Beyond Christmas (Corrupt Chaos MC #1.5) (5 page)

BOOK: Beyond Christmas (Corrupt Chaos MC #1.5)
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Lachlan rumbles in his throat and lifts me a little higher until I’m forced to hook my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist.

Starved, I go mad and grind my clit against him like a bitch in heat. Moans funnel from my throat and pass my lips, straight into our brutal kiss. He grips both of my cheeks with his fingers and digs them in, before he slides a finger through my crack and into my wetness.

“Aye,” Lachlan groans to my mouth, tortuously gliding a finger into me. I shudder at the sensation. Moaning, I undulate my hips, seeking more—needing more—willing to beg for more.

Back, back, back, Lachlan stumbles, his finger gently pumping in and out of my pussy. Then, he drops onto the couch and I gasp, severing our kiss as his thick finger bottoms out.

Maneuvering to gain leverage, I straddle my fiancé, my knees pressed into the cushions of the couch, and I fuck his digit for all it’s worth. Roughly, I bounce, my nipples brushing his hard chest, making them throb.

Suddenly, he tugs his finger away, and before I can complain, he replaces it with his wet cock. With a satisfied groan, I slide to its base, feeling that remarkable stretch.

“That’s it,” he rasps, cupping my breast and sucking my rigid bud into his mouth.

I lose myself in him. Everything amplifies, making me acutely aware of his searing lips tugging in hard pulls. His goatee scraping my skin. The way his cock hits deep, forcing a moan to belt from my lungs.

Arching my back, I heave my chest upward as I ride him, making him suck harder. Up, I move until his dick is just inside. Then I clench around the tip, feeling it twitch before slamming back down on his glorious length. He purrs a lecherous groan of appreciation, swirling his tongue around my nipple. I do it again and am rewarded with the same sound.

Lost in pleasure, I impale myself on his dick, over and over. Sounds I didn’t know I could make fall from my lips, and he sucks harder, thrusting his hips to meet my downward strokes. My eyes lose focus, as my labored breathing and moans come in staccato notes. Sweat drips down the sides of my cheeks. My breasts bounce in his hands. He grasps them both, swapping from one to the other, teasing and taunting me with his nibbles and expert ministrations. Rocking my hips, I grind my clit as I fuck his iron perfection.

Oh … yes…

My insides burning hotter, molten ecstasy spills into my veins, traveling through my arms and legs, only stopping long enough to churn at my core. My stomach tenses and a spark of consuming elation ignites between my thighs. Everything coils tighter as I dig my nails into his shoulders, feeling the muscles protest under my strength.

This is it … yes … I’m gonna…

“Come for me,” Lachlan demands, thrusting into me so hard that I see stars before everything shatters. Throwing my head back, I scream my release as my pussy clamps around him. He drops my breasts to grab my hips.

With brute force, Lachlan hammers into me, our skin slapping as he forces another crescendo of bliss to wash through me, catapulting me off the ledge. Unable to control myself, I wail in ecstasy, again and again, as orgasm after orgasm peaks and fizzles into oblivion, only to crest again. My brain turning to sated mush, I shudder in uncontrollable pleasure. The world becomes nothing, and all I can feel is him, hear his feral growls, and experience his pleasure mixing with the whirlwind of mine.

“I’m—” Lachlan stills, leaving me a moment’s rest before he spills his seed into my depths while rumbling my name.

Releasing a sigh, I collapse, becoming boneless. My head drops like a leaded weight on his shoulder.

“Whoa,” I breathe, my damp chest sticking to his as it heaves to regulate.

That was one of the best, if not the best sex I’ve ever had. Every part of me tingles in relaxed bliss. Even my eyeballs and tips of my toes are satisfied.

I turn my head to nuzzle his neck. “Thank … you … for that.”

Lachlan runs his hands up and down my damp back. “Fuck, I never thought sex could feel any better with ye. Then it does.” He pauses a beat to inhale deeply and release it slowly, his stomach quivering. “Bloody hell, ye’re gonna kill me.”

“I hope not.” I chuckle lightly, too exhausted to make much noise. “I’d love to keep ya around for another thirty years or more.” I kiss his neck, running my tongue in tiny circles, savoring the saltiness that bathes my taste buds.

“I think we need tae get washed up. We’ve got a long day ahead … Oh, and Merry Christmas, my leannan.” He squeezes me in a brief hug.

“I already took a bath,” I remind, before adding, “Merry Christmas to you, too,” as I hug him in return.

