Read Beneath the Broken Moon: Part One: Shifter/Vampire Romance Online

Authors: Sarah Makela

Tags: #New Adult Post-Apocalyptic Shifter Romance

Beneath the Broken Moon: Part One: Shifter/Vampire Romance (2 page)

BOOK: Beneath the Broken Moon: Part One: Shifter/Vampire Romance
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But if I had to fight this vampire, I would go out having inflicted a lot of pain.

“Why did you help me?” I asked, keeping my gaze on the wall near his head. No way would I look into his eyes. While I was strong, I wasn’t stupid. His kind could easily manipulate, and I had no idea what he had in mind.

“I think it was your caramel-brown eyes, love.” He leaned into my line of sight, but I looked away. Instead, he closed the space between us in a heartbeat and gently stroked his index finger along my jaw.

The sudden intrusion on my personal space had me jerking away, but with my back so close to the wall, I had nowhere to run. “How could it have been my eyes?” I crossed my good arm under my breasts, but that drew his attention down to my chest. Not what I’d intended. “I’m sure you couldn’t have seen them while I was running from the hunters.”

With a sensual swipe of his tongue, he licked his lips. His gaze lifted to meet mine, but I quickly averted my eyes. “You caught me.”

The cool, sensual touch of his fingers trailed toward my neck, then my shoulder. My breath hitched in my throat as his hand skirted the edge of the wound. Everything in me demanded I move away, but I refused to show weakness.

The vampire sucked in a deep breath, and he let it out in a slow lustful shudder. “You’re hurt.” He raked his gaze over my body, taking in all of me. “Those eyes must have captivated me again.” From what I could see, I doubted my eyes were the only thing he liked.

“Right.” His playful answers surprised me; we were supposed to be enemies. If he wanted to drink my blood, he should just say so. But if that were the case, wouldn’t he have attacked already? “I should be going. The
are long gone by now, so I won’t waste any more of your time.” I tucked a leg beneath me to climb to my feet, but the vampire grabbed my wrist, holding me still.

Instinct kicked in, and a low growl of warning rumbled from my throat. My teeth sharpened, and the skin on my arms rippled, ready to welcome my beast. But I shut down the change.

He released me and lifted his arms in surrender. “Where are my manners? My name is Derek. I’m afraid I can’t let you leave. You’re injured, and the hunters could still capture you. Besides, you might tell your wolves where I live.” He smiled without flashing any fangs. Others of his kind wouldn’t be able to pull that off; he had to be an ancient. “Let me help you. I was once a doctor.”

My eyebrows rose in surprise. Such irony. A man who once pledged himself to healing people now drained them of their life’s blood. “All I need to do is shapeshift a few times. That’ll fix this.”

He rose to his feet as if pulled up by strings, then folded his arms. “Shapeshifting isn’t going to solve that.” Taking in a deep breath, he shook his head. “Not with a wound so severe. If I wanted to hurt you, I would have done so by now. Besides, I just saved you from the

I hated that he was right. He’d made no move to harm me, and he’d helped when he didn’t have to. Sighing, I leaned my head back, wincing as my shoulder touched the wall. “Why did you save me? If the hunters knew, they’d punish you severely.”

“More severely than death?” Derek chuckled. “I’d like to see them try.”

I stared up at him, a frown tugging at my lips. No one could argue with his logic. He was a vampire; the worst they could do would be to bring him true death. “I’m Carmela. Thanks for the help. Not many would’ve done that.”

“People are afraid of the ‘mighty’ hunters.” He shrugged his broad shoulders, then held out his hand to me. “They’re pathetic compared to us.”

While I agreed with what he said, I couldn’t suppress my wariness at his help. But I didn’t have a choice; I was too badly injured to survive the night without treatment. I reluctantly accepted his hand. He lifted me to my feet as if I weighed nothing, then led the way into his living room.

The luxurious room showcased a large velveteen couch with handsome oak inlay in the shape of a creeping rose vine along the back. I leaned down to brush my hand along the forest-green cushion, amazed at the ornate décor, but a trail of my blood slid toward my wrist.

