Beauty Awakened (Angels of the Dark) (26 page)

BOOK: Beauty Awakened (Angels of the Dark)
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A trick, surely. “You expect me to wed a blood relation?”

“Expect? No.” Nox laughed with evil intent, the sound chilling. “Demand? Yes.”

Koldo popped his jaw, not allowing himself to so much as glance at Nicola and catch her reaction to this.

“Sirena’s a tasty little treat,” his father added, reaching out to pat her bottom. “You’ll quite enjoy her. I did.”

Disgusting male.
And I sprang from his loins.
“Are you agreeable to this?” he barked at Sirena.

“I am,” she said, and bent over Nicola. She placed a kiss against the tape covering her mouth as the girl tried to turn her head away. Sirena’s intentions were clear: she wanted Nicola’s soul. All the while her gaze remained on Koldo. “You’ve been promised to me since my birth, and I
have you. One way or another. What happens to the human depends on you.”

Four other Nefas strolled over to their group, one eating from a bag of popcorn, another biting into a caramel apple and another drinking a cup of coffee. But he could see the guns and knives stashed at their wrists, waist and ankles. They were warriors.

Worse, there were two demons with them. Lefty and Righty. Lefty’s arm had been reattached, though it hung limply at his side, but Righty’s horn was still missing. Both males were grinning.

I’ll flash to the girls and throw them at you,
he projected into Axel’s mind.
Catch them and fly them to safety. I’ll stay behind to fight.

He expected resistance. After all, a Sent One had just found out that Koldo was half-Nefas, the vilest race to walk the earth.

Instead, Axel said,
Dude, you better keep yourself alive. There’s no way I can deal with those two ladies for long
without throwing a shagging party.

“What’s it to be?” Nox demanded.

The serps slithered to the girls, mouths hovering near their ears, ready to breathe their toxin all over them. The girls would experience intense waves of fear, and that fear would open their minds to harsher attack. Were they strong enough to resist? To overcome?

Sirena gave Nicola’s taped mouth another kiss, and grinned.

“I’ll have her,” he said—though he failed to specify which one. And the word
had many different meanings, didn’t it?

Nicola flinched. Laila sobbed into the ground.

Sirena straightened.

Nox nodded with satisfaction, but said, “I don’t actually believe you. But that’s okay. You won’t leave this spot until it’s done. Then, you’ll have to be punished for killing my people.”

“No. That’s not how this will go down.” He flashed to the girls, dislodging Sirena as he covered both humans with his own body. The serps immediately bounded into action, exhaling their toxin before sinking fangs into his arms.

A burning in his veins, a release of the venom.

The moment the creatures pulled back, intending to make another play, he tossed both females at Axel, as planned. The angel’s wings whipped out, and he darted into the air, leaving Koldo alone with a horde of enraged Nefas.



done that,” Nox said, reaching up to grab the hilt of a sword he’d strapped to his back. “I was willing to be nice. Now, not so much.”

Sirena withdrew two short swords.

The four Nefas warriors dropped their food and withdrew guns.

Lefty and Righty unsheathed their claws.

“We should take this somewhere private,” Koldo said.

One word from his father. “No.”

Very well, then. Koldo extended his arm and summoned the sword of fire. The flames burst forth, a mix of yellow and blue, crackling. He would be battling his enemies in both the natural
the spiritual realms. It wasn’t ideal, but it also wasn’t impossible.

Most of the humans in the park gasped at the display of aggression and weaponry. Some ran. Some sat down as if they were about to be entertained with an after-dinner theater performance.

The Nefas flashed to Koldo’s sides as the demons converged. He swung the sword left and right in quick succession, going for his father first, but the male flashed a few feet away to avoid being hit. At the same time, the others lashed out at him. He dodged one, two, three, but not the rest, and took the impact in his arm, side and leg.

A bullet grazed his shoulder. A sharp sting caused him to hiss. Bleeding, he flashed behind Nox, and swung his sword. But his father sensed him and also flashed, leaving three of his men vulnerable. The sword slicked through their bodies. Two of the Nefas went down face-first, dead. The other whipped around as he fell and squeezed off another shot. This time, Koldo flashed before the bullets could nail him.

Lefty realized he was close enough to strike and swung, his wing slicing out, reaching...missing. Koldo flashed to the other side, struck—decapitating a Nefas. But Lefty and Righty were familiar with his brand of fighting and anticipated his landing.

The moment he was busy swinging his sword at someone else, they flew up and over, kicking him in the face. He stumbled backward. A chorus of “ooh” and “aah” erupted from the growing crowd.

Sirena flashed behind him, catching him before he could straighten, but rather than stab him, as he expected, she pressed her body against his, and dug her nails into his neck. Nails that seemed to leak a boiling liquid straight into his veins. Her grip was strong. Impossibly strong.

Hot breath fanned over his skin as she said, “I’m going to relish cutting your female to ribbons and sucking out her soul.” She jumped up to lick his cheek with a long, hot stroke. “You’re mine, and don’t you ever forget it.”

