Biker's Bride: A Bad Boy Romance (Demons MC) (Includes bonus novel Kinged!) (21 page)

BOOK: Biker's Bride: A Bad Boy Romance (Demons MC) (Includes bonus novel Kinged!)
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She went quiet for a minute, looking out over the scenery. It felt good to be alone with her, finally fucking calm. Nobody knew where we were. Nobody was coming for us. Nobody was shooting. Just the two of us.

“I keep waiting for you to leave again,” she said finally.

I cocked my head at her. “Again?”

“You remember,” she said, sounding angry. “Years ago. You saved me on your bike, kissed me, and then disappeared.”

I stared at her, surprised. “That’s what’s been bugging you?”

“You left me,” she said, getting even angrier. “You disappeared.”

“Caralee,” I said, “I got arrested that next day.”


I smiled softly. “Your dad found me at work, dragged me off. Said I broke into a house and robbed them, but I didn’t.”


“I went to jail for a while. That’s where I joined the Demons, actually.”

“Why didn’t you tell me? Why didn’t I know?”

I shrugged, looking out at the forest again. “Didn’t think you needed me in your life. You were doing okay. You got away from your fucking piece of shit dad. I figured you didn’t need another asshole in your life.”

“Ford,” she whispered, “you went to jail for me.”

“Guess so.”

She stood there staring at me. “And you didn’t tell me, this whole time.”

“Didn’t think it mattered.”


“Forget it,” I said. “I’ve been dragging you through some shit. Call it even.”

She pressed her self against me and kissed me hard. I felt my cock stir, excitement rushing through me. I kissed her back just as hard, ready to forget about what had happened.

She was the only thing that could make me forget. It was club above all else, but Caralee was part of my club now. She was my old lady, and I was going to protect her. I didn’t know how long our fake marriage was going to last, but as long as the words still meant something, I was going to honor them.

Slowly our kiss broke off. “You stupid man,” she said, smiling.

“Hey now,” I grunted. “No need for that.”

“Sorry. You’re just so stupid.”

“I’m known for my cock, not my brain.”

She kissed me lightly again. “Yeah, you are.”

“You know this ain’t over yet, right?”

“I know.”

“But as long as we’re married, I’ll keep you safe. You know that, right?”

“I know.” She pressed her head against my chest. “And you’re not going to leave me.”

I laughed. “I can’t believe that’s what you’ve been so worried about. Damn, girl, wish I had asked sooner.”

“Stupid man,” she whispered.

I held her like that, standing above a perfect view. The forest stretched out below us, moving out into infinity, and I just kept her pressed close, feeling her body, feeling her breathe.

It wasn’t over, not yet. We had the drugs, but the Snakes were still after her.

And who knew what the future held. Who knew where we’d be or what we’d be.

I didn’t fucking care though.

I was a warrior. I had my club and my cunt, and that was all I needed.

I held her there, looking out over the forest, for as long as she wanted me to.

Chapter Twenty-Nine: Caralee


was losing myself in Ford’s embrace. He was so gruff and talked dirty all the time, but he really did care about me, really did want me to be safe.

And he’d never really left me.

The revelation that my father had arrested him kept running through my mind. I knew Daddy was a drunk and a bastard, but I couldn’t believe he would put an innocent man in jail for months with no problem.

I felt like I was beginning to understand Ford. The world had shit on him, over and over again, and now he was out to get his own revenge. He’d joined the Demons and was a hard badass because he didn’t know any other way to live.

And that was what drew me to him. He lived however he wanted, took whatever he wanted, did whatever he wanted. Part of me wished I could live like that, but it was hard to exist in a world that wanted you to conform all the time.

Ford didn’t conform. Ford did whatever he wanted.

I reached up and touched his face and drew his lips down toward me. I felt his muscular chest, and a thrill ran through me.

He hadn’t left. He hadn’t run away. And he wasn’t going to again.

I kissed him hard, letting my tongue touch his, as he pressed his body roughly against mine.

“You make me so fucking hard, girl,” he said as he kissed my neck.

