Being the Bad Boy's Victim (9 page)

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Authors: Claire Monette

BOOK: Being the Bad Boy's Victim
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“That’s right! Connor Michaels is mine!” I said, standing up to face everybody. “Back off, bitches!”

I saw Anna from the corner of my eye trying to stifle her laughter. I held back a grin, only she knew what I was doing. Not because I told her, but because Anna was a genius. Which reminded me then, I needed her advice on something.

“What are you doing?” Connor hissed, pulling me back.

“Boo! That hurts!” I said loudly, twisting around to face him. “But don’t worry, I like it rough. You know that.”

Connor’s eyes narrowed and he grabbed my arm, yanking me out of the booth. I giggled and twirled my hair as he dragged me out of the cafeteria.

“Connor, where are we…?”

He slammed the doors close, pushing me onto one of the lockers nearby. Thankfully, no one was in the hallway, which meant no weird-ass rumors would be spread.

“What the hell are you doing?” Connor snarled, looking beyond angry.

“What do you mean, boo?” I asked innocently, batting my eyelashes flirtatiously.

“Cut the act, Bella,” Connor ordered, pressing his body harder into mine, making it hard to move at all.

I looked around, making sure that there wasn’t anyone there.

“Okay, Connor,” I said, dropping the girly girl act. “You caught me,” I muttered, venom dripping in my tone.

“What do you think you’re doing?” Connor asked, impatience threading through his voice.

I raised an eyebrow.
How stupid can this guy be?
“I’m going along with the little rumor you started,” Realization crossed Connor’s face and I rolled my eyes.

“How did you know?” he asked, still pressed to me.

I squirmed a little, noting the smirk that appeared on Connor’s face while he was watching me.

“I just do,” I snapped, attempting to push him away at the same time.

He laughed when I gave up.

Come on! It was like trying to move a wall.

“So are you going to tell people the truth?” I asked.

“Hmmm.” He leaned into me, every inch of my body was now touching his. “Nope.”

“What?” I asked, surprised.

“I think I’m going to let everybody think we did it,” he said, smirking.

I held in my anger, and decided it was time to pull out the “cockblocker.”

“Then, I think I’m going to tell everyone about the STD you gave me,” I said, smirking.

Connor’s eyes widened, then narrowed. Anger was evident on his face. Hell, he looked dangerous. Then my breathing grew ragged as he leaned down, pressing his lips to mine. Since I had absolutely no chance of getting away, I decided I would be a bitch and keep my mouth closed, refusing entrance. I could tell Connor was growing impatient as he tried everything to get me to open up. Well, apparently not everything… yet.

Soon enough, I felt his hand slide underneath my skirt, resting on the side of my butt. I managed to keep my mouth closed as he squeezed my butt. My heart was about to burst as his hand slid over my crotch, resting right underneath.
Come on, Bella, stay strong!
And I would have held on, too. But then I felt his hand slide into my underwear, causing me to open my mouth so I could scream. He was able to expertly let his tongue slip into my mouth before I could manage to, however, causing my struggles to become more intense. Unfortunately, Connor wasn’t about to budge, so I was left with no other choice.

“Ow! Bella! What the hell?” Connor yelled, his tongue now bright red where I bit it.

Yes, I just bit Connor Michaels’ tongue. YOLO!

I took his distraction to my advantage, and pushed him away, scampering to the cafeteria. Just before I made it to the door, I felt myself being pulled backwards. I let out a yelp of surprise as Connor pushed me into the wall.

“Connor, what are you…?” I froze when I felt Connor’s lips on my neck, sucking softly. I held back a moan as the sucking became stronger and more persistent. What? It felt really good! Then, the realization hit me. Angrily, I shoved Connor away, glaring at him. He just evilly grinned at me, advancing on me so that once again, I was pressed up against the wall. He leaned in closer, if that was even possible, his spearmint breath fanning across my face. My breathing got caught in my throat as he lowered his mouth to my ear.

“You can deny liking me, wanting me. But let’s face it, you’re like the rest. You’re one of those good girls who secretly, but so desperately, wants to change me. All girls want to be the one who makes the bad boy change. Deluding themselves that he’ll change for them. So you can go around acting like you don’t care about me. Go ahead, Bella, do that. But let me tell you this though, I enjoy a good chase, and that’s exactly what you are. Because, Bella, I get what I want, and I want you.”

My heart stopped beating. I was frozen, rooted to the spot. I didn’t even react when Connor wrapped an arm around my waist, dragging me into the lunchroom.

