Beyond the Sea (38 page)

Read Beyond the Sea Online

Authors: Keira Andrews

Tags: #gay, #lgbt, #bisexual, #Contemporary, #gay romance, #rock star, #mm romance, #desert island, #gay for you, #out for you

BOOK: Beyond the Sea
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I see why you like the ritual.”

Mmm.” Brian wiped his palm across the steamed mirror, turning his head and pursing his lips as he lathered his face. “You like watching?”

Troy was tempted to leer and make a sex joke, but instead he simply answered, “I do.” He was sprawled on the white leather chair in the corner of the bathroom with a plush towel around his waist.

Brian had shaved him first, all gentle hands and stolen kisses, and now he stood naked by the sink, whirling the brush in a new bowl of shaving soap. “I used to watch my grandfather. It was a little more cramped in our bathroom, but I squeezed in and sat on the tub. He’d talk about…I don’t know. Whatever was on his mind, I guess.”

Sounds relaxing.” Troy brushed his hand over his smooth chin. “I like the lime soap. Smells good.”

I thought a change was in order. Had enough of coconut for a while.”

Laughing, Troy nodded. “Fish, coconut, papaya, and breadfruit are off the menu. Not that we really get breadfruit here, but still. It’s on notice. Speaking of food, are you starving? I’m starving.”

Now that you mention it, I am.” Brian ran the straight razor over his face in a practiced motion. “It made me a little sick at first to eat different kinds of food, but I’m ravenous today.” He smiled wryly. “Guess that also has something to do with a huge load of stress being relieved.”

Me too. I have a bunch of leftovers. Had pizza and beer delivered last night and could hardly eat it.” Troy grinned. “Feeling a lot better this morning. For reasons.”

When Brian was finished shaving, Troy ditched his towel and led the way downstairs, their bare feet slapping on the dark hardwood. Brian whistled softly.

This is some house you’ve got.”

Troy glanced around at the open kitchen with a wide quartz-topped island in the middle. A dining room they’d hardly ever used was off to one side, a living area with huge TV and wrap-around couch on the other. “I guess it is, huh? Ty and I have barely been here the past year.”

Brian stood by the floor-to-ceiling windows that made up the whole side of the house on the first floor, looking out over the wooden deck and the water beyond. Stairs led down to the strip of beach.

Incredible view,” Brian said.

Troy’s gaze lingered on Brian’s bare ass, pale compared to the rest of his skin. “Mmm-hmm,” he agreed. Thinking of how he’d licked that ass not long ago, his body tingled anew. He’d always liked going down on girls, but being in love made everything with Brian so much more intense.

I’m in love. I really am.

Brian looked over his shoulder. “That’s quite a giddy grin.” He waggled his eyebrows. “Glad you like the view.”

Oh yes. Only the best here at the Gates of Malibu.”

So I see.” Brian joined Troy by the fridge and kissed him. “Is there any ice cream?”

We’ll order groceries. Pralines and cream, right?”

Pralines and cream, mint chocolate—” He frowned. “Was that…?”

Through the hazy fog of satisfaction, Troy registered that the front door had opened and closed. And that those were quick little footsteps coming toward them, which meant—

Bongbong? Are you up yet, lazybones?”

He and Brian sprang apart as Troy’s mother bustled in wearing capri pants and a floral shirt, her feet clad in the slippers she kept in the front hall. Her eyes widened comically, blinking back and forth between them, and then down. Brian shuffled behind the end of the island.

Someone had to break the silence, and Troy managed to croak out, “Mom. I didn’t know you were coming over.”

Obviously. Mr. Sinclair, I didn’t expect to see you.” She waved her hand in his direction. “Especially not so much.”

Brian waved awkwardly. “Hello, Mrs. Tanner.”

You can call me Bea. Seems like formality has gone out the windows here.” She hoisted a canvas bag onto the island. “I brought food. I’ll go now.”

No, don’t go.” Troy glanced at Brian. “We’ll just…get dressed. Be back in a minute.” He went the long way around the island to collect Brian, and they scurried out of the kitchen and up the stairs.