As she spoke, the serps wrapped their tails around his ankles and jerked. He slammed his elbow backward, drilling Sirena in the stomach as he fell. They both went down. As breath exploded from her in a pained rush, he tried to turn, determined to end her. But the demons still locked around his ankles gave a vicious tug, and he skidded away.

Lefty and Righty were there, kicking and punching at him. All the while, the remaining Nefas flashed in and out, punching and vanishing, punching and vanishing. Sharp stings erupted over every inch of him. He rolled over, and the demons clawed at him as he tried to sit up. He let them, wanting them close enough for contact—with his weapon. They scratched and bit at him, lost to their need for revenge, unaware he was raising his sword of fire.

He killed three before Sirena regained her composure and approached him alongside Nox. But when Sirena raised her arm, as if to strike him, putting herself in harm’s way, Nox shoved his daughter out of the way. She slammed into the two demons approaching his other side, the three tumbling to the ground, away from the strike of Koldo’s sword. Still Koldo carved through the demons at his feet. Fetid steam rose, and black blood spilled. The grass sizzled.

A booted foot propelled into his side. Nox’s.

He rolled to avoid another kick, and saw a glint of metal in the corner of his eye. One of the Nefas was lifting a sword, preparing to behead him. Again, Koldo rolled, the tip of the weapon slamming into the dirt, dark grains flying in every direction. He flashed to a stand a few feet away, just behind his father. He swung, and the fiery tip slicked just above Nox’s shoulder, headed for his heart, before the male flashed away.

A whoosh of wings penetrated his ears, followed by another. Malcolm and Magnus landed a few feet away from him, Jamila behind them. Grunts began to split the air. Metal slammed against burning metal, clanging. Koldo spun, and saw that the Sent Ones were engaged in a fierce battle. Malcolm and a Nefas. Magnus and a Nefas. Jamila and Sirena. The Nefas could have flashed away for good, but Koldo knew their mind-set. Knew they liked to remain in a battle as long as possible, inflicting as much damage as they could, only leaving at the threat of death.

The serps were in the process of slithering away as quickly as possible.

Nox hadn’t returned.

Malcolm attacked with hands gloved in spiked metal. The Nefas warrior he fought had leaking holes all over his body. The male staggered backward, and Malcolm eagerly chased. But Magnus beat his brother to the prize and used a whip to decapitate the creature before he could flash away.

The two nodded at each other in a job well done.

Jamila was obviously weaker than Sirena, and was tripping more than she was swinging. Koldo pulled a dagger from an air pocket and flashed behind his sister—his sister!—and grabbed her just as she had grabbed him.

He lifted the weapon, determined to plunge it deep. He wouldn’t waste time with threats. Growling with frustration and rage, Sirena performed her final flash before he could strike. The only other remaining Nefas disappeared a second later.

The sound of police sirens caught Koldo’s attention.

The crowd looked around, their smiles giving way to frowns. The clapping tapered off as the onlookers realized the authorities wouldn’t have come for a performance.

Acting quickly, Koldo and the other Sent Ones picked up the pieces of the deceased and tossed them into air pockets, then stepped into the spiritual realm. As policemen rushed into the area, the crowd bolted with confusion, and the Sent Ones faced each other.

“How did you know where I was and what I needed?” Koldo asked.

“Axel told us,” Malcolm said, rubbing the spikes in his hands together.

And what else had Axel mentioned? He waited, but no one informed him of anything more.

“Thank you,” he said. He wouldn’t tell them he’d had no need of them, that he would have pulled through on his own, because he still couldn’t bring himself to lie. And they would have tasted it, anyway.

To Jamila, he stiffly said, “Why weren’t you at Estellä?”

Her chin lifted. “That little witch Sirena flashed me to a cage in a cave and locked me inside. I can’t flash and couldn’t leave. I had to summon help.”

“I needed you with Nicola,” he said, even though he knew he couldn’t fault her for how things had gone down. They’d both been taken by surprise. But he wasn’t exactly rational at the moment.

“Well, too bad,” she snapped. “Nicola Lane is your responsibility, not mine.”

She was, wasn’t she? “She will never again set foot in Estellä Industries.” He would make sure of it. And if she protested, she protested. He would deal with the fallout, as he should have done before this happened. “I’ll take things from here.”

Koldo flashed to the house in Panama—or rather, tried to. He remained in place. He frowned, and once again tried to flash. But once again he remained where he was.

What was wrong? He’d been bitten by the serps. He’d been stabbed, shot and scratched by the Nefas. But he’d endured all of that before—and worse—with no such consequences. Only difference was...Sirena, he realized with sickening dread. She
leaked something into his veins.

If he’d forever lost his ability to flash—

He couldn’t finish that thought without howling. No. Her poison would fade. He would recover.

He had to recover.

But he’d wanted to be punished, and this certainly fit.

At least now he knew Nox’s game plan. He knew Sirena’s purpose. He knew the Nefas and demons were working together. And he knew Lefty and Righty were back in the picture, more determined than ever to reclaim Nicola.

“Fly me to Panama,” he told Malcolm, his cheeks heating with embarrassment. He hated that he had to rely on another being for his transportation.

