I don’t love you. I am sorry.”

And with that she got back to her desk. He was speechless and broken hearted. Now he knew that it was nothing he did. Jessica had no feelings for him and he had to accept that. He fought back the tears and left the office for the day. Seeing her was more than he could take. James knew that he had to work with her because he promised that he would not let his feelings for him ruin her career. Firing her was not the right thing to do. Therefore, he had to suck it up and be a man.

BOOK: Billionaires: Second Chance at Love
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