Betting the Moon: Cannon Pack, Book 4 (12 page)

BOOK: Betting the Moon: Cannon Pack, Book 4
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Mike juggled his plate with one hand and popped a strawberry into his mouth. “Nope, but I’d sure like to.” He swallowed loudly, then paused to give Tucker the once-over. “Don’t tell me you two have hooked up. Dang, Tucker, you dog. Way to go.”

Was he so transparent that even Mike the Moron could see how he felt about Mari? “I didn’t say anything of the kind. I only said we were supposed to meet here, but I guess she’s taking longer than I thought to get ready.”

Mike shrugged and chewed on a piece of bacon while he talked. “You know women. They’re always getting hung up doing their makeup and primping their hair. My wife takes two hours to get ready. Can you believe it?”

Tucker did one last sweep of the interior. Still no luck. “Not Mari. She’s never late to a tournament, and I doubt she’d be late meeting me without calling.”

“Beats me, then. But hey, good luck at the table.” Mike lifted his plate in an awkward salute and ambled off toward the buffet.

Something’s not right.
The uneasy feeling started at the bottom of his neck and spread into his shoulders and spine. Turning on his heel, he strode from the room and headed toward the front desk.

The young woman behind the counter dragged her attention away from the computer monitor to give him a forced “yes may I help you?” smile. Once she’d seen who it was, however, her smile brightened, offering help in a more intimate way.

Tucker noted the name on her nametag. “Could you please ring Mari Thornton’s room, Dana?” He matched her, mega-wattage for mega-wattage.

“Certainly.” Dana barely took her eyes off him as she dialed the room number, then held the earpiece to her ear. He could hear the phone ring the first time, then continue to ring five more times. “She isn’t answering.”

Before Dana could put the phone down, Tucker caught her hand and squeezed, signaling his need. “Let it ring a little longer.” Although he could see that she thought it was useless, she returned the phone to her ear and waited another six rings.

He let out a pent-up breath. “Okay, you can hang up. Thanks.” Maybe Mari was in the elevator heading down to the dining room. He pivoted around and strode toward the elevator. Punching the
button, he waited for what seemed like an eternity. The doors finally opened, and two maids walked out, skirting around him but not interrupting their conversation.

“Shyla, we’re going to get caught using this elevator instead of the service one.” An older woman, her expression showing her fatigue, shifted the load of towels from one arm to the other.

“It’s just this one time so we can ask Dana about Ms. Thornton, Louise. I’m sure she was on the check-out list.” Shyla, a pretty African-American girl, shot him a smile, then frowned at Louise and hurried past him. “Besides, I want management to know this wasn’t our fault. I’m sick and tired of Martin getting the list screwed up. Who knew what could’ve happened when we walked into her room?”

Tucker spun on his heels and caught up with the maids. “Excuse me.”

Shyla’s eyes grew wide, but her surprise soon morphed into flirtation. “Yes, sir. May I help you?”

Was it his imagination or did her chest suddenly get bigger? He ignored the girl’s obvious attraction and centered his focus on Louise. “I didn’t mean to eavesdrop, but did you say you were in Ms. Thornton’s room?”

The come-hither look on Shyla’s face was lost in a mask of alarm. “Y-yes sir.” She hurried on to cover her tail. “She’s on our list as having checked out early this morning, but when we went in to clean the room, we could tell she hadn’t checked out. Uh, I mean, we knocked and all first, of course, and no one answered so we let ourselves in. The bed didn’t need to be made, but her clothes and toiletries were still there. We didn’t do anything wrong.”

“I’m sure you didn’t. Don’t worry. You’re not in trouble.” He tried to control his nerves so he could help the girl relax. “You see, I was supposed to meet her this morning, and she didn’t show up. But you say she wasn’t in her room?”

“Nooo.” Shyla drew out the word, then checked Louise, giving her time to jump in on the conversation, but Louise merely shrugged. “Look, sir, I’m not one to tell tales on others, but I’ve been cleaning Ms. Thornton’s room every night since she checked in.”