“Will everyone shut the fuck up for a second?” Connor asked, all eyes were on us the second he spoke.

Reality started to seep in as everyone stopped talking. But I was still frozen in horror as Connor started speaking.

“Everybody, I have a confession. Bella and I did not have sex,” he paused as gasps and whispers filled the room, “… yet.”

My eyes widened and I began struggling to get away from him.

“That’s right, everyone. Bella and her virginity, they’re all mine. I want her and I will have her.” Connor looked around, waiting for anyone to speak out—to challenge him.

I frowned and glared at him. “You don’t own me,” I spat out angrily, attempting to shove him away.

Connor let out a short laugh.

“I’m afraid I do,” he said.

Whispers filled the room once more and I couldn’t help but feel like a confused idiot.

“She has the mark!” one girl whispered. Then, all her friends gasped and pointed at me.

I frowned and turned to Connor, who was now smirking once more.

“Everyone, take a good look,” Connor announced, wrapping his arms around me as he pulled my hair away from my neck.

And then some more gasps and damn whispers erupted. It was all getting really annoying.

“James,” Connor called out.

James gave a short wave from the booth as everyone turned to stare at him.

“What happens when I mark a girl?”

I watched as Matt chuckled and James let out a small laugh before speaking.

“You get them in bed. No matter what.”

I looked around me—at all the expressions of shame on all the girls’ faces. For some reason, I felt a rush of confidence from seeing them all like that.

“Good luck!” I said, smiling at Connor.

“Yeah, I… wait, what?” Connor asked, surprised.

“Good luck,” I said with a shrug. “I don’t care how many girls you’ve slept with. I don’t care how good you are. It’s going to take a hell of a lot of luck to get me to sleep with you.”

It was now Connor’s turn to stare in amazement. I smiled as everyone began whispering—for my benefit, this time. I leaned in and stood on my tippy toes to reach his ear.

“Game on, bad boy,” I said with a daring grin. I took that moment to make my dramatic exit, leaving everything and everyone behind me.





My heart skipped a beat as she stood on her tippy toes, bringing her mouth to my ear.

“Game on, bad boy.”

She left the lunchroom at that—leaving me completely and utterly shocked. That was what got to me about Bella. She wasn’t like the other girls.
No, sirree!
  There was just something about her that couldn’t make me stop thinking of her. And that was a big deal. I had never thought twice about a girl before. But with Bella, it was like she was living in my head.

I brushed off the shock and went to sit back with James and Matt, who like everyone else, were now staring at me with wide eyes.

“What?” I asked, annoyed.

They looked at each other before Matt decided to speak. “Dude, you are in for a challenge,” he said, almost as if he didn’t think I would win.

“Matt, she said, ‘Game on.’ Only, someone forgot to say the rules,” I said with a smug grin.

Matt and James’ eyes widened even more, and then they stared at me with admiration.

Poor little Bella. She didn’t even know what she just started.

Chapter 08





The rest of the day was uneventful. I had to spend the rest of my time catching up with all the classes I had missed. Thankfully, Jess was able to help me with everything during Study Hall.

Unfortunately, I got sick on Saturday, so I spent the rest of the weekend in bed. Yeah, living life to its fullest.


Monday morning


“Bella! Wake up! I’m leaving!” my mum screamed, causing me to jolt awake. I flung myself out of the bed when I saw the clock. It was 7:35 am. I sprinted towards my closet, grabbing a pair of shorts and a graphic t-shirt before quickly changing.

“Mum?” I called out as I hurried downstairs. Silence. I panicked and grabbed all my stuff, flinging the front door open. I froze at the scene that greeted me.

Connor Michaels was talking to my mum. She stood up from the porch swing when she saw me, so did Connor.

“Pumpkin, I’ve got to get to work early. But Connor here, came by to say he’s going to give you a ride!” my mum exclaimed like it was the best thing in the world. I felt the panic set in as she gave me a quick hug before walking to her car and driving away.

I stared at her car as she turned at the corner, leaving me alone with Connor. Then, I jumped as an arm slid around me, pulling me into a hard, muscled body.

“I’m about to give you the ride of your life,” Connor whispered huskily into my ear as he buried his face in my neck and put his arms around me.

I frowned and tried to pull away despite the warm, comforting hug he was giving me.

“Connor, let go,” I mumbled. I felt his chest rumble against my back as he let out a low chuckle.

