Better Than Safe (21 page)

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Authors: Lane Hayes

BOOK: Better Than Safe
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“He’s not there.” My tone was distracted. I stole a furious glance around me, but it was no use. It was too dark in the club to see.

“Are you looking for someone?” Tom asked, breathing into my ear.

I started to deny it, but thought better of it. What difference did it make? I’d never see him again after tonight. I hoped.

“I’ve actually seen them perform once before with a different guitarist. I was wond—”

“Yes, I know who you’re talking about. He’s pretty unforgettable,” he chuckled in a lascivious tone. “I’ve seen them a few times myself. I prefer when he’s playing guitar, but God, it’s hard to look away from the lead singer too.”

His low whistle of approval sealed his fate in my mind as a creep. I also had a hard time shaking the notion it seemed highly improbable the man who’d proven to be a judgmental prick would be the type to follow a band like Spiral. They struck me as hip and edgy while Tom seemed… well, the complete opposite. I picked up my glass and took a long drink.

Spiral turned out to be a very diverse band who knew their audience. Tonight they played covers of Muddy Waters, Howlin’ Wolf, and even the Rolling Stones. Rand’s vocals were genius. The man oozed sex appeal and moved like liquid fire. He had the doctor’s rapt attention from the first song. When they paused for a quick break, I decided it was the perfect time to cut ties with Tom. I’d nursed my one drink over six songs, and though I could have happily ordered another, I was ready to end this date.

“Tom, I’m afraid I need to get going. Don’t leave on my account, but—” Curt kicked me hard under the table. I winced as I stood, turning to give my friend a look I hope said “ouch” and “don’t worry, I’ve got this.”

“Right. I’m ready too. Nice to meet you gentlemen. We’ll have to do this again some time.” Tom bent to shake hands with my friends. He reminded me of a politician doing a meet and greet with the masses. I wondered uncharitably how long it would take him to pull out a travel-sized bottle of hand sanitizer.

We pushed through the thick crowd of patrons. It was particularly gummed up near the exit. Tom stopped in his tracks and pointed toward the restroom.

“I’ll be right back. Do you mind waiting? Maybe we can go to another bar.”

“Um… I’ll be here.” I pointed to the short wall separating the restroom from the lobby area. Fuck. Stupid, stupid, stupid. I had to get out of here. It wasn’t my style to just walk out the door but—my cell phone vibrated in my pocket.

Two messages lit up my screen. The first was from Curt.

Your date stuck us with the bill. He’s a creep, Paul. We’ll find u someone better

The second was from Seth.

I c u

I looked around the crowded area, craning my neck in vain to catch a glimpse of him. I couldn’t spot him. There were too many people. A veritable sea of bodies. I backed up against the wall and typed a quick message.



He appeared out of nowhere, as though my constant thoughts of him had brought him magically to me. I noted he was wearing haute couture from a Japanese designer who favored an irregular cut in his form fitted lux fabrics. I only knew this because he was a client. I wouldn’t dare wear anything quite so… cool. But God, Seth looked amazing.

I licked my lips nervously and slipped my phone into my pocket. “Hello.”

His brilliant grin lit his gorgeous face to perfection. He stepped into my space and reached out to trace my cheek and my jaw.

“I hoped you’d come.”

“I… I thought you were playing tonight.”

“Perry returned from the land of the dead and insisted he was good to go. I told Rand I’d hang around just in case. He didn’t sound half bad actually.”

“Not as good as you.”

“Not as good as me.”

We spoke in unison, then chuckled at our timing and stared at each other. Seth’s eyes were lit with humor and… desire. I gulped feeling that familiar magnetic pull. I couldn’t for the life of me recall why I thought he was a bad idea. Or why I’d imagined anyone else—oh shit.

“I’m with someone tonight. It’s not a… thing. He’s actually leaving now and—”

“Not a thing, huh?” he gave a funny half laugh as he moved closer slipping his knee in between mine. “I know. I’ve been watching you. You looked kinda miserable, and I’m feeling kinda nice so I’m gonna help you out. Follow my lead.”

“What are you about? What do you—”

Seth flattened me against the wall and stuck his tongue down my throat in a move so fast I almost teetered over from the assault. I palmed his head to steady myself and allowed him to deepen the kiss.

God, he tasted amazing. This couldn’t be bad. It felt too damn good.

