Big Sexy Bear (4 page)

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Authors: Terry Bolryder

BOOK: Big Sexy Bear
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She’d just have to take advantage of their kindness for the next few days and hope nothing happened before she could figure out a good plan going forward.

And hope she didn’t fall too deeply in love with big, handsome Ares in the meantime.


res knew more
than ever that Katrina was definitely his mate. Touching her, kissing her, comforting her… it had all been more right than he’d ever expected to feel with a woman in his arms.

His life had been a tough one, and he’d done things he wasn’t sure any woman could square with. He’d done them to defend his country and their freedom, but he still didn’t know if someone like Katrina would be able to look at him the same when she looked into his eyes.

Unlike Zeus or Hades, his two bear shifter brothers in arms who had served in the Special Forces unit with him, no one ever really guessed that Ares had any sort of dark past. A childhood bouncing between foster homes had taught Ares to put on a bright smile even when things were bad. He’d always wanted to put on a good face in hopes that he didn’t upset whoever was caring for him.

In the end, he’d found many wonderful people like Maude who were happy to consider him like a son, even if he had no real blood family who would claim him.

He’d left home at eighteen and worked his way up the military, his calm under duress and beyond perfect eyesight and physical fitness quickly relegating him to the kind of training that ended in a green beret.

And he’d been surprised to meet Zeus and Hades, also bear shifters, in the squadron with him.

But Zeus was what you’d expect from an ex-Special Forces solider. Tall, dark, and handsome, more likely to growl than talk, and a foreboding presence about him.

Hades was the same for different reasons. Silent, liked to stay to the shadows, and an almost scary aura.

And then there was Ares. They’d all given themselves Greek god names to make fun of Zeus, who actually had been given that name for real. Ares had another name with his friends. Sunshine. He’d preferred Ares though, and no one had a problem with it, seeing as he was one of the best weapons experts in the army.

But that was his past, and he wanted Katrina to be his future.

He grinned as Katrina pulled Mac onto her lap and wiped off the remnants of something Maude had fed him. Something with frosting.

With his blond hair and big blue eyes, Ares thought Mac was about the cutest kid he’d ever seen. And Katrina was the most beautiful woman.

He wanted both of them, for keeps. A readymade family, one that needed his protection.

Mac yawned, stretching tiny arms like he was already ready for a nap. Then he snuggled in against Kat as she tenderly ran her hand through his hair. Ares checked the kitchen clock and realized it was already midday.

“I should probably run out and get lunch before he falls asleep,” he said.

“No,” Kat said, giving him a grin that sent heat rushing between them again. Was she as aware of this connection as he was? “It’s a little late for that. I’m going to go tuck him in.”

Maude reached out and took Mac from Katrina, propping him over her shoulder. “I’ll go put him to bed. Poor tired little tyke.”

Katrina composed herself as she watched the other woman go. Ares knew she’d been caring for the boy by herself for a long time, and it was probably hard to trust anyone at this point.

Mac muttered something sleepily, and Maude turned to them at the bottom of the stairs. “Why don’t you two get lunch together? I’m happy staying here with Mac, and that way you two can get to know each other a little better.”

A flush spread over Katrina’s cheeks, and Ares rubbed the back of his neck. He didn’t want to make her uncomfortable, and besides, more time with Katrina just meant more temptation between them.

But he did want to go for a walk with her in town, and there was a gorgeous little cafe at the other end of the neighborhood.

“What do you think?” he asked, trying to sound casual. “Want to help me pick something out?”

She chewed her full lower lip, and he suppressed a groan as heat moved to his groin. “I don’t know…”

He put an arm around her waist and guided her out. “Come on. Let’s get you out of here. We might not be able to keep you around long, but we’re going to make it fun for you while you’re here.”

She sighed and gave him a slight smile as she nodded. “I’m just going to change, then. I’ll be right back.”

She ran upstairs, and Ares checked his phone for any response from Bill about the car. He’d told him to check if he could find a part any closer and to call if he did.

He didn’t want to let Katrina go. Heck, he’d probably go after her if she did, but he wanted it to be her choice, not because she was stuck.

She was his mate, but she should choose him.

