Beneath It All (Beneath #1) (10 page)

BOOK: Beneath It All (Beneath #1)
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She paused a moment to gather her thoughts. “Both of you will have exclusive rights to plan whatever you want on your given day. Stay within your budget; this is NOT a competition—it’s a challenge for each of us to make memorable moments for Victoria. Be creative, be adventurous, and, by all means, be crazy!”

With that, she turned on her heel and walked to the check-in desk without argument from Jen or Dana. I looked over at my dear friends, who looked dumbfounded by the hurricane known as Bobbie Jo. She had this ability to take over any situation like a drill sergeant, shout out orders and you damn well better listen.

I sat back and smiled; it was quite refreshing not to be on the receiving end of Bobbie Jo’s orders for once. She was a ballbuster once an idea entered that crazy head of hers, but it was one of my favorite qualities about her. Do it big or not at all!

The next five hours were spent relaxing, being pampered and enjoying some quality girlfriend time. We laughed and cried together as only friends could. When our spa treatments were done, we were led back to our private changing rooms so we could get ready for the evening.

When I stepped out fifteen minutes later, I found all of my friends smiling with champagne flutes held up to me.

“Victoria, you’re a person full of passion, you don’t take life for granted, and you always find the good in the bad. You have been there for each of us when life threw us curveballs, and you have never faltered,” Jen said as she stepped toward me.

“You supported me through my divorce and taught me to follow my dreams. I wouldn’t be as successful as I am without you,” Bobbie Jo stated as she stepped forward.

Dana handed me a champagne flute. “You’re up against the biggest battle of all, and we stand here at your side, ready to go to war with you. You will
be alone, and we will always be there to pick you up when you feel like you can’t go on.” She tried to keep it together, but I could hear the emotion in her voice. “You, Victoria, are going to kick cancer’s ass! Cheers!”

We all lifted our glasses with teary eyes and found our smiles as we realized that this moment would forever be cemented in our memories.

“Enough with the tears bitches—let’s get this party started,” Bobbie Jo announced after she set her empty glass down.


The four of us arrived for dinner at Bar Lurcat in downtown Minneapolis. Its understated elegance and floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking Loring Park were exquisite. We were led to a table in the bar area close to the windows so we could see all of the lights shimmering in the park.

Shortly after we sat down, Matthew, our waiter, arrived to take our drink order. Bobbie Jo up and ordered a bottle of Moët & Chandon Rosé champagne. As he turned to go to the bar, I heard Dana let out a breathy whistle and noticed her watching him walk away. “Did you see that fine ass?” she asked.

Jen and I both let out a laugh, and Bobbie Jo chimed in not so quietly, “I bet you could bounce quarters off of his abs too. Man, he is a fine piece of work and I’d like to ‘work’ that!” We were all laughing when he returned with flutes and a chilled bottle ready to uncork.

“Shh . . .” I said under my breath and smiled up at Matthew, pretending everything was normal. I knew better.

He held out the bottle toward Bobbie Jo for her approval. “Is this to your liking?” he asked. Look out . . . he had walked right into that one. I felt sorry for the innocent young man.

Bobbie Jo perked right up. “Hmm . . . it is, but I have to admit that there is something else that would satisfy my tastes a little better.”

Matthew flashed her a questioning look. “I’m sorry, miss. Would you prefer a different bottle? Perhaps a Veuve Clicquot Rosé?”

Bobbie Jo ran her tongue along her lips before gently biting down on her bottom lip, making Matthew blush. “No, the bottle of champagne is perfect. However, I wouldn’t mind a little taste of you for dessert.” And there you have it. The look on Matthew’s face was quite priceless; he was at a complete loss as to what to say.

Jen chimed in, “You’ll have to excuse our friend.” She glared at Bobbie Jo. “She seems to have lost her filter somewhere between the elevator and this table. I hope you weren’t offended by her comment.”

Matthew timidly cleared his throat and smirked. “No, not at all. A table full of beautiful women is always a pleasure—and an adventure—to serve. I’ll admit that you’re the first ever to be so direct, and it caught me off guard. So, bravo on that one.” He winked at Bobbie Jo and worked on removing the cork from the champagne bottle with a
. He filled our flutes before excusing himself.

“To my crazy-ass friends,” I declared lifting my glass.

“To crazy-ass friends,” they all agreed as we clinked our glasses.

Dinner was amazing, and Matthew was such a good sport through it all. We learned that he was in his senior year of college and would be attending medical school next fall. He was working as much as he could now to save since he would be spending a lot more time studying in the coming years.

Bobbie Jo made sure to tip him extra well, and I noticed that she wrote a little note on her business card and slipped it into the black leather folder after she paid our bill.

Busted! She looked up at me with innocent eyes. “What?”

I just shook my head and giggled. “Some things never change.”

“Never . . . and you can’t tell me that you would want it any other way.” She gave me a quick peck on the cheek and looped her arm into mine as we left.

We had planned to hit a few clubs after dinner, but I was feeling tired from the long day. I felt like a total loser, but they knew that the next few days were going to take a lot out of me and understood.

Bobbie Jo pulled into my driveway and parked. “Victoria, I wasn’t going to do this, but I can’t help it.” She reached over and squeezed my hand. “You and I’ve been through a lot together . . . good and bad. Out of all of my friends, you have been the one constant in my life. You make me smile when I don’t want to. You bring me soup when I feel like crap. You text me smutty guy pictures for the shock value, which I completely approve of. You’re my female other half. I would be lying if I didn’t tell you that I’m scared.”

