Be My Prince (5 page)

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Authors: Julianne MacLean

BOOK: Be My Prince
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“That remains to be seen,” she replied, “for I am curious to know how many
ladies were invited to dine at the palace this evening. I expect Prince Nicholas will make a few more calls before the hour is out.”

She sat back down and fought hard to ignore the butterflies that continued to flutter in her belly for a full hour after he left.

*   *   *

There were exactly five young ladies, including Alexandra, invited to dine at St. James’s Palace that evening, and they were all unique in some way.

The girl by the fireplace was petite but large breasted. The one seated on the sofa was tall, with a dark complexion—an odd quality in an Englishwoman.

The two girls at the window both appeared rather flighty, for they giggled constantly to each other.

As for herself … well, she was not like any of them.

Prince Randolph entered the drawing room shortly after Alex and her stepmother arrived. She and all the other ladies performed deep curtsies.

This evening, His Royal Highness wore conventional dinner attire—fawn breeches with ivory stockings and buckled shoes, a chocolate brown coat with tails, and a fine silk cravat.

He bowed exuberantly in return and flashed a charismatic smile that sent the two girls by the window into another fit of foolish giggling.

“Please,” Lucille whispered under her breath, “will someone stuff a couple of pork pies down their throats and put the rest of us out of our misery?”

Alex nudged her. “Behave yourself, Mama. He is coming this way.”

She curtsied again as Randolph reached them. “Your Royal Highness.”

Lifting her eyes, she smiled flirtatiously while on the inside her stomach churned with dread at the notion of fawning over this man whose family was responsible for her own father’s death. If only she could win back the crown with an army of rebels wielding swords and muskets, instead of being forced to lower herself in this way. It would be so much more satisfying to use military force as King Frederick had done twenty years ago. It would at least spare her the indignity of competing with half the female population of Britain to win the heart of a man for whom she felt nothing but disdain.

“What a pleasure to see you both here this evening,” the prince said. “I am pleased you could attend.”

She remembered how his brother had extended the invitation to the following two nights if she and Lucille had not been available and suspected there would be five more “unique” young ladies joining the prince for supper and entertainments tomorrow night as well.

And the night after that.

She had her work cut out for her.

“We were most pleased to accept,” she replied, sweeping those thoughts aside and struggling to focus instead on how handsome he was. It was a fact she could not deny.

They chatted about light matters for a few minutes. The prince mentioned his intention to attend the play at Covent Garden the following week; then his sister, Princess Rose, was announced. Again, everyone in the room bowed or curtsied as she entered wearing an attractive dinner gown of blue and silver crepe.

Randolph immediately invited Rose to join them.

“My dear sister,” he said, “allow me to present Her Grace, the Dowager Duchess of St. George, and her lovely stepdaughter, Lady Alexandra.”

A spark of recognition lit in the princess’s eyes, and she smiled warmly.

“What a pleasure to meet you both,” she said. “Randolph has told me so much about you, Lady Alexandra. It appears you made quite an impression on him last night.”

Alexandra took a deep breath and let it out. Perhaps it would not be so difficult after all. Perhaps she
seduce him quickly and efficiently. Then be done with it.

“You are most kind to say so, Your Royal Highness,” she replied.

Randolph gestured with a hand. “It appears my sister cannot keep a secret. What is a prince to do, I ask you, when his heart is exposed to the world?”

Everyone laughed graciously; then Randolph turned his eyes away. “If you will permit me to leave you both in the capable hands of my sister,” he said, seeming suddenly distracted, “I shall go and greet the others.”

His departure poured a bucket of cold water on Alexandra’s confidence, and she made the mistake of letting out a disappointed sigh.

“Oh, don’t mind him,” Rose said. “He is only doing his duty as a proper host.”

“No need to explain,” Alexandra replied. “I understand. He is an excellent ambassador for your country. You must be very proud.”