Pulling away, I wrapped my arm around my waist and took in the rest of the room. No way would I ruin his furniture. “This place looks like a museum. It’s breathtaking.”

“Hardly. It’s my home. I have a room upstairs better suited for tending to you.” Derek walked toward the banister of the swooping staircase, but he kept his gaze fixed on me as if I’d run at a moment’s notice. That should’ve been closer to the truth. However, I couldn’t help my fascination at the way this vampire lived. I’d never seen such nice things before. How many lifetimes had he spent on cultivating his collection? “Coming, Carmela?” He waved for me to follow him.

The sound of my name on his lips pulled me forward. I walked to the steps, but weakness weighed down my limbs. How could I make it home by myself if the thought of climbing the stairs drained me? If he’d been a doctor, I might be okay in his care. Doctors followed a code of ethics. My mother used to be a nurse, and she liked to talk about those days when we were alone.

I took a deep breath, and I only smelled the two of us. Not that I thought I might be walking into a trap, but I couldn’t be too careful. My gaze swept back to the living room. I wasn’t materialistic, but the blatant show of wealth struck the wishful part of me that hoped for more out of life. I bumped into him as he stopped suddenly on the steps.

“Look, I’m not going to harm you.” He cocked an eyebrow at me. “Okay?” Worry tightened his lips for a second, but he flashed a smile.

“Fine. If you say so.” The world spun a little, and I clenched the railing in my fist, focusing all of my energy on staying upright. My desire to help Chandra would have to wait. Besides, she’d be okay. She was strong and street-smart. As far as I knew, the
had followed me, not her, and I’d be useless searching for her right now.

However, a small part of me whispered that family didn’t abandon one another.
, my thoughts hissed, but I shoved them aside.

My legs shook as I reached the top step. Derek watched me carefully but didn’t offer his assistance. He probably knew I wouldn’t have accepted it. I wouldn’t let my weakness get the better of me in front of him, a possible threat. “You’ll stay in my spare room. It’s a comfortable space to relax while I care for you.” I followed him down the hallway, each step harder than the last, and he opened the door for me. “Here you are.”

I stayed put and stood up straighter, hoping he’d get the message and go in first, but he didn’t.

A red paisley bedspread adorned a heavy oak bed with an abundance of matching pillows, befitting royalty. The bedroom was as polished and pristine as the living room. How could I possibly be comfortable with bleeding all over it? If this was how he decked out his spare room, I could only imagine what his room looked like.

I glanced back at the doorway, where he remained. Our eyes met for the first time from across the room, even though I knew the risks. “Where do you want me?” I asked, wincing at how intimate that sounded. “Here?” Dizziness swayed me, and my knees buckled. Strong arms wrapped around me before my body could hit the floor.

Derek’s concerned face filled my darkening vision. “Yes, here is fine,” he murmured, laying me down on the soft bed. “Don’t die on me.”




Candlelight bathed the bedroom in a warm glow. Confusion rippled within me. Where was I? I turned to see Derek perched on a stool beside the bed. My heart skipped a beat, and I fisted my hand in the bedspread. His midnight-blue eyes beckoned me closer, urging me to dive into their deep, churning depths. I ripped myself from the connection and focused on the ceiling.

“You’re awake. I was worried.” His accented voice was smooth and husky, like sex on silk sheets.

What kind of hold did he have on my mind? Fear tickled my senses, warning me to resist his draw. He leaned forward, and I noticed he’d buttoned his shirt—except for the top and bottom few—no longer exposing his chest. However, with his satin sleeves rolled up, his muscular forearms stole my attention as he rested them on his knees. The faint memory of being held by them warmed me. “I patched your shoulder and extracted what I could of the bullet. Seems it was silver shot.”

That made sense. America’s government-funded laboratories created wicked toys for the
and used nocturnes as guinea pigs to test their weapons for maximum efficiency. If Derek hadn’t taken care of me, I could’ve died. “Thank you.”

Tears burned in my eyes as I struggled against the pain in order to sit up. My injured arm was bound to my torso in a makeshift cotton sling. Had he done that while I slept? Dread knotted in my stomach, and I brushed my fingertips over my throat to check for bite marks.