When she came back down again, her dark hair was fluffed and soft, her lips glimmered with something slick, pink, and kissable, and she was wearing a cute hoody with tight, worn jeans that made her rounded ass cry to be touched by him.

He swallowed and opened the door, determined not to be a creep. “You look great. Let’s head out.”

Her dark eyes twinkled up at him as they went outside, as if she could tell what he was thinking and knew she drove him crazy.

Something was bothering him though. With her dark coloring and dark hair and eyes, she looked nothing like her nephew.

“So your sister, is she your real sister?”

Katrina shook her head. “I was wondering when you’d ask that. Me and my sister had the same mom but different dads. Hers was never around. Sometimes I wonder if that’s why she went looking for love in all the wrong places.”

“You never did tell me who she got involved with,” he said, hooking an elbow playfully through hers. He loved the feel of her skin, warm and soft against his.

Katrina didn’t answer, didn’t want to apparently. “So where are we going for lunch?”

Ares raised an eyebrow at her lack of response but then shook his head. “Just a little cafe down the way. They have great meatloaf.”

She wrinkled her nose, and he drew back in mock offense.

“You don’t like meatloaf?” he asked, aghast, with a hand over his chest dramatically.

“No,” she said. “I don’t really get what there is to like about it.”

“It’s a loaf of meat,” he said insistently, stopping her on the sidewalk to face her with folded arms. “A loaf. Of meat.”

“I’m aware of that,” she said lightly, trying to walk around him and giggling when he blocked her path with his huge body. “Maybe I don’t like my meat in loaves.”

He narrowed his eyes at her playfully. “You are a mystery, Katrina whatever-your-last-name-is. Wait, what is your last name?”

She pressed her lips together and shook her head.

“Okay,” he said, moving out of her way so they could walk again. He was hungry. Hungry for her, but meatloaf in the meantime would suffice. “But you still have to answer for not liking meatloaf.”

She shrugged. He liked how small she was compared to him, how rounded and soft. She’d look even more beautiful once he wiped that look of constant stress off her face.

“You know, Ares, you don’t make it easy to stay upset,” she said as they kept walking. “I mean, from the moment you stopped at my car, you’ve been making me break all my rules. I’m not supposed to smile like this.”

That made him frown. “Everyone’s supposed to smile sometimes. Why not you?”

“Because I have to be serious,” she said. “Because if I get distracted, if I turn my back—”

“Mac is safe with Maude, you know. I lived with her for a few years, growing up.”

“What do you mean?” she asked.

He waved a hand. “Just… never mind.”

“No, what?”

“I’m not going to be a downer just when I’ve put a smile back on your face. Let’s just say my childhood wasn’t typical. But it was great, and a lot of nice people helped me out. I’m still close to them today.”

She eyed him like she intended to ask more, brushed an errant lock of hair behind her ear, and kept walking.

“You’re going to try this meatloaf,” he said, pointing ahead to the shop at the end of the lane. “Best in the country I’d wager.”

“No,” she said. “I have no problem with meat, but I’ll have something else.”

“You’ll taste mine and you’ll wish you ordered it,” he said as he reached the cafe and opened the door for her.

She walked in and he entered behind her. The clean, spacious white interior was air-conditioned and cool. There was a counter up front with stools upholstered in red and booths to the side with black tables and red cushions on the benches. He led Katrina to one and then headed up front to ring a bell.

A matronly woman with red hair came out of the back and her freckled face lit up when she saw Ares. “Justin!” she said, then frowned. “I mean Ares. What can I get you today?”

He flinched, hoping Katrina hadn’t heard that. “Hi, Belle. We’re getting takeout today, for us and Maude, and a little kid as well.”

The woman leaned over the counter to see Katrina in the booth. “Ooh, Ares. You found a girl. It’s about time!”

He felt his ears grow red. “She broke down on the side of the road. She’s staying with Maude until she gets the car fixed.”

Belle slapped his arm, giving him a wry wink. “You opportunist. Not that I blame you. She’s gorgeous.” She waved at Katrina. “You’re gorgeous!”

“Um, thank you,” Katrina said, looking like she didn’t know how to respond and tucking her dark hair behind her ear once again.

When she did that, Ares wanted to see it all splayed out on the bed behind her, her face flushed, her body naked.