In Troy’s room, Brian shook his head. “Oh my God, I feel like a busted teenager,” he whispered.

I know, I’m sorry. It’s my mom’s specialty, making grown adults feel like naughty kids.” He opened a drawer and yanked on underwear and shorts. “Holy shit. I wasn’t planning on having this conversation today, but I guess I might as well get it over with.”

Do you want me to be there?” Brian zipped up his own shorts and pulled on a T-shirt.

Maybe you can go for a little walk, and I’ll talk to her alone first.”

Sure. Wait, will the media be out there? Don’t really want to deal with them today. Or ever, but especially not right now.”

No, don’t worry. It’s a private beach a mile in each direction. The security here’s great. They even managed to restrict the airspace, so no paps in choppers, and they patrol the water.”

Wow. That’s a relief. Okay, I’ll head out.”

Wait. You need a hat.”

Sadness flickered over Brian’s face. “Can I borrow one? Still have to buy a replacement.”

Actually…” Troy picked up a cardboard box from the top of his dresser. “It came yesterday. I ordered it online. Wasn’t sure how to send it to you, but…well, here you are.” He’d opened the box the night before and run his fingers over the seams of the hat before placing it back inside. He pulled it out now. “It’s not exactly the same, but I think it’s close?”

Brian carefully took hold of the fabric as if it might break. He stared at the hat in his hands.

Um, if you don’t like it, I can send it back. It’s probably all wrong.”

No.” Brian cleared his throat. “It’s just right.” After a shuddering breath, he put it on. “How does it look?”

Troy nodded and echoed, “Just right.”

With a little smile, Brian wrapped Troy in a tight hug. “Thank you, sweetheart.”

Heart tripping, Troy squeezed him. “You’re welcome.” He didn’t want to let go, but his mother was waiting.

Brian stepped back and raised an eyebrow. “Bongbong?”

Troy had to laugh. “It’s a Filipino thing. I’ll explain later.”

Brian left for his walk with an awkward little wave downstairs, and Troy faced his mom over the island. She hadn’t seemed to have moved, still standing there with the canvas bag unpacked. The fridge hummed, and the AC came on with a faint
He tried to think of the right thing to say.

Of course she broke the silence first, her arms folded over her chest. “You two are what? A couple?”

Yes.” Troy’s voice sounded distant.

Her face creased in confusion and hurt. “All these years you’ve lied? Pretended with girls?”

No! I wasn’t pretending. I liked those girls. I did. But now…”

Now you’re homosexual?”

I think bisexual is a better word. I liked the girls I dated, and now I like Brian. I love him, actually.”

Her eyebrows shot up, almost disappearing under her short curls. “Love?” She seemed to ponder it. “And this man loves you?”

He does. I know it must seem crazy. He’s never been with a guy before either. But together on that island, it was us against the world, and I’ve never felt so close to someone. Never trusted anyone like I trust him. You know what I mean?”

Hmm.” She was silent for a few moments. “I can see this happening in your situation. Stuck together. But now you’re home. Now you can have girls again.”

I know. But I want him.”

She frowned. “You don’t like girls anymore?”

It’s not that.” Troy cast about for the right way to put it into words. “It’s that I like him more. The most. When we were rescued, I was happy. Relieved, of course. But at the same time, I wanted to stay there with him. I didn’t want that part to end.”

And you have the sex?”

Mom!” His face was so hot he must have been bright red. Troy nodded.

Hmm.” She started unpacking the canvas bag of Tupperware dishes. “Well, if you are happy, I’m happy.”

He gripped the side of the counter, barely breathing. “Really?”

Of course, Bongbong.”

Just like that?”

She raised her hands. “What else do you want me to do? You’re my son. Your happiness is the same as mine.”

Thank you. Mom, I… You know how much I love you, right?”

Clucking her tongue, she came around the island and hugged him hard. She barely reached his shoulder, and he ducked his head against hers. “I know, Bongbong. You were always such a good boy.”