“And? Was there something different this morning?” Tucker’s alarm jumped ten notches.

“Yeah. Every morning except this morning, she’s left me a tip along with a note saying how nice I cleaned her room. But this morning, I didn’t find a tip. Not even a note. I don’t know, but it just seemed weird to me.” Shyla clasped her hands in front of her. “I hope we didn’t do anything wrong.”

His mind whirled. Mari hadn’t made it back to her room. If she had, if she’d managed to get ready, she would’ve left the girls a tip and a note. He was sure of it. “No, no. No trouble.” He tugged his wallet out and gave them both a twenty-dollar bill. “Thanks for your help.”

Spinning around, he headed for the elevator and the third floor. He had to try his luck at Mari’s door even though he didn’t think he’d find anything. But if she wasn’t in the dining room to meet him and she wasn’t in her room, then where was she?

He pulled out his phone and dialed the private number to the Cannon Pack house in the Colorado Mountains. A familiar voice answered.


“This is Tucker Manning. I need to talk to Daniel.”



“Keep your hands off me.” Mari’s scream came out a whisper. She struggled to free her wrists from the rope binding her hands over her head, tried to fight the terror whipping through her and lost. She yanked on the rope, praying she had enough strength to pull the hook out the ceiling, but the hook held.

“Do not bother trying to call for help, sweet one.” Bascom’s cold black eyes held her, suspending her fight to get loose. “I have already taken control of your voice. No one would hear you anyway, and I do so hate the sound of a woman’s screech. The best you can do is a pitiful whisper.” He pinched her naked breast. “Or perhaps you could manage a whimper. I like it when my lady friends whimper.”

Humiliation ran a close second to terror. Although she could vaguely remember walking into Bascom’s hotel room, she didn’t know how she’d ended up nude and held captive. Again, she yanked at the rope.

“You are a fighter. But please, take my word for it. I employ only the best workmen in my service, and I am certain the hook will hold. Otherwise, someone’s head would have to roll and we would not want that to happen, would we?”

“Someone will find me. They’re probably looking for me right now.”

“No one will find you. The hotel staff and security are already under my control. They no longer realize my room exists.”

“Tucker will find your room.”

“Doubtful. Several men guard the way. If he or anyone else attempts to rescue you before he loses the tournament, my men will kill you first, then your rescuers.”

She didn’t want to believe him, didn’t want to believe anyone had so much power. Yet, she knew everything he said was true.

Bascom circled around to her left, moving behind her. She craned her neck to follow him until he stopped next to her buttocks. He grabbed each one, pinching them, squeezing her flesh until she couldn’t help but moan in pain. Mari jerked, trying to get away from his grasp if only for a moment, but it was useless. Instead, she whimpered and hated herself for letting him hear her pain.

“I can understand why the werewolf would take you to bed.” He slid his hands in front of her to cup her breasts, then trailed his tongue along her shoulder. “You are quite lovely. Not bone-thin like so many of the young girls today. No, you are a woman with a woman’s body. And as such, you should have a real man. Not an animal. Tell me. Does he fuck you from behind like the beast he is?”

Mari gritted her teeth and sent a silent plea to Tucker.
Please come for me. Help me!

“Hmm. What seems to be the problem? Why do you not answer me? Or do you realize the mistake you made in bedding the werewolf?”

Bascom tracked his tongue over her shoulder as he came around again and replaced a hand with his mouth. He sucked her nipple, hard, then scraped his teeth over her breast. Mari kicked out, aiming for his crotch, but the vampire was too quick.

“What is this, my sweet?” His dark eyes grew even darker, and he ran a fingertip over the swell of one breast. “Did you let the animal bite you? Ooh, how dreadful.”

Mari kicked out again and missed once more. She moaned and closed her eyes.

His laughter echoed in the room. “My dear, please. Do you not think I would anticipate your pitiful attempts to harm me?” He pinched her chin between his fingers. “Open your eyes.”

She kept her eyes closed, refusing to give in to him.