“Aye, but I just dirtied ye up. I need tae wash ye again.”

Well, who could argue with that? Surely not me.

“Whatever you bloody wish.” I giggle and kiss his neck once more.

Shifting uncomfortably, he groans as his fingers dig into my butt in warning. “If ye keep doin’ that, I’m gonna have tae go another round.”

I do it again out of spite. In response, his cock twitches against my pussy and I swivel my hips to tease him.

Fire explodes from my bottom as he spanks me so hard that I shoot upright and mock glare at him, crossing my arms over my chest. “Hey! Don’t spank me.”

He does it again, grinning devilishly. It stings something fierce and I truly glare at him this time.

“That’s not very nice.”

“Neither is my fiancée, tryin’ tae kill an old man when he just got done havin’ sex with her.”

I roll my eyes at that one, even though I’m smiling like a dork on the inside for him calling me his fiancée. “You’re not old,” I contend.

“A lot older than ye.”

“Well, then, old man, pick up your fiancée and let’s take a bath. I would like to wash you, too.”

He shakes his head, still grinning, as his fingers draw lazy circles over my burning backside. It dulls the ache. “Na way, Lassie. Puttin’ ye in the bath will end us up in trouble. Time tae shower, where I can at least keep my hands off ye half the bloody time. Aye?”

“Yes, bossy butt.” I quickly peck his lips, then meet his gaze. “If you want to shower, then I suppose I gotta give that to you. But after Whisky’s, we’re making use of our bed.”

“Deal.” His lips meet mine and kisses me ravenously until I’m left dizzy and ready for round two.

With my head still swimming, he carries me to the bathroom and sets me on the countertop to cool down as he readies the shower for us both.

Looks like it’s time to wash so I can show my fiancée off to his family. Ekkk! I can’t believe how wonderful today has been.

Merry Christmas to me and you and the whole flippin’ world!

Now I gotta shower with my man.

C’ya soon.



“Oh, my, fucking shit! Let me see that rock!” Whisky squeals, sprinting over and grabbing my hand as soon as Lachlan and I walk through the clubhouse’s barn doors. In her iron grip, she drags me over to the small group of women, who are tending to the tables littered with fresh food. Even those are festive, covered in Christmas print cloths.

Whisky holds up my hand, allowing Penny, Bridget, Rosie, and Fawn to admire the beautiful thing. I get a little squeamish being under their appraisal, but their genuine smiles and coos of delight simmer my nerves.

“It looks even better on!” Bridget claps, bouncing on her heels, and smiling so huge I should probably shield my eyes.

“Who knew he had this?”

“Out of us? Just Pip and I. He told us in October he was thinkin’ about proposing. But he didn’t let me see the ring. Only Pip got to inspect it,” Whisky explains, bumping her shoulder to mine with glee. “You’re gonna be my sister-in-law,” she beams, and I beam right back.

“Aye, she is,” my beloved intrudes, joining our little girl circle, along with Cas, who slides between Fawn and Bridget, throwing his arms over their shoulders. Once again, he makes Bridget uncomfortable, but she tolerates him. Lachlan’s arms fold around my middle, his warmth and scent enveloping me. I sigh.

“So are you two gonna have kids?” Penny asks.

“No!” I blurt at the same time Lachlan says, “Aye.”

I peer at him over my shoulder, my brows pinched in trepidation. “We’re having children?”

His own face is serious. “We’re not?”

“You want more kids?” I can’t believe we are having this conversation right here, right now. I don’t think it’s the proper place, but I guess it’s gonna happen whether I want it to or not.

He jerks a nod. “Aye, I want more kids. Pip and I already talked aboot it. She doesn’t care. I think she’d even be happy tae have a couple little brothers and sisters.”

Whoa! What?! He must have really thought a lot about this if he talked to Bridget ahead of time. How is it he has our future all planned out, and I don’t even get a say in it? Do I love children? Yes, of course. However, I’m in my thirties and Lachlan’s in his forties. I know some people are okay with being parents late in life. Not me. I want to enjoy him and our life with Bridget. Then, when the time comes, we’ll have grandchildren. That’s all I need—him and her. That’s what matters. Not more children. Not when he’ll be in his sixties before they even graduate from high school.

Spinning around, I cup his jaw with my hand, running my thumb over the apple of his cheek. “I don’t want children, Lachlan. I just want you, Bridget, and our family like it is. I want us to grow old together, have Pirate, and then when Bridget has kids, we’ll have grandbabies. But, we’re not young anymore and I’m happy with our family the way it is.”