“Yes, very proud indeed,” Lucille repeated.

“I am,” Rose said. “I count my blessings every day, for he is the most wonderful brother in the world. And what about your family, Lady Alexandra? I understand you have three sisters. Are they much younger than you?”

“They range in age from thirteen to seventeen,” Alex replied, “and they are lovely girls, each one.”

“So they are not yet out in society,” Rose noted.

“Not yet.”

Rose smiled and turned her pretty green eyes to Lucille. “Their time will come soon enough, and I am sure they will enjoy themselves immensely—with their eldest sister to lead the way.”

“Indeed,” Lucille said.

Alexandra nodded. “You are very kind. Now please tell us about your homeland. Is it very different from England?”

“Not different at all,” she replied. “Society is much the same, as is the countryside, and our constitutional monarchy was modeled after your own. I daresay you would feel quite comfortable there. Almost as if it were your

Alexandra could have spit right there on the floor. Instead, she took a moment to steady her nerves and smiled warmly at Rose. “I truly hope I will see it one day.”

They chatted for a brief while longer about Petersbourg’s architecture and some of its talented artists and writers, but were interrupted by the entrance of another guest who entered the drawing room rather discreetly, as if hoping not to be noticed. It was of course none other than Randolph’s wayward brother Nicholas.

His and Alex’s eyes locked instantly, and a spark of fire exploded in her belly as he set out on a direct and determined path toward her.

He did not stop to speak to anyone else.

It was as if no others existed in the room but the two of them.

Bracing herself hard and fast against the oncoming storm of his charisma, she smiled politely and flicked open her fan.


Chapter Five

“Good evening, ladies.” Nicholas gave a small bow.

“Good evening,” they all replied.

He turned to Lucille and wasted no time at all in requesting a private moment with Alexandra. “May I have your permission, madam, to escort your stepdaughter to the gallery?”

Alex recognized the look of shock in Lucille’s eyes—for it was a bold request that pushed the limits of proper decorum.

For a few tense seconds she appeared to be at a loss for words, then recovered her composure and said, “I am sure Alexandra would be delighted to view the palace collection.”

Chivalrously he offered his arm. Alex could do nothing but accept his invitation and curse her body’s treacherous response to him.

This will pass,
she told herself as they exited the room and moved farther and farther away from the company of others.
It is nothing but a physical attraction, and if you carry on as planned, he may prove useful
Stay focused. Do not become distracted.

It was not so easy to stay true to her objectives, however, when her heart was fluttering like something with wings. Could he feel it? Did he know?

“Did the palace coach arrive at the correct time to fetch you?” he asked, not long after they left the drawing room.

“Yes, thank you,” she replied. “The footman knocked upon our door at eight o’clock precisely.”

She didn’t know what else to say after that. She was afraid to engage him in conversation. She did not wish to intermingle.

Thankfully, he did not ask any more questions on the way to the gallery, but then he led her inside and took her straight to a spectacular framed canvas of a nude woman, sleeping innocently while Jupiter uncovered her from beneath a gossamer white sheet.

“Are you familiar with Jean-Antoine Watteau?” he asked.

Alex swallowed over her shock. In the flickering light from the candles in the overhead chandelier, the painting appeared erotic, like something out of a wicked dream. She stared at it for a sweltering moment.

“Yes. It is quite breathtaking.”

That was an understatement. Watteau was known for painting a world of charming goddesses playing at love. She felt rather exposed all of a sudden and feared that Prince Nicholas knew all her deepest secrets and had brought her here in order to drag her into the open.

“There is something very intriguing about you,” he softly said as he watched her profile in the candlelight. “In fact, I do not believe there is a single work of art in this room that can compare to your beauty.”

Alex took an instinctive step back. “You flatter me, sir.”

“It is not flattery. It is the truth, and I cannot keep it to myself. I confess I am taken with you, Alexandra, which may create a problem.”