“Wow. Aren’t you a big bag of polite,” Malcolm muttered, but still the warrior strode over to him and wrapped him in his arms. “You’ll owe me for this.”

“I know.” That was the way of the world. He only wondered if Nicola found him as aggravating as he now found Malcolm.

White wings laced with gold flared, and a twinge of envy lit a fire in Koldo’s chest. Then they were airborne, the wind whipping against his skin, and he found himself closing his eyes and pretending he was soaring on his own. That he was healthy and whole.

That he had an untainted future.

* * *

the ranch cradled in the arms of another man. A beautiful Asian man with a green fauxhawk, weird silvery eyes and tattoos of bones on his neck., he was beautiful, but he was also seriously scary.

Desperate to figure out a way to return to the park and help Koldo, Nicola had been pacing in front of the couch, where Axel and Laila sat. If anyone could win with ten-against-one odds, it was Koldo.

Koldo, who had promised to marry Sirena. His horrible troll of a sister.

Koldo, who never lied.

“He lost consciousness halfway here,” the newcomer said.

“Put him—” Axel began, standing.

Nicola cut him off. “Put him in my bed.” She rushed forward to show the new guy the way, surprised her heart wasn’t pounding more forcefully and that she wasn’t light-headed.

“Don’t leave me here, Co Co!” Laila shouted.

She glanced back to watch Laila shrink to the edge of the couch in an effort to get as far away from Axel as she could.

“And don’t you dare touch me!” Laila yelled at him. “I don’t want anything else to do with any of your kind!”

Axel shrugged and strolled to the kitchen. “You want something to do with a muffin? I’m starved.”

Nicola was torn between rushing back to her sister to offer comfort and staying with Koldo. In the end, she shouted, “No one’s going to hurt you, La La, I promise,” and raced to the bed to jerk the comforter and sheets out of the way. Then she moved so that the newcomer could easily place Koldo in the center.

“What was done to him?” she asked, heading into the bathroom to gather a washrag drenched in hot water and all the creams and cleansers Koldo had brought from her house.


Well, duh. She would ask Koldo, then. When he awoke. And he would. She wouldn’t believe otherwise. “Give me a knife,” she said when she next stood beside the bed.

Fauxhawk frowned. “Why?”

“So I can cut away his robe and doctor him. Why else?”

“So you can kill him,” he stated simply.

“I would never hurt him!” She placed all of the supplies on the mattress. “We’re dating.” Or rather, they had been, BS. Before Sirena.

“Good for you, but that doesn’t help your case. Just so you know, I’ll hurt you worse than you’ve ever been hurt if you injure him further.” That said, he handed her a blade. Rather than leave the room, he rocked back on his heels and crossed his arms over his massive chest, as though waiting for her to mess up.

Nicola worked the tip down the center of the fabric, careful not to nick Koldo’s skin. By the time she got to the hem of the robe, the top part had already woven itself back together.

“Help me,” she commanded.

The warrior pursed his lips, as if he wasn’t fond of being told what to do. “Your male will owe me another favor, I think.”

Another? “I’ll pay for your favor. How’s that?”

“You have nothing I desire.” He bent down and ripped the robe in two, then yanked the material out from under Koldo.

“So why did you just help me?” She dropped the blade and grabbed the robe before the man could discard it, then draped the fabric over Koldo’s naked waist. He was littered with bite marks, cuts, bruises and scratches. At his neck, four tiny wounds in the shape of half-moons had turned black and now festered.

“I told you. Your male will owe me another favor.”

He was a great listener, wasn’t he? “So what’s your name, anyway?”


Nicola cleaned each of the injuries, taking extra care with the ones on his neck. Even still, the skin broke open and pus oozed out. Couldn’t be an infection, she thought. Not enough time had passed. Had to be...poison?

She reached for the blade.

Malcolm latched on to her wrist, stopping her. “I knew you would make a play.”

Then why hadn’t he stashed the weapon away from her? To test her motives? “Look, I’m going to slice the wounds open the rest of the way and—”

His grip tightened painfully, nearly cracking bone.

A cry parted her lips.

Footsteps pounded, and then Axel was there, ripping Malcolm away from her.

“What do you think you’re doing, my man?” the warrior demanded.

“She wants to cut into his neck!”

“For a good cause,” Nicola said with a sigh. “I want to drain the wounds, and to do that, I need to widen them. I’ll be careful with him.” More careful than she’d ever been. This man had come to mean a lot to her. More than he probably realized.

“You haven’t seen him panting after the female,” Axel told Malcolm, pushing him toward the door. “If you had, you’d know he wants her hands all over him—whatever she wants to do.”

Panting after her?
I wish.
“Will you guys just get out of here? You’re distracting me, and I need to concentrate. I may not be a doctor, but I’ve watched every episode of
I’m pretty sure I know what I’m doing.”

Whether they obeyed or not, she wasn’t sure. She settled beside Koldo’s waist, leaned forward and raised the knife.

BOOK: Beauty Awakened (Angels of the Dark)
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