Bella's Tease: Blue Collar Wolves #4 (Mating Season Collection) (2 page)

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Authors: Ronin Winters,Mating Season Collection

Tags: #romance, #Paranormal, #Fiction

BOOK: Bella's Tease: Blue Collar Wolves #4 (Mating Season Collection)
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House might have been the one speaking, but pride radiated from both him and Brick in equal measures, and Iron thanked God for how they loved Danny. Danny was theirs, in the same way Mel was theirs, and Iron wanted to see the bloodbath that would follow if any wolf was ever dumbass enough to question why they would raise a kid not their own.

“You bought him a
tablet computer
?” Both House and Brick froze as Mel popped up behind them, years of working the bar making her quick and quiet, and no one noticed her arrival until she spoke, staring daggers at the two wolves.

House turned on his Hollywood charm, smiling at her a smile that deserved to be on a movie poster. “Sweetheart, he needs it for his studying.”

Unfortunately for him, Mel had never been swayed by the charm, and it wasn’t starting now. She poked him in the chest. “I have to overhear
my son
my father
about his newest gift from his dads to know what’s going on in my own
? We have a computer! He doesn’t need his own.”

“But he can’t travel with that one.” With a gentle grasp, House took her hand in his to stop the poking and rose to stand in front of her, Brick rising as well and coming behind her, the two wolves leaning over her and creating an intimate barrier from the world, and from the subtle scent change and slight clouding of her eyes, it was apparent Mel both noticed and was affected by their actions. “This will be good for school, and we already checked that it was allowed. We have all the safeguards in place so he can’t get anywhere on the web he shouldn’t, and he’s such a good kid, you know he wouldn’t anyway. We just want our son to have everything he needs to succeed in school.”

Then Brick leaned down and said in his low, rusty voice, “Don’t deny us taking care of our son.”

There was the KO, and Mel was gone, looking up at her mates like she was a hairsbreadth from pushing them both on their backs and having her way with them right there. Razor muttered,
“I’m getting the hose,”
but it was only the arrival of Mr. Harris that had Brick and House stepping back and straightening up like kids who were almost caught necking on the porch. Mr. Harris gave them an amused, knowing look before turning to Mel and asking, “Mel, sweetheart, your mother and I are going to head out now.”

“Already?” Mel frowned, stepping closer to her father. “Are you both feeling okay?”

Mr. Harris waved the words away. “Fine, fine, we can’t party with you young people all night, and we don’t want to miss our shows.”

The frown lifted but didn’t disappear, but Mel didn’t argue the point, only saying, “Let me get some food to go. I’ll be right back.” Without waiting for her father’s agreement, she went to pack up what was starting to look like enough for a small camp full of people.

The smile and headshake Mr. Harris gave was one of well-worn indulgence. “Just like her mother and grandmother, because God forbid anyone be sent away without enough food to last through a blizzard. Speaking of food, you boys are coming over for Sunday dinner, right?”

“Yes sir, wouldn’t miss it.” It was Brick who spoke, his rough tones weighing the words with maybe more than they were meant to have. Or maybe not, considering Mr. Harris’s corresponding approving head nod, which had both Brick and House acting like football players that had been praised by their coach.

Mel came back and gave her father both a kiss and the food, and together they collected Mrs. Harris and Danny, the four of them walking out the door, and Brick and House’s eyes stayed on the departing group until they disappeared outside.

Razor motioned to Brick and House with the bottom of the beer bottle clutched in his hand. “See what I mean? Disgusting. They’re acting like Mel and Danny are leaving to tour the country instead of walking her parents to the car.”

Now, Iron hadn’t heard more than a buzz because Bella was walking toward them, Regan and Annabeth beside her, but even that barely more than registered. To Iron, everything in existence narrowed down to red clingy fabric wound around silky tanned skin and luscious curves, and a skirt short enough that the calves we wanted wrapped around his neck and the thighs he wanted to bury his head between were both on spot lit display, taunting him with the fact he couldn’t do anything yet.

But Bella heard them, because she smacked Razor on the arm, which had Razor rubbing it in exaggerated display. “What was that for?”

“Being a brat.”

Before anything else could be said the door opened, and it wasn’t Mel and Danny coming back in like Iron expected. This woman was black, her long hair done in a cascade of tiny braids and her high cheekbones and lush mouth reminded him of Egyptian paintings.

Bella smiled as she caught sight of the stranger. “I can’t believe she made it, awesome!”

Iron grabbed her arm before Bella could move away. “Who is she?” This was the first time he’d heard about anyone not family supposed to be coming, and though he wouldn’t say he was worried, he didn’t like unknowns in any circumstances, and the trouble with Jacobson had any unknown taking on importance.

As usual, Bella could read him, because she ran her hand down his arm in a soothing motion, designed to calm. “A new nurse at the hospital. She started a couple months ago. She’s been gone from the area for awhile, but she originally lived here. She said she used to work for Doc when I mentioned his retirement, so I told her to stop by if she could.”

Razor now looked over to see the new arrival, and the beer bottle, which had been on its way to his mouth, now fell from his fingers to crash on the floor.

He didn’t take notice of it, though. His gaze was locked on the newcomer, his mouth slack and his face frozen in shock.

It was only when Razor started to step towards the new woman that Iron acted, moving from Bella and now grabbing Razor’s arm to stop the younger wolf from heading straight towards the newcomer.

Iron’s grab seemed to wake Razor up somewhat, the wolf’s eyes sparking, coming out of his trance.

Bella was looking uneasy, and now wasn’t the time to explain. “Bella, could you take your friend to Doc so she can say hi.”

“Yeah, no problem.” His mate departed, meeting up with the woman and leading her away from the bar and the wolves who sat there and towards the man of the hour.

