Read Beg for Mercy Online

Authors: Jami Alden

Tags: #Romance, #FIC027110, #Fiction

Beg for Mercy (30 page)

BOOK: Beg for Mercy
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In the past, he would have played the good guy and backed off at the first sign of resistance. Hell, more often than not, he’d been the one to stop them in their tracks. How many times had he pulled away, telling her that he didn’t want to move too fast, that he didn’t want to push her into anything she wasn’t ready for?

Until she was so ready she could barely see straight, only to have reality come crashing down all around her.

But Cole didn’t budge. “Actually, I think this is the best idea I’ve had in a really long time.” His big hands cupped her face, holding her still as he took her mouth.

She’d had a taste of this Cole a few days ago. The one who didn’t try to fight the lust no matter how they might kick themselves later. Relentless. Determined.

He pulled her hair to the side and sucked her earlobe into his mouth, a touch that sent a jolt of heat to her core. She made a last grasp for sanity. “This is so stupid, after everything.” She bit her lip on a moan as his big palm squeezed her breast through her shirt. “You know this can’t go anywhere.”

“I’m so fucking tired,” he muttered as his tongue traced her bruised throat, “of thinking about what happened before and what’s going to happen after.” He pulled his head up and stared at her as his hands undid the top button of her blouse. Then another.

Daring her to stop him.

God, why does he make me so weak?

“All I know is that I want you, Megan. I’ve wanted you every day for nearly three years. I buried it, and I could keep you out of my mind most days. But ever since I saw you again, it’s like this ache, eating away at me until I can’t think of anything but kissing you, touching you.” He gave her breast a squeeze that sent sparks singing through every nerve ending. “And being inside you,” he said, closing his eyes, his voice so deep and reverent it made her ache with need. “You have no idea how bad I want to be inside you.”

Her pulse throbbed between her legs. Oh yeah, she had a pretty good idea. And it was getting more difficult to resist by the second as he whispered hot, dirty things he wanted to do to her, all the ways he’d imagined having her.

So different from how he’d been before. Back when they’d dated, he’d been reserved. Careful not to reveal too much. Cautious of moving too fast. And when everything had gone to hell, he’d been quick to deny that what he’d felt for her was serious.

Now all the barriers were coming down as he told her in no uncertain terms what he wanted and how. “You almost died today.” His whisper was almost accusing. “You could have died, and I would never have been able to touch you again.” His fingers traced her cheeks; his lips nipped at hers like he couldn’t get enough, couldn’t stop touching her, tasting her. “Just one night,” he pleaded. “Just one night where I don’t have to think about anything but how much I want you, how good I’m going to make you feel.”

He slid his hand between her legs, cupping her sex through her jeans. “You do want that, don’t you, Megan?” As though he couldn’t feel the heat and dampness of her sex through the fabric. One finger ran against the seam of her pants, pressing against her clit until it was all she could do to keep her legs from buckling under her.

God, yes.
But a cliuld do was moan into his mouth as his finger circled her, teasing her through the suddenly constrictive fabric of her jeans.

This is so wrong
. She tried desperately to remind herself of all the reasons why nothing good could come of giving in.

Her protests evaporated like mist as he popped the button on her jeans and buzzed her zipper down. His hand slid into the waistband of her panties. Thick, callused fingers pressed against her, the firm pressure of his fingertips against her clit almost enough to make her come right then and there.

His breath hitched in his chest as he delved farther, until his fingertip teased her opening. “God, you’re so wet. Jesus, you do want me.”

If his tone had been at all smug, she would have shoved him away. Kneed him in the balls and locked herself in his bedroom all night. He sounded… wondrous… like he was the luckiest man in the world to have her want him.

His euphoria was infectious.
Just one night,
a reckless, needful voice urged her. After everything she’d been through, everything she’d sacrificed, didn’t she deserve this? One night of pleasure with the man who had haunted her dreams for the past three years? One night to finally know, after years of wondering, wanting, needing, how
it would feel to be taken by this man who wanted her so much.

And who you want right back.
She rocked her hips against his hand and shoved his shirt up his waist. He released her mouth as she yanked his shirt over his head, and she moaned a protest when he pulled his hand from her panties. Their fingers tangled as they both rushed to remove their own and each other’s clothing. The kitchen echoed with the sounds of panting breath, wet kisses, and pleasured moans.

Within seconds they were naked, the hot press of Cole’s skin against hers driving her crazy. The rough dusting of hair on his chest teased her nipples to painful hardness. Every nerve ending was on high alert, buzzing with arousal so acute it bordered on pain. Her hands and mouth were everywhere, reveling in every patch of hot, smooth skin, the salty taste of him on her tongue, his woods-and-musk scent wrapping around her.

His cock pressed against her belly, thick as a club and just as hard. She wrapped her hand around it, her mouth going a little dry as she measured his substantial length. Smiling against his mouth, she swallowed his shuddering groan.

She stroked him harder, loving the way he felt in her hand. Hot, velvety soft skin over marble hardness. Thick and pulsing with life. As she watched, mesmerized, a thick bead of precome welled to the surface. An answering rush of moisture pulsed between her legs.

“I want you so much. I don’t think I can go slow,” Cole said, and she could feel the tremor in his hands as he lifted her onto the countertop and stepped between her legs. He was shaking like a racehorse, his every muscle
standing out in sharp relief as his body went taut with rapidly dwindling restraint.

Megan leaned back, bracing herself with one hand, the other still stroking his cock. “It’s okay,” she panted, so turned on she could barely see straight. “I don’t need slow. I need you.”