His face deflates, frowning. I want to cry. “Ye dinnae want a baby with me?”

Oh, no, not those weepy eyes. I can’t stand those weepy teal eyes. “If our lives were different, then yes. But I just want us. We’ll get married—”

“On New Year’s,” he cuts me off, and my eyes morph into saucers.

How did we not talk about this before? Today, we were too engrossed in our little love bubble of us washing each other in the shower, and him helping me cook meatloaf. After, he put me on the kitchen counter and gave me three orgasms with his mouth. Then, we freshened up and made out like horny teenagers on the couch while the meatloaf cooked. Once it was finished, we headed over here with the food and a load of presents. We didn’t spend any of the time talking about the important things. Maybe we should have discussed this before.

“We’ll leave you two to confer.” Whisky pats me on the shoulder and the group disperses.

Briefly, I rake our surroundings before returning my attention to Lachlan. There’s an enormous Christmas tree in the middle of the barn that nearly touches the ceiling. It’s decorated with huge ornaments and lights. Little heaters are chugging hot air into the room to keep us toasty, and the smell of the food is making my mouth water. From the looks of it, all of the men are here, wearing their vests and drinking beer. It’s just like the club parties, but there are more family members in attendance. Even Whisky and Sniper’s boys have come out to party.

“We really shouldn’t be talking about this here.” I gesture to the room, hoping to delay this discussion until later.

“Ye dinnae wanna marry me on New Year’s?” He changes the subject back to the one I am dying to stay away from. My stomach balls into a knot.

“No, I don’t.” I’m honest with him because it’s the truth. Lachlan rears back like I’ve slapped him, so I continue, praying to defuse the situation. “I would like to marry you on the same day you saved me. It’s kind of our anniversary of sorts, and it just makes sense to do it that way. Plus, it’ll give me enough time to plan it with Whisky and Bridget.”

Cheesy rice, I can’t believe I admitted that. It’s something I might have dreamt of a time or two. Never something I thought I’d ever be able to say aloud to anyone, especially him. Guess the cat’s outta the bag now.

Lachlan’s sour face melts into one of brilliant elation, and he rewards me another one of those rare smiles. Twice in one day has to be a record or something. Hugging him around his waist, I nuzzle my nose between the flaps of his vest, to his shirt-clad pec. My stomach flutters at the amazing feeling of being here with him, touching him, loving him. And to think: just months ago, I couldn’t let him touch me. Now, I’m an addict.

“I can give ye that, my leannan.” He embraces me in return, holding on tight. “And if ye dinnae want kids, then we’ll be bloody grandparents in twenty years when Pip gives us a grandbaby.”

I hate to tell him that the poor lad is probably gonna be a grandpa sooner, but I don’t wanna spoil his content mood. “Okay, sweetheart; thank you. Now, let’s go mingle with our family.”

Breaking away, I lift to my tippy toes to kiss him on the lips. Not satisfied, he grabs my butt, hooks my leg over his hip, and slips his tongue into my mouth. Hot and heavy, we toy with each other until we’re left breathless and his cock is rock-solid under his kilt.

Tearing my mouth from his with a gasp, my lips throb with the beat of my heart. Reaching down, I grasp his thickness in my palm. He groans with need, slapping my hand away. I let it fall to my side, grinning wickedly at him.

“I cannae let ye do that here, lassie. Ye wanna play, we do that at home,” he says, sampling his bottom lip, as his eyes roam over me like a thousand little fingers ghosting over my curves. “But, we can go home if ye want,” he adds, and I shiver, throttling a moan as I squeeze my thighs together to dull the ache that’s started there.

“Oh, no you don’t! Sniper and I make out all the time and do dirty shit, but we never leave. It’s Christmas. You are not going anywhere,” Whisky admonishes, moving toward us and linking her arm with mine. “Plus, Bonez just got here. You can play with your fiancée later. She’s mine for now.” She shoos Lachlan with a swat on his butt. Chuckling, he kisses me quickly on the lips before rolling his eyes at his sister and sauntering off.

Whisky turns to me. “I think it’s time to play nice with Bonez.”