Apparently Razor wasn’t feeling like talking it out, because once Bella and the other woman were out of view, he moved straight for the front door and headed out.

Several moments of silence followed, and then House said, “So, who’s placing bets if Razor’s getting mated this season or not?”

Chapter Two

hat was that
about with Razor?”

The bar was now locked, empty except for Iron and the distractingly sexy doctor who was currently putting just washed glasses away, red dress clinging and high heels he wanted digging into his thighs highlighting the gorgeousness of her legs.

“Stay over there,” Bella said as he started to walk towards her, not looking up from the dishes.

He ignored her, slowing to a prowl, voice dropping to a gruff vibration. “I have been good
all night
. Party’s over, and now the only thing I’m living for is getting balls deep in my woman.”

A sweet flush rose on Bella’s neck and cheeks, her eyelids closing in an almost innocent flirtation and driving him the
out of his mind.

Now he moved closer, close enough to bend his head and scrape his teeth over the sensitive side of her neck upwards to her ear, where he breathed, “How do you want it? Gorgeous woman, how do you want your mate’s dick? Want to ride me, those tits bouncing free and making my mouth water? Or what about laying back, wrapping those ankles around my neck, and letting me do all the work?”

A sheen of sweat was forming, intensifying her scent and the wolf was finished. It wanted its mate now, and Iron grabbed at that fantastic red dress, ready to rip it to shreds.

Absolutely not.” Bella pushed away, putting too much space between them, and he growled low in frustrated anger. With the sound she gentled, softening her stance and her voice. “
, I have something planned. You’ll like it, I promise.”

The smile was seductive flirtation before she turned, heading to the jukebox, leaning over more than necessary to pick a song.

Iron wiped a hand over his mouth, mouth dry yet somehow he was sure he was slobbering.

She had a
. Oh

Bella’s eyes sparkled with mischief as she motioned to a seat, and only now did he see how strategically it was placed, set apart with free space around it.

He didn’t know the song. It was slow and deep, with a hint of jazz and a driving bass line, and along with the woman’s smoky vocals, the whole thing was achingly sensual.

Those shoes should be illegal, at least the way they looked right now on Bella as she walked in front of him, turning the line of her calf into a piece of art, and the swing they gave her hips had him pressing the heel of his hand on his dick, begging it to slow down.

Her eyes followed his hand as she brought one finger to her mouth, sucking on it like he wanted her to be sucking on him. His traitorous fucking dick jumped at that and decided it wasn’t waiting for
, it needed her now.

“This brings up an interesting twist. I wonder…” Bella’s voice was lower, seductive, and now, that finger rubbing over her mouth, her tongue made an appearance, stroking over the finger before pushing hard against the tip.

He whined, and fuck if he was ashamed. Any fucking man in the country would do the same under these circumstances. “You’re killing me.”

She studied him for one more moment before giving a decisive nod. “
change of plans. Hands on the chair arms and don’t let go, because if you do, I’ll stop.”

His hands hit the arms so fast there was a faint echo of surprise he didn’t break the chair, but his head emptied damn fast when Bella kneeled between his spread legs, her teeth biting down on her plump bottom lip as those wicked fingers went to the fly on his jeans.

“I wasn’t planning on this,” she began, as she began the slow release of his zipper. “I was going to leave you hard and wanting for

Curling his fingers around the wood to keep them in place was most important, because he’d staple the fuckers to the chair if that’s what it took, her warning of
I’ll stop
the most horrifying fate he could imagine at this moment. “You got your wish. Since the second I saw you in that dress.”

His cock sprang free as she shifted the jeans out of the way, hard and red and aching, as if giving testimony to his words. From beneath her lashes, she looked up at him. “I have more things I want to do. Promise you’ll be
for it.”

“There is no doubt in my mind.” There wasn’t. Almost a year since their mating, and he was still a teenager, where he could jack off morning to night with nothing but the scent of her on his skin.

His need for her wasn’t waning. If anything, it was worsening, driving deeper into him, marking him and fucking him up in ways he knew he’d never come back from, chaining and binding him, and he’d have it no other way.

“And you won’t let go until I say?”

“I’ll sign the fucking bar over to you if I do,” he near panted, because her hot breath was right above his cock, and he’d have a breakdown if she didn’t do something soon.

Her lips tilted, and could she read his mind, and then her mouth opened over him and she drew him deep and whole into her mouth in one stroke and he thought no more.

Instead, he felt. Warmth and wet and suction, that tongue moving over him, and fuck, he
, those cheeks hollowing and those eyes still glancing up at him, watching him as she worked him, and there was nothing else to do, not after a full night of watching her in red. With a strained groan he came in her mouth, and as his vision whitened he felt her throat swallowing him down and draining him dry.

His head crashed back against the chair. It might hurt when he had the strength to lift it up again, but he didn’t care. He might never care about anything again. Hell, hybrids were the best cars ever and wine was the only real drink and he would buy a suit and tie. Whatever, he’d agree to it all.

Music was still playing. Different song, but same woman, same slow, driving, sensual rhythms.

Bella was still kneeling before him, his cock still in her mouth, the weight of her hair still across his lap.

Brain function was returning, and he made to move. “Baby…”

Her hand shot out and clamped over his, keeping it curled around the chair. Her eyes direct on his, and as the words of his promise came back, he nodded his understanding, so she lowered her own hand.

It was the hottest, sexiest sight in his life – Bella’s keeping eye contact as she lay there, dark hair curling around her lovely face, his spent cock between those lips that seemed designed to make him think of nothing but blowjobs.

She paced it slow and easy. A stroke here, a suck there. Pause, sometimes seconds, sometimes maybe a minute, before she started moving on him once more. Mischief in her eyes, he would feel the smallest, gentlest scrape of teeth before her tongue flicked against him.

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