He dropped his voice lower, and a strange sensation melted over her, wiping away her ability to deny him. “I told you to open your eyes.”

She did as he demanded and found him staring at her. Fighting the urge to spit, she waited for him to speak.

“I really would hate to tie your legs together.” He moved closer to put his face next to hers. A chill flowed from his skin to hers, and she couldn’t keep from shivering. “If I had to tie your legs, I would not be able to do this.”

Bascom thrust a hand between her legs, jabbing a finger into her pussy. She screamed another whisper and tried to lurch away, but he held her as securely as the rope did. His eyes sparkled with delight as he probed her, plunging his finger harder, deeper as he finger-fucked her. She screamed again, this time adding a string of curse words.

“Leave me alone! I swear once I get free you’re going to pay!”

He removed his hand and chuckled. “I do so love your spirit.” Giving her a wicked smile, he held his wet finger in between them, then flicked out his tongue and licked off her juices. “But I love your taste even more.”

“Why? Why are you doing this to me?” She could feel the tears forming in her eyes. No.
She couldn’t cry in front of him.

Bascom walked away, then turned to face her. His confused expression threw her. “To you? No, no. You have it all wrong. All this has very little to do with you. You, my dear, are merely a pawn.”

Think. Think of a spell.
Why couldn’t she remember a spell?

He settled into a chair in front of her, looking like a teacher ready to hear a student’s protest of innocence. “You are here because you and your beastly lover decided to stand in my way of another championship title. Although I fail to understand why. After all, what did I do to deserve your animosity?”

“You glamoured the other players into losing.”

He leaned forward, the frown on his brow deepening. “Well, of course I did. But why not? I have no desire to spend any more time than necessary playing a game. The real game is taking control without anyone else realizing I have all the power. Actually, I am surprised you figured it out. I thought I was being subtle.”

“You’re a cheater, and cheaters don’t deserve to win.” She snarled at him.
Tucker, where are you?

Bascom laughed, but there was no joy in the sound. “The world is full of cheaters who win all the time. Look at the politicians. Do you really think the people elect them? Do you not understand the machinations going on behind the silly campaigns?” He rose, walked over to the mirror and straightened his bolo tie.

“But then you and the shifter had to stick your noses in where they do not belong. If he had stayed out of things and allowed me to ease you out of the tournament, then he and I could have had a gentlemanly game without all this fuss. But he did not, did he? Now I am forced to eliminate the problem.” His dark eyes slid toward her.

“Granted, he still will not win, but it should prove humorous to play against him.” Bascom feigned a gasp and placed a finger to his lips. “Think about how fun it will be when he becomes so angry that he shifts and reveals himself to the world. Ooh, I can hardly wait.”

Mari tried again to remember a charm, an incantation, anything to help her. Or to at least hinder Bascom.

In a split second, he was in front of her and brushing his hand lightly across her breasts. “I do wish I had more time with you.” Licking his lips, he zeroed in on her neck. “I am sure you would make an enjoyable companion. Once you were fully under my direction.”

“I hate you.” This time she meant to whisper, putting every ounce of anger she could behind the words.

“Frankly, my dear, I don’t give a damn.” He laughed, placing a hand on his chest. “I have always wanted to say those famous words, and now I have. Thank you for that. And for this.”

He opened his mouth and fangs broke through the gums. Leaning forward, he skimmed his fangs over her shoulder and up the side of her neck. Clutching her breasts, he sank his teeth into her neck and sucked, greedily drinking. His thumbs pushed at her nipples, circling them, rubbing them until they ached.

Mari’s body jerked, tremors racing down her spine to spread outward into her limbs. She opened her mouth to cry out, but no sound came. He sank his fangs in again, driving them deeper into her flesh. Pain blazed down her neck and into her shoulder. Blood oozed from around his mouth and slid down her chest. Darkness offered to take her and she welcomed the black nothingness, welcomed anything that would take her away from the monster. Her strength dwindled until she could do nothing more than lay her head to the side and wait, but he pulled away just as the serenity she sought drew near.

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