Bella the Bunny (3 page)

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Authors: Lily Small

BOOK: Bella the Bunny
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“Well, we … I mean …
was wondering, where did you get your spots?” Bella asked.

“My spots?” Carla looked down at the chocolate-colored markings on her snowy white fur.

“Yes. They're so lovely. Where did they come from?” Bella said.

“I've always had them, ever since I was a tiny kitten,” Carla replied. “I've no idea where they came from.”

Bella heard Lexi sigh under her ear.

“Don't worry,” Bella whispered to Lexi. “We'll find someone in Misty Wood who can help.”

“Help with what?” Carla stared at Bella.

“Oh, nothing! Thank you for trying, Carla. See you soon!” Bella hopped away along the hedgerow.

“Bye!” called Carla, still looking confused. “See you later, at Insect Sports Day!”

Bella patted her ear to check that Lexi was safely tucked away. Then, with a rustle and a shimmer of her golden wings, she took off and soared toward the middle of Misty Wood.

Honeydew Meadow spread out below them. Bella could see some golden Pollen Puppies darting about like sunbeams as they did their special job: spreading the pollen to make the flowers grow. But not one of the puppies had any spots.

Next, Bella flew toward Dandelion Dell. In the clearing next to the dell, she caught sight of something moving. It was a graceful Dream Deer with long legs and huge eyes. His smooth brown coat and gauzy wings were dappled all over with silvery spots.

“I think I've found someone!” Bella cried. “Hang on tight, Lexi!”

Bella fluttered down to where the deer was nibbling on the sweet spring grass. Surely if anyone could help Lexi, it would be a Dream Deer.




The Dream Deer lifted his nose from the grass and gazed at Bella with kind brown eyes.

“Are you searching for a dream, little bunny?” he asked Bella.

Like all the fairy animals in Misty Wood, the Dream Deer had their own special job. When the other animals were sleeping, the deer brought them happy dreams.

Bella yawned. The deer's voice was so soft and gentle it made her feel like taking a nap. She flopped down on the grass.

“Oh, dear,” she said. “I think I'm falling asleep.”

“No!” Lexi cried in her ear.

“Please do,” the deer said in his velvety voice. “I have a lovely dream for you.”

“Noooo!” Lexi cried again.

But as Bella's eyes closed, the ladybug's voice began to fade. The Dream Deer's magic was working.

Bella dreamed she was opening buds high in the treetops. But she'd never seen flowers like these before. They were huge white blossoms, hanging like brightly shining moons.

“Please don't go to sleep!” a little voice squeaked in Bella's ear. “What about my spots?”

But Bella was lost in her dream, and she didn't hear Lexi at all.

Now she could see that the white flowers were dotted with gold and yellow and silver. They had lots and lots of beautiful spots.

“Spots!” Bella called out, opening her eyes and jumping up.

“Hurray!” Lexi cried.

The deer looked at Bella, surprised. “Didn't you like your dream?” he asked.

“I loved it,” Bella told him. “But I can't sleep now. I need to find some spots. Where did
spots come from?”

The deer flicked his tail and turned his long neck to look at the silvery spots on his fur and wings.

“I don't know,” he said. “They've always been there.”

Bella heard Lexi give another sad little sigh in her ear. Bella tried not to show the deer how disappointed she was. “Oh well. Thank you anyway. And thanks for the lovely dream.”

The deer smiled warmly. “I'm very sorry I wasn't able to help you,” he said. “I do hope you find some spots, whatever they are for.” Then he leaped gracefully into the air and soared away.

“What are we going to do now?” Lexi whispered.

“I don't know,” Bella said. She was beginning to feel a
bit worried, too.

“You could try another song,” Lexi suggested.

“Good idea.” Bella jumped up and began hopping along a little path that led through the trees. Lexi snuggled back under Bella's ear. After a moment, Bella began to sing.

Hop-a-long, hop-a-long, hoppity-hop!

We're looking for someone to give us some spots.

A Dream Deer couldn't help us,

And neither could a kitten!

So we're searching the wood

For where they are hidden!

Bella kept hopping and singing.

The path led deep into the Heart of Misty Wood. The trees grew close together, and the ferns and moss were thick and green. Bella felt a little afraid. Apart from her song, this part of the wood was silent. There was no one around, and no sign of

Oh, dear. I must be going the wrong way
, Bella thought.