Oh, God, no.…


“Because I am duty bound to help my brother choose a wife and a future queen, and you are the most impressive prospect by far.”

Her heart began to pummel her rib cage, for this was not what she wanted, yet it thrilled her at the same time.

He felt as she did. There was an undeniable spark of attraction between them, a potent connection that begged to be explored.

But she, too, had a duty to perform and could not possibly throw away her God-given destiny for something as reckless and superficial as her own physical passions, no matter now powerful they may be.

“You mustn’t say such things, sir. You know my mind. I have been very clear about my intentions. You know why I am here.”

“Because you want to marry a future king.”

“Yes. Is this another test?”

He shook his head. “No. I asked you here to speak to you in private because you have been a constant presence in my thoughts since the first moment we met and I believe you are cheating yourself.”

This was not what she had expected, and it was becoming more and more difficult to breathe. Her strong physical attraction to this man was like some sort of trap from which she could not escape.

“You surprised me at Carlton House,” he continued. “Even tonight, I did not intend to steal you away from my brother, but as soon as I saw you, I found myself deeply involved, and I wanted to be the man you were pursuing.”

She shook her head. “Please do not speak so.”

Before she knew what was happening, he moved closer and cradled her chin in his hand.

His touch was warm. His eyes were dark and earnest. She couldn’t seem to feel her toes.

“I understand that I am not the one you came for,” he said. “But I wish to court you, Lady Alexandra. With your permission, I will speak to your stepmother.”

A fierce resistance rose up within her. “No, you mustn’t do that.”

“Why? Do not tell me you feel nothing for me. I know you do. Something wonderful occurred between us on that terrace. I saw it in your eyes then, as I see it now.”

Heaven help her, she could not possibly deliver a truthful answer, so she took a moment to sharpen her wits, tramp down on her emotions, and redirect the conversation.

“It must be difficult in your position,” she cautiously said, “to always walk in your brother’s shadow.”

He said nothing for a moment, then pinched the bridge of his nose. “Yes, it is always a challenge to play a role, no matter what that role is.” His eyes lifted. “You are playing one this evening as well, are you not?”

She backed away from him, flicked open her fan, and waved it in front of her face while she struggled to fight off a powerful wave of apprehension.

She felt very transparent in front of him, and that was not safe.

“What are you suggesting, sir?”

Had he discovered something?

He moved closer again, and her thoughts grew frantic.

“I merely suggest that in order to do your duty you will
to be in love with my brother, and you will make yourself available to him if he should consider you worthy of his crown. You are striving to be what he wants, to captivate him and attract him so that he will propose.”

She snapped her fan closed and lowered it to her side. “Do you treat all the ladies like this?”

He frowned. “What do you mean?”

“I know of your reputation—that you have a talent for seduction and you think nothing of stealing and breaking innocent female hearts. As I said before, I cannot help but wonder if this is another test. Are you attempting to seduce me in order to discover if I am prone to infidelity?”

He moved closer and crowded her up against the wall. “No,” he said with a chuckle, as if he found her conjectures amusing. “That is not why I am seducing you.”

“So you admit it, then?”

“Of course I admit it,” he replied with another chuckle. “I thought I was quite clear on the matter.”

She forced herself to remain steady on her feet. “Yes, I believe you were, but permit me to repeat myself, sir. I did not come to St. James’s Palace this evening for
I came for Randolph, so whatever you think exists between us does
exist. It is on your side only, not mine, which is why I am going to forget about this conversation entirely. It never happened. Do you understand?” She brushed past him. “I wish to return to the drawing room now.”

She turned and walked away from him.

A shiver of nervous tension coursed up and down her spine as she felt him follow. Just the
of his nearness was riveting to her in every way.

Oh, God, this was going to be torture.


Chapter Six

A few days later, Alexandra watched from her window as Prince Nicholas again stepped out of his coach, exactly as he had done before when he came to invite them to St. James’s.

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