“Mmm, Daddy, that’s so nice. Take me home now….”

I pushed his shoulders and gave him a puzzled look just as someone cleared his throat next to me. “What—”

“Uh, I’m leaving now, Paul. Take care.” Tom wore a quizzical expression laced with distaste he didn’t bother hiding this time.

I watched him weave his way to the exit before I addressed Seth, who wearing a smug Cheshire cat grin.


“Mmm hmm. What’s the matter? Was that over the top? In poor taste? Taking things a step too far?”

“Yes. Actually….”

“I did you a favor. You didn’t like him anyway.”

“What if I said I did?” I pulled him toward me and ran my fingers through his hair impulsively. He looked surprised by the gesture. Maybe I was too, but I was through with fighting this feeling. Whatever it was.

“I’d call bullshit. Then again….” He snaked his arms around my waist and molded his chest against mine, then bit my chin lightly before continuing. “If I was wrong, then I was very naughty and I deserve to be punished. Are you gonna spank me?”

I moaned as I yanked his hips forward and ground my achingly hard cock into him. My errant mind conjured an erotic vision of him draped over my knee with his jeans around his ankles, and my red handprint on his lovely golden globes. Seth chuckled maniacally and licked my neck like a cat.

“You like that, don’t you? Maybe I’m not the only naughty one. Fuck, if I’d known all I had to do was offer you my ass, maybe I would—”

I sealed my mouth over his to stop his speech. I was having a hard time focusing. My vision was clouded with lust. I was reeling from the barrage of unexpected events. I’d spent the better part of my evening with a man I hoped never to see again and somehow found myself with a different man I’d said the same thing about a month ago. But I was where I wanted to be. My head wasn’t sure that was true, but the overpowering feeling of equanimity told me to trust my instincts.

“Come home with me.”

Seth’s smile was roguish and reckless. “Okay. Meet me up front. I need to tell Rand he’s on his own.”

I stopped him when he pulled out of my arms, dragging him forward to crash my lips against his one more time. “Hurry.”

“Or?” He bit his lip and made a funny face.


Seth cocked his head and rolled his eyes before leaning forward to whisper in my ear. “We’re play acting, Paul. This is where you add something like, ‘I’m going to pull down your pants, put you over my knee and—’”

I slapped one hand over his mouth and quickly replaced it with my tongue. He groaned and deepened the kiss, softening his lips before he pulled away.

“Mmm. That’s it.” He flashed a wicked grin. “I’ll hurry. Actually, come with me. This will only take a sec. I don’t want to have to find you again in this crowd.”

He pulled at my hand and drew me through the masses to a narrow hallway that led to a back room behind the stage area. Someone called his name just as Seth reached for the door. It was the lead singer—his friend Rand.

A couple of things struck me immediately. First of all Rand was an extraordinarily good-looking man. He and Seth looked nothing alike, though they shared a few similarities. They were both tall and lean with longish dark brown hair. But Seth was built like a swimmer and had angular, interesting features that made him an ideal male model while Rand looked like a rock star. He was slightly taller than me, but there was something in the way he stood eyeing me with a combination of curiosity and warning that made him seem much taller and rather imposing. His black T-shirt clung to his biceps. I noted his arms were covered in tattoos, but I couldn’t decipher the design without getting close and his body language wasn’t inviting. He emanated a natural charisma most mortals simply didn’t possess no matter how confident they were. If he ever made it big, the man was destined for superstardom.

He pushed his damp hair back and shot an unfriendly glance at me before putting a proprietary arm over Seth’s shoulders. “Where are you going? I need you. Perry is—”

“He’s doing fine. I’m out. By the way, this is Paul. Paul, this is my sometime friend Rand.”

“What he means is I’m his world, right baby?” Rand squeezed Seth to him and planted a sloppy kiss on his cheek.

“Pleased to meet you. You sounded terrific tonight.” I offered him my hand and made myself keep it hanging in midair until he grudgingly took it.

Rand looked from Seth to me and back again with a sardonic expression on his handsome face. Seth shook his head meaningfully. “Don’t start.”

Rand sighed dramatically and glanced at his watch. “I won’t. Only because I don’t have time. He looks a little uptight, but he’s hot. Why British dudes, though? What is the matter with you?”