“Prove it.”

He grunted and took my hand, guiding it toward his hard dick. I grasped his shaft, shocked at how hard he was already. Though I shouldn’t be surprised. The man was insatiable for me, a machine of fucking and sweat and cum. I could feel my own pussy soaking through my panties, and I knew I wanted him. I didn’t care that we were out in public, didn’t care if someone would see us.

I kissed him hard again, stroking his cock through his jeans. He grunted and reached toward me, unbuttoning my shorts and yanking them down. I gasped as his rough fingers found my clit and began to softly stroke me.

I could feel the breeze on my skin as he kissed my neck and rubbed my clit. “I’m going to fuck you right here,” he said. “I want you to scream my name down into the valley.”

“Ford,” I gasped, “you can do whatever you want with me.”

“God damn I love hearing that from you.” He pulled my hair slightly, tipping my head back and kissing my neck. His fingers slipped inside my pussy, slowly fucking me, pulling out and stroking my clit, going back and forth.

My whole head was a mess of pleasure and desire for him. I groaned as he continued to work me, fingers fucking and rubbing my clit. I tried to keep up, tried to keep stroking him, but I could barely control myself.

I stepped back with a gasp, tearing myself away. Then I went back at him, unbuckling his belt and ripping his jeans off. He laughed.

“Fucking hungry for this dick?” he asked. “You want to suck my cock out here in the open?”

I dropped down to my knees. “I want to taste you,” I said.

“Good. I hope someone sees it. I want the world to watch you suck my fat cock. You look so fucking sexy.”

I pulled down his boxer briefs and grabbed the base of his big cock, slowly stroking him. “You like to watch me suck you off?” I asked him.

“My favorite fucking thing in the world is watching your pretty lips wrapped around my cock.”

I slipped his cock into my mouth and began to suck him, teasing him with my tongue, looking up at him. He watched me slowly suck him, and I maintained eye contact. My pussy was soaking wet, and excitement ran through me as he stared at me sucking his thick cock. I began to stroke him with my free hand, moving my head, taking more and more of him into my mouth.

“Fuck, girl,” he grunted. “That mouth is fucking incredible. I’m so fucking hard.”

I kept sucking him like that, taking him farther and farther down my throat until his whole cock was in my mouth.

“Oh fuck,” he said. “Holy shit. I love feeling my cock down your fucking throat.”

I pulled back and began to suck him faster, harder. I wanted his taste, his thick cock, his groans and moans. I wanted him to feel as good as I did, wanted his cock harder than he thought possible.

He pressed my head down, the perfect amount of force, and began to thrust into my mouth. I could feel the breeze and hear the wind in the trees as he fucked my face, and that only drove me wild.

“God I love this pretty mouth,” he grunted, sliding his dick between my lips. “How’s that cunt? Fucking soaked through for me?”

I moaned slightly in response to his question, and that only made him press deeper into my throat. I pulled back, breathing deeply, jerking him with my spit, looking up at him. I felt fire in my veins, fire and desire running through me.

“Get up,” he commanded. I stood, my hand still on his cock.

He dragged me back toward his bike, leaving our pants behind. He sat me down on top of it, and I braced myself against the handlebars as he whipped my panties off, tossing them into the brush.

“You won’t need these anymore,” he said. “I don’t want you wearing panties anymore. You’re just ruining them anyway.”

“I can’t,” I said. “That’s so bad.”

He pressed his fingers deep inside me, pulling my hair. “You can and you will, because your husband is telling you to.”

I gasped, moaning softly. “Okay. Yes, I promise.”

He dropped down onto his knees in front of me and the bike and began to suck at my pussy. I moaned, amazed that he kept the bike upright while eating me. I loved the feeling of the leather underneath me, his strong hands holding my hips steady, and his tongue and mouth sucking my clit. If I wasn’t as soaked as possible before, I was in that moment.