Crap, I guess so…

Suppose I forgot to mention that I haven’t spoken to Bonez much since the wrapping party. We exchanged a few texts here and there. I’m not upset with him, I just dunno what to say. I mean, every time I picture his face, all I can hear is him ordering Penny—who’s standing right over there with her husband, talking with Bonez—to “Take that dick deep, baby. Yes, just like that. Fuck her harder, Gunz. Make her squeal.” Then she squealed and I knew it was because of Bonez and his directives. There are just some things you can’t unsee or unhear. Your hunky best friend that smuggles a grapefruit in his pants, is supposed to be your best friend. You shouldn’t know what he sounds like having sex … or listen to a woman begging for his big dick. I know it’s above average, because it’s impossible to ignore when he wears black slacks like he’s doing right now. It’s there—the pink elephant in the room. Fudge, it’s probably as big as an elephant. And no, I’m not admiring it. I love Lachlan and his. But, seeing a bulge like that is like seeing a woman with huge headlights—it’s impossible to overlook. It’s just kinda there, like
look at me…

I’m talking about this too much, aren’t I? Shooty shootster, I am…

See, I’m super nervous as Whisky drags me over to their little group. The group with the woman’s husband. The husband who has to know his wife was being fucked by that grapefruit smuggling best friend of mine. Sheesh … I need to take a breather … I think I might actually have a panic attack, or worse, say something I shouldn’t.

We sidle up to their group and Bonez smiles my way, then frowns. “Maggie, are you okay?” he asks and I bob my head.

“Yep. Sure. Never better,” I lie, swapping my attention to Penny and her husband. She looks friggin amazing in a slouchy red sweater and jeans today. She even has makeup on that makes her even sexier. I didn’t even know that was possible.

“Hi, I’m Mags.” I offer my hand to her husband. It’s trembling when a fellow Carolina Rose, water drinking hunk, takes it into his and bends to kiss it. Crimson burns at my cheeks at his sentiment and Bonez chuckles.

“She doesn’t handle attention very well, Mikey.”

“I can see that.” His amused eyes meet mine, and with my hand still folded with his, he pulls me to him, forcing me into a friendly hug. I go stiff, not reciprocating. “You should get used to the attention, Maggie,” he whispers to my ear as I inhale a deep, anxiety-laden breath, instantly getting a head full of his intoxicating cologne.


My brain swims as he tacks on, “You’re simply delicious … Bonez has told me a lot about you,” before releasing me. Shaking my head to clear it, I find myself trying to stay upright on wobbly legs. Um … yikes … he’s smooth and good looking. Tall, lean, with a goatee and black hair with little flecks of gray sprinkled throughout. Heck, he’s even impeccably dressed. Everything about him screams

Standing next to me, Bonez throws his arm over my shoulder, tucking me to his side. I use him for support to regather my barrings.

“I’ll be right back,” Whisky comments and I peer over my shoulder to watch her greet Thor and his girlfriend who just walked in.

Yes, Thor; you heard me correctly. Here’s the basic lowdown on that front. After a few weeks in the hospital, and a lot of soul searching on his and Lachlan’s part, they’ve come to some sort of truce. Pretty sure his messed up face is what fixed their problem. He’s not as pretty as he used to be. His blond hair is longer now, but his face is marred and scarred from Lachlan’s onslaught. He ended up apologizing to Lachlan a couple weeks after he left the hospital, and they’ve mended fences enough to be on an even keel. At least my man doesn’t wanna kick the crap outta him anymore. And Thor didn’t get voted outta the club, even though Cas pushed to see the sucker gone. Lachlan told me that justice had been served and he was giving him one final shot. Guess it’s worked, since Thor now has a girlfriend and seems to be less of a player than before. Looks like Lachlan knocked some sense into him. It did him some good.

“Maggie.” Bonez jostles my shoulder.

I turn my head back around. “Huh?”

“Mikey was just asking how you like Carolina Rose?”

Oh … right…

I regard Penny’s husband. “I like it a lot. Better than where I grew up in Kansas. But I guess home is where the heart is, right?”

“I couldn’t agree more.” He smiles and Bonez gives me a little hug before we lapse into a casual conversation about Mikey’s job and Bonez’s, too. The jargon they use is the kind that makes me want to jam hot pokers in my ears. However, I remain polite and listen to them ramble. Penny and I share a knowing glance now and again, grinning at one another.

Briefly, Lachlan makes an appearance to say hello and give me a kiss, before joining Cas and Sniper in some sort of drinking game. One that forces a losing Sniper to wear a ring of plastic holly around his junk and run around the Christmas tree five times. I stare at his head as he sprints, not wanting to get a glimpse of his dick. It’s all in good fun, though, and everyone has a good laugh. Pretty sure Whisky also shot some lewd pictures with her phone.

“I don’t know why he tries to beat Smoke. Every year he kicks his ass,” Bonez remarks.

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