Tears stung his eyes, and he blinked rapidly as they separated. “How do you think the family will take it? I told Ty, and he’s cool.”

They will take it how I tell them to. That’s that.”

He had to laugh. His mother was the oldest sister and incredibly bossy, but his aunties never seemed to mind. He wondered why his father was the only person she’d never tried to run roughshod over. Maybe he’d ask sometime. But not today.

She opened the fridge and peered inside with a disapproving expression. “Other people will be very surprised, and the clickers will go crazy, but to heck with them.” She closed the door and turned to him. “Oh, but have you told Savannah? I know you don’t want her now, but she’s a good girl. She shouldn’t read about it on the TMZ.”

Troy nodded, his belly churning at the thought of Savannah finding out from someone else. “I’ll call her later today.”

Okay.” Hands on her hips, his mother said, “So, this Brian Sinclair. He is a nice man. ‘Superman.’ Very brave. Very handsome, as I see for myself. Big balls, eh?”


She cackled and came close to pat his cheek. “I just want to see how red you can go.”

He pulled her close again. “I love you.”

I love you too.” She leaned back a little. “But you know it hasn’t been long, Bongbong. You and he might find this fades once life goes back to normal.”

The thought made Troy ache to his bones. “I guess we’ll see what happens. For now I just want to be with him.”

She nodded decisively. “Then that’s what you’ll do. You both need to put on some pounds, so fetch him while I heat this all up. Will he like kare-kare? Of course he will. It’s delicious.”

With relief coursing through him like sunshine, Troy went outside and called to Brian, who returned with an apprehensive expression under the brim of his new hat. Troy smiled widely and nodded, and Brian’s shoulders lowered.

They sat on stools around the island, and Brian did indeed like the kare-kare, as well as the chicken adobo and sinigang. Troy’s mother asked a million questions about Brian’s childhood, and when Troy tried to intervene, Brian insisted he was happy to answer.

Troy waited nervously for her to ask about flying, but she didn’t. She didn’t ask about the band either, and when she announced she had errands to run, he kissed her cheek and told her again that he loved her.

So.” Brian looked around after she’d gone. “What do we do now?”

Anything we want. Everything we want.”

A sly smile tugged on Brian’s lips, and he unzipped his shorts. “I’m pretty tired. Ready to go back to bed.”

Troy yawned widely. “Yup. Better get back upstairs.”

They practically ran.

Soon, they were naked in Troy’s bed, the sun through the closed doors warm and perfect, cool air coming through the vents. Troy knelt between Brian’s legs, pressing his thighs apart and sucking his big, heavy balls, nosing at the thatch of coarse hair. With slick fingers, he inched in one, then two.

Panting and splayed wonderfully, Brian groaned. “Jesus, that feels…”

Hesitating, Troy asked, “Is it good? Do you want me to stop?”

Don’t you dare stop.” He gasped. “Oh God. Right there.”

Troy didn’t stop.

With Brian’s long legs hooked over his shoulders, Troy pushed into him. It was so incredibly tight, and he kissed Brian deeply. He knew how it felt to have Brian’s cock inside him, and that Brian was feeling the same thing now made Troy inexplicably elated.

He could hardly keep the smile from his face. Sweat beaded at his brow and prickled the back of his neck. “That’s it, Bri. Let me in.”

Squeezing his eyes shut, Brian bore down on Troy’s cock, and they moaned in unison. “Never knew it could be like this,” Brian murmured. “Hurts, but don’t stop.”

You’re going to come so hard.” Troy wrapped his slick hand around Brian’s shaft. “Do you want that?”

Opening his eyes, Brian nodded jerkily. “I want to come. Please.”

Troy stroked faster, trying to find Brian’s sweet spot as he fucked him. They grunted, skin slapping and the headboard creaking against the wall.

Troy muttered, “Going to come for me all over that hairy chest?”

Yes, yes,” Brian panted, clutching at Troy’s back and shoulders. “

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