I looked up at her and saw her lip quiver as she continued, “You’re the sister I never had, and I can’t stand to see you suffer. The thought of you having to fight this battle rips me apart. If I could fight it for you, I would—one hundred times over.” I couldn’t listen anymore. I pushed her hand away and leaned over to hug her. The instant her arms encircled me, we both broke into sobs.

We held each other for what felt like hours by the time our crying had finally stopped. I looked back at her. “You’re not going to lose me; I’m not that easy to get rid of.” I gave a lame smile and rolled my eyes. Even though I wouldn’t know my prognosis until after surgery, I knew I wasn’t going anywhere.

“I know. Considering the shit I’ve put you through, you must really like me or something. I thought for sure you’d run for the hills at some point . . . but you never did.”

“Will I see on you Friday after surgery?” I asked, secretly hoping she would be there.

“You bet your ass! I’m planning to be with Noah during surgery and will do my best to keep him company when your parents start to drive him batty,” she smiled. “We’ll have a little party going on in the waiting room while you’re working on that new set of tits.”

I laughed and was reminded again of why I loved her . . . she comes up with the craziest things to say at the most inappropriate times!

“I love you, Bobbie Jo!” I said as my laughter subsided. “Thank you for being you and for taking care of my sorry ass. I know I’ll pay for it someday when I’m scrubbing your dentures or helping you change your Poise pads.”

“Seriously, we will be the troublemakers of senior living in about fifty years. I can guarantee that because you’re going to kick cancer’s ass.” She was right. I was going to grow old with Noah by my side and Bobbie Jo as my trusty sidekick.

“Now get the hell out of my car. Matthew sent me a text after we left the restaurant, and he is meeting me for a cocktail in forty-five minutes.”

“What the hell?” I shook my head in mock disgust. “You’re seriously one in a million.”

“You too, toots . . . now get a move on!” she said as she lifted her right foot and started to shove me with her killer heels.

“Okay. Geesh . . . don’t break a heel; I’m sure they will be wrapped around that poor unsuspecting boy before my head even hits the pillow.”

“Damn straight, they will be.”

I blew her an air kiss and watched her speed away.


Thanksgiving Day had arrived, and we celebrated the holiday with my parents and a few of our close friends. While we all joked and laughed throughout dinner, you could feel a slight bit of tension in the room. While I tried to stay positive and act like nothing was wrong, a few of our friends didn’t quite know how to act. It was awkward to say the least.

“Can I have everyone’s attention?” Noah spoke up. “I want to say something, since you’re all here and now is as good a time as any.” I tried to get his attention from where I stood in the doorway to the living room, but he refused to look at me.

“Thank you for spending Thanksgiving Day with us. Victoria and I are so thankful for each of you for so many reasons. Most of all, today, I’m thankful for your support.” He paused to compose himself. “Tomorrow is the first step in Victoria’s battle, and being surrounded by all of you has helped to keep her spirits up. We don’t know what to expect in the coming weeks, but we know that we will get through this.”

Noah turned and walked toward me. Once he reached me, he took my hands in his and looked me in the eye. It was just the two of us in that moment. “Victoria, you’re amazing, beautiful, smart, and caring. But most of all, you’re strong. In the coming weeks, though, you will have days where you don’t feel strong.”

Then he turned me toward the room that was filled with my parents and friends. “Do you see all of these people?”

“Yes,” I answered weakly.

“They are your strength when your tank runs out. They are the ones that will be here for you in your darkest days, and they will guide you forward when all you want to do is turn around and run away.” He moved to stand in front of me. “Victoria, while this battle is in your body, we are your arsenal of strength when needed.” He wrapped me tightly in his arms and let out a hefty sigh. “I love you.”

I hugged him even harder to me as tears slid down my cheek. “I love you too.”

As I quietly sobbed, I felt more arms start to cocoon around us. After a few minutes, I lifted my head to see everyone huddled together with us in a hug. The love I felt at that moment was indescribable and a moment I’ll cherish forever . . . especially when Noah’s best friend Jon chimed in, “Ready, set, new titties!” and everyone started pushing him and laughing.

Humor . . . humor would get me through!

Chapter Six


ovember 25. Surgery day. The day that the cancer would physically be removed from my body. The day that both of my breasts would be removed as well. Let the battle begin.

We arrived at the hospital at six in the morning to complete registration and get prepped for the surgery, which was scheduled for eight o’clock. It was snowing that morning and with all of the Black Friday shoppers out, it made for some unplanned traffic. During registration, we were told that Noah could stay with me the entire time up until when I needed to physically go into the operating room. That provided some comfort, but I was still nervous. Other than my wisdom teeth being removed, this was the first surgery I would have, and it wasn’t one to be taken lightly.

I was dressed in my lovely baby blue gown with a matching robe and hair net. Let’s not forget the incredibly sexy white thigh-high compression stockings and slipper socks with treads on the bottom. And to add a little more to the
factor . . . I wasn’t wearing any makeup and my hair was flat as a pancake. I looked stunning! Even better was the fact that I had to walk over to the breast center for my sentinel node injection. Thank god for the robe covering my ass.

BOOK: Beneath It All (Beneath #1)
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