Barely Breathing (9 page)

Read Barely Breathing Online

Authors: Lacey Thorn

Tags: #Fiction, #Erotica, #General, #Contemporary, #Romance

BOOK: Barely Breathing
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“Oh, Griff.” He could hear the tears in her voice and felt
them like a knife to his heart. He didn’t need to tell her what for. It was the
only thing that really stood between them. And his apology was long overdue.
How many tears had she cried over him and his inability to accept her second
chance for happiness?

“Don’t cry.”

“I’m not.” But he could hear her sniffling. He could also
hear Roman’s voice asking if everything was okay.

Didn’t that make him feel even more like an ass! He hadn’t
wanted to accept Roman, to welcome him, even though he respected and even liked
the man. Yet, he had no doubt if he was hurt or needed help, Roman would be
there in an instant. It said a lot about the man. And a lot about just how much
of a child Griff had been.

“I just wanted to tell you I love you.”

“Are you sure you’re all right? You’re not in trouble are

He laughed. Guess it would depend on his mom’s definition of
trouble. Honor was definitely going to keep him on his toes. He hoped she
stayed around long enough to give him trouble, lots of it.

“I’m at the hospital with a friend. She’s fine now. But I
was worried for a bit. Made me realize what’s important and what’s not.”

“She? Is this the young lady Roman was telling me about?

Leave it to his mother to pick up on the

“Yeah. Honor. I’m sure you’ll meet her soon.”

“I can’t wait. She must be someone very special to have you
realizing so much.”

“She is. She just doesn’t know it yet.”

“Well, I didn’t raise any fools. Besides you have the charm
of your father. I’ve never seen a female you couldn’t sway.”

He thought of Honor and just how different she was. Hell,
she scoffed at him being a gentleman. Made jokes about him walking little old
ladies across the street. He grinned. She was perfect. He didn’t realize what
he was looking for until she stood right in front of him, going nose to nose
and telling him off.

“Thanks, Mom.”

“I love you.” He could hear the tears in her voice again.

“Tell Roman I said good night.” He heard his mother gasp
though she tried to cover it. There was no excuse for how badly he’d behaved.

“I will. I’ll see you soon?”


“And be sure to bring your friend around.”

“I will, Mom. Night.”


He disconnected and pushed off the wall to head toward the
nurses’ station. He’d be lucky if Honor was still in the room when he returned.
He doubted she cared if they released her or not. If she wanted to go, she was
going to go. He grinned. He doubted his life would ever have a dull moment with
her around. Sounded perfect to him.

Chapter Ten


She knew he was awake beside her but he didn’t speak and she
was loath to break the silence. It felt good to just lie there with his arms
around her. She could pretend this was her new normal, that they belonged
together. Even if just for the moment. She had no idea how to casually mention
staying in Legacy for a while and was afraid of just how badly it would
devastate her if he wasn’t interested.

The last two days had been hell. Her dad had been determined
to cart her back with him to whatever location he was currently in. She’d
actually had to remind him of the fact he’d fired her and told her to go have a
“normal” life. His glance had bounced between her and Griff and the next thing
she knew he’d been grilling Griff.

Luckily Griff had taken it all in stride. He hadn’t seemed
surprised by the questions. She had known the moment her dad agreed to leave
without her he approved of Griff. Otherwise she’d be waking in a much different
bed right now. Alone.

“Stace and Shep won’t be back until after the weekend. They
called Jack and said they were staying another week with Chloe. He didn’t
mention you or anything that happened here.” She felt the brush of his lips
over the top of her head where it rested on his chest.

“She’ll be pissed later, but she has enough to deal with
right now. I hope Chloe is okay. Maybe they’ll bring her back here with them.”

“I think Stace had plans along those lines. But Chloe seems
to think she has to handle this on her own and feels as if she’s failing. She’s
a tough girl though.”

“She is.” She cleared her throat. “Maybe I should stick
around until she gets back. See if there’s anything I can do to help.”

He tensed under her and she felt her heart start to break.
He didn’t want her to stay. Pride had the next words spilling out.

“There are plenty of places I could stay while I’m in town.
I can move into another place here or I’m sure it would be safe to go back to a

“Don’t.” One word and it was more vicious then a jagged
blade to her heart. She would not fucking cry.

