Biker's Bride: A Bad Boy Romance (Demons MC) (Includes bonus novel Kinged!) (13 page)

BOOK: Biker's Bride: A Bad Boy Romance (Demons MC) (Includes bonus novel Kinged!)
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That’s right, a black dress. Because, according to Janine, bikers didn’t wear white. It was black or nothing.

I managed to get the thing on and zipped and stepped out, looking at Janine uncertainly.

“I’m practically falling out of it,” I said.

“Oh damn,” she said. “Damn. Girl, you look hot.”

I turned and looked at myself in the mirror. The dressed showed off way too much cleavage and clung to every inch of my body. But I had to admit, I did look good.

I looked really damn good.

I couldn’t help but start laughing. Janine stood next to me in the mirror, smiling.

“I know it’s not what you probably pictured,” she said, “but for what it’s worth, you look good.”

“Thanks,” I said, and I meant it. Janine didn’t have to help me get dressed, didn’t have to stand in as my maid of honor, but she’d shown up and had even brought a dress.

And she seemed to get it. She understood that this marriage thing wasn’t what I wanted, and she wasn’t acting like it was the happiest day of my life. I was grateful for her all over again.

“So,” she said. “I have one final question before I start on the hair and makeup.”

“What’s that?”

“The kiss. You ready for it?”

I laughed. “I’ve kissed a man before, Janine.”

“Sure you have, but never a man like Ford, and not on your wedding day.”

“I think I’ll be okay.”

“Okay, sweetie. Whatever you say.” She began to unpack her makeup kit, her straighteners, hairspray, and more—practically an entire beauty arsenal.

“Do you know what you’re doing with all that?”

She grinned at me. “You just relax. I went to beauty school.”


“Sure. For a few weeks. Dropped out, but I was there.”

I frowned. That did not make me feel confident. But she was already yanking, prodding, and pulling at me. I decided just to go with it. How bad could it possibly be?


wo hours later, I looked like a prostitute.

Okay, maybe not that bad. But my hair was teased out, my makeup was heavy, and I felt like I was just one pair of insanely high heels away from getting propositioned on the street.

Janine disappeared to get us both a drink, and I sat there in her little folding chair, looking at myself in the mirror. I could barely recognize myself, and I had no clue how I had gotten to where I was. The path seemed insanely foggy, the events all too fast. And yet there I was, staring at myself in the mirror on my wedding day.

There was a knock at the door. “Come on in,” I called out. “Right on time. I could use that drink.”

“I hear that.”

I looked over, surprised. Standing in the doorway was Ford, grinning at me. He was wearing a suit, no tie, the dress shirt left open. Around his neck was a small necklace with the Demons MC logo in gold.

“Holy shit,” I said.

He looked good. Really damn good. I was shocked that he was wearing a suit, but there it was.

“I clean up good, right?” he asked.

“I can’t believe you’re wearing that.”

“It’s my damn wedding,” he said, “and I thought you’d like it.”

“I do,” I said quickly. “I really do.”

“Good. I feel like a fucking asshole in it.”

I stood up, smiling. “Don’t. You look handsome.”

His eyes roamed down my body, his grin getting wider. “You look pretty fucking hot yourself.”

“Isn’t it bad luck to see me on the wedding day?”

“Probably,” he said. “Not like I much care about that.”

“I guess it doesn’t matter.”

He came a step closer. “Look, you want out of this, just say so.”

“What? I thought I had no choice?”

“It’s the right thing to do, no doubt. Clubs don’t go after an old lady; it’s just not done. You’ll be safe if we do this.”

“But I can back out.”

He stared at me intently. “You can back out.”

I took a deep breath and let it out. “Let’s just do this, okay?”

He nodded once. “Okay.” He took another step closer. “Ever get fucked rough up against the sink in a bathroom?” he asked.

“Maybe, but I’m not interested.”

“Might help you relax, girl.”

“I’m relaxed enough.”

“God, you look so fucking sexy in that dress. I want to tear it off your body slowly, make you beg for it.”

“Keep dreaming,” I said, sitting back down. I hated to admit it to myself, but my panties were soaking wet. I’d have to change before the damn ceremony.

Just then, Janine returned from the bar.

“Ford!” she said. “Get the fuck outta here!”