I could barely think. There was only Ford sucking my pussy, licking my clit like an animal, ferocious and starving. He was unstoppable as he worked me, and it was driving me wild. I loved getting my pussy licked while I was sitting on a motorcycle; there was something about the power of the bike and the strength of Ford that really pushed me to the limit.

Desire flooded through me, filling my veins. His hands held me steady, his tongue sliding inside my pussy. “Fuck I love your taste,” he grunted. “I could eat this pussy all fucking day.”

“Shit Ford,” I said. “I can’t ever say no to you.”

“Damn right you can’t.”

He went back to eating me, his tongue sliding inside me and back out, rolling up toward my clit. He sucked and licked me, eating me fast and hard, his dirty gaze spreading over my body.

And then he stepped back. I watched him root around in his bike’s saddle bag before he came back out with a condom.

He pulled me off the bike and spun me, spreading my legs. My heart was hammering in my chest as I held onto his bike, my face against the seat.

I heard the foil tear. He rolled the condom along his length.

“Tell me you want my cock,” he said.

“I want it,” I gasped.

“Fucking beg for it.”

“Please, Ford,” I said, my desire heightening. “Please. Fuck my pussy. Please fuck me.”

I felt him grab my hips and slowly slip his cock deep inside me.

I gasped as he filled me. I was shocked all over again at how big he was and that I was even able to take him.

“Fuck, girl,” he grunted. “This pussy is so damn tight.”

He pressed himself deeper inside me, and I gripped the bike, holding myself steady. He began to push slowly in and out, his hand wrapped around my leg and rubbing my clit.

“Fuck, Ford,” I gasped. “Fuck me. Make me scream.”

He grunted and pulled my hair. I gasped and felt his lips up against my ear. “Careful what you ask for.”

I moaned as he began to fuck me harder, his thrusts deep and tough. “I want to fill you with my fucking cum,” he whispered in my ear. “I want to make you feel like you’ve never felt before. Grab on to my bike and hold tight, because I’m going to fuck your pussy until you can’t think.”

I moaned, my mouth open, loving his dirty talk. I held on to his bike, my ass up in the air, my face against the seat, as he began to fuck me harder, deeper.

“God I love this fucking tight cunt,” he said. “I want the whole damn state to hear you say my name.” He slapped my ass hard and I gasped.

“Ford,” I said, “keep fucking me.”

He worked me, thrusting hard, rough. He had no mercy for me as his cock pounded into me. I could barely contain myself, moaning with absolute, wild abandon. There were no thoughts in my mind aside from him and more, him and more. There was something about getting fucked bent over his motorcycle that drove me wild, especially getting fucked out in the open. 

His rough fingers and hard cock continued to push into me, working my body, fucking me hard. I began to press back against him, going wild with excitement, feeling nothing but absolute pleasure running through me. The world was completely forgotten. There was only Ford and his cock and his bike.

“Come for me,” he said, slapping my ass. “I want you to come for me nice and hard. Get my fucking bike covered in your cum.”

I groaned, moaning loudly. He slapped my ass again, pulled my hair, whispering dirty words in my ear. All the while he fucked me rough, thrusting his thick cock deep between my legs, filling my pussy up to the brim.

And I knew I was close. I’d been close since the second he began to suck my clit. I could barely contain myself with him, barely keep myself in check. He had the ability to push my body to the limit, to push me past it and make me come harder than anything I’d ever felt.

And this was no different. I pushed my face into his leather seat, moaning his name over and over.

“I fucking worship his cunt,” he said. “Your perfect fucking tight pussy drives me crazy.”

“Ford, I’m so close. Please, I’m so close.”

“Come for me,” he said. “Come for me, wife.”

I bucked my hips back, rolling myself as he thrust into me, fucking me hard, fucking me harder. He was an animal like that, all lust and hard sex. I could feel the orgasm building in my core, knew I was so close, inches away.

And he continued to thrust into me, fucking me hard. I loved the slap of his hand against my bare ass, the sting of the open forest air, the feeling of his powerful bike.

BOOK: Biker's Bride: A Bad Boy Romance (Demons MC) (Includes bonus novel Kinged!)
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