“Sorry.” She struggled to pull away from him but he
tightened his grip. “Let go, Griff. If you don’t want me here then I’ll just
pack up and head out now. It’s been real. Thanks for a fucking good time.” She
brayed out a harsh laugh at the double meaning.

“What the hell are you talking about? And don’t demean us
that way.”

“There is no us, asshole. We had our fun. Did you think I
couldn’t feel you tightening up when I mentioned staying for a bit? Message
received, loud and clear.”

“You are something else, Honor. Fortunately, I like that
about you. You’re not like any woman I’ve ever known.”

“Let me go.” She didn’t need to hear how she failed to
compare to the other women he’d known. Her emotions were still too raw and
close to the surface after the last few days. She had certainly been on an emotional
roller coaster.

“Honor, stop and listen to me.”

She stopped struggling and just lay there. He shifted beside
her and before she realized his intentions, he was on top of her using his body
to hold hers down. She felt the hard length of his erection and wondered if he
wanted one more before they said goodbye. Wondered if she’d have the strength
and common sense to say no.

“I’ve been lying awake all night, just thinking. Trying to
come up with some way of convincing you to stay around for a while.”


He sighed and leaned down to softly brush a kiss over her
lips. “I know we barely know each other. I have no idea what your favorite food
is, favorite color, or even if you like sports. But I know the feel of you in
my arms is my current craving. And when I’m buried deep inside you, I never
want our lovemaking to end.”


“Shhhh.” He put his finger over her lips. “Let me say this.
I want the chance to get to know you better. To explore what we’re just hitting
on here. I want you to stay. You can move in to one of the other apartments
here. Spend nights there or here with me or I’ll stay there with you. It
doesn’t matter. I’ll give you space when you need it and take complete
advantage of every moment we’re together.”

She grinned. She couldn’t help it. How was it that he wanted
the same thing she did? She was nodding her head even before he finished

“I want to wake up knowing I get to see you again. No,
that’s a lie. I want to wake up with you beside me so I can be in you again.”

She laughed at his honesty. And saw when he finally took
note of her agreement.


“I don’t want to leave.”

“We’ll get you an apartment picked out today. Not that I
want you there, but I want you to have the ability to go there if you want to
or need to.”

“Thank you.”

“I want to go out to dinner, see a movie, go dancing.” He
lifted a brow at her. “Do you dance?”

“Not really. I’m not the most coordinated person unless I’m

“Dancing is like sex, which I know you’re good at. I’ll just
have to teach you the art of doing it with our clothes on.”

“Dancing or sex?”

“Both.” He moved pressing his cock against her pussy and
rubbing in a way that brushed against her clit and had her moaning. “You’re not

She shook her head. “I’m not leaving.” She didn’t have
anywhere to go anyway. The cabin was compromised. She had no current job.
Legacy was as good as any place to try to make a normal life. She had no
history here. Plus, if she pressed, maybe Jack would hire her to do something
for him. It was the least he owed her since he’d lied to her face and told her
he wouldn’t involve her dad. And, it would be just the rub to get back at her
dad for his display while he’d been here checking on her.

Griff’s hands were tugging her panties down and she shifted
her legs to help him. “I can’t seem to keep my hands off you.”

She snickered but it turned to a whimper when his fingers
zoned in on her clit and rubbed. He was rock-hard and if he dipped his fingers
just a little lower, he’d find she was wet and ready too.

He bent down and kissed her. It was slow and easy, a gentle
exploration. His tongue was soft and pliant as he licked over her lips and
inside her mouth. Sensual. It was soft and sensual and seemed to set the mood
for how he intended sex to be between them this time.

His fingers found her and one slipped inside to stroke her
channel. Her pussy was so wet. She wanted him inside her but Griff seemed in no
rush now that he knew she was staying. He moved his mouth down her cheek to her
chin and farther still until he was nestling between her breasts. He licked,
sucked and playfully nipped at her nipples while one finger slowly slid in and
out. It was maddening.

“Griff.” It was part moan, part plea. She wanted. She

He moved his mouth lower, licking across her belly down to
the juncture between her legs. She spread them wide to accommodate his
shoulders. The finger left her and she felt him spread the lips of her cunt.
She was thoroughly exposed to him and Griff seemed to love the sight. The heat
of his gaze made her burn with lust and had her wiggling against the mattress.

