Read Billionaires On Holiday: An Alpha Billionaire Christmas Romance Online

Authors: Cynthia Dane

Tags: #Alpha Billionaire Romance

Billionaires On Holiday: An Alpha Billionaire Christmas Romance (10 page)

BOOK: Billionaires On Holiday: An Alpha Billionaire Christmas Romance
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However, she trusted herself. Ian trusted her. That’s all that mattered as she drew her teeth up and down his shaft, tongue and hand doing the brunt of the work. Ian became more rigid in her mouth, his precum generous as it covered Kathryn’s tongue and promised her more to come.

The moment Kathryn closed her eyes so she could enjoy this, she heard Ian make the strangest sound. Like a pained moan coming from the depths of his soul.

She pulled off him. “You okay?” she asked, pushing back the bed covers farther so she could get a better look at his face. Looked like how she left him a minute ago.

Ian blinked a thousand times, bringing himself back to reality. “Yeah? Why the hell wouldn’t I be fine?”

“You made a weird sound.”

“Huh? I thought that was you.”

:Kathryn heard it again .She realized it was coming from outside their room. “What the fuck is that?”

If Ian cared, he sure as hell wasn’t going to show it. He put his hand on Kathryn’s head and pushed her toward his cock. “Busy, Katie. We’re too busy to give a shit.”

I have half a mind to actually bite him.
Yet Kathryn couldn’t say no to finishing the job she started. She blocked out any sounds other than her heavy breaths in her head and his steady ones coursing through his body. Besides, she would much rather feel his heat and taste what made him a man. Her teeth and tongue agreed, stimulating her boyfriend’s cock in unison.

“I’m gonna come if you keep that up.” Finally, tension was entering Ian’s voice. Kathryn rewarded his excitement with a hum in her throat. A hum that got her more precum and a shudder in the man beneath her. “Yup. Definitely gonna come. You better be ready, darling.”

If Kathryn weren’t ready, she would have stopped, wouldn’t she?

Don’t hold back.
Oh boy, would he have loved to hear that come out of her mouth…

Instead, they both had to make do with what soon went
her mouth.

“Hang on, babe, I’m…”
Yes, yes, I know. I can tell, thanks.
Ian’s thighs swelled with heat, and his cock pulsed in impending climax. Not to mention the way his fingers dug into her scalp.

The first burst of his seed hit her in the back of the throat, Ian groaning loudly where he lay. His hips thrust upward, forcing Kathryn to accommodate every stage of his orgasm in the small of her throat.
The things I do for you ,Ian.
The hot things. Sometimes literally, like the hot seed rolling off her tongue as she gradually pulled him out of her mouth.

“Fucking hell,” Ian muttered, collapsing into his pillow. “That was fantastic.”

Kathryn decided it was too cold outside of her comfy bubble, so she relegated herself to Ian’s thighs, where she pressed her cheek against his skin and pretended to be fascinated with his soon-to-be-flaccid cock. “You always know how to sweet talk me.”

“I’d ask you to get up here and cuddle with me, but you seem pretty cozy down there.”

“Indeed I am. Although I suppose we should go to bed soon.”

“Why?” Ian slammed his arm down onto the bed, sighing. “We’re not doing anything tomorrow except hearing about Ethan Cole’s mycological discoveries.” He snorted through flared nostrils. “Or his pussy discoveries, based on that bullshit earlier.”

Kathryn buried her face deeper into her boyfriend’s body.
His hair tickles.
Not the hair on his head. The hair where his other brain was located. “That was hot.”

“I knew you were getting turned on.”

“I mean, once I realized what was happening, all I could think about was cock, so…”

“Oh, my slutty little nymph. What a treasure you are to me.”

Kathryn laughed. Earlier, in the study, she and Ian began hearing what sounded suspiciously like Ethan Cole fucking his girlfriend Jasmine in the other room. Assuming the girl screamed like that, and Ethan himself could sound like a pack of wolves on the prowl. Shivers went down Kathryn’s spine then, and they went down it again now. Even though she had been thoroughly fucked by her boyfriend earlier, she still got wet listening to that young woman take
boyfriend like a pro. A pro dying, but a pro nonetheless.

Wonder how that guy fucks.
Either he was a total stud, or Jasmine Bliss was that easily entertained on the other end of a basic man’s cock.
This is Ethan Cole we’re talking about. He could have the smallest dick in the universe, but I don’t doubt he’d know how to use it.

“What in the world are you thinking about?”

Kathryn dug her short nails into the hair growing at the top of Ian’s thigh. “Aw, a man who wants to know what I’m thinking after sex.”

“You know I’m in love with you, then.” Ian chuckled. “Because I think you
the only woman I’ve asked that in my whole life.”

“It’s because you know I’m thinking about sex. Or at least you. You and sex.”

“Uh huh. Are you joining me up here or not? I’m itching to hold you in these arms.” Ian flexed his biceps, which seemingly appeared out of nowhere just to impress his girlfriend.

“No way. It’s actually warm down here.”

Alison.” Ian pulled back the cover, exposing Kathryn to the cold air that did not affect her boyfriend. “Get your hot ass up here and cuddle your man, damnit!”

“Oh my God.” As chills – and not the sexy kind – overtook her, Kathryn heaved herself up the bed and landed in Ian’s hold. She pulled the covers behind her, but they didn’t quite make it up. Neither of them missed how Kathryn’s nipples suddenly speared her thin T-shirt. Again, not in the
They’re gonna freeze off. Then I’m suing Ian.
He would be made to pay with oral sex at least once a day and a massive dicking every other. Oh, and he would fully submit to her once a week. Kathryn grinned at the thought.

“There, that’s not so bad.” Ian readjusted them both until Kathryn was snugly in the crook of his arm, their legs entwining. “And neither are these.” Ian’s hand reached around and squeezed one of Kathryn’s breasts.