“Fine, but only because we have to get to school soon,” Connor said, turning me around so that I was now facing him. His eyes trailed down to my lips as he pushed my hair back, tucking it behind my ear.

“Let’s go,” I snapped, scowling at him as I turned, trudging down the walkway. Halfway down, I paused and looked around.

“Connor, where’s your car? All I see is a m—” My eyes widened at my sudden realization. I opened and closed my mouth, speechless, looking like a fish out of water.

“Well, what are you waiting for?” Connor asked, walking past me and towards his “vehicle of death.”

“No way in hell,” I said, turning the opposite direction and starting to walk to school.

“Bella,” Connor called out. “You might as well turn around now. You don’t want me carrying you back here, do you?”

I turned around angrily and scowled at him, crossing my arms defiantly.
He wouldn’t dare.
I turned back and continued to walk, only to be yanked backwards and thrown over Connor’s shoulder.

I let out an annoyed huff as Connor placed me back on the ground. He was smiling at me smugly. I was about to turn away when a helmet was shoved onto my head. Then, Connor pulled his helmet on, sat down on his motorcycle, and looked back at me. I adjusted my bag so that it was securely fastened on my shoulder and wouldn’t fly off. Resignedly, I took a deep breath before straddling the seat behind Connor.

“You may want to hold on,” Connor said as he started the engine. As if!  I would rather…


Ten minutes later


“Bella, you can let go now,” Connor said for the third time. I wouldn’t budge. My eyes remained squeezed shut, and my arms and legs were so tightly wound around Connor that I had lost feeling in them. I heard Connor let out an exasperated sigh.

“Man, what have you gotten yourself into?” Despite the fact that my eyes were sealed shut, it wasn’t hard to guess who had spoken—Matt.

“Can you get her off of me?” Connor asked impatiently.

I heard Matt’s chuckle before the sound of footsteps came towards me. Then, I felt my arms, as well as my legs, being pried off of Connor. My helmet was pulled off, and for the first time in a while, I opened my eyes. I cautiously looked around.

“I suppose you don’t like motorcycles?” James asked, now standing by Connor, who was putting his helmet away.

I glared at him and fixed my book bag, turning to leave.

“The best part was when she pressed her body to mine, her boobs felt amazing on my back,” Connor said loudly, causing Matt and James to laugh, and me to fling curse words at him all the way to my locker.

“What happened to you?” Lily asked, standing with Jess and Claire.

I mumbled something about life sucking balls and that Connor was a kangaroo, and then headed off to English.

Yeah, I get pretty weird when I’m tired and sick.

Reaching the classroom, I collapsed in my chair, letting my head rest in my arms. As much as I hate to admit it, being stuck to Connor wasn’t that bad. I mean, sure, he got to have my boobs pressed up against his back, but I got to feel his rock hard knob.
Just kidding!
I meant his rock hard abs. It was actually pretty fun, despite the fact that at any given moment I could have been killed.

I listened as students filed in, taking their seats. Then, I lifted my head, looking around. And just as Connor walked in, an announcement went through the loudspeaker.

“Connor Michaels, please report to the front office.”

Connor paused and turned to leave, then he stopped again.

“Almost forgot,” he said, causing everyone to look at him in confusion.

I began panicking as he started walking towards me, his familiar smirk on his face. I let out a small, but noticeable gasp when Connor pulled me up by the arm and let his free hand trace my neck. My breath hitched in my throat, and my eyes widened.

“You’re still mine,” Connor whispered as he placed his lips on my neck, in the same spot as before. As if he could read my mind, he used one of his hands to hold my head in place, while the other wrapped around my waist, rooting me to the spot.

After a couple of awkward seconds, Connor pulled away. And without another word, he walked off, leaving me standing there in a state of shock.

“Bastard!” I screamed out as he left the room. This caused him to laugh from the hallway. I frowned and slumped in my seat, wiping my neck viciously.

“You’re just going to make it worse,” Mr. Henderson said, amusement in his eyes.

I glared at him as the rest of the class laughed, causing me to glare at everyone else. Jess looked back at me, smiling. I scowled and turned my attention back to Mr. Henderson who was passing out the essays we had turned in last week.
At least I’ll be getting some good news,
I thought to myself as he placed my essay down on my desk. My eyes bugged out as I saw the big bright D on my paper.

Now, I am what you might call a nerd. I do study a lot, and I never forgot to turn in something. The lowest grade I had ever gotten was a B−. So you could imagine my surprise at this.