With a sigh, he lowered his head and she felt the first
brush of his tongue up her folds to her clit. He paused there to wrap his lips
around the bud and give it a gentle suck and tongue tap before releasing it to
move back down. He thrust his tongue inside her pussy, fucking her with it
before moving back up to her clit. He seemed in no hurry, as if he had all the
time in the world.

“Please.” She was on fire. She wanted to feel him inside.
The thick length of his cock filling her and pumping into her. She wanted the
heat of his chest as it rubbed against her breasts. She wanted the look in his
eyes when he came. The explosion inside when he made her come.

He stayed at her clit, suckling her while two fingers dipped
inside and pumped her pussy. She bucked against his face and her hands left the
bed to grip in his hair. She bent her knees, giving her feet purchase to help
her ride those fingers, to lift into his face. She looked down her body, enjoying
the sight of his dark hair spilling over her thighs. He glanced up and she felt
the electric jolt as his gorgeous blue eyes met hers.

She came holding his gaze. She forced her eyes to stay open,
to watch as he licked her release from her cunt and thighs. And when he rose
over her, positioned his cock to plunge inside, she held her breath, waiting
for the first thrust. Anticipating it.

Her eyes closed on a loud moan as he slid deep until she
felt the brush of his balls against her skin. He held still for a long moment,
seeming to enjoy being inside her as much as she enjoyed having him there. Then
he moved. Slow and steady. Long, deep thrusts.

“You feel so good around my cock. I love how tight and hot
you are. How wet you get for me. I could stay right here forever. Just
thrusting inside your pussy. Watching the pleasure on your face.”

Her eyes flew open and met his again. “You feel so good. I
look at you and find myself getting wet. I never imagined sex could be this
good, this intense.”

“It’ll only get better.” She heard the promise in his voice
and couldn’t wait to take him up on it.

“Only better.” She agreed. Her life would only get better
from this point on. She could be practical and think about the what if’s. Like
what if things didn’t work out between them? What if they fizzled and burned
out? What if it was only sex? But she pushed all those doubts aside. Because
what if he was “the one”? She would embrace the moment. Every moment for as
long as she had them.

“Come back to me.” His whisper caressed her cheek before he
nuzzled her mouth with his.

She lifted her knees to grip his hips. She dropped her hands
to his waist and ran them up his sides to grasp the tops of his shoulders. She
lifted her chest up and rubbed it against his, loving the way he felt
skin-to-skin. Her body answered for her as she did her best to urge him to
increase their pace.

But Griff was in the mood for slow and thorough, and she was
at his mercy. He took her high again and again, until she was a boneless wanton
beneath him. Then he took her up again. She felt the shudder course through
him, the swell of his cock, and knew this time he would go over with her. They
crested as one, shook as she wrapped around him and held tight.

“I could get used to this.” His words washed over her as he
collapsed to the bed, shifting so his upper body was beside her while their
hips remained joined.

She could get used to it too. She thought again how easy it
would be to come to love Griff. She recalled the file on him. The one she’d
stared at again and again. The mystery man who’d filled her fantasies and
realized how much better the real man was. Her father was right. People were
more than just facts on a sheet.

“Penny for your thoughts.”

She turned her head to meet his eyes and smiled. “I was just
thinking how happy I am right now.”

“Me too.” He smiled at her and lifted a hand to brush some
of her hair out of her face. “Me too.”

“I should probably stay in bed for the next forty-eight
hours. Just to be on the safe side.”

He moved, his cock easing from the grip of her pussy as he
lay on his side facing her. His hand trailed up her body from hip to shoulder,
exploring every inch in between. “I definitely agree with that. The doctor said
to take it easy for a few days. We’ll just stay here. Do a little exploring of
our own.”

“What do you think we need to explore?”

“I think there might be a few things we haven’t tried yet.”
She felt a trickle of excitement go through her at his words. What was he

“Plus we could play twenty questions.”

“Twenty questions?” She lifted her brow.

“You ask me something you want to know about me and then
it’s my turn. Help us get to know a little more about each other out of bed.”

“That sounds good.”

He slipped from the bed and slid his eyes over her sprawled
body with appreciation.

“I love the way you look all spread out on my bed, looking
so well fucked. It makes me want you again.”

She glanced down and saw the way his cock was hardening back

“You sure do seem to have stamina in spades.”

He laughed. “Only with you, Honor.”

She liked the sound of that. And when he walked back out she
was on her hands and knees waiting to show him just how much.

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