“You’re so whiny and grabby.” Kathryn didn’t mean that. Well, maybe she meant that tonight, but Ian only acted this way when he was really in the mood to give her a big,
time. “It’s because you’re such a mama’s boy.”

“Let’s leave my mother out of this,

“As you wish, sir.”

Ian pressed down upon her, kissing Kathryn’s lips with languished certainty. “I love it when you call me sir.”

Their kiss ended when Ian couldn’t stand that position any longer. He leaned back, stretching both arms above his head as if he were the luckiest man in the universe. He probably thought he was.


“Yeah?” He sounded half asleep already.

“You deleted those pics I sent you off your phone, right?”

“Which ones?”

“You know which ones.”

“No, I’m afraid I don’t know if you mean the ones of your wet pussy or of you dressed up like a hot teacher with your tits hanging out. They were separate occasions, and thus warrant different discussions.”

tell me you deleted those. I sent them to you in moments of utter weakness because I got so horny when we were apart.”

“I deleted them, don’t worry.”

“Thank God.”

“You know those things still exist on some server somewhere, right?”

“Shut up, Ian.” Kathryn patted his chest. “Besides, let’s think about how well I fucked myself both of those nights. Thinking about you, of course.”

“Of course. Who else would you think about? I’m the only man who makes you make that sound when he gets all up in your business with his cock.”

Kathryn winced. She knew that involuntary sound. The one she emitted when her pussy wasn’t quite ready for the width of his tip when he first thrust into her. “I’ve told you why I make that sound.”

“Ah, yes, but I need you to tell me again. Tell me how great my cock is, Katie.”

Kathryn slipped her hand between his legs and tenderly stroked his soft flesh. “I have no complaints.”

“One of these days I’ll use it to make you sound like Ethan Cole’s woman when she’s screaming in another room.”

“Maybe that’s something only Cole can do.”

“If I ever get drunk enough to wife-swap with Ethan Cole, then I’ll count on you to let me know.”

‘Who said we had to be

“Fine. If he gets drunk enough to take you on.”

“Like you’d let him.”

Ian shrugged. “That man could probably use a Domme in his life.” He waggled his eyebrows much too easily for a man wiped out after two orgasms. “What do you say, Kathryn? Wanna spank Ethan Cole?”

“Not really.”

“You are no fun.”

“I think this is your passive aggressive way of telling me you want to fuck Jasmine Bliss, or whatever her silly name is.”

“I mean… if I were single, and she were single,
she approached me, do you think I would say no? She’s hot.” Ian laughed. “And apparently a screamer.”

“You are too much. If you want a screamer, order me to scream the next time you collar me.”

“Oh, my darling.” Ian stroked her long blond strands, fingertips digging into her neck. “You already do.”

Before Kathryn could say anything, she heard
that sound

“What the
is that?”


“You don’t hear that?” In truth, Kathryn had heard it throughout her lovemaking with Ian, but had managed to ignore it while caught up in the moment. Yet now she couldn’t hear anything but that again. It was overpowering Ian’s heartbeat, for fuck’s sake.

“I vaguely hear something that sounds kinda… spooky.”

“Oh my God, don’t start that.” Kathryn didn’t believe in
per se, but as a child she was often petrified of any horror movie that hinged on religion or the afterlife.
The Exorcist
still gave her nightmares in the autumn. “If I weren’t freezing and lazy, I would send you out there to find out what the fucking hell is making that obnoxious sound.”

“Me? Why the fuck

“Because you win the gender stereotype games in this case. Big manly man gotta go out and protect his woman from the bad things.”

Ian rubbed his face with the back of his hand. “You are the definition of a pain in my ass sometimes.”

Kathryn opened her mouth to speak, but was once again cut off by the rudest sound imaginable.

This time it wasn’t ghost sounds. It was a man’s name. As shouted by a woman on the verge of sheer ecstasy.


“Are you kidding me?”

“Aren’t they down on the other end of the hall?”

“James really needs to look into the insulation around here.”

“James needs to look at his calendar more often!”


Kathryn buried her face in Ian’s chest. “I guess Monica didn’t want to be outdone by her friend Jasmine.”

“More like she didn’t want to be outdone by her ex-boyfriend’s new squeeze.”

“I forgot about that.”

“Ah…” Ian wrapped both hands behind his head. “What a threesome that would be.”

“Is your mind so in the gutter today that you can’t stop thinking about other people having sex?”

“Why stop thinking about it? We can hear it all over this house.”

“This was after you made me come on James’s couch.”

“Which I’m sure Ethan Cole took over after we were done.”

“This is one fucked up group of people.”

As the sounds of crazed sex continued down the hall, Ian sighed. “That’s what happens when you put a bunch of Doms in a house together like that. They’re gonna outdo each other. This isn’t The Dark Hour… honor is on the line here.”

“I’m a Domme and I think that’s bullshit.”

“Lovely, you’re a woman. This is an alpha male thing.”

“Oh, and you would know about that?”

Ian lowered one hand to stroke Kathryn’s shoulder. “You give me too much credit if you think I’ve been sitting here
fantasizing about dragging you out in front of those people and fucking you until they understand I’m the king around here.”

On one hand, Kathryn wanted to roll her eyes at how stupid and silly that was. On the other? She understood. Ian wasn’t like other alpha males who strutted his stuff around. He didn’t overpower rooms. He didn’t even take over small groups. He was the type of man to work behind the scenes and let his reputation speak for himself. Ian Mathers cared most about what his girlfriend had to think, and Kathryn thought he was very,
much the king of the surrounding jungle.
There’s a reason he’s my prince and no other man is.

BOOK: Billionaires On Holiday: An Alpha Billionaire Christmas Romance
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