“Just saying hello to my bride-to-be,” he said, smirking.

“Don’t. Fuck off. It’s bad luck.”

He looked at me. “See you out there.”


He nodded and then left.

Janine handed me a gin and tonic, and I took a long sip.

“Don’t mind him,” she said. “Men are just idiots right before they get hitched.”

“How would you know?” I asked her.

“Might’ve been married, once upon a time,” she said softly.

“Oh. Sorry.”

She laughed. “Nothing to be sorry about. His ass is long gone.” She knocked back her drink. “Now, you ready for the finishing touches?”

I sighed, looking into the mirror.

I was not ready for the finishing touches, not at all. I couldn’t imagine what else she was going to do to me.

But it was my wedding day. And she was being so damn nice to me.

“Make me beautiful,” I said.


ou ready for this?” Janine asked.

My heart was pounding. My palms were sweating. I thought I might pass out.

“Yes,” I said.

“Let’s do it.” She pushed open the doors and walked into the main room.

I hesitated.

What the hell was I doing? Was I really going in there, really going to marry Ford Cook?

The boy from my past, the boy that saved me. The one that disappeared, leaving me heartbroken, confused. Ford the badass, the muscular, dirty, filthy, cocky asshole. Ford the gorgeous biker.

What the hell was I doing?

Janine looked back at me. “Come on,” she said.

I took a step. My heart was pounding. I took another. I crossed the threshold.

Up ahead, standing near the bar, was Clutch, Spoil, Ford, and Larkin. Ford was the only one wearing a suit, though the others would have looked crazy in them. There were a few other members scattered around at the tables, listening and watching.

I walked slowly up the aisle. Janine took my arm and smiled at me. Every eye was glued on me and the small bouquet of flowers I held.

Ford’s face broke out into the cockiest smile I’d ever seen, and for a second that felt like it gave me strength.

We made it up front. I stood across from Ford, inches apart, while Larkin looked on at us.

“Well,” Larkin said, “I’ve officiated several biker weddings, but this is about the strangest one in my time,” he said. The crowd gave him a laugh. “And who would have thought Ford would wear a damn suit?”

“He looks pretty!” someone shouted.

“Yes, he does,” Larkin said, chuckling. “So, here in the Demons MC, we don’t have much room for religion. You can believe any damn thing you want to, but when it comes to a wedding, we choose our own vows. So, Ford, what do you want to say to this girl?”

He cleared his throat. “Caralee, I’ve known you since you were a girl. As long as I know you, I’ll keep you safe.”

Larkin nodded. “Well said. Caralee?”

My mind went completely blank.

Everyone was staring at me.

Especially Ford.

“I love riding on the back of bikes because of you,” I blurted out.

The room burst out laughing. I turned beet red, but Ford was smiling big.

“That’s one hell of a compliment,” Larkin said, laughing.

I looked down at my feet, smiling and blushing.

“Okay, Ford, put the damn ring on her finger,” Larkin said.

Ford took my hand. I felt tingles run up my spine. He kept his eyes locked on mine as he slipped the gold ring down along my finger.

“Okay. Caralee, your turn.”

Janine handed me the ring. I took Ford’s hand and slid the ring down his finger.

“Well, by the power vested in me by the state of Texas, thanks to the damn internet, I now pronounce you man and wife. Kiss the girl, Ford.”

Ford wrapped his arms around me, pulling me up against his body.

I lost my mind for a second. I couldn’t think, not at all, as his lips pressed against mine.

My whole body was on fire. My veins were pumping lava as he kissed me, and I kissed him back.

It wasn’t the kind of kiss you did in a church. It was the kind of kiss I’d been wanting from him, dreaming about from him, needing from him.

He kissed me hard, fast, his tongue entering my mouth, his body pressed against mine.

I gave myself to his kiss, gave myself to him.

In that moment, I realized that if he hadn’t claimed me before, he was definitely claiming me right then.

Slowly, the kiss broke apart, and I became aware of the room cheering.

I looked up, taking a breath. I felt like I was waking up from a dream, my head dizzy, my whole face tingling.

“Hell yeah!” Clutch called. “That was one fucking kiss!”

The room hooted, and even Janine was laughing. Ford flipped them all off, laughing along with them.