He groaned, hooked her leg over his hip and wrapped his hand around hers. She licked her lips in anticipation as he rubbed the thick head against her, parting her lips, circling her clit as he bathed himself in her juice. It was the most erotic thing she’d ever seen, both their hands circled around his cock, guiding him up, down, around her slippery flesh until they were both shaking with need.

But it was nothing compared to how he felt, squeezing inside, the broad head of his cock stretching her until she danced on the edge of pleasure and pain. His hips rocked forward, sinking him halfway, and he paused at her sharp gasp.

“I’m sorry, baby. You’re just so tight, and you feel so good.” He squeezed his eyes shut, his face a mask of agonized pleasure. But he held himself there, perfectly still as he waited for her to adjust around him.

“It’s okay,” she whispered.

He bent his head and closed his mouth over her nipple, the hot suction making her jerk against him, taking him a little deeper. He didn’t move his hips as his lips, tongue, and teeth teased her agonizingly sensitive nipples, sucking, licking, biting, until she couldn’t stand it anymore.

She rocked her hips, moaning his name as every thrust took him a little deeper.

“That’s it, Megan,” he breathed. “Show me how you want it. Show me what you need.”

Her inner muscles tightened around him, greedy for him as she rocked harder. Finally, finally, he was buried to the hilt, filling her up, deeper than anyone had ever been before.

He pulled almost all the way out and squeezed slowly back in, one heart-stopping inch at a time. He pulled his mouth from her breasts and pressed his forehead against hers, his eyes cast down, his face tight with concentration as he watched his cock sink into her. Over and over, so slow and so deep, until she felt like she was going to burst out of her skin.

She needed
She threaded the fingers of one hand through his hair and tugged his mouth back up to hers. She sucked his tongue into her mouth and slid her other hand down to grip the hard muscle of his butt, urging him harder, faster.

She leaned back on the counter, bracing herself against his thrusts as she wrapped her legs tighter around him. The lust coiled inside her like a spring, tighter and tighter until she was moaning and shaking with the need for release. “Oh God, Cole,” she moaned, needing something, needing
His thick cock sank into her, his hands roughly gripping her hips as he held her still to take him and take him and take him.

He stared down at her, his face tight with need as he slid his hand between them and pressed his thumb against her clit. Tight circles, firm brushes up and down in time with the heavy thrust and drag of his cock.

Sharp sounds she didn’t even recognize as hers erupted from her throat as he drove her higher. Then she was shaking, shuddering, coming around him, so hard she could feel her inner muscles squeezing and releasing him. The
ripples of her orgasm radiated out from her core in waves, sizzling through her limbs and making even the soles of her feet tingle.

Cole wasn’t far behind. A bead of sweat trickled down his cheek as he threw his head back. An agonized groan tore from his chest, and then he was holding himself deep, jerking and spurting inside her.

Cole’s heart hadn’t stopped thundering against his ribs, his breath barely slowed, before he felt her stiffen against him. The last ripples of her orgasm had barely faded and already the gears of her brain were churning so hard he could practically hear them as regret tried to worm its way in and ruin the afterglow.

Not if he could help it. He looked down at her troubled green eyes staring at him, her cheeks flushed, her mouth swollen and red from his kisses, her hair a wild tangle spilling over her shoulders. She looked exactly like what she was, a blazingly hot woman who had just been fucked within an inch of her life. No way was he going to let her slide into a spiral of self-recrimination. Not until he really gave her something to feel guilty about.

“Cole,” she warned as he leaned down to kiss her. She tried to turn her face aside at the last second, but his hand on her jaw held her in place.

She was still at first, her lips closed as he probed at them with his tongue. “Don’t,” he whispered, his tongue tracing the seam of her lips. “Don’t pull away from me. Stay here with me.” He kissed her again, and this time she softened, her lips parting to let him in. He swept his
tongue inside, savoring her heat, her taste. “Be with me tonight.”

She surrendered with a sigh and gave herself over to his kiss. His cock surged inside her as he felt her melt against him, her arms wrapping around his back, her legs looping around his hips. She gave a little squeal when he cupped his hands over her ass and lifted her off the counter. “What are you doing?” she gasped.

“Taking you to my bed,” he replied, unable to keep the satisfaction from his voice.
His bed.
If life had worked out in his favor, he would have taken her there three goddamn years ago and she never would have left. The thought squeezed his heart like a fist, and he shoved it away. No use whining over the way life should have turned out. He had her tonight, and he was going to make the goddamn most of it.

He took a few steps and her breath hitched as she squirmed against him.

“Oh my God,” she breathed, her legs and arms tightening around him. “You’re still…” She squirmed again.

“Hard,” he said, unable to suppress a grin as he rocked his hips against her for emphasis. “I’ve waited a long time, thinking about how good it would be to fuck you.”

She let out a little moan and clenched around him so tight his knees nearly buckled. He barely made it to the bedroom, his cock hardening with every step, and Megan’s answering moans and squirms tempting him to sink to the floor and take her again right there.

Fuck, he was thirty-six years old, well past the time that he could stay hard and go two rounds back-to-back. But bytime he’d made it the fifteen steps to the bedroom and laid her down on the bed, he was primed and
ready and afraid he was going to come in about ten seconds if he wasn’t careful.

He came down over her and ordered himself to take it slow.
Easier said than done.
Especially when she felt so unbelievably good. Soft and slick from her orgasm and his come, but still so tight around him it was like being squeezed in a wet fist. He wanted to explore, touch and taste and take in every detail of her, but he couldn’t make himself leave the hot clasp of her body.

BOOK: Beg for Mercy
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