“Mr. Hender——”

“See me after class, Bella,” he said with a sigh, not even turning to face me.

I frowned and looked back at my essay, looking over all the little notes he wrote all over it.





After English class


“A tutor? You want me to get a tutor?” I asked, my voice shrill. I couldn’t believe this. I had never been advised to get a tutor before. I was the girl who helped others in school!

“Like I said, Bella. It would be in your best interest to get a tutor. I spoke to your other teach—”

“What?” I cried out, throwing my hands up in the air. “What did they say?”

Mr. Henderson hesitated before speaking. “It seems that you have been struggling in most of your classes.”

My jaw dropped open and I stared at Mr. Henderson in disbelief.

“But we know how hard you work. And moving to a new school can be difficult,” Mr. Henderson rushed after seeing my reaction. “That’s why we are assigning you a tutor.”

“Assigning?” I asked, my voice barely over a whisper.

“Yes,” Mr. Henderson said, watching me closely. “We have chosen one of our top students to tutor you.”

I numbly nodded my head and picked up my book bag, leaving before he could say another word.



I handed Mrs. O’Connell the note Mr. Henderson gave me. She gave me a smile, which I returned with a blank look. Mrs. O’Connell was an amazing teacher. But after what Mr. Henderson said, I couldn’t help but not like her anymore.
I scoffed.

Liam tried explaining what they were talking about, but I was distracted.

“Bella, what’s on your neck?” Mrs. O’Connell asked, squinting from the front of the classroom.

Everyone turned to stare at me.
Hell, my neck!
I frowned and tried to cover it up, but the whispers had already started.

“Um, Mrs. O’Connell, Bella has a hickey.” Some blonde girl stood up, fiddling with her hair like an idiot.

Mrs. O’Connell’s eyes bugged out and she blushed a bit before continuing the lesson. Blondie turned to me and smirked, so I flipped her off in return. Her jaw dropped and she sat down, crossing her arms angrily. Jessica gave me a thumbs up, and I smiled back.
Take that, blondie!

“So, Connor’s going after you,” Liam said as he leaned back in his chair and looked at my now exposed neck.

“Yeah, what gave it away?” I asked sarcastically.

Liam just laughed and looked forward.

“You know he’s not going to give up, right? He always gets his victim,” Liam said, looking at me through the corner of his eyes, as he started taking notes.

Victim, huh? The label seemed pretty fitting.

“Yeah, well, I’d like to see him try,” I replied tartly, taking notes and as I did so, I saw Liam turned to look at me, grinning.

“You really aren’t like the rest,” Liam observed, his grin still on his face.

“Must be because I’m British,” I joked with a shrug.

“Nah! I’m pretty sure he’s fucked a British girl before,” Liam said, his eyes twinkling.

I burst out laughing, causing people to turn and stare. I blushed and mumbled an apology.

“Nice going,” Liam whispered into my ear, causing me to turn at him and glare playfully.

I looked him over as he faced front, writing down the rest of the notes. Although I had said that he was quite nerdy looking, I was thinking of taking back my words. Today, he had on a casual t-shirt, and instead of slacks and suspenders, he was wearing normal jeans.

“What happened to your glasses?” I asked, confused.

“Bella, I only wore them once,” Liam said, still writing. “I only had to wear them because I forgot my contacts.”

“Oh!” I replied.

I turned to the front and finished taking notes just as the bell rang. I quickly put everything away, but as I stood, I started falling forwards. Before I could hit the ground, a strong pair of arms wrapped around me, catching me. I opened my eyes, finding myself face to face with Liam. He lifted me up so that we were standing a mere inch apart.

“Thank you,” I breathed out, my eyes trailing over his face.

“No problem,” he murmured, his hot breath fanning my face.

I started getting lost in his eyes, his deep blue, ocean-like eyes. He started leaning in, but just before we could go any further, someone cleared a throat. My head snapped towards the direction of Jessica. She was standing right next to me, frowning with her arms crossed. I blushed and pushed away from Liam. Jess grabbed my hand, dragging me from the room. Just as I was pulled through the door, I gave an apologetic look at Liam, and he just shrugged.

“What the hell was that?” Jessica asked after we had gotten to our lockers.

I hesitated before I spoke. I mean, she looked so pissed off.

“I–I… it was nothing,” I said, looking away.

“Bella, Connor wants you,” Jess said.

I turned to face her, glaring. “Why does everyone keep saying that?”

“Because you’re now his,” Jess said, as if it was the most obvious thing.

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