Between Us (The Renegade Saints #3) (19 page)

BOOK: Between Us (The Renegade Saints #3)
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Wanting it to last, I slow the kiss down, making it slower and more sensual. She lets out a noise of approval as she hugs me tighter. Our tongues slide against each other as we take our time to savor the moment. Lifting my hands, I cup her face gently and give her everything I’ve got.

Minutes—or hell, maybe hours—later, I pull back and begin dropping kisses along the side of her face, then down her jaw and onto her neck. I lick a path from neck to jaw and back again, giving her little love bites along the way. The way she rubs against me tells me all I need to know about how much she enjoys it. When I’m finished with one side of her, I move to the other, giving it the same treatment.

She’s so far gone, she doesn’t even notice when I lift her up and lay her down on the couch, coming to lie over her. She lets out a sigh that turns into a moan when I slide my fingers under her tank top and start tracing her stomach.

I slow the kiss down more, nibbling on her lower lip and then tracing it with my tongue. I growl low in my throat when she gently bites my lower lip and then sucks at it before kissing it softly when she lets go.

“Where’s your bedroom?” I ask.

“End of the hall on the right,” she murmurs.

As soon as I’m on my feet I bend over and lift her up. She lets out a choked laugh and wiggles against me.

“Put me down,” she giggles. “I’m too heavy!”

“Don’t say that shit again,” I tell her firmly. “You’re fuckin’ perfect.”

She half laughs, half snorts. “Sure,” she laughs. “Sooo perfect.”

I stride through her open bedroom door with purpose, tossing her gently onto the impeccably made bed.

“You’re perfect
to me
,” I stress. “Not a thing about you I would change, Devon. Anyone who’s ever told you otherwise was full of shit.”

“No one’s ever said anything,” she assures me. “Well, except my doctor. He says I could lose ten pounds.”

“It’s time to fire that fuckin’ quack,” I respond. “My dick doesn’t get hard for skeletal remains, and that’s what you’d be if you lost that amount of weight. You don’t need to lose shit, baby.”

She smiles up at me big like I’ve surprised her.

“I was wondering what your type was,” she admits. “Since you’re attracted to Ian, I figured the Abercrombie type worked for you, which meant you liking me was a surprise.”

Gripping the waistband of her yoga pants, I start shimmying them down her legs as I laugh.

“Didn’t want to fuck around with Ian because of his body, Dev. That’s not what I look for in a guy. I admit finding guys I thought were good looking, but mostly that was just to make it more enticing for the girls. I guess that sounds horrible,” I muse as I toss her yoga pants onto a chair across the room.

“It doesn’t sound terrible,” she assures me. “It sounds honest. It’s always okay to be truthful.”

I know there’s a huge grin on my face as my eyes rake over her body. She looks like a pinup in her pale pink satin bikini panties and white tank top. The hardened tips of her nipples show through ever so slightly and it’s making my dick throb.

“Truthfully, I want to fucking eat you alive,” I tell her.

“I’d love that,” she says as she smiles up at me.

I move to get onto the bed until she holds up her hand and stops me.

“But,” she continues, “I’d really like you to be naked first. I want to feel you,” she says huskily.

I start pulling my clothes off the second she says naked. By the time her sentence is finished, I’m pulling off my jeans and tossing them over to where her yoga pants are.

“Wow,” she says in a breathless voice. “You’re fast. And hard.”

I grin at her as I fist my rock hard cock.

“We like you,” I tell her.

“Oh, you do, huh?”

“Fuck yes,” I groan as I shuttle my hand up and down my shaft.

“Then show me,” she whimpers.

I’m on the bed in a heartbeat, straddling her sexy body. The tip of my cock lands dead center against her underwear, and we both let out moans when it does. I force myself not to move too fast, instead leaning in and biting her nipple through her tank top. She lets out a wail as I suck it into my mouth, biting and nibbling on it for several minutes. Her hands thread into my hair to hold me to her as I pay homage to first her right breast and then her left.

She whimpers and sighs at the start, but quickly starts moaning and arching against me as I work her over harder. Every time she moves, my dick rubs against her silk covered mound, which is like the best fucking torture of all time. I know I’m leaving a puddle of my pre-come on her underwear, and I don’t fucking care.

When I lift my head from her tits, I let out a groan. There are now two huge wet circles around each nipple, which lets me see just how hard they are, strained against the fabric like they’re trying to escape. Grabbing the hem of the shirt, I start shimmying it up her body. She arches her back to help, then lifts her head so I can pull it off. I toss it God only knows where before I descend on her like a starving man, lapping at her now naked breasts as she chants my name. I fucking love the way it sounds on her lips.

“Oh, God,” she wails. “Cole!”

I bite down hard on her right nipple before soothing it with my tongue, which causes her to start rocking against me desperately.

“I want to fuck your tits and paint them with my come,” I tell her.

“Do it,” she groans. “Fuck my tits.”

“After you fuck my face,” I answer.

I can’t even pretend to have patience at this point. Rolling onto my back, I pull her on top of me.

“Come sit up here and give me what I want,” I command.

I love that she doesn’t look uncomfortable with the instruction. Without hesitation, she straddles my head. Wrapping one arm around her waist, I pull her down on my face and bite her mound through her underwear, which causes her to let out a cry and buck on top of me. With my free hand, I push her panties aside and slide my tongue exactly where it needs to be.

I groan as the taste of her spreads across my tongue. I show my appreciation by deep kissing her clit, my tongue sliding around in her wetness as she grinds against my face. Desperation has me moving faster as I feel her arousal coating my face. I want this woman in every fucking way you can possibly imagine, and not fucking her is like torture. Quick licks are followed by hard pulls of her clit into my mouth.