“You look at a girl like that, you better have a wedding ring picked out,” Belle muttered.

Ares grinned and opened the menu to pick out something. His phone buzzed, and he pulled it out to see a text from Maude.

Mac is asleep. I already ate. Why don’t you do something fun with Katrina? That poor girl deserves a break.

Ares rolled his eyes. Of course all of his surrogate moms would be trying to hook him up.

But at least this time he had no reason to avoid their suggestions. This was his mate. He’d take any help he could get winning her over. If only he could get her in bed. Bear shifters were great at capturing their mates there.

“That was Maude,” he told Belle, who was looking at him curiously. “Looks like it’s just me and Katrina. I’ll take these menus over.”

Belle’s grin widened and she rested her elbows on the counter, watching as he walked back to Kat.

He sighed in Belle’s direction. “Don’t you have something to cook?”

She laughed and went into the back with a swish of her hips. “I’ll be back when you’re ready to order, darlings!”

Kat looked at him with raised eyebrows, like she was waiting for him to explain.

“We’ve got some characters around here,” he said. “But they’re good people, some of the best you’ll ever meet.”

“They’ve already been nicer to me than anyone else in my life,” she said quietly.

Again, something inside him got really angry for her. But he stifled it. Right now he just needed to focus on making her as happy as possible.

He handed her a menu. “So it’s just us for now. Mac is down for a nap and Maude already ate.” He set aside his menu. “I already know what I’m getting.”

“Of course,” she said, reading through it. “I’ll get the chicken pot pie.”

He wrinkled his nose. “Pies shouldn’t be made of chicken.”

“You eat your meat and I’ll eat mine,” she said, closing the menu so he could take both back to Belle. He placed the order and then came back down to sit beside her.

She seemed nervous still.

“What’s bothering you?” he asked. “Is the man chasing you really that dangerous? You should be assured he can’t find you. Even if he found your car, no one in town knows where you’re staying.”

“You didn’t give the mechanic my address?” she asked.

“No, of course not,” he said. “I trust Bill, but he isn’t paranoid like I am. Even before Mac said something, I knew you were on the run. Who else looks so panicked about a ride into town and a free place to sleep.”

She nodded, looking embarrassed.

He reached out a calloused hand to tilt her chin to meet his stare. “Look at me. You have nothing to be ashamed about. The only one who should be ashamed is the man who made a wonderful woman and an adorable child feel fear. And I’m going to make him more than ashamed if he ever comes for you.”

“He’s coming,” she said. “But you’re right. It’ll take time. It’s just that I’d hoped to get where we’re settling quickly. Hoped to be safe.”

“Would anywhere really be safe?” he asked. “Or is it maybe a good thing that you broke down with people who can help you?”

“You can’t help me,” she said. “He’s too powerful. But I’d rather not talk about it now. You’re right. I’m safe for now. So let’s talk about you.” Her full lips curved up at the corners. “I want to know more about you.”

“Like what I do for a living?” he asked.

“You already told me,” she said. “You work in construction.”

“Ah, so I did,” he said.

Just then Belle came with their food. She delivered it, clucked at both of them to clean their plates, put a hand on Katrina’s shoulder to give her a squeeze, and then went back to the back of her bakery.

Katrina bowed her head before eating, and Ares did the same. Then he picked up his fork and jabbed it into his meatloaf, taking a huge bite. He smiled as he chewed, watching Katrina cut a dainty corner out of her steaming hot pie.

His world seemed to move in slow motion as she brought the bite up to her mouth and slowly savored it. Her eyes closing, long lashes fanning out. Her mouth moving in exaggerated rapture.

Damn, once she was his woman, he’d never stop feeding her.

It didn’t hurt that he liked his women curvy, and Katrina was built to stop traffic and would be even more so with a little home cooking.

He forced himself to eat his meatloaf, trying to ignore the little moans of pleasure she made as she cut more and more into her dish.

She caught him watching her and waved her hand in embarrassment. “I’m sorry. It’s just been so long since we had something like this.” She looked around. “I need to take some home to Mac.”

He put a hand over hers and gently guided it and the fork back to her pie. “No, you need to eat. We can order more to go… or walk down here three times a day if you want.”

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