I opened my mouth to defend myself and my heritage, I supposed, but Seth beat me to it. “I like him. Be nice, Rand.” He leaned in to kiss his friend’s cheek before turning to me. “Let’s go.”

“Hey, wait.” Rand stepped into my space with steely eyes and a somewhat menacing expression. At the last second, he smiled. I couldn’t tell if he was testing me or if he was quirky like Seth and intent on keeping me guessing. “Just because he says you’re
doesn’t mean I believe it. Be good to him… or else.”

He was gone before I could respond, and Seth was pulling me in the opposite direction.



summer evening was comfortable and balmy when we stepped outside, but I was burning up. We waited for the valet to bring my car around, standing inches apart, connected by a buzzing energy. The air practically sizzled between us, heightening my senses drastically. The neon lights on the street seemed brighter, the traffic was louder than normal, and the musky smell of Seth’s cologne took on an intoxicating quality that made me feel light-headed. I smiled wanly at him when the car arrived. The grin he gave me in return made the blood rush straight to my cock. I gulped audibly as I handed the attendant a tip and sat behind the wheel.

It was eerily quiet in the car as we crossed into Georgetown. Seth asked if I minded music as he reached over to fumble with the audio system. A moment later Etta James’s soulful version of “At Last” flooded the luxurious interior. I closed my eyes for a brief second at the first stoplight and cursed under my breath. I misjudged the strength of my yearning. I’d never wanted anyone the way I wanted Seth. I’d been with plenty of other men and had experienced intense sexual connections, but nothing compared to this suffocating sensual haze. And we were still completely clothed, for God’s sake.

“Hey.” His voice sounded rough with potent desire.

I didn’t trust myself to speak over the haunting strings of the violin. I slowed down as we approached the shops and restaurants lining M Street in Georgetown, but didn’t glance at him until I reached the first stop sign.

Seth leaned over the armrest and licked my jaw before biting my earlobe.

“Let me undo your belt and unzip your pants, Paul. There’s no one behind us. No one on the street is paying attention.”


“Shh. Relax. I’ll do all the work,” he whispered as he fumbled with my belt.

I heard the telltale sound of a zipper, and then his warm hands covered my stiff member through my briefs. I groaned at the sublime sensation and licked my lips as I attempted to steady my breathing. Headlights blinding me from behind warned me to keep moving and to keep my eyes on the road.

“Does this feel good? Do you like getting jacked off while you’re driving? Or should I suck you instead? Hmm?”

I grabbed his right hand in a steely grip. “No. Don’t get ahead of yourself. This time we’re doing things my way.”

Seth bit my earlobe again and hummed a needy sound that reverberated through the car and settled in my groin. “Damn, that sounds really fuckin’ sexy. Like I’m riding with James Bond in some ultraslick car and I got this good feeling he wants to take me home and fuck me.”

“No. I—I’m not James Bond, but yes… you’re correct about the rest.”

“Which part? Taking me home or fucking me or—”

I gritted my teeth and let out a loud growl, surprising us both. “No more. If you must open your mouth, be useful about it.”

“Are you telling me to suck your cock?”

“Seth….” I pitched my tone low with warning.

“Shh. I got this.” He nuzzled his nose against my cheek as he slipped his hand inside my briefs and stroked my painfully hard dick.

“Wait. Don—oh fuck.”

His head was in my lap a second later. I started to pull at his hair, but the first touch of his tongue on the head of my cock nearly made me run the car off the road. I swerved slightly before correcting my course. Seth chuckled, sending a tingle of pleasure up my spine when his stubbled chin brushed against my shaft.

“Seth. We’re almost there. You shouldn’t—” I let out a gasp as he devoured me in one fell swoop.

My vision blurred dangerously. It was the oddest sensation. M Street wasn’t overly crowded, but this was a Saturday night in a town that catered to tourists and college kids, so there were still people about. Any one of them could have looked over to see… well, not much since my windows were tinted. But that wasn’t the point. It was still unsafe and my attention was torn between keeping my hands on the wheel with my eyes focused on the road and the blissful distraction of Seth’s talented mouth sucking my cock like a bloody hoover. He licked me from base to tip and back before taking me fully in his mouth again. I wanted to stare at his head bobbing in my lap but I had to content myself with the peripheral view for now. One more block, I thought as I lifted my hips slightly to meet the incredible suction.

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