I know she loves it because she’s calling my name like it’s a prayer and riding my face like she’s at a rodeo. I shift her a bit and plunge my tongue into her hole, which makes her scream. My nose rubs against her clit as she continues to fuck my face. Knowing she’s right there, I pull her down and suck her clit into my mouth, giving her one long and fast French kiss.

I smile when she screams my name and shudders against me, her legs squeezing my head as she comes. When she falls forward, I come out from under her and position her on her knees. I’m not here to go slow—no, tonight, I’m giving her everything I’ve got. She opens her mouth, expecting my cock, but that’s not what I’m giving her. Not yet.

Climbing behind her, I groan as I see her perfect fucking ass. Grabbing hold of each of her ass cheeks, I spread them apart and dive in, fucking her tight little cunt with my tongue as she cries out desperately. I lift my hands one at a time to smack down on her ass, which makes her crazy. Again and again, I spank her while I eat her from behind. She groans and thrusts back against me as her pussy thanks me by getting wetter and wetter. I grin when she starts coming apart again, her screams loud enough to wake any neighbor. I’d feel sorry for them if I wasn’t the one giving it to her so good.

I keep her clit in my mouth for most of her orgasm. When I detach, I move fast, licking up until I’m at her ass. She screeches as I rim her, the wetness from her arousal making everything slippery and hot.

“Cole,” she cries. “Cole, Cole!”

Sinking my tongue into her ass, I slide two fingers into her tight cunt and start thrusting them in time with my tongue.

“Please, fuck, Jesus,” she murmurs. “Oh my God!”

The sound of how wet I’ve made her is the best soundtrack of all time. I fuck her harder with my fingers as I wiggle my tongue. It’s like Christmas when she tenses all over and buries her face in a pillow. The scream she lets out as she comes is unreal. Her cunt tightens around my fingers and her arousal coats my hand as I fuck her hard, and she takes every bit of it.

I stop only when she’s finished coming and her body has gone mostly limp. Desperate to come, I roll her over and straddle her. Her face and chest are flushed, her hair is a mess and she’s trembling—but she’s never looked sexier.

“Fuck my tits,” she moans. “Come on me. Mark me.”

She pushes them together for me as I slide between them, the sweat from her orgasms the perfect amount of lube for me. I pinch at her nipples as I fuck her chest and then stick my fingers in her mouth so she can suck them.

“You like my tongue in your ass,” I growl.

Her eyes are wild as she nods. “Mm-hm,” she moans around my fingers.

“Soon, it’ll be my dick,” I assure her. “I’m going to fuck you so hard, everywhere. Every inch of you,” I groan.

I cry out when she bites down on my fingers—not hard enough to hurt, but enough for me to feel it everywhere. Looking down, I watch as her tits jiggle with each thrust of my cock.

“Devon,” I say harshly. “I’m coming!”

I heard angels singing the last time I came. This time, I hear Cheap Trick’s “The Flame”. I fuck her tits hard as spurt after spurt erupts from my dick, and she takes it all. When I’m finally spent, it takes all my energy to pull back and not fall over into a come coma. This woman wrecks me.

Pulling my fingers from her mouth, I rub them through the come on her chest and spread it all around her tits, marking her. When I get to her neck, she tilts her head back to allow me more access, and I let out a husky sound of approval.

After it’s all rubbed in, I lay next to her and settle my head onto her chest. I smile as her fingers run through my hair in a lazy fashion. We stay this way for a few minutes before I get up and announce I need to brush my teeth so I can kiss her before we fall asleep.

“You’re staying,” she asks huskily.

“If it’s okay with you, I am,” I tell her.

When she smiles and says she’d love that, I feel like a fucking king.


he sound of a ringing phone rouses me. I crack one eye open just in time to see Cole’s outstretched hand grab his cell from my nightstand.

“Hey Gram!”

I smile drowsily against his chest as I listen to the sound of his morning voice.

“Uh-huh,” he says. “Of course! I’m with Devon—yeah? Okay. Sounds good. Love you.”

The call over, he sets his cell back on the nightstand.

“You busy for the next few hours?”

I let out a yawn as I shake my head against his chest. “Nope.”

“Gram wants us to go over to her house for lunch and she’s making me brownies. Will you come with me?”

There’s no missing the excitement in his voice. I guess he was serious when he said her brownies are his favorite thing.

“I’d love to,” I say enthusiastically.

“I need to stop by my house for clean clothes. Maybe you should pack a bag so you can stay at my place tonight,” he says.

I’m glad my face is against his chest because it keeps him from being able to see the way my eyes go wide. He is really going for this—even if he doesn’t realize it yet.

“Sounds good,” I murmur. “I’ll drive my car and leave it at your house when you’re getting clean clothes.”

“My bad. I wasn’t thinking about how that would leave you carless,” he says. “Your plan works much better.”

“Stay tuned,” I joke, “’cause my plans normally do.”

He kisses my hair and chuckles. “We better get moving,” he murmurs.

Looking over his chest to the bedside table, I note the time is just after nine.

“She wants us for lunch,” I remind him. “There’s no rush.”

“I’m planning to eat something in the shower,” he says in a growly voice. “And that takes time. I like to get in there and really make sure I’m getting everything I can out of it.”

My core clenches and I feel myself getting wet. This man is going to destroy me. I came so hard last night, I thought I was going to implode. I bite my lip as I shiver against him.

BOOK: Between Us (The Renegade Saints #3)
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