Derek chuckled, igniting molten heat within me. It chased up my neck and nestled into my cheeks. “I haven’t bitten you, if that’s what you’re wondering. I merely worked on your shoulder. As I said, I used to be a doctor when I was alive.”

Sighing, I dropped my hand into my lap. Even though he seemed friendly enough, I didn’t want to lower my guard too much. Besides, now that I felt better, I needed to return home and check on my cousin. “Guess I’m off then. Thanks again for helping me.” I scooted toward the edge of the bed. A cool breeze blew across my face, and Derek pressed his hands into the bed on either side of my hips. His face was less than two inches from mine. Sensations warred within me: part of me felt a seductive pull of energy from him, while the wolf bristled at the intimidation.

“I’m sorry, but that wouldn’t be wise. I can’t trust that you wouldn’t alert your people about me. The risk is too great.” His cool breath caressed my lips, adding to the sensual moment.

The scent of peppermint tickled my nose. I grinned in surprise. I knew now wasn’t the time to burst into laughter over minty vampire breath, but it wasn’t every day I witnessed something so...unique.

Derek curled his lip back, showing off pointed fangs, and moved in an inch. “You think what I said is funny?”

Shaking my head, I tried forcing the smile off my face, but I couldn’t. “Your breath. It smells like mint.” The tension between us built, and if I’d wanted to, I could’ve just leaned in and tasted his kisses. Would they be minty or taste like death? My body sank forward, until our lips were a hairsbreadth apart.

Where were these thoughts coming from? My wolf growled, but I knew she wasn’t entirely opposed to Derek. She enjoyed the sight of his muscular physique just as much as I did. The wolf demanded a strong mate who could protect our pups.
Stop it!

Jerking away, he crossed his arms and stalked toward the window, allowing me a good view of his firm butt.

Embarrassment burned in my cheeks. I couldn’t believe I’d been so close to kissing him.
No, no, no...
This wasn’t happening. It had to be some kind of Stockholm syndrome caused by him saving me. If I didn’t leave, I might do something stupid.

I crossed my legs, feeling an unfamiliar ache between them. The raw lust I felt for him only made me more confused about what I should do, never mind who I was. Werewolves did not fantasize about vampires. We were mortal enemies.

Anyway, I should’ve gone back sooner to check on Chandra. My parents were probably concerned, and the more time that passed, the less understanding my father would be. Yet I stayed here, letting myself get swept up by Derek. How could I show my face at home? I’d told my parents we wouldn’t be out all night. We gave the show times for the
. Father had actually been lenient for once. Nausea spread in my gut.

Keep it together. You’ve got this.

Focusing on finding a solution helped me feel less overwhelmed. My gaze flicked to the door. If Derek wouldn’t allow me to leave, I needed to come up with a way to escape without his cooperation, despite how painful that might be.

Derek shifted his weight from one leg to the other. Tension still radiated in his posture, and I could tell from the humanlike movements that he was warring with himself. Most vampires stayed perfectly still as long as they were in control of themselves or their environment. That restlessness put me on edge. While wolves were supernaturally quick, vampires were somehow faster. With him so alert, I’d never make it without him catching me, unless I surprised him.

Werewolves could muscle our way through conflict using our teeth and claws as weapons, but vampires possessed magical abilities dependent on their bloodlines. Some of those powers were downright scary. I wondered what Derek was capable of; so far he’d shown no sign of his magic.

Frustration built within me, ready to explode. My wolf grew more and more restless with his domineering behavior. “Are you going to keep me prisoner here forever?”

Derek twisted around to look at me and quirked his lips. “Sounds good to me, love.”

I widened my eyes, not expecting that response. Now he was just teasing me. He couldn’t possible have been serious; but the way he held himself proved differently. Grimacing, I scooted out of bed, reluctant to leave the incredibly soft mattress. “I don’t think so. You won’t hold me here. The Militia trained me to fight your kind. You won’t come out unscathed.”

BOOK: Beneath the Broken Moon: Part One: Shifter/Vampire Romance
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