Soon we were whisked away to the bar where everyone joined us. The drinks flowed freely, and the music was turned up loud. More and more members slowly started showing up as the hours passed and the day turned into evening.

I felt drunk, though I didn’t drink much. Ford stayed by my side every second of the day, making jokes, talking to other members, and laughing.

It was a biker wedding through and through. There was cursing, even a small fight, and lots of alcohol. And I had so much fun. For the first time since Rod had been killed, I found that I was actually letting go and trying to enjoy myself.

Eventually I found myself alone with Ford in a corner of the room.

“What’d you think, wife?” he asked me.

“It was interesting.” I wasn’t sure what I was doing with him, what was happening, but I was happy. I looked at my hand and felt the ring, felt the strange weight, the strange metal, and felt good.

Terrified, but good.

“Biker wedding,” he said, shrugging. “We’re not big on ceremony, but we’re big on drinking.”

I laughed, shaking my head. “Yeah. I figured that one out.”

“You know, you look damn good, Caralee.”

“Thank you.”

“I mean it. You’re the hottest piece of fucking ass in this building.”

I laughed again, shaking my head. “You really have a way with words.”

He grinned, standing close to me. “What can I say? I feel what I feel.”

“What do you feel right now?”

“Fucking hard for you. I’m practically tearing these pants apart thinking about making your body sweat.”

“Ford,” I said, not sure what I was saying.

“You know you thought it the moment you saw me that night, Caralee. You thought you wanted a taste of what it would be like.” He moved closer to me, his hands at my hips, pulling me against him.

I gasped as I felt his hard cock against my body.

“You know you’ve been thinking about it. You want to suck my cock. You want to ride my face. You want my tongue on your clit, making you scream.”

“I don’t know,” I said, breathless.

“I know. You’re soaked, been soaked all day. That pussy is begging to be fucked, to feel my thick cock filling it up.”

“What do you want?” I whispered.

“I want to take you home and consummate this damn marriage. I want to make you feel something you weren’t sure you could feel.”

I blinked up at him, my lips slightly parted, every fiber of my being standing on end for him, charged for him. Excitement, desire, lust, it all flowed through me, needing him, wanting him.

Maybe I’d lost my mind, or maybe I’d finally figured it all out.

But I found myself saying, “Okay. Take me home.”

And then he grabbed me by the waist, pulled me against him, and kissed me hard.

Another rush of blood through my body, lightning, bolts of desire. My pussy was flooded, soaked, tingling. Every fingertip was on fire, my face a numb mess of need and want.

The kiss broke off, and he dragged me through the party by my hand. A few people laughed and cheered as we left, but I could barely hear them.

He tossed me on his bike, putting his helmet on over my head, and hopped on the front. He kicked the bike into gear, the engine roaring to life, and we tore out of there.

I clung to his body, my whole chest pounding, my brain buzzing.

I didn’t know what the hell I was thinking.

But I felt good.

On the back of his bike, racing toward his cabin, I felt damn good.

And I wanted him to make me feel better.


e pulled up to his cabin, my heart pounding in my chest. He cut the engine and stepped off, pulling me along behind him.

“Ford,” I said, “hold on.”

He stopped and turned toward me, standing on the porch. He grabbed my hips and pulled me against him, staring down at me.

“No,” he said. “I’m sick of waiting. I’m taking what I want, Caralee.”

“Ford . . .”  I said softly. “This has to be a bad idea.”

“If it feels bad, you can stop it.” He kissed my neck softly, his lips brushing against my ear. “But I promise, it won’t feel bad.”

He crushed his lips against mine, and I felt that incredible rush of emotion and pleasure shoot through my skull. I took a deep breath through my nose as he pulled away, practically kicking his door open.

We moved inside, and he slammed it and locked it behind us. I stood looking at him in his kitchen, biting my lip.

“Fuck, that dress,” he said. “You look so god damn sexy. I want to see you take it off.”

“You want to watch?”

“Strip for me. Take it off nice and slow.”

I blushed but slowly slipped my arms out. He stared at my body as I pulled the dress down, exposing my breasts, tugging it down over my hips. He took a step toward me, and I stepped back, biting my lip, my breasts exposed, my soaking panties cold in the cool cabin air.

BOOK: Biker's Bride: A Bad Boy Romance (Demons MC) (Includes bonus novel Kinged!)
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