She was about to turn and hop back when a ray of sunshine lit the path ahead. The trees thinned as she hopped into a clearing.

Bella came to a halt, her heart beating fast. There was a ring of bright red toadstools in the clearing.

“Why have you stopped?” Lexi asked.

Bella raised her ear so that Lexi could see the toadstools.

“Mushrooms?” Lexi said. “How can mushrooms help us?”

“They're not mushrooms. They're
!” Bella explained.

Lexi was very puzzled.

“It's a magic toadstool ring!” Bella whispered. “A place where wishes come true!”

And without another word, she hopped out of the trees and flew straight to the middle of the ring.



Magic Toadstools

It was very quiet in the middle of the toadstool ring. There were no birds singing, and even the leaves in the trees had stopped rustling. Bella gave a little shiver, but she knew she must be brave. She raised her ear right up.

“Come and sit beside me,” she whispered to Lexi.

“Why?” Lexi asked.

“We need to close our eyes,” Bella explained. “Then I'll make a wish for you to have some spots.”

“Oh, I hope it works,” breathed Lexi.

Bella closed her eyes tight and thought for a moment. As soon as the words came into her head, she began to sing.

Lexi's only got one spot,

Which makes her feel so sad.

But grant my wish, kind toadstools,

And she'll be very glad!

Bella stopped singing and listened. There was still no sound. Not even the faintest breeze or quietest birdsong. But then …

Something ruffled against her.

“What's that?” Lexi squeaked.

Swish! Swoosh!

There it was again. It felt as if a big, soft brush was stroking Bella's fur.

“Don't move!” Bella whispered to Lexi. “It's the magic. You have to keep your eyes closed.”

Suddenly, the swooshing stopped. Everything was quiet.

Bella opened one eye and saw the ring of toadstools. Then she opened her other eye.

“Oh no!” she gasped when she saw Lexi.

“Oh no!” squeaked Lexi when she saw Bella.

“What's wrong?” they both said at exactly the same time.

“You've got spots!” Bella said. “But—”

“So have you,” interrupted Lexi. “Big white ones!”

Bella stared at the ladybug. “Yours are white, too!”

“They can't be!” Lexi cried.

“It's true,” Bella said. “Let's go look in that puddle over there.”

They fluttered over to look at their reflections in the water.

true!” Lexi said. “I've got lots and lots of white spots. But they should be

Bella gazed at her friend. The ladybug did look strange, with one big black spot and lots of little white ones. Then Bella leaned over to look at her own reflection.

“Oh my!” she exclaimed. There were big white blobs all over her silky gray fur. She didn't look like her usual self at all.

Lexi started to cry. Tiny trails of tears glimmered as they trickled down her face. “I c-can't go to Sports Day like this! What are we going to do?”

“Don't worry,” Bella said. “This toadstool ring is definitely magic, but I must have sung the wish wrong. Let me try again.”

Bella started flying back toward the ring, but Lexi stayed where she was.

“Why aren't you coming?” Bella asked.

“The magic might go wrong again,” Lexi replied. “I might end up with purple spots. Or spots every color of the rainbow. And that would be even worse!”

“I'm sure that won't happen,” Bella said, flying back over to Lexi. “I just have to get the wish right. That's all.”

Lexi gave a little nod and fluttered back to the toadstool ring.

When they were both in the ring again, they closed their eyes. Bella tilted her head, wiggled her nose, and then started singing.

I should have asked for black spots!

Can the white ones disappear?

Lexi needs some black ones.

Oh, I do hope you can hear!

Misty Wood was silent again. Had the song worked? Bella opened one eye to take a peek. Lexi's spots were still white! The toadstools had worked their magic the first time—why weren't they listening now? Bella took a deep breath and bellowed at the top of her voice.

Listen, toadstools, in your ring,

Can't you hear me when I sing?

Lexi needs some BLACK SPOTS


“There's no need to shout,” a deep voice interrupted.

Bella's fur stood on end, and Lexi squeaked with fright. They both kept their eyes shut tight. Maybe the magic was working?

“I don't do black spots,” the